Forced Marriage with the "Disable" Billionaire

C418 Help

C418 Help

3Chu Beiye did not know why she was so concerned about his matter. He said perfunctorily, "Whatever you think. Do you want to help me or not?"    0


Chu Xiaoxiao frowned, "If that is really the case. . . "    


After she said that, she looked at Chu Beiye and whispered, "Of course I am willing to help. But what exactly do you need my help with?"    


Chu Beiye smiled. "You don't have to worry about that. You just need to be willing to help me. "    


Chu Xiaoxiao also smiled. If you had come to find me for help earlier, Now, we don't have to spend so many years to reconcile.    


"Is there an problem with our relationship? Don't mention what happened before, it's pretty boring. "    


Chu Xiaoxiao pouted and said, "Alright, just wait for me. I will never forget what I promised you. Go back and sleep obediently. "    


Chu Beiye nodded. "It's all up to you. "    


Chu Xiaoxiao smiled. "What benefits will I get after you succeed?"    


Chu Beiye knew this guy would not agree to help him so easily. He asked, "What gift do you want?"    


Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully but did not think of anything. The main reason was that Chu Beiye's matter came too suddenly. It was really hard for her to think of what she wanted at once.    


After a while, Chu Beiye did not have any patience anymore. "What exactly do you want? Can you be a little more straightforward?"    


Chu Xiaoxiao urgently said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Usually, I see that you are so patient with other women. Why is it that your elder sister is so impatient?"    


Chu Beiye was also speechless, "You can't compare with them. "    


Chu Xiaoxiao was completely hurt, "I am your elder sister. You actually said that I can't compare with them. Tell me, how can I not compete with them?"    


Chu Beiye held the key ring in his hand and spun it twice in his hand. He put on a fake smile and said, "Because you can't marry me, and you can't sleep with me. Why am I so patient with you?"    


Chu Xiaoxiao was furious. It turned out that it was because he did not think that his elder sister had any physiological problems that she treated him this way.    


She had really waited for nothing. This younger brother had been waiting for so many years.    


This was the first time in so many years that Chu Beiye had asked for her help. It was a rare opportunity, and Chu Xiaoxiao was not willing to create any estrangement with him.    


Suppressing the anger in her heart, she said, "I want to go to the amusement park. Would you like to accompany me to it once?"    


Amusement park. . .    


Chu Beiye frowned. "That's where kids go. You're already so old, can you choose a more normal place?"    


Chu Xiaoxiao was speechless. The amusement park was not full of places where children went. There were also adults who liked to go, and she had never been there before.    


"I don't care. I want to go. If you don't promise me, I won't help you. "    


Chu Beiye rolled his eyes at her. "Alright. "    


After saying that, Chu Beiye went downstairs and walked around the corner. Chu Xiaoxiao's voice came from behind. "Alright, I want to eat noodles. You have to help me buy some cakes and cakes. I didn't eat much last time. You can buy some more. "    


Chu Beiye couldn't bear it any longer, "Why do you want so much? How can you eat so much?"    


Chu Beiye drove the car around the street a few times and went to buy the so-called cake. However, the door was closed.    


The noodle shops were also closed. Chu Beiye on the left and right also carried a perfunctory attitude. He randomly picked a tube and went in.    


After packing the noodles, Chu Beiye carried the noodles out of the shop and met a barbecue shop.    


The boss was an aunty in her fifties. There was a rocking chair beside her and her husband was sitting on it. This barbecue stall had been set up for several years.    


The husband and wife had both died earlier, and the remaining one was still in junior high school.    


There were only two children left of the three. It would be a lie to say that they were not sad.    


However, the matter had already passed. So many years had passed, and the two of them had finally gotten over it. Their lives still had to continue.    


Chu Beiye originally didn't dare to be interested in other people's gossip. Occasionally, he would see that woman crying. The man beside her had a bitter look on his face as he tried to persuade her.    


However, the woman could not stop crying.    


At that time, Chu Beiye was sitting by the side and eating breakfast.    


Yes, sometimes he ate unreasonably and ate whatever he wanted.    


The barbecue stall in the morning was sparsely populated, and Chu Beiye was the only one around.    


The woman probably forgot that he was still there, because he was sitting on the side, right on the back of the barbeque cart.    


Guests usually paid when the dishes were served, and they would leave after eating.    


Chu Beiye only heard the woman's crying and the man's persuasion enter his ears. He could vaguely hear what they were saying.    


But in the end, it was all complaints.    


At first, they were just complaining about how tough it was, but later on, they were complaining about how unfair life was to her.    


In the end, she couldn't help but speak the truth in her heart.    


"Why do you think my life is so bitter? I admit that I haven't done anything bad, but why did the heavens treat me like this? My two children are still in high school, and they just disappeared like that. "    


The man seemed to be afraid that the more the woman spoke, the more absurd it became. He quickly stopped. "I say, wife, don't say anymore. Can you start over after saying these things? Can dead people come back to life? "    


The woman said aggrievedly. "What's wrong? This kind of thing can't be said. My son died so unjustly. "    


The man slapped his thigh. "What kind of sins have I committed? Can you save me some trouble? It's already been so many years, what else do you want?"    


The woman cried even more sadly. "I just want my two sons to come back to life. What's wrong?"    


The man sighed, and his voice also choked up.    


"Wife, even if he died, he wouldn't be able to come back to life. Forget it. "    


Chu Beiye didn't expect to hear such a tragedy from a barbeque. She had eaten all the food on the table. If it had been any other time, she would have gotten up and left.    


But now, he didn't dare to lift his butt, as if he was worried that the stool would make a sound.    


When the two of them found him, he didn't know how to comfort them.    


After gradually hearing their conversation becoming softer, Chu Beiye gently got up and planned to leave without anyone noticing.    


The woman's voice sounded again, "It's all that Chu's Group's fault. If it wasn't for them building a new building, our son wouldn't have died inside. "    


The man quickly covered his mouth.    


Chu Beiye could hear the woman's whimper.    


The man said, "Shut up. Let's not talk about this anymore. Do you still want us all to die?"    


The woman pushed the man away and said angrily, "Is it still not allowed to be said? Just six hundred thousand and you sent us away. My two sons are only six hundred thousand yuan? "    


The man was really furious and roared, " What's the use of complaining here? Go and settle the score with them if you dare? Go and find them to get our son back?"    


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