Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C810 An Unworldly Guest

C810 An Unworldly Guest

0Wang Hao raised his brows. This old man in front of him was indeed not simple. He could tell that Wang Hao was trying to become a Divine Craftsman with just a glance.    


"I am a Divine Craftsman."    


Wang Hao didn't deny it. He could feel that the old man in front of him didn't harbor any malicious intent.    


Niuniu curled her lips and said, "Grandpa, even a Divine King level Divine Craftsman was not able to produce one. This fellow is clearly unreliable. We don't have many Thorns, we can't let him spoil it."    


Wang Hao heard two pieces of information from Niuniu's words.    


First, the old man hoped that he could help him forge a divine artifact.    


Second, this divine artifact could not even be forged by a Divine King level Divine Craftsman.    


Among the nine major realms of God Realm, Divine Kings were already extremely great existences. They were much more powerful than the current Wang Hao. Whether it was in terms of realm or strength, or their understanding of Divine Craftsmen.    


Wang Hao asked back, "Since even a Divine King Divine Craftsman can't do it, what can I do?"    


The old man smiled and said, "This divine artifact, not to mention a Divine King Divine Craftsman, even if a Divine Craftsman like Divine Emperor or even a Divine Monarch descended, they might not be able to do it. But only you can do it."    


"Only I can. Why?"    


The old man laughed. "Because you are a man destined to become the King of Myriad Gods. If this matter is difficult for you, it would be too disappointing."    


Wang Hao's expression turned solemn. Only the people in Yama Hall knew that he was the person in the prophecy of the King of Myriad Gods. How did this elder know?    


"Don't be curious. This prophecy is in the 108 divine regions. There are rumors." The old man stroked his beard and said, "The Supreme Dragon God is the 12th Supreme God of Dragon Soaring Divine Domain. After his death... His new successor is the Son of Prophecy.    


When you attacked just now, I felt the power of the Supreme Dragon God, as well as the righteousness of the Sword Dao that far exceeds your realm. If our guess is wrong, it should be Supreme Sword God's power.    


Possessing two... or even more Supreme Inheritances... If this isn't the Son of Divination, then I can't believe how terrifying the Son of Divination is."    


Wang Hao believed the old man's words, but he felt that the old man was hiding something.    


"What kind of divine weapon do you want me to make for you?"    


"A hammer, a Thorny Hammer."    


Wang Hao looked at Niuniu who was beside the old man. This hammer was most likely made for this little girl.    


The old man asked, "How is it, are you willing to help me, this old man?"    


Wang Hao did not immediately agree, but asked, "What can I get?"    


"It's a little petty to ask for benefits first. This doesn't look like the son of the prophecy."    


"I never do things that make me lose money. If you want my help, then give me a reward that I am satisfied with."    


Niuniu stomped her feet. "Grandfather, we don't need him!"    


The old man became serious. "I can make you a Divine Pill Master. How about this reward?"    


Wang Hao's face turned stern. In the mortal world, the knowledge of refining and Talisman Arts he had accumulated had allowed him to easily become a Divine Craftsman and a Divine Talisman Master in the God Realm. However, he could not find a way out in the field of alchemy.    


Wang Hao thought to himself, "How did he know that I wanted to become a Divine Pill Master? Could it be a coincidence?"    


No matter what, Wang Hao was very tempted by this condition.    




A smile appeared on the old man's face again, "Please follow me."    


The old man lifted his leg and walked towards the depths of the thorny land. Niu Niu rolled her eyes at Wang Hao and followed behind the old man. She carried her huge hammer and chased after him.    


The magical thing was that when the two of them moved forward, the thorns in front of them would automatically move to the sides.    


The old man seemed to be walking, but his speed was surprisingly fast. It seemed like it was a little difficult for Niu Niu to carry the huge hammer and chase after them. As for Wang Hao, it was a piece of cake.    


Niu Niu looked at Wang Hao with dissatisfaction along the way, but she had to admit that Wang Hao was really stronger than her in terms of speed.    


The three of them were as fast as lightning, and soon they arrived in front of a thatched hut.    


Niuniu threw her hammer in front of the thatched hut, and with a bang, a few straws fell from the thatched hut.    


The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched. If this little girl used even a little bit more strength, this hut would probably collapse.    


He followed the old man and Niuniu into the thatched hut. The thatched hut was very simple and crude, with only a bed, a table, and a large box.    


"Niuniu, go and bring the Seed of Thorns."    


Niuniu unwillingly walked in front of the large box, opened it, and took out a small brocade bag.    


She walked in front of Wang Hao and lifted the small brocade bag.    


"This is our last Thorny Seed. If you break it, I won't forgive you."    


Wang Hao took the small brocade bag and opened it. He found three black seeds the size of a forest in the bag.    


"This is the Thorny Seed?"    


The old man explained, "Niuniu and I planted a large patch of thorns here for these seeds.    


After the Thorns bloomed, they would only grow once every eight hundred years, but the Seed of Thorns that can be used to forge divine artifacts is one in ten thousand.    


Niuniu and I stayed here for two thousand four hundred years, and only managed to gather three hundred seeds. We found many Divine Craftsmen, but they all failed. If you fail as well, we will have to wait six hundred years before we can obtain new seeds."    


As he spoke, the old man took out a piece of yellowed leather paper from the God Realm.    


"This is the forging blueprint of the Thorny Hammer. You are a Divine Craftsman, so you should be able to understand it."    


Wang Hao took the blueprint and opened it. It was the forging blueprint of the Thorny Hammer.    


The blueprint detailed the forging process of the Thorny Hammer. It was very detailed. Even Divine Craftsmen could understand it.    


Wang Hao held the blueprint and fell into deep thought. He found that the Thorny Hammer was not of any grade, but if it was successfully forged, its strength would not be weaker than a Divine General Level Divine Weapon.    


All the other refining steps were not too difficult for Wang Hao.    


There was only one thing that kept failing in Wang Hao's mind - making the Thorny Seed germinate!    


The Thorny Hammer was refined from countless of thorns. It was a living divine weapon. Only by injecting the "soul" into it would it be able to display its true power.    


Only by letting the Thorny Seed germinate could the forging of the Thorny Hammer be completed!    


The old man did not disturb Wang Hao's thoughts. He pulled Niuniu and quietly walked out of the thatched hut.    


Niuniu asked in a low voice, "Grandfather, can he really do it?"    


The old man said in a deep voice, "He must be able to do it. If he wants to completely integrate the 108 divine regions, he must have the ability to spread the divine tree throughout the God Realm.    


He once failed. That's why we came to help him. "    


Niuniu said worriedly," Grandpa, can history really be changed? "    


The old man's expression was serious, "Of course!"    




Wang Hao, who was in the thatched cottage, had fallen into a state of infatuation. He kept simulating in his mind, injecting his Divine Power into the Seed of Thorns, causing it to take root and germinate.    


In his mind, he injected his Divine Power into the seed. The outer shell of the seed loosened slightly, and then... burned into ashes!    


"Another failure?"    


Wang Hao could no longer remember that this was the hundredth time he had failed. The divine power that was injected into the Seed of Thorns, even if it was a little bit more, the Seed of Thorns would be burnt to ashes.    


If he injected less Divine Power, the Thorned Seed would no longer have any reaction and become a dead seed.    


"When I first hatched the Divine Tree Seed, I didn't spend so much effort."    


Wang Hao's unyielding character allowed him to try... try... try!    


He did not realize that these attempts had increased his control over divine power.    


One day... Three days... Ten days... One hundred days!    


Wang Hao had completely forgotten the passing of time. When he woke up, he had been lost in thought for three hundred days!    


The old man was standing right in front of Wang Hao, as if he was staring at him.    


"How is it? Are you confident now?"    


Wang Hao smiled. He opened his palm, and the small brocade bag in his palm instantly exploded.    


Three Thorns Seeds floated on Wang Hao's palm. The divine power that was thousands of times thinner than hair connected the Thorns Seeds to Wang Hao's palm.    


Wang Hao's aura seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden. He was clearly standing where he was, but he could not sense it at all.    


Niuniu rubbed her eyes hard. She suspected that Wang Hao, who was standing in front of her, was just an illusion.    


"Grandpa, what happened to him?"    


The old man looked excited and even excited.    


"He succeeded. He can now control his godly power as he pleases. He can even condense his godly power into something thousands of times finer than a strand of hair... His control over his godly power has already surpassed most of the people in God Realm! In just three hundred days... This is unbelievable!"    


Niuniu also became excited. First of all, she was excited that their efforts were not in vain. The 2000 plus years of preparation was to let Wang Hao learn how to control divine power in detail. Second, she would be able to obtain the legendary divine weapon!    


The three Thorn Seeds were slowly injected with Divine Power. Cracks appeared on the outer shell of the seeds, and then they started to peel off... take root, germinate!    


Wang Hao waved his hand, and countless thistles and thistles entered the thatched hut. These thistles and thistles tangled together to form a huge hammer.    


The top of the huge hammer was like a flower that had six petals.    


Wang Hao carefully placed the three sprouting thistles and thorns into the center of the flower petals, and successfully injected his soul into it!    


The six flower petals slowly closed together. Thorns wrapped around it, and no gaps could be seen.    


The Thorny Hammer was successfully refined!    


A rich aura of life surged out of the Thorny Hammer as he walked out of the thatched hut and looked at the endless land of thorny vines.    


The thorns were withering. Before they died, green spots of light appeared, which looked like fireflies as they flew toward the Thorny Hammer in Wang Hao's hand.    


These green spots of light were the purest form of life force!    


Countless life force surged into the Thorny Hammer. With a thought, Wang Hao smashed the hammer onto the ground.    


In an instant, the withered thorny vines were revived. The original thorny land had become even more exaggerated!    


The vines that were originally only as thick as a finger had now grown to a point where neither of them could wrap their arms around it. The thorns were like towering trees that reached into the sky.    


The thorny land had turned into a thorny forest.    


Wang Hao couldn't help but sigh, "What a magical hammer!"    


He retracted his power, and the forest of thorns disappeared.    


Wang Hao threw the Thorn Hammer to Niuniu, then looked at the old man.    


"Alright, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."     0


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