Villain Saving System (BL)

1.22 Early Graduation

1.22 Early Graduation

1For the past few weeks, Ren Zexi had been a widely discussed topic in school. The content was mostly similar.      3

"Hey, don't you think that Young Master Lu looks a bit different lately. How do I say it ah? He just seems more—"     

"—More mature, charming, melancholic and oozing with sexual charm?"     

"Gasp! Just as I thought! So everything isn't my own imagination! You also feel it, right? He seems more melancholic than usual and in return, it makes him look even sexier!"     

"It's really not your own imagination! You have no idea, everyone has been gossiping about the same thing!"     

"Check our school's forum out! A poll has been created to guess the reason behind Young Master Ren's change. Seventy percent of the voters chose a heartbreak!"     

"A heartbreak?! Who?! Who's the one who broke our Prince's heart? How dare they?!"     

"Ehem ehem!" Huang Zhihe stood a few distance behind the gossiping girls and cleared his throat, an awkward grin on his face. "Girls, lower your voice a bit, will you? Do you think it's appropriate to gossip about the person right in front of his face?"     

"Oh God, S—Sun Emperor!" The girls gasped, their faces turning crimson. Even more so when they saw the stunningly beautiful boy who was standing beside Huang Zhihe. "Our Melancholic Prince! W—We're very sorry, we didn't mean to spread gossip about you!" They bowed in embarrassment.     

Nonetheless, one of them was unable to hold her curiosity back. "So, Young Master Ren… is it true that you have just had your heart broken?" Five pairs of eyes turned to Ren Zexi — no, the number was more than that because they were currently in the hallway. Almost every single person there secretly perked up their ears to eavesdrop.     

Ren Zexi raked his fingers through his hair and answered offhandedly. "So what if it is? So what if it isn't?"     

"Oh. My. God!!!!" Screams and squeals sounded soon after Ren Zexi left the scene.     

Huang Zhihe tugged behind him, eyes widened in disbelief. "Seriously, dude? What the hell is wrong with you nowadays? One day you just suddenly became so different, almost as if you have turned into a different person." An idea popped up in Huang Zhihe's mind and he pulled Ren Zexi closer by neck. "It can't be? Is that true? You...are really heartbroken?"     

"Shut up." Ren Zexi hissed, his face darkened with displeasure. He'd much prefer it if it was only a simple heartbreak. At least, the one who suffered would be him and him alone. But the situation had turned for the worst. Having to wake up every single day to question whether Lu Yizhou could get through safely was enough to drive him insane. He almost wanted to glue himself to Lu Yizhou's side so he could monitor the man 24/7.     

Huang Zhihe shrugged helplessly and changed the topic. "So what are you going to the principal's office for?"     

"To take care of my graduation."     

"Oh. To take care of your—your what?!" Huang Zhihe choked on his saliva. "Graduation? You're graduating early? Is there such a thing in S High?!"     

Half of the semester had barely passed but Ren Zexi already wanted to graduate?     

"No. I asked Uncle Lu for a favor." He turned to Huang Zhihe and showed a slightly sad smile. "You know… have you ever regretted not being born sooner? Lately, I found myself wishing that I had been born 20 years earlier. If so, then I could…" His words trailed off and he shook his head. "Forget it. It's just wishful thinking."     

"Hey, wait." Huang Zhihe held his shoulder, his face turned serious. The teasing and joking in his expression also disappeared, replaced by a much somber look. "Something happened, right? Does it have anything to do with—"     

"Ssh." Ren Zexi gestured for him to stay silent.     

Years of friendship between them made Huang Zhihe understand what he was going to say. Whatever happened, it was something that shouldn't be said out loud. They were born with special identities thus there were many things they ought to be careful of. Huang Zhihe understood and hence, his heart sank. With his lips pressed tight, he let out a sigh a few moments later and simply patted Ren Zexi's shoulder. "You know I will always be there for you whenever you need me, right?"     

Ren Zexi smiled. "I know. Thanks, Zhi-ge[1]."     

"Ge…?!" Gone was the seriousness in Huang Zhihe's face and the usual him returned. "You're calling me Ge?! What's the occasion?!"     

Ren Zexi regretted it one second after the words slipped out of his mouth. Turning around, he ignored Huang Zhihe's exhilarated calls and proceeded to the Principal's office.     


The news of Ren Zexi graduating early spread through the whole school like dry woods that were lit up in flame. Before today's class even ended, almost everyone had heard it, Jing Xuehao was no exception.     

What did they say…? H—He's graduating?! Ren Zexi was leaving the school earlier?! Then what—what about their competitions? He was going to retreat just like that?!     

How could Jing Xuehao accept this kind of outcome!     

Similar to Jing Xuehao, many people also couldn't accept Ren Zexi leaving. As soon as the bell signaling the end of the class rang, the students instantly surrounded him. "Young Master Ren, is it true that you're graduating early?!"     

Ren Zexi hadn't had the chance to answer yet when Teacher Shu knocked the podium to draw their attention. "I have an announcement, everyone. Please bid your farewell to our classmate, Ren Zexi, because he's going to take his final exam soon. He has applied for an early graduation program and the request has been approved by the Principal himself."     

Uproar exploded in the classroom in an instant.     

"Why are you graduating early?!"     

"Nooo! I can't accept this! Should I also ask for an early graduation?!"     

"With your bird brain, do you think you can catch up with Young Master Ren? Dream on!"     

"But I can't imagine a school without our Melancholic Prince in it! My days are going to be so gloomy in the future!"     

Huang Zhihe chuckled wryly and tried to calm the ruckus down. "Okay, everyone. I know we're all saddened by this sudden news but let's give Young Master Ren a chance to speak, alright?"     

The noises died down right away. Ren Zexi stood up and came to the front of the podium, bowing slightly. "I have to graduate early for some reasons so I'm sorry that I can't stay with all of you until the end. Thank you for taking care of me for these past few years, everyone."     

"Noooo!!!" The girls shrieked. "Young Master Ren, don't go!"     

"Quiet, students!" Teacher Shu hollered angrily.     

"In exchange," Ren Zexi took out a stack of invitations. "Please come to my sixteenth birthday party. It will be held on 9th September in my house."     

Everyone received the invitation that was exquisitely and elegantly decorated. The name of the birthday boy was indeed Ren Zexi. However, the true invitee was none other than the Lu Group's CEO, Lu Yizhou! Moreover, the party would be held in the Lu Mansion!     

It was the Lu Mansion, for God's sake! One should know that for a successful businessman at his calibre, Lu Yizhou was particularly low profile and reclusive. His private life was nonexistent and none of the paparazzi could dig out his personal affairs either. It was as if he had no social activities other than working. It added to the man's mysterious and enigmatic charm, granting him the crown of the List of Top Bachelors in the country for years!     

Thousands of journalists and reporters would kill just to get the news of Lu Yizhou in their hands and now, they could enter Lu Yizhou's private property because of Young Master Ren's birthday party?     

That… That was awesome!     

The depressing and gloomy atmosphere instantly lifted. "Thank you, Young Master Ren! We will surely be there!" Hell, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Who would possibly pass the chance off?!     

Jing Xuehao gripped the grand invitation in his hand, veins popping out his forehead. This was it? Ren Zexi was going to leave just like that?! If...If he left, then who would Jing Xuehao compete with?!     

Before his brain could process, he had blocked Ren Zexi on his way out. "Wait—Wait a moment, you…"     

Usually, when their eyes met, sparks would fly and Ren Zexi would look at him like a mortal enemy that ought to be obliterated. Yet this time, the teenager only spared him an impassive glance before turning away and proceeding to leave.     

Jing Xuehao froze in place, stunned. The heavy, unbearable feeling was back. It was just like when they first met, when he was nothing but a random stranger in Ren Zexi's eyes. No, this time it was much worse than that.     

The distance that he had tried to shorten with all of his effort ended up expanding yet again, making him feel so awful that he couldn't concentrate for the rest of the class. Even with the students consoling him one by one — they thought that he was saddened because he also couldn't accept Ren Zexi's departure, how laughable — Jing Xuehao couldn't lift his mood.     

The horrible feelings stretched out to when he was on his way home. By then, Jing Xuehao still couldn't control his anxiousness. Why was he so agitated? He bit his nails, pondering. Shouldn't Ren Zexi leaving be a good thing? That meant that nobody would stand in his way again and he could finally enjoy the top place for himself.     

But he wasn't reconciled! As he was here studying for many boring examinations, Ren Zexi had been exposed to the upper echelon and climbed up the ladder of society that Jing Xuehao had always dreamed of. The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. Why… Why was everything so unfair?! Just because Ren Zexi was richer and had a higher status than him?!     

If it continued like this, then Ren Zexi would slowly but surely become a figure he couldn't dream to catch up with for the rest of his life.     

Just as he was cursing how unfair God was, someone suddenly bumped into him so hard that he stumbled back a few steps, almost falling on his butt. Enraged, he gnashed his teeth angrily. "Can you use your eyes, old man?!"     

"S—Sorry, I'm sorry, student." The middle aged man in front of Jing Xuehao wore dirty, shabby clothes with his face covered in a thick beard. The foul odor of alcohol, cigarette, mixed with filthy sweat wafted out, making him put on a disgusted expression.     

"Scram!" He wanted to brush past the man when his arm was suddenly grabbed. Shocked, he hollered. "Damn it, let me go!" How dare he touch Jing Xuehao with that dirty hand?! So fucking repulsive!     

"Ah, s—sorry, student!" The beggar-like man bowed again and again. Then he suddenly asked. "May—May I ask if you're a student of S High?"     

Jing Xuehao snorted in mockery. "So what if I am?" So, even a beggar knew his school nowadays? That was remarkable.     

"M—May I ask if...if you know someone named Ren Zexi?"     

Jing Xuehao almost thought that he had auditory hallucinations. "Who?"     

"R—Ren Zexi." The man stuttered, his eyes darted around in fear and panic. "I can't stay here for any longer. That bastard— Lu Yizhou — will kill me if he knows I have escaped!"     

Jing Xuehao blinked and suddenly gave a smile. His demeanor was completely different from the reluctant and repulsive act he showed earlier. "Who might you be? The Lu Yizhou you're talking about… is it Lu Group's Big Boss — Lu Yizhou?"     

"Yes, yes! That's him!" Anger and hatred filled the man's eyes. "That despicable bastard!"     

Jing Xuehao looked around to make sure that no one was watching them then led the man away. He grimaced, sympathetic. "What has he done to you? Oh I forgot to mention, Ren Zexi is my classmate. He's the Young Master of Lu Group, do you know that?"     

"Ha!" The man sneered. "Young master? If I hadn't offered him a shelter all those years ago, he wouldn't have been alive to enjoy the wealth and riches! That unfilial child, once he has struck it rich, he instantly forgot about me, his uncle!"     

Jing Xuehao was shocked. "Uncle…?! You're Ren Zexi's uncle?!"     

"That's right! I am his blood related uncle, his father's elder brother."     

[1] Ge: elder brother     

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