Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C832 Life and Death

C832 Life and Death

1At this moment, Erie looked like a normal human being, and the green demonic totem patterns were not the only thing that had disappeared. The power in his body, whether it was the Evil Devil Power or the Divine Power that should have been in his body, had all disappeared. He was now an ordinary mortal. No, he was even worse than an ordinary mortal.    


Squatting in front of Erie, Wang Hao said, "Can you sit up by yourself?" The warrior holding Erie stepped back a little, and Erie used his hands to support the ground. He tried to sit up but did not sit up. He shook his head and said weakly, "No, I don't have strength."    


Wang Hao nodded. He grabbed Erie's wrist and touched his pulse. His internal organs were all damaged, but it was not fatal. If it were just these internal injuries, it would be easy to deal with. He was afraid that it would not be the only thing.    


Wang Hao circulated the divine power in his body. A golden Qi flowed into Erie's body and flowed through his internal organs, all the way to his limbs and bones. It gradually repaired the damaged parts of Erie.    


Erie's pale face gradually turned blood-red. When the Evil Devil Hunter saw that the leader's face had become much better, all of their young and tender faces were filled with joy. However, Wang Hao's face turned gloomy. He discovered that Erie's divine sense was mixed with an Evil Devil Power.    


"Wang Hao, how is it?" Erie asked when he saw Wang Hao's facial expression suddenly change.    


Wang Hao shook his head and said, "Although I can cure your injuries, I can't cure them..." Erie's subordinate anxiously interrupted Wang Hao when he heard that the treatment was not good. He said, "Please, you must cure the leader! We will repay your kindness even if we do anything."    


After saying that, he actually wanted to kneel in front of Wang Hao. Wang Hao waved his hand and a force stopped his knee from bending. Who would have thought that after this, all the Evil Devil Hunter would kneel down.    


"Please save the leader." They spoke in unison, in an unusually orderly manner.    


Wang Hao said, "What are you doing?" It wasn't that Wang Hao didn't want to treat them, but that he couldn't extract the Evil Devil Power from Erie's Divine Sense.    


"Alright, get up. Don't force me." Erie's voice became softer and softer, and the color of blood that had just recovered started to fade.    


"Brothers, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's that Erie's divine soul has been invaded by the Evil Devil Power. Even I can't extract the Evil Devil Power from the already fragile divine sense. " After Wang Hao finished speaking, the hunters revealed sorrowful expressions on their faces.    


They all knew that there were only two outcomes when one's divine sense was invaded by the Evil Devil Power. One was that one's divine sense would be swallowed up and die, and the other was that one would completely become a devil and choose to commit suicide.    


At this time, it was Erie who laughed. "Hahaha..." His laughter was very loud and clear, as if it was going to sweep away all the haze on the battlefield. Ever since the first time he encountered the invasion of the void, he had never laughed so happily before.    


However, when Wang Hao and the soldiers heard it, it was incomparably tragic. Wang Hao hated it in his heart. If he could come out of seclusion a little earlier, perhaps Erie wouldn't need to...    


"Don't be sad for me. I, Erie, have long forgotten about life and death. It is a great blessing to be able to see someone retreat into the void while I'm still alive." Erie said this to encourage and comfort the hunters, so that they wouldn't feel sad for their own death.    


At the same time, he asked Wang Hao something he was very concerned about." Wang Hao, can you tell me how you killed Great Devil God without injecting the Evil Devil Power and turning into a devil? "    


Wang Hao looked at the seriously injured Erie and said, "Everything in this world is formed by the law. The wind, rain, the clouds, and the clouds. The plants, mountains, and rivers all originated from the Laws and were formed by them. They are born by following the Laws, and even the Evil Demons are no exception. Thus, as long as one can grasp and control any Law, they can kill the abyssals. "    


Whether it was Erie or the hunters, they were all incomparably shocked. Some of the elites amongst them had also come into contact with the power of the Laws. However, none of them had thought that the power of Law would be so profound, especially Erie. He had once tried to use the power of Laws to kill an Evil Demon, but all of them had failed. Only the Evil Devil Power could do it. He had never thought that Wang Hao would be able to do it.    


"Wah!" Erie spat out a mouthful of blood, dyeing his clothes red. The blood color on his face gradually faded away, replaced by a pale white color.    


"Wang Hao, can you promise me one thing? I beg you..." Erie stood up and pulled Wang Hao by the collar. When Wang Hao saw this, he grabbed Erie's hand. A hunter warrior came forward and supported the staggering Erie.    


"Tell me, as long as I, Wang Hao, can do it, I will not refuse." Wang Hao looked into Erie's eyes and said sincerely.    


Erie looked at the Incense Burning Valley after the war. The scene of the mountains and rivers shattering was still vivid in his mind. Standing on the blood-stained ground, he could not bear to look back.    


"I, Erie, only have one wish in my life, which is to make the void unable to invade the Divine Realm ever again. If my people are no longer disturbed, the Dragon Soaring Divine Domain will forever be peaceful. Can you fulfill my wish and protect the safety of the people of the God Domain? " Erie said with a strange look in his eyes.    


He knew that Wang Hao wouldn't refuse. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here today. He was waiting for Wang Hao to nod his head in agreement. Only he would promise to stop the invasion of the void forever. Only by protecting the Dragon Soaring Divine Domain could he die in peace. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to rest in peace.    


Wang Hao looked at the expression in his eyes. He could see the righteousness in Erie's eyes and the determination in his heart. He was deeply shocked by Erie's spirit.    


"Alright, I promise you." The five words were not loud, but they sounded like thousands of kilograms. Everyone present could hear him clearly. One day, he would become God King. Stopping the void was his duty, and it was something he had to face.    


When Erie heard Wang Hao's words, he revealed a smile of relief. With your words, I, Erie, have no regrets dying. It's just that these soldiers... I used the wrong method to harm them. Infusing Evil Devil Power into them is not the right way. Sooner or later, they will be like me. When one's soul was invaded by the Evil Devil Power, it wasn't because one's Divine Sense was completely devoured. They will either become demons and choose to commit suicide. All of this is my fault. "    


Erie said, revealing a guilty and painful expression. He felt ashamed of these warriors who had sworn to follow him. They were still young, but they had to endure this kind of inhumane torture. In the end, he had to tell them that it was wrong to do this. It was too cruel.    


When Wang Hao saw Erie like this, he couldn't bear to see Erie die with guilt. He remembered that he had a Medicine Pill called the Divine Refining Pill, which could cleanse the divine force in his body.    


The Evil Devil Hunter obtaining the power of devils was nothing more than injecting part of the devil's blood into the devil's body, causing the divine strength to be contaminated by the Evil Devil Power. Then, it could use the same power as the devil to kill the devil.    


Like this, the Evil Devil Power would sooner or later corrode the divine soul from divine strength. And this was the situation with Erie. The remaining Evil Devil Hunter's situation was far lighter than Erie's. Since he had yet to reach the divine soul realm, he could totally use the Divine Refining Pill to slightly improve it. They could concoct the Devil Repelling Pill, wash off the Evil Devil Power, and let the warriors regain their divine strength.    


"I am a Divine Pill Master, and I can refine a kind of God Refining Pill to cleanse the divine power of the soldiers, and save their lives." Wang Hao looked into Erie's eyes and said solemnly, so that Erie could feel at ease.    


"Then, I will..." Before he could say the word "rest assured," Erie spat out another mouthful of thick blood, which carried the breath of a devil.    


Wang Hao thought that Erie was going to become a devil, so he stared at him. If he really became a devil, then even if he admired Erie... He wouldn't allow ___ to do whatever he wanted in Dragon Soaring Divine Domain. He thought that this was also Erie's wish!    


Erie didn't completely become a devil as Wang Hao had expected. Instead, he closed his eyes.    


"Erie, Erie..." Wang Hao called out twice, but he did not hear Erie's reply. He was... leaving.    


Wang Hao looked at the dead Erie, then at the soldiers who were looking at their leader. He said, "He left!"    


Silence, silence. When Wang Hao said those three words, the scene became extremely silent. Wang Hao did not know what to say. After a while.    


"Roar." The first cry came from among the soldiers. Then, there was a burst of crying. At first, they were holding it in and did not want to cry, but later, they seemed to be unable to hold it in anymore.    


Men do not shed tears easily, but they have not reached the point where they are sad. Erie was the true hero in their hearts. Many of them had experienced the previous invasion of the void. When they saw Erie bravely fighting without obtaining the Evil Devil Power, they were filled with respect for him.    


Later on, Erie formed the Evil Devil Hunter army, and they had been following him from the beginning until the end. In order to prevent the next invasion of the void and prevent the devils from trampling on their home, they had been cultivating and fighting together with Erie for so many years. How could they not feel pain in their hearts?    


Their hero died, their leader died...    


All of this felt as though the heavens were pressing down on them. A deep scar was carved into the hearts of every soldier. Perhaps as time passed, they would sometimes forget their sorrow. However, that scar would always exist, accompanying them for their entire lives.    


The wails were very sorrowful and ear-piercing, but it made those who heard it feel heartache, and those who saw it shed tears.    


Who was the one who caused all of this... The void, the devil, Wang Hao looked at the Void Crack with an increasingly cold gaze. He clenched his fists tightly. He thought in his heart, 'One day, I, Wang Hao...' I will completely eliminate the threat from the void.    


Looking at the wailing soldiers, Wang Hao did not know how to comfort them. He could only wait for the soldiers to pull themselves out of the pain.    


"Alright, don't cry anymore." Finally, a slightly older soldier stopped crying. He wiped away his tears and shouted loudly.    


"Leader, I don't want to hear everyone cry like this. We need to be strong." After he said that, someone forced himself to stop crying and wiped away the tears on his face.    


However, there were still people sobbing softly, unable to stop their grief.    


Wang Hao looked at the shattered mountain peaks, the sunken earth, the soil that was mixed with dark green and bright red, as well as the corpses of hunters and devils on the ground.    


The Incense Burning Valley had already been destroyed beyond recognition. All of this was caused by the invasion of the void. If it wasn't for the invasion of the void and the invasion of devils, the mountains and rivers wouldn't have collapsed. It wouldn't have caused the scene of corpses strewn all over the place. So many warriors and Erie wouldn't have died in order to stop the invasion of the void.    


Looking at the fading void, Wang Hao thought that sooner or later, it would come back again. The devil would once again step into the Incense Burning Valley and the Dragon Soaring Divine Domain.    


This home needed someone to protect it, and Wang Hao's goal wasn't just to protect the Dragon Soaring Divine Domain. One day... He wanted to prevent the void from invading any God Domain. Any continent would become God King and destroy the void. This was a must.    


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