Villain Saving System (BL)

1.11 Conspiracy [M]

1.11 Conspiracy [M]


When Ren Zexi returned home that night, it was almost 12 am already and rain had started to fall outside, making the air damp and humid. The living room was dark and only Butler An came out to greet him. Ren Zexi's heart sank when he heard the butler's first sentence. "Young Master… Master Lu is waiting for you in the library."0

Ren Zexi sniffed his body and cursed inwardly. Even fifteen minutes of being outside couldn't disperse the repugnant scent of alcohol around him. The whole fiasco started with only a few classmates then somehow, Huang Zhihe also began to drink. Ren Zexi was forced to gulp down two cups, only then did he finally manage to pull himself away.

Still, part of the fault lay with him. He was curious about what alcohol tasted like and got tempted by Huang Zhihe's slick tongue.

"Do I smell that much?" He asked nervously.

Butler An grimaced and handed him a new shirt. "Well, you may change into this first."

"Thank you, Butler An and… I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I know that youngsters like you are in their peak of youth. Of course you need to go out and play with your friends. But then, this is your first time breaking the curfew after a while so Master Lu might be… a bit angry. You should go and talk to him."

Being at the receiving end of Butler An's pitying eyes, Ren Zexi gulped. He didn't know if it was the alcohol working or what other reason, but his heart started to race wildly as he rode the elevator to the library on the fourth floor. His skin also felt feverish even with the chilly air that seeped in through the gaps of the window.

The double door stood in front of him and he inhaled deeply before knocking. "Uncle Lu, I'm here…"

Lighting struck violently at the same time when the door creaked open. Ren Zexi's sight automatically fell onto the figure who was sitting in front of the fireplace with only a loose black robe covering his upper body and cotton pants, showing an expanse of his pale chest that was highlighted by the flicker of the flame. His golden locks fell above his eyes and he brushed them away in a fit of annoyance, his movement exuded elegance that befit a royalty.

The visual impact was too huge. Ren Zexi's breath hitched on his throat and his heart galloped even faster.

"Uncle Lu." He called out louder and stood a few steps away from Lu Yizhou, head hanging low. "Uncle Lu, I'm sorry…" With a pitiful demeanor like this, he looked precisely like a puppy that was told off by its owner, whimpering. Where had the aloof, cold Melancholic Prince gone? What remained was only a pet that was eager to please its angry owner.

Lu Yizhou closed the book with a dull thud and lifted his head. A pair of silvery eyes stared straight at him and under the cover of the night and the burning fireplace, it was blazingly bright, like the purest form of lightning.

Ren Zexi gulped and his eyes subconsciously trailed from the man's eyes down to his tightly pursed lips. He really wanted to…

"What time is it?"

"A—A few minutes to twelve."

"And your curfew?"

Ren Zexi wrung his fingers nervously. For which reason to be exact, he also couldn't ascertain. Angry Lu Yizhou was very scary and sexy at the same time. "It's ten…"

Lu Yizhou held his forehead and sighed. "I understand if you want to go out and play once in a while but you should remember to call home and inform us that you will be late. You made everyone worried and—" Lu Yizhou paused and all of a sudden, reached out and pulled on Ren Zexi's collar.

Caught off guard, the teenager stumbled forward and only managed to keep his balance by grasping onto the armchair Lu Yizhou was sitting on. However, it made their distance shorten, so short that Ren Zexi's eyes contained nothing but his face...which was coming closer and closer…

Lu Yizhou sniffed around his neck. His deep, magnetic voice echoed in Ren Zexi's ears, stained with a hint of anger. "You even drank alcohol?"

Not only had Ren Zexi's heartbeat gone out of control, but his breathing also turned rapid. His mind became even more muddled, unable to think straight, especially when he only needed to look down to catch Lu Yizhou's curly eyelashes which were also pale in color like strands of white silk. The man's soft breath brushed across Ren Zexi's neck, making him ticklish and tingly all over. His throat turned dry and his Adam's Apple bobbed. If he just leaned forward, he could… "U—Uncle Lu…"

Lu Yizhou pulled away slightly and commanded. "Hold out your hand."

Ren Zexi shuddered, both from Lu Yizhou's low authoritative voice and also the way it made his body react in a weird way. He held both of his hands out — palms up — and pa! A red streak was formed on it from the leather horse whip in Lu Yizhou's hands.

"This is for breaking your curfew." Pa! Once again, the leather whip fell heavily on his palms. "And this is for drinking alcohol even when knowing that you're still underage."

Ren Zexi bit his lips to suppress the groan that almost escaped, his knees weakening. He hung his head low, shoulders trembling minutely. "Sorry, I'm sorry, Uncle Lu…"

Sighing, Lu Yizhou put the leather whip away. "It's good if you know it. Go back to your room and drink the hangover soup Butler An has made. We will talk again tomorrow."

Ren Zexi nodded weakly and scrambled out.

[666: Host, aren't you too harsh?] 666 spoke out carefully.

[Harsh?] Lu Yizhou scoffed. [A child needs to be punished for a mistake he has made. Just because I am fond of him doesn't mean that I will forgive him again and again. He has to know that rules are made to be obeyed.]

[666: Don't lie to 666! 666 has only heard the saying that rules are made to be broken, not to be obeyed!]

[Then is it okay if I get rid of the protagonists right now?]

[666: Noooo…! QAQ Host is right! Rules are indeed made to be obeyed!]


Unbeknownst to the human and system arguing inside the library, Ren Zexi made his way to his room after being dismissed by Lu Yizhou. Butler An had already been waiting for him outside with a bowl of hangover soup. "Drink this first, Young Master. Careful, it's still warm."

"En." Ren Zexi reached for the bowl and grimaced when his hands stung, both from the soup and Lu Yizhou's punishment earlier. Ignoring Butler An's worried eyes, he gulped it down. "Thank you, Butler An. If you may, I'd like to get some rest please."

"...Very well, Young Master." Butler An bowed. "Then this servant will leave first."

Ren Zexi nodded, dashed into his room and locked the door behind him. He finally couldn't keep standing again and slumped down, panting. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes teary from unshed tears. "Damn it…" He glanced down to see a part of him which had woken up from its slumber and stood up in attention. "You're such a pervert, Ren Zexi. You can even get a boner from this…"

His mind kept relishing the scene he saw earlier; Lu Yizhou with a frown on his face, his low irresistible voice, the black leather horse whip in his hand and the lightning that struck intermittently from the window behind his back. He wanted Lu Yizhou to whip him again a few times, to curse and whisper into his ears with his throaty voice. He wanted that man to hold him down, to incapacitate him and dominate him fully…

Ren Zexi couldn't hold back anymore and took off his trousers and underwear. He held his hardened member, his eyes half lidded, imagining if it was Lu Yizhou's warm and huge palm that caressed him. A broken sob escaped his lips and he bit down on the hem of his shirt to suppress the sound.

"Zexi. Zexi, my Zexi… Look at how naughty you are." Lu Yizhou's voice echoed in his ears, bewitching and enthralling, making him unable to think straight. "What do you want to do, Zexi? I might want to fulfill it for you…"

"Ah! Uncle Lu…" Ren Zexi rolled onto the carpet and spread open his legs. His hands slowly trailed down and parted his chrysanthemum before pounding straight inside. Just thinking of Lu Yizhou had managed to make him wet and soft all over. "Uncle Lu… Lu Yizhou… Lu Yizhou… I want you..."

Ren Zexi bit down on his lips tightly as his fingers explored deeper, wildly thrusting. His other hand played with his perked up nipple, pinching and pulling roughly. If it was Lu Yizhou's cock… he must be able to stuff Ren Zexi full to the brim. Afterall, his size was no joke…

Ren Zexi had seen it before when he took a bath with Lu Yizhou. Of course, that was when he was still a small child.

He had seen everything there was to Lu Yizhou a few times before.

Lu Yizhou's firm chest, his pale body, long powerful legs, firm buttocks and the enormous length that hung between his thighs… Damn it, he should have taken a better look back then and not stupidly averted his gaze away!

"Lu Yizhou… Lu Yizhou…" Ren Zexi threw his head back and with one violent jerk, came all over his fingers. His cry was muffled by the loud downpour. Dazed, his body slumped down, twitching hard from the aftermath of the pleasure with no strength to move, chest undulating fiercely.

It still wasn't enough… he rubbed his legs together and felt a vivid sense of emptiness deep within.

He wanted Lu Yizhou — the real Lu Yizhou. He wanted that man to press him down, to fuck him roughly and make a mess out of him again and again.

"Lu Yizhou, what should I do?" He whispered in daze. "I really, really love you…"

666, who just dropped by to check on Ren Zexi because it was worried, was met with this steamy and lewd scene. For a while, its processor froze and sizzling wisps of smoke wafted out, overworked. It had to be restarted and only then could it slowly process what it was seeing.

[666: …...hmm? (☉∀☉)]

[666: Did 666 just...stumble into the conspiracy of the universe?]




Mini theater

When 666 returned to its Host's consciousness, it found out that Lu Yizhou had fallen asleep after downing a sleeping pill.

[666: *gulp* Then… I will tell him tomorrow.]

The next day, 666 still hadn't found a way to tell him. Could it be that there's something wrong with its speaker and processor? It might have been hearing things last night… Moreover, it was afraid that Lu Yizhou would be angry if it spouted nonsense QAQ

So that's why 666 kept on procrastinating. It also secretly went to the system store and purchased a new, leopard print speaker without Lu Yizhou knowing (it's only 25 points! Very cheap!)

And then, when the situation finally escalated beyond saving, the only thing 666 could do was to pretend to go offline.



A/N: We have 100 PS, thank you so much QAQ never expected it happening. 3 chapters are coming on Monday! Can we please reach 150 so that we can have 4 chapters?

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