Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C804 Moon Osmanthus Tree

C804 Moon Osmanthus Tree

2After Kelly agreed, Sun Goddess held the little elf and carefully approached the Black Moon Tortoise with Wang Hao.    


A magical thing happened. The originally violent Grand Mystery Moon Tortoise suddenly quieted down.    


Wang Hao took a closer look and saw that there was a familiar power in the little elf. It was Moon Goddess's power.    


It turned out that Moon Goddess had long predicted that Wang Hao would be stopped by the Grand Mystery Moon Tortoise and leave her power in the little elf.    


She was Supreme Moon God's descendant, so the Grand Mystery Moon Turtle naturally would not harm her.    


Wang Hao and Sun Goddess landed on the back of the Grand Mystery Moon Tortoise and came to the front door of Supreme Moon God's palace.    


The gate was covered with moss, and it was very thick. Wang Hao stretched out his hand, and his palm didn't even fall off. It could be seen how long the palace had been silent.    


The little elf approached the gate of the palace. There was the sound of gears turning in the depths. Wang Hao and Sun Goddess took a step back and the gate opened.    


Different from Sun Divine Temple, behind the door of the Moon God Temple was not a long corridor, and one could not see the end of it. It was another world.    


On the other side of the gate was a huge lake.    


The surface of the lake was sparkling. It was very quiet, like a paradise.    


Wang Hao and Sun Goddess looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.    


"This scenery doesn't seem to match the rumored temperament of Supreme Moon God."    


Sun Goddess also smiled bitterly, "I often heard Moon Goddess say that her grandfather was a cruel tyrant. Now I have a feeling of being cheated."    


"Go in!"    


Wang Hao was the first to walk into the palace, and Sun Goddess followed closely behind.    


The two of them stepped on the wet land by the lake. A gust of wind blew from behind. It was very cold.    


Wang Hao turned around. The door that came in between had already disappeared.    


Wang Hao sighed and said, "Looks like it's another drama that will not go out until the end!"    


Sun Goddess called out her two divine artifacts and carefully guarded.    


This small world was very strange. It was not large. Other than a circle of lake shore, there was also a pool of lake water.    


As for the other scenery, it was all an illusion.    


Wang Hao walked to the lakeside and squatted down to check the lake water. The lake water wasn't clear, but it shone with a mercury-like luster.    


Wang Hao had seen this kind of water before at Moon Goddess's place.    


"Moon Well?"    


Sun Goddess nodded, "It is said that the Moon Well of the Night Elf clan was taught by Supreme Moon God to collect moonlight."    


In other words, the lake in front of Wang Hao and Sun Goddess was a huge Moon Well.    


The lake water was filled with condensed moonlight.    


Wang Hao reached his palm into the lake water. The water was very cold, but it did not feel wet.    


Wang Hao felt a strange energy fluctuation under the lake water.    


He said to Sun Goddess, "There is another mystery under the lake. Let's go and take a look."    




The two of them jumped into the lake and swam towards the bottom of the lake. In the lake, Wang Hao's pores opened and the power of the lake seeped into his body.    


Wang Hao was surprised to find out that his cultivation base would increase after soaking in the lake water for a while.    


Wang Hao suddenly remembered that this lake water was specially gathered by Supreme Moon God for his cultivation!    


"If I can bring this lake back to Yama Hall, my brothers' cultivation base will be greatly improved!"    


Wang Hao's stage definitely would not be at the border of Dragon Soaring Divine Domain. The remaining ten divine palaces were all in the inner region of the Divine Realm. There was a powerful force there like a forest. Wang Hao could not be a lone wolf.    


Raising the overall strength of Yama Sect was the top priority.    


But Sun Goddess poured a basin of cold water on Wang Hao.    


"The reason why you and I can absorb the energy in the lake water is because we all have the techniques passed down by the Supreme God. If the others fell into the lake, not only would they not get any benefits, they would also be able to absorb the energy in the lake. Instead the lake will take away all its power."    


Wang Hao was slightly startled, but he quickly thought of a solution.    


The people of Yama Hall were unable to absorb the power of the lake water, because the supreme cultivation method was extremely difficult to cultivate. Even if he was willing to teach the True Dragon skill to everyone, he was afraid that only one in ten thousand would be able to learn it.    


But there was one thing that could absorb the energy of the lake without any worries.    


Divine Tree!    


The Tree of God could absorb all Divine Power, be it in the air, in the artifacts, or even in the human body.    


"Since we're here, it would be a waste not to suck the lake water dry."    


Wang Hao summoned the divine tree. Sure enough, the sapling began absorbing the energy of the lake crazily.    


"What is this? "    


Looking at the Tree of God that was growing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, Sun Goddess was dumbfounded. She could feel that this seedling was an extremely terrifying existence.    


"This is the Tree of God."    


Sun Goddess's face was filled with disbelief when she heard Wang Hao's explanation.    


"So the divine tree really exists? "    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "How much do you know about the divine tree?"    


Although this was the second divine tree Wang Hao had obtained, his understanding of the divine tree was still limited. He only knew that it was the key to opening the Essence Martial Divine Domain.    


Sun Goddess only woke up after a long time. She explained, "I don't know much, but one thing is certain. The divine tree is the core of the Divine Realm!    


Palace Master, do you know why the God Realm split into 108 divine regions? It's because when God Realm split up, there were only 188 divine trees!    


You have a brand new divine tree now, and you can even build a new God Realm!"    


Hearing Sun Goddess's words, Wang Hao was slightly disappointed. It seemed that Sun Goddess's understanding of divine trees was not much better than his.    


However, he believed that he would one day understand all the secrets of the divine tree.    


"Let's go. I feel that there is someone waiting for us in front!"    


Wang Hao and Sun Goddess continued to dive, leaving the sapling of the divine tree to absorb in the lake water.    


The two of them went to the bottom of the lake and passed through the bottom.    


The two of them had clearly passed through the bottom of the lake, but they were now floating on the surface of the new lake. This was a two-faced lake, and the bottom of the lake was also a new lake.    


After flying out of the lake, Wang Hao looked at the shore not far away.    


There was a person on the shore. To be precise, it was a remnant soul.    


This person was eight feet tall, and he wore silver clothes. His bearing was cold, and he held a Paper Fan in his hand. He looked mighty and extraordinary.    


Without a doubt, this person was Supreme Moon God!    


Unlike the supreme Sun God, Supreme Moon God's remnant soul had a complete divine sense.    


In a sense, Supreme Moon God was still alive.    


Supreme Moon God raised his head and ignored Sun Goddess. He looked at Wang Hao.    


His eyes were very calm, as calm as the lake water.    


"You are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."    


Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why are you waiting for me?"    




Supreme Moon God opened the fan in his hand. Moonlight fell from the sky. It was beautiful to the extreme, and it also made people feel cold to the bone.    


Supreme Moon God calmly explained, "When I knew that the twelve Utmost Beings would fall because of your rise, I had already made preparations. I had left behind a complete will and waited for your arrival."    


Wang Hao understood what Supreme Moon God meant. He wasn't willing to die, and he wanted to take everything away from him.    


Since that was the case, there was no need for further discussion.    


Wang Hao called out the True Dragon Sword, and the lake water beneath his feet started boiling.    


"Go and find the fragment of the Supreme Being's soul. I'll deal with him."    




Sun Goddess agreed without any hesitation. Although Supreme Moon God was no longer the previous Supreme God, the pressure emitted from his body still terrified her.    


Divine General! Supreme Moon God's consciousness still possessed the strength of a Divine General!    


Sun Goddess left, but Supreme Moon God still ignored her, as if he had no intention of stopping her.    


Wang Hao said calmly, "It seems like your target is only me."    


Supreme Moon God did not try to hide his true colors. "As long as I can obtain your body, I will be able to obtain the inheritance of the twelve supreme gods in your place and become the king of all gods!"    


Wang Hao asked back, "Do you know what is the difference between me and you?"    


A trace of emotion finally appeared on Supreme Moon God's face.    


"The difference between us?"    


"That's right." Wang Hao replied confidently, "I will never separate a part of my consciousness from my body just because of some bullshit legend. Not only will I have to endure the pain, I will also lower my strength.    


If it were me, I would tear the so-called legend into pieces. If you want me to become someone else's stepping stone, you have to crush me first! "    


Wang Hao's confidence made Supreme Moon God incomparably moved. Back then, in order to prevent his own death, he had to bear the pain and cut off a part of his consciousness, sealing it in the palace.    


Who could understand the loneliness of the past million years?    


He suddenly felt that perhaps Wang Hao's choice was the right one.    


However, there was no turning back when the arrow was drawn. He had already endured a million years of loneliness. How could he change his original intention because of a single sentence from Wang Hao?    


His expression once again returned to calm.    


Supreme Moon God waved his fan and slashed. The entire lake was split into two. The silver lake water split into two, forming a canyon.    


Wang Hao was in the canyon. That sharp slash didn't seem to cause any harm to him.    


After breaking through to the Divine General realm, how could Wang Hao, who had obtained Supreme Sword God's inheritance, be defeated so easily?    


Wang Hao counterattacked. He gently waved his sword, and thousands of sword shadows instantly surrounded Supreme Moon God.    


Supreme Moon God did not dodge, nor did he attack. It was as if he was going to be killed by thousands of sword shadows.     1


Of course, Wang Hao didn't believe that Supreme Moon God would seek death. There was only one possibility for him not to attack. He had already finished his attack.    


Wang Hao raised his head and saw that the fog that was just sent flying by Supreme Moon God had already turned into raindrops falling from the sky.    


The silver raindrops contained a strange power. As they fell, they gradually condensed.    


They turned into a osmanthus tree!    


The Osmanthus Tree that Sun Goddess told Kelly about actually appeared in front of Wang Hao in such a manner.    


The osmanthus tree bloomed and the flowers scattered, blocking all of Wang Hao's sword radiance.    


Supreme Moon God jumped and sat on the branch of the Moon Osmanthus Tree. He put away the folding fan in his hand and took out a long flute from his sleeve.    


He placed the long flute under his mouth and blew gently.    


A beautiful song sounded. Wang Hao felt as if he was on the moon, bathing in the moonlight.    


The moonlight made him feel very comfortable. He felt so comfortable that he wanted to put down the sword in his hand.    


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