Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C755 Secret of Ascension

C755 Secret of Ascension

3The secret Yaen San told Wang Hao shocked him.    


Regarding the reason why there were fewer and fewer supreme beings in the human and demon races, he had once speculated and asked for advice from Hong and Thousand Chance Elder, but his answer was completely different from Yaen San's.    


Yaen San continued, "At first, I didn't believe it either, until I found it and had a good chat with it."    


He emphasized the word "good." Wang Hao knew in his heart that this conversation was definitely not a long talk under a peaceful atmosphere.    


He was afraid that only Yaen San himself knew how dangerous it was.    


Wang Hao had just witnessed the scariness of the will of the continent. He asked, "Master, did you guys fight to a draw?"    


Yaen San shook his head, "It's not a draw. I can't beat it, but it can't kill me either."    


He paused for a moment and continued, "It doesn't have a physical body, so it consumes more energy in fighting than me. So we all stopped and made a deal."    


"What deal?"    


"I promised that when it left, I would disperse all my power and return all the elemental energy that I stole from the continent.    


He promised me that he would give me the complete power of the mortal world and the method to get rid of my inner demons. "    


Get rid of my inner demons!    


Wang Hao had learned from Hong that the reason why Yaen San was unable to break through to the Sovereign Stage was because his senior brother had died, and the inner demon had been planted in his heart.    


Wang Hao was very touched when he thought about how Yaen San had given him the Pure Heart Jade.    


"Master, is it really alright for you to lose all your energy when you ascend?"    


"It doesn't matter. The rules of God Realm is free. What's the use of bringing the power of the mortal world with you? Those who ascended in the past were merely greedy. How could they think about what their juniors would lose?"    


Wang Hao told him about Bai Xiaosheng's master. He asked curiously, "Why did the old mister leave the word 'don't ascend' to warn his descendants?"    


"It must be because of it. When I promised it, it promised me that it wouldn't do anything to me when I ascend."    


It would do something to him!    


Wang Hao's heart sank. It seemed like Bai Xiaosheng's master, and even more supreme experts had been harmed by the will of the continent when they ascended to the Immortal World.    


"Do you still not understand?"    


Wang Hao nodded. There were still many questions in his heart.    


Yaen San smiled and filled Wang Hao's glass with wine.    


"It's not easy for you and me to get together. We can talk most of the time today."    


Yaen San poured himself another cup. It wasn't a big wine pot, but the wine inside seemed endless.    


"According to legend, billions of years ago, the entire universe was still in chaos.    


Chaos had been nurtured for a very long time, and finally, life was born.    


The first life that was born, you can call it the ancient gods.    


The ancient deities felt that the primal chaos world was too monotonous, so they joined hands to break through the primal chaos, creating a new world.    


The chaotic world was split into two. One was a myriad of universes, and the other was an endless void.    


Within the myriad of universes, there was the power of the primal chaos world. The originally scattered power gradually condensed, forming small worlds one after another.    


The Essence Martial Continent we are in is one of them.    


These small worlds gradually gave birth to new life. Whether it is the Wizard Clan, the demon race, or us humans, they were born just like that.    


Life has evolved into wisdom. In order to resist the natural disasters, cultivation is born.    


When living beings could cultivate to the point where they could ignore natural disasters, their race would prosper, and the number of lives would increase.    


The auras of life that were unintentionally emitted by the living creatures allowed the small world they were in to gradually gain its own will.    


The small world and the large world were originally connected, and Origin Power was exchanged. However, if that was the case, the will of the small world itself would gradually dissipate.    


Any life form would fear death, and the will of the small world was no exception. In order to protect itself, it chose to sever its connection with the great world.    


Once this connection was severed, the small world would be sealed up.    


Originally, it didn't matter, but once a creature cultivated to the limit of what the small world could endure, it would be able to leave on its own.    


However, every time a creature left, it would take away a large amount of power from the small world.    


One or two were still alright, but the number of people who left was endless...    


Thus, the will of the small world became fearful.    


It could not open the shackles again, that way its will would instantly dissipate, and it could not continue to have living beings leave. To it, that was a slow death, a cruel dismembered body!    


Thus, it tried to think of ways to prevent living beings from leaving.    


Of course, living creatures had intelligence, and sooner or later they would discover the secrets within. At that time, for its own sake, the living creatures would naturally unite and resist the will of the small world.    


This was something the will of the small world did not wish to see. Thus, it needs a disguise"    


At this point, Wang Hao suddenly widened his eyes.    


"Master, do you mean that the void of Ninth Heaven was purposely summoned by the will of Essence Martial Continent?!"    


Yaen San nodded seriously.    


"But... the void will also devour it!"    


Yaen San couldn't help but laugh. "Have you forgotten that there are still living creatures in this world?"    


Wang Hao could not help but shiver. "It deliberately summoned the void and then the human and demon race fought back. This not only concealed its crime, but also continuously consumes the strength of the human and demon race!"    


Yaen San didn't deny it. This was the biggest secret of Essence Martial Continent.    


The deities of Essence Martial Continent wanted to ascend? First, they had to endure the pain of the invasion of the void. It wasn't easy for them to cultivate to the point where they could ascend, and then they would have to face the hidden dangers of the will of the continent.    


Under such circumstances, how could they possibly ascend?!    


Yaen San shook his wine pot and said, "Under such circumstances, the best way is to kill the will of Essence Martial Continent and break the restrictions of Essence Martial Continent and the great world.    


However, it seems like it doesn't intend to give any living being such an opportunity."    


Wang Hao's pupils contracted. He had thought of a possibility and a terrifying guess.    


"The invasion of Devil Clan... was arranged by it?!"    


Yaen San nodded, "That's right. It was it who summoned the void and forced the Wizard Clan to leave. It was also the one who arranged for the Wizard Clan to go to the harsh abyss. Now that the void had invaded the abyss, the Wizard Clan and Devil Clan had returned. It was also the one who arranged it."    


Wang Hao couldn't help but shiver. The will of Essence Martial Continent was a complete schemer, and everything was within its calculations.    


"However, it calculated everything and made two wrong people."    




"It first miscalculated me, it definitely didn't think that I would discover its secret, and more importantly, it definitely didn't think that it wouldn't be able to kill me, so it could only choose to compromise "    


Yaen San paused for a moment and said helplessly, "But I also have no way to deal with it. I am a person of Essence Martial Continent. Even though I have the power to suppress it, I still can't kill it. Of course, it doesn't know about this. That's why we have a deal. "    


He looked at Wang Hao with a smile, "But, you can."    


Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat." Master, I don't understand. "    


"No need to pretend. The first time I saw you, I realized that you are not a person of this world."    


Wang Hao was dumbfounded. A secret that even the supreme beings couldn't find. Even the king of Wizard Clan had to find some clues from the Fate Starry Sky to find the secret. How could his master see through it with just a glance?    


Yaen San didn't explain further, "You are the second person it saw wrongly. This is also why it wanted to kill you just now."    


Wang Hao had the ability to kill it!    


More importantly, there was a deal and promise between Yaen San and the will of Essence Martial Continent, but there was nothing between it and Wang Hao. Wang Hao had already obtained the power of the mortal world, so he would not be restricted by it.    


To the will of Essence Martial Continent, Wang Hao was uncontrollable!    


"Of course, it's your choice whether you want to ascend by yourself or break the cage."    


Wang Hao nodded, "I will think about it carefully."    


He paused for a moment, "Master, you have returned at the right time. Now that the supreme beings of the human race and demon race are being held back by the void, with you here, if the supreme beings of Devil Clan attack, the alliance army will have the strength to resist."    


Although Yaen San wasn't a supreme being, he had the strength to kill a supreme being. The king of Barbarian Clan was the best example.    


Yaen San shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I have disappointed you. The appointed time is almost up."    


When the appointed time was up, Yaen San had to ascend and leave.    


Wang Hao's eyes lit up. "Master, have you gotten rid of your inner demon?"    


"Yes, but it's not as good as what you did."    


Wang Hao did not understand. Yaen San explained, "The method I used to get rid of my inner demon was taught to me by it. I removed my inner demon from my body and sealed it in the ocean."    


Yaen San put away the wine glass and stood up.    


"But before I leave, I have to make some contributions. I will make a trip to Ninth Heaven to free those old men."    


After saying that, Yaen San disappeared.    


Wang Hao was also preparing to leave. At this moment, he suddenly realized that a Jade Cylinder had appeared on the tree stump in front of him that was used as a table.    


Obviously, this was something Yaen San had left for Wang Hao.    


Wang Hao reached out his hand to take it. When his finger touched the Jade Cylinder, a huge amount of information flowed into his mind.    


This was a sword technique. It could not kill mortals or hurt saints, but it could fight against gods.    


Its name was - God Slaying Sword!    


Wang Hao's heart was beating wildly. He finally understood why his master, who was also at the Divine Martial Level Nine Peak, could kill a Supreme Being with a swing of his sword.    


The secrets of this sword technique were all within this sword technique.    


He finally understood why his master had the confidence to disperse his cultivation base when he ascended. With this sword technique, the gods of the Upper Realm were no different from pigs and dogs.    


Wang Hao kept the Jade Cylinder and thanked his master in his heart.    


This was the path of retreat that Yaen San had left for Wang Hao. If the conflict between Wang Hao and the will of Essence Martial Continent could not be resolved, he could also make a promise to disperse his cultivation base and leave.    




In the abyss, the restriction that Wang Hao had left behind had already disappeared.    


The six supreme beings surrounded Divine Zhou, who was surrounded by the Army Breakings, had respectful expressions on their faces.    


"King, the reincarnation gate has been destroyed. What should we do next? Please give us your instructions."    


The Army Breaking said in a deep voice, "Without the Devil Thing, our Devil Clan is not afraid of the human race and human race's alliance. However, before our race's army advances, there is a person who must die!"     1


He waved his hand and the Fate Starry Sky appeared in front of his eyes.    


In the starry sky, there was a young girl carrying a sword on her back as she walked.    


"Find her and kill her!"    


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