Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C903 Divine Sword of Sorrow

C903 Divine Sword of Sorrow

0Standing in the Sword Tomb, Wang Hao could always faintly feel a trace of sorrow. He stood in the same spot and did not move forward. These swords... It wasn't that they didn't have the heart of the sword. How should he put it? All things had a spirit. Swords were originally inanimate objects. But after a period of time, because the circumstances were different, some would give birth to a sword spirit and continue to grow. Some would even become a piece of scrap metal.    


However, whether it was a divine sword that gave birth to a sword spirit or a sharp scrap metal that did not have intelligence, it was still fine. There would always be a trace of spirituality, and this Sword Tomb was Supreme Sword God. The broken sword in his life had existed for countless of years. After the passage of time and the baptism of time, it was time for the scrap metal to have spirituality.    


Although the feeling of sadness was very faint, it made Wang Hao stop here. He was not a sentimental person, but the sound of the mournful wails. It was the emotion of all the broken swords in Sword Tomb. Wang Hao felt and understood it. He couldn't help but be moved. All the swords here had gained sentience. However, he couldn't leave this place and realize his own value.    


In Wang Hao's opinion, swords were the gentleman among weapons, the weapon of a gentleman. It was too cruel to bury them like this.    


"Is this Supreme Sword God a man who loves swords as much as his life, or a man who hates swords?" Wang Hao couldn't help but mutter to himself in anger. In any case, if he was Supreme Sword God... Even if these swords couldn't meet his requirements, he wouldn't just break them and bury them here. He didn't care what Supreme Sword God thought about feeding them and not letting them come back to life. This was going too far. These swords had already developed their own sentience.    


Those who had just gained a trace of sentience might not be able to understand what was going on with them. However, there were some swords whose sentience were already very powerful. For example, where Wang Hao stood, there was a dark blue broken sword. Just by standing there, one could feel the emotions of this sword. Strands of sadness and anger could be felt.    


What kind of sword is this! It had been broken by Supreme Sword God and buried here for who knew how many days. However, it had given birth to a sharp aura and murderous intent. Wang Hao suspected that this sword was a sentient sword before it was broken by Supreme Sword God. It was even possible that it had already given birth to a sword spirit.    


Out of curiosity, Wang Hao took a step forward and held the sword hilt with one hand. A vast force came from Wang Hao's palm and spread throughout his body. The scene from thousands of years ago appeared in front of him just like that.    


It was a vast and desolate world, a world of birds and beasts. There were all kinds of strange flowers and plants, and since the birth of this sword... It was inserted into a mountain peak that towered into the clouds. That mountain peak did not have much life. There were only a few pine trees that were crookedly growing.    


It was here that the sword met its first master. It was a young man dressed in white, with black hair. It was like a waterfall as it scattered down, each strand light and agile. Its entire person seemed to be exceptionally graceful and free. It was as if he was a fairy from the mountains. The young man flew to the highest peak. After a long time, he reached out and pulled the sword out from the rock.    


At that moment, the entire mountain shook. Even though what Wang Hao saw was just a dream, at that moment, Wang Hao felt the throbbing of the sword. He felt the excitement of being appreciated and held in his hand.    


At this moment, Wang Hao knew that this sword had gained sentience a long time ago. The only thing he didn't know was how this sword was forged. It was the same as the True Dragon Sword, it had gained sentience. That was the innate sword spirit. This sword was extraordinary. If it was, after being baptized by the passage of time, it would gradually gain sentience. That was also not to be underestimated. The longer this sword existed, the more difficult it was to guess.    


No matter what the reason was, it was a pity that this sword was broken and placed in the Sword Tomb so casually.    


The scene that appeared in front of Wang Hao did not end when the young man who looked like an elf took the sword away from the huge rock in the mountain. The scene changed. This young man roamed the mountain day after day, year after year, in the vast wilderness. This sword had always accompanied its master.    


Until one day, the youth met his most powerful opponent in his life. It was a red haired man with a very handsome face. However, he had a trace of charm on his face, and there was a firm determination between his eyebrows... He was a very strange person, but when Wang Hao saw him for the first time... Just confirmed the red-haired man's identity.    


He must be Supreme Sword God. It was just a simple gesture of reaching out his hand. It made Wang Hao feel the flow of sword intent. It was the domineering manner of Wang Hao's gestures. That kind of arrogance made Wang Hao feel the boldness of this man. And his arrogance.    


Every movement and action of his proved that this man was Supreme Sword God.    


"Such a person." Wang Hao said to himself in disbelief. He thought that those who had reached this level of swordsmanship should have followed the path of a gentleman. As for a gentleman, how could he possibly be such a person with an obvious evil aura!    


The following scene simply refreshed Wang Hao's understanding of Supreme Sword God. The bright red color on his body was the most realistic reflection of his character. He was simply a conceited and arrogant madman.    


The fairy-like young man and Supreme Sword God seemed to be talking about something, but Wang Hao could not hear them. However, he could still see the expression on their faces. The young man was furious. However, he had been suppressing his emotions. Supreme Sword God was the exact opposite. Every expression on his face... Every action was filled with arrogance...    


In the end, the two of them still clashed with their weapons. In a split second, the two swords collided with each other. Wang Hao couldn't hear the sound, but he could see and feel the intensity of the battle.    


Mountains and rocks kept falling down, blocking the exit of the canyon not far away. After that, the waterfall broke. In this battle, Supreme Sword God had the upper hand. His attacks were very fierce, and the sword in his hand always forced the elf-like young man to a corner. The young man's movement of waving the sword in his hand was also very smooth. Every time when he was in a dead end, he would come back to life.    


However, the young man could only defend, and he didn't have the strength to fight back at all. That was why Wang Hao thought that Supreme Sword God was a complete madman, a madman who only knew how to fight and only knew how to use sword techniques.    


In the end, the fairy-like young man's chest was pierced by Supreme Sword God. Large patches of blood bloomed on his white clothes, which were as bright as the red clothes on the Sword God's body. At this moment, the young man fell straight down. At this moment, Wang Hao could feel the sad cry of the sword.    


The following scene made Wang Hao even more furious, and he even began to feel hatred. Supreme Sword God! ___ didn't stop because of the young man's fall. He waved his sword and cut off the young man's remaining life force. The moment the young man's life force was cut off, the sword also broke the Sword God. After sealing off his consciousness, Wang Hao did not know when he would be able to rise again.    


Releasing the grip of the sword, Wang Hao did not immediately recover from this feeling. After coming out, he was even more shocked by Supreme Sword God's character. How could such a person become Supreme Sword God? If he had seen the truth... If it was the complete life of the sword's owner, then he had never killed anyone in his life. He had never done anything evil, but he had already died under Supreme Sword God's sword.    


"Don't define it so early. You don't know the complete situation." The system said indifferently.    


"Don't define it so early. How can I respect this Supreme Sword God? His way of doing things is just as cruel as the devil's." This was Wang Hao's definition of Supreme Sword God. In his opinion.    


"Have you forgotten about the Battle Elf?" the system reminded.    


The supreme god of Elf Clan had placed all the descendants of Elf Clan on top of their lives. He had put everything on the line to revive himself. At first, Wang Hao thought that he only wanted to revive himself. However, it turned out that Wang Hao's idea was wrong. Not everyone had the determination of the God of Elves, even Wang Hao himself. He could not guarantee that at that moment, he would be willing to let go of his loved ones in a low voice.    


"Although that is what you say, but can't everything I have seen with my own eyes be true? If I'm not wrong, the owner of this sword has never done anything evil in his entire life. He hasn't even done anything wrong with his sword." Wang Hao retorted. He firmly believed in his own thoughts.    


Supreme Sword God's appearance wasn't ugly. It could be said that he was very handsome. He was on par with the young man who was killed by him, but his temperament was different. But in Wang Hao's eyes, compared to the young man, Supreme Sword God was a person who cultivated the evil path...    


"Don't tell me you didn't notice that the supreme sword body and the owner of this sword are actually similar in appearance?" After hearing Wang Hao's rebuttal, the system's words reminded Wang Hao of something.    


When Wang Hao thought about it, it seemed that there really was a slight resemblance. No, it simply looked exactly the same, it was just the difference in temperament. It made Wang Hao think that the two of them originally had an irreconcilable relationship, and Supreme Sword God's arrogant attitude. It made Wang Hao feel that Supreme Sword God was the one who had nothing to do with this deathmatch.    


"Why? Why did this happen? Why did I see you in such a situation?" Wang Hao said to himself.    


"There is no absolute in the world. It is not necessarily true to see it with your own eyes. Everything in this period of time has its own way." The System said. The cold female voice had an unfathomable feeling at this moment.    


Wang Hao understood what it meant. The scene brought by this sword... It made Wang Hao think that Supreme Sword God was a madman who fought with people everywhere. He was a madman who liked to kill and destroy swords, but the people he killed looked exactly the same as him. There was a hidden story behind this. As the saying went, there was no absolute in the world. That was the reason.    


He silently pulled out the broken sword from the ground and said to the sword, "If Supreme Sword God humiliated and killed your master for no reason, I will definitely seek justice for you."    


As soon as these words came out, the sword in Wang Hao's hand trembled. The cut of the broken sword emitted a dazzling light. The intelligence of this sword was not low to begin with. At this moment, the sword spirit had awakened in Wang Hao's hand. Wang Hao could feel the sword heart of this sword.    


He was crying, crying non-stop. There was anger, but more of it was sadness. It seemed like he was questioning his master why he abandoned him. This made Wang Hao even more puzzled. Did this sword not know that his master was actually dead? It was not his master's fault to place him here.    


"There must be something else hidden in this matter." Wang Hao held his sword and muttered to himself. In fact, it was only at this moment that Wang Hao realized his mistake. Supreme Sword God might still be an opponent worthy of his respect.    


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