Villain Saving System (BL)

1.6 The Most Special Person

1.6 The Most Special Person

2When Ren Zexi woke up the next day, it was already late in the morning. The sun poured in through the gaps of the curtain and the bed was already empty, the person who slept with him last night was nowhere to be found. Not even his body temperature remained on the mattress. Ren Zexi even wondered whether everything was just a dream if not for him being in Lu Yizhou's room.     1

"Good morning, Young Master." Butler An was waiting for him outside the room, smiling courteously as always.     

"G—Good morning, Butler An…" Ren Zexi blushed, especially when he realized he was busted sneaking into Lu Yizhou's room in the middle of the night. "Um...may I ask where Uncle Lu is? He's not inside…"     

"Master Lu has always woken up early." The butler answered. "He's waiting for you to have breakfast. If you want to get him, you can go to the swimming pool we visited last night."     

"Uncle Lu is waiting for me?" Ren Zexi's eyes rounded. Then he had to hurry! After hastily washing his face and brushing his teeth, he dashed to the swimming pool just outside of the fifth floor.     

A slender figure was seen frolicking inside the pool, his fair skin glistened under the sun. He glided smoothly through the water, his movement wasn't large yet there was an unspeakable elegance and beauty to it. Once again, Ren Zexi felt as if he was almost blinded. How could someone shine so brightly? Was Uncle Lu actually wasn't a human but an angel instead? En, it was possible…     

Amidst his wild speculation, he got close to the edge of the swimming pool and shouted. "Uncle Lu!"     

Lu Yizhou stopped and gave him a discreet glance. Then the man swam to his side and took off his goggles, raking his fingers through his sparkling light colored hair. Water cascaded down his body and droplets of it still clung to him, as if hated to separate. He blinked, his damp eyelashes looked dark golden under the light. "Do you sleep well?"     

Ren Zexi snapped out of his daze and withdrew his gaze. "V—Very well… Uncle Lu, why are you swimming so early in the morning?"     

"It's refreshing." He received a bathrobe from the servant by the side and wore it loosely on his body without tying the sash, letting his wet, firm chest exposed just like that. "Are you hungry?"     

Ren Zexi held his stomach and nodded bashfully.     

Afterward, another lavish breakfast was spread on the table to the point where Ren Zexi didn't know where to eat; steamed stuffed buns, hot and dry noodles, millet porridge with sesame paste, scallion pancake…     

He wanted to see which one Lu Yizhou would choose but found that the man only seeped on a bowl of plain porridge. Blinking, he asked in confusion. "Uncle Lu, you're eating only that?"     

Lu Yizhou hummed.     


"Not hungry."     

"Oh…" Ren Zexi dragged on the last word of his sentence. The hunger he felt suddenly diminished by half. What was the fun in it when he was the only one who enjoyed the exquisite cuisine while the other only sipped on plain porridge? He was contemplating whether he should have plain porridge too when a steamed bun was put on his plate. Snapping his head up, he caught sight of Lu Yizhou who was retracting his arm.     

"Eat." The man said in a nonchalant tone.     

Ren Zexi instantly perked up like a puppy that was patted by his owner. "Okay!"     

[666: 666 is right, isn't it?! He actually wants Host to give him food. Look at how timid he is. How could he dare to eat freely in front of you?]     

Lu Yizhou nodded. [En. So timid.] He even cried for his parents last night. Well, it was expected though for a five years old child.     

Following that, Lu Yizhou dumped every single dish onto his plate, forcing Ren Zexi to keep filling his stomach until he was rescued when Butler An stepped in.     

"You're full?" Lu Yizhou frowned. Just like that?     

"Master," Butler An said helplessly. "It's natural for a child of Young Master's age to eat this little. He should have a little snack later if he gets hungry before lunch."     

"Is that true?" Lu Yizhou turned to Ren Zexi and received a nervous nod from the latter. He was too timid to the point where he didn't even dare to say that he was already full. Sighing, Lu Yizhou said, "Fine. It's lucky that Butler An spoke up this time but next, you have to say it yourself if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"     

Ren Zexi nodded with his lips pursed.     

Actually, it's not like that… He didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest. He was just too happy that Lu Yizhou was picking food for him that he subconsciously ate too much. But looking at the man's somber face, Ren Zexi ended up cowering and didn't dare to say a peep.     

Today was Sunday so Ren Zexi didn't have to go to school. He had already been absent for almost a week since his parents' death anyway and he wasn't in the mood to go back to school. Not when he might bump into Uncle Ren or his other relatives there.     

They spent the time watching cartoons inside the mini theater — to be exact, only Ren Zexi. Lu Yizhou was immersed in working with his laptop, a frameless glasses hung on his nose, making him look even more graceful and elegant. Ren Zexi's eyes were trained onto the screen projector which was showing Peppa Pig but only he knew that his peripheral vision always shifted to Lu Yizhou.     

Something had been bugging Ren Zexi since breakfast earlier. He had the feeling that Lu Yizhou was displeased with something and it was definitely none other than the matter of him not speaking up his mind. Lu Yizhou had already said that he was free to do whatever he wanted but he still acted all nervous and distant in front of him.     

Uncle Lu must be unhappy because of that… Ren Zexi sighed. It was his fault but how should he apologize? No wait, he was told not to apologize. So what should he do to let the man know how he felt?!     

[He's playing a theater again inside his mind.]     

[666: Hehehehehe, isn't he just the cutest thing in the world?]     

Lu Yizhou was indeed working but he only had to let the system do it. His attention was focused on Ren Zexi who was frowning in one second then knocking his head in the next second. He looked very busy on his own.     

The child was cupping his chin while staring blankly at the TV. Then, all of a sudden, his eyes brightened up and he suddenly turned to Lu Yizhou.     

Surprised, Lu Yizhou refocused his sight to the laptop in front of him and pretended to be utterly engrossed.     

"Uncle Lu…" Ren Zexi cried out softly. Then he took Lu Yizhou completely off guard by cupping both of the man's face and turned his head sideways.     

Muah! A loud, smacking kiss landed on Lu Yizhou's lips, moist and sweet, carrying with it the child's milky scent.     

Ren Zexi blushed and didn't dare to look into his eyes. "I heard that kissing is for the person you like. I have always kissed Mama and Papa before. Actually, I actually really, really like Uncle Lu… I don't want you to feel uncomfortable…"     

[666: AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! *roll on the ground*]     

Lu Yizhou blinked, then blinked again. [What…did he just do?]     


Lu Yizhou was so shocked that he couldn't regain his wits for a few moments. It wasn't until Ren Zexi called him again with his eyes starting to redden did he snap out of his reverie. "I...felt uncomfortable? No, wait—" Lu Yizhou held his forehead. He didn't know where to start. "It's true that kissing is for the person you like but you can't go and kiss everyone's lips, you know. I understand that it's your habit with your parents—"     

Ren Zexi shook his head vehemently. "No, I only kissed Mama and Papa's cheeks because they said that lips are only reserved for my most special person." He peeked at the man through his eyelashes, his fingers wrung together nervously. "And Uncle Lu is my most special person. I just want to let you know…"     

Lu Yizhou didn't know whether to laugh or get angry. He looked at Ren Zexi helplessly and pinched the boy's cheeks hard. "It's not like that."     

"W—Wat's noth like that?"     

"The like you're talking's—" He paused. What right did he have to lecture someone about love when he understood nothing about it? In the end, he only squeezed Ren Zexi's cheeks exasperatedly. "Note that you're not allowed to kiss my lips again. The most special person… you will be able to understand that when you're older." After that, he left with his laptop, patting Ren Zexi's head along the way.     

Ren Zexi lowered his eyes and pressed his lips together. It felt tingly and kind of ticklish since he kissed Lu Yizhou's lips. He didn't understand what he would understand when he was older but one thing he knew was...being rejected by Lu Yizhou saddened him so.     

He was sure that the most special person his parents talked about referred to Lu Yizhou.     

But why did the man say that he was wrong?     



Mini theater:     

Angel Ren Zexi: Uncle Lu said that I'm wrong, I can't kiss him on the lips again *sad*     

Devil Ren Zexi: Wait a minute. He only prohibited me from kissing his lips so… other parts are fine, right? If I only kiss him on the cheek, he won't have any reason to refuse!     

Angel Ren and Devil Ren glanced at each other and for the first time, reached an ultimate cooperation with each other.     

The next morning, after waking up.     

Ren Zexi: Uncle Lu, good morning *kiss*     

Lu Yizhou: *shocked* You—     

Ren Zexi: *nervous* Only this much is fine right? *staring with puppy eyes*     

Lu Yizhou: *sighing* …Whatever     

From then on, every morning and night, Lu Yizhou would get loving kisses.     

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