Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C794 The Sun God Village

C794 The Sun God Village

0When Wang Hao told Jing Yan and the others that he was going to Sun Divine Temple, everyone chose to stop him.    


"Palace Chief, although you are powerful, the Sun Divine Temple is still the first supreme palace in the Dragon Soaring Divine Domain. Countless experts want to explore it and hope to obtain the supreme inheritance, but none of them can succeed!    


Not to mention Divine Image, many Divine Generals and even Divine Marquises had never returned! You must think twice! "    


Wang Hao comforted," Don't worry, your palace master won't die so easily. Don't forget, I am going to step onto the summit of the Gods. If a person who can't even handle a single Sun Divine Temple can sit on a throne... This can only mean that I'm not qualified. "    


Yin Miao opened her mouth and said, "Palace Lord, you should at least bring some people over!"    


"Okay." Wang Hao smiled and said, "It is enough to bring one Kelly. It is not convenient to have more people."    


Yin Miao and the others were still worried. One should know that Sun Divine Temple was the palace of the first supreme god in Dragon Soaring Divine Domain.    


Besides, there was also a tribe of descendants of the supreme Sun God around the High God Hall - the Sun Tribe!    


The current Sun Goddess was the granddaughter of the supreme Sun God. Although she could not recreate the glory of her grandfather, no one dared to look down on her.    


If Wang Hao wanted to enter the Sun Divine Temple, he must get Sun Goddess's permission, or...    


Yin Miao and the others did not dare to imagine how Wang Hao would face the fury of the entire Sun Tribe!    


Wang Hao understood Yin Miao's worries and said with a smile, "Just like the Evil God, Sun Goddess is also my 'old acquaintance'."    


Hearing the words' old acquaintance ', Yin Miao could not help but shiver.    


"You killed the Evil God. You and Sun Goddess, don't tell me there are some conflicts?"    


Wang Hao thought about it carefully. "It's just that you stole a believer from her. It shouldn't be considered a conflict, right? Don't worry. I will come back safely. Look after the house and don't cause any trouble. "    


After saying this, Wang Hao disappeared with Kelly.    


Wang Hao unleashed his divine power and flew through the sky. When he reappeared, he had arrived at an unfamiliar land.    


He opened the map and looked at the sky. He was very confused.    


Kelly asked curiously, "This should be where the Sun Tribe is. Why is it dark? It should be daytime now."    


Wang Hao was not sure either. He looked forward and saw a dense forest in front of him.    


"Let's go and take a look!"    


He lifted his foot and entered the forest. It was a dense rainforest. The grass under his feet was very tall and did not exceed Wang Hao's knee.    


The scenery in the forest was exceptionally beautiful.    


Long vines hung down from the towering trees. Beside the vines, there were many fireflies that gave off a faint green light.    


Kelly could not help but exclaim, "What beautiful fireflies. If not for the fact that this is the Sun Tribe's territory, I would have thought that I had returned to the elves' territory!"    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "Your elves' territory is also in the forest?"    


Kelly nodded excitedly and explained, "Yes, our Elf Clan loves nature the most. We also control the laws of nature. When I take you there in the future, you will definitely like my hometown!"    


"Okay, when we go back together, I will help you save your people."    


The two of them walked towards the depths of the forest. Suddenly, Kelly's expression became serious. On the shoulder of her Flying Dagger, Wang Hao, she carefully looked around as if she was on guard against something.    


"What's wrong?"    


"I feel that someone is approaching!"    


Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. She had heard Jing Yan say that the Wind Elves were the most sensitive type of elves to danger. Now it seemed that it was true.    


His expression became serious. He had not sensed any danger approaching, which meant that the enemy had powerful stealth abilities.    


Suddenly, Kelly gave a warning, "Be careful! Quickly dodge!"    


Wang Hao's breathing became lighter, and the Golden Pupil was activated. At the same time, he activated the Dark Heart's power.    


The Dark Heart fused with the Golden Pupil, and within the Golden Pupil, three black lines appeared.    


When the three lines gathered together and bloomed into a demonic flower, the Golden Pupil had the ability to see at night!    


Wang Hao could clearly see that several hundred meters in front of him, there were three Feather Arrows wrapped in darkness that were shooting towards him.    


These three Feather Arrows were unbelievably fast, but they did not emit any sound, aura, or fluctuation!    


"Since I've seen them, they won't be able to hurt me."    


Wang Hao waved his right hand in front of him like a bolt of lightning, and the three Feather Arrows were crushed into pieces.    


"Who is it? Come out!"    


No one came out. The one who responded to Wang Hao's question was the new Feather Arrow.    


Wang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. Under the effect of the Golden Pupil, he quickly found the figure jumping in the depths of the forest.    


"One, two, three, are there three people in total?" Wang Hao's voice was cold. "Kelly, these guys seem to be your companions."    


"My companions?" Kelly did not understand, "What do you mean?"    


Wang Hao did not answer. He stepped forward and instantly appeared hundreds of meters away.    


The three people who attacked Wang Hao were shocked. They were very confident in their reaction speed, but they did not expect this man to be so fast that they could not react in time.    


Each of them had a longbow in their hands. They stretched out their hands and wanted to pull the arrow out from the quiver behind them, but they found that they were controlled by a powerful force. Apart from their eyeballs, they could not move at all.    


They looked at the man with a cold expression in front of them, and their hearts were filled with fear.    


They smelled the scent of death.    


Until now, Kelly could guess why Wang Hao said that the attacker was her companion.    


The three women in front of her, just like Kelly, had a pair of pointed long hair.    


The difference was that the three women were dressed in black clothes, and their bodies were much bigger than Kelly's. Their slender bodies made their heads reach Wang Hao's nose tip.    


Kelly cried out involuntarily, "Night Elf!"    


Hearing the words Night Elf, Wang Hao restrained his killing intent. The three Night Elves were naked. Cold sweat seeped out of his exposed skin.    


They had managed to save their lives.    


Wang Hao asked, "The Night Elf is also from your Elf Clan?"    


Kelly nodded and shook her head.    


"To be precise, they used to be from the Elf Clan. Because they integrated the darkness into nature, they were expelled from the Elf Clan in ancient times."    


She paused for a moment and continued, "Rumor has it that the Night Elf had submitted to Moon Goddess. I didn't expect to see them here."    


"Moon Goddess?" Wang Hao suddenly sounded. In Essence Martial Continent, Saintess believed in the Goddess of Sun and Goddess of Moon.    


He thought to himself, "In that case, Sun Goddess and Moon Goddess are not enemies."    


He withdrew his strength and the shackles on the three Night Elves were released.    


"Don't try to resist, otherwise..."    


The three Night Elves's expressions became stern. They had already witnessed Wang Hao's scariness, so they didn't dare to act rashly.    


"I'll ask, you guys answer. If you refuse to answer or lie, die!"    


Wang Hao's words were unusually calm, but in the hearts of the three Night Elves, endless fear emerged.    


"First, isn't this the Sun Tribe? Why would the Night Elf that believes in Moon Goddess appear here?"    


The leader of the Night Elf struggled for a while. In the end, he was unable to overcome the fear in his heart and chose to answer Wang Hao's question honestly.    


"This is the Sun Moon Forest. During the day, it is controlled by the Sun Tribe. At night, it is controlled by our Night Elf."    


Hearing this answer, Wang Hao was very surprised. The Sun Tribe and the Night Elf were really harmonious.    




Before Wang Hao could ask this question, a hurried long horn sounded in the distance.    


The long horn's voice cut through the night sky.    


Kelly hurriedly said, "This is the long horn of the Elf Clan's warning!"    


Wang Hao looked alert, "Have we been discovered?"    


But very quickly, he realized that something was not right.    


The three Night Elves looked in the direction where the long horn blew, their expressions filled with fear.    


"What's wrong with you all?"    


One of the Night Elf replied in a fearful voice, "It's the Evil Devil Hunter!"    


"Evil Devil Hunter?"    


The three Night Elves ignored Wang Hao and ran in the direction of the long horn with all their might.    


"Quickly go and save our compatriots!"    


Wang Hao didn't stop them. He already understood that the reason why he was attacked by the three Night Elves was probably because he was being treated as the Evil Devil Hunter in their mouths.    


He looked at Kelly. Kelly shook her head, indicating that she also did not know what was going on.    


"Let's go and take a look."    


Wang Hao chased after her. Soon, he saw a large number of Night Elves.    


Some of these Night Elves were holding longbows and Feather Arrow, some were riding white tigers, and some were even riding two-headed giant dragons that could spit lightning from their mouths.    


What they were fighting against was a group of warriors with dual blades in their hands.    


What Wang Hao did not understand was that these warriors with two blades in their hands were also Night Elves!    


"Kill each other?"    


Wang Hao observed the battle for a while and found that these warriors called Evil Devil Hunters were stronger than Night Elf. The Night Elf could not hold on any longer.    


"Wang Hao, shall we help Night Elf?"    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "Didn't Night Elf get expelled from the elves? Why are you helping them? "    


Kelly looked sad, "My father brought the entire elf race into the elven temple to seek refuge. It is unknown whether they are alive or dead. If anything happens to them, the Night Elf will be the only surviving branch of the elves..."    


" Okay, I will go and help them! "    


Wang Hao stretched out his right hand. A golden divine sword appeared in front of his palm.    


"True Dragon Sword!"    


Wang Hao held the sword hilt of the True Dragon Sword and charged into the battlefield.    


He waved the True Dragon Sword, and True Dragon Phantom appeared on the sword. A dragon's roar resounded throughout the entire Sun Moon Forest.    





Countless Evil Devil Hunter threw away the sabers in their hands and covered their ears with their hands.    


The dragon's roar that contained an enormous dragon's might made them lose their ability to fight.    


Wang Hao did not kill them. The Evil Devil Hunter was also a Night Elf. He did not want to kill Kelly's kind.    


The Evil Devil Hunter retreated...    


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