Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C636 Welcome

C636 Welcome

3Two hours later, Wang Hao led the disciples of Essence Martial Sect and crossed half the distance from the Fourth Heaven to the Fifth Heaven.    


Wang Hao was the same as the others, listening attentively to the story of the Fifth Heaven told by the Heaven Howling Wolf.    


"There are a total of seven major powers in the Fifth Heaven. I think that even if you don't understand them, you should have heard of them."    


Wang Hao nodded, "I heard that the seven major powers of the Fifth Heavenly Layer are divided into four major sects and three major families. The sects I know of are the Essence Returning Sect and the Emotion Breaking Sect that you were in.    


As for the three major families, I know about the Bai family and the Chiang family. "    


Heaven Howling Wolf said with a smile, "That's right. Sect Chief, the two sects you don't know are the Heaven Seeking Sect and the Sun Moon Cult."    


He paused for a moment and continued," These seven major powers have existed in the world since the establishment of the Holy Domain. Each of them has a Saint. They are worthy of being called the top powers of the human race. "    


Ni Kong interrupted, "Old man Xiao, can you emphasize the Emotion Breaking Sect and the Chiang family?"    


The Emotion Breaking Sect and the Chiang family would be the titans that the Essence Martial Sect would face in the future.    


The smile on Heaven Howling Wolf's face disappeared, and his expression became incomparably solemn.    


"Let's talk about the Emotion Breaking Sect first!    


The Emotion Breaking Sect was ranked third or fourth among the seven major powers of the Fifth Heavenly Layer. However, even the two major powers that were stronger than it wouldn't dare to provoke the Emotion Breaking Sect.    


The reason is very simple, it's because of the cultivation technique of the Emotion Breaking Sect. "    


" Cultivation technique? " Black Sister asked in puzzlement," Is there anything special about the cultivation technique of the Emotion Breaking Sect? "    


The Heaven Howling Wolf explained, "Emotion Breaking Sect has a total of 127 cultivation techniques. Each cultivation technique has the ability to sever emotions.    


Cultivating the cultivation technique of Emotion Breaking Sect will gradually make people lose their emotions and desires, eventually turning them into emotionless and emotionless people.    


Such a person has no rationality, his emotions are volatile. Perhaps, you might accidentally glance at him, and cause him to draw his sword at you. "    


When they heard the explanation of the Heaven Howling Wolf, everyone couldn't help but shiver.    


Ni Kong sucked in a breath of cold air, "What's the difference between this and a madman?"    


The Heaven Howling Wolf smiled bitterly, "You're right. The people of Emotion Breaking Sect are all lunatics. This is also the reason why no one dares to provoke them."    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "In my hometown, Ice Snow Domain, I once found the Martial Tomb of a Great Sovereign. When I entered, I saw the soul fragment left behind by the tomb master. He told me his name was Heartless Monarch.    


This person passed down his cultivation technique to me. I saw that he was emotionless and emotionless after cultivating it, so I rejected him in the end.    


Is this Heartless Monarch also a member of Emotion Breaking Sect? "    


" That's right! " The Heaven Howling Wolf sighed, "Heartless Monarch was once an elder of the Emotion Breaking Sect. He died when he went out. I didn't expect the Sect Chief to encounter a remnant soul.    


Fortunately, the Sect Chief refused. Otherwise, if he inherited Heartless Monarch's inheritance, he would become as emotionless as the madmen of the Emotion Breaking Sect."    


Bai Xiaosheng who was standing at the side was puzzled, "Old man Xiao, since you were once a disciple of the Emotion Breaking Sect, why are you so different from what you described?"    


" I was once a heartless man. " The Heaven Howling Wolf sounded sad, "But something happened after that, and woke me up."    


He wanted to say something but stopped himself, as if he did not want to delve deeper into this topic.    


Seeing this, Wang Hao secretly stopped Bai Xiaosheng, who was preparing to ask more questions, and changed the topic.    


"Let's talk about Chiang family again!"    


Heaven Howling Wolf calmed his emotions and continued, "The strength of the Chiang family is on par with the Emotion Breaking Sect. Unfortunately, for some reason, in the past thousand years, there was only one girl in the new generation."    


Wang Hao and Wang Rulong looked at each other. This was the first time they had heard of such a thing.    


Wang Rulong opened his mouth and asked, "Is that girl called Chiang Simeng?"    


Heaven Howling Wolf was a little surprised, "You know?"    


The one who answered the Heaven Howling Wolf was Wang Hao.    


"She's my mother."    


Looking at Wang Hao who had just opened his mouth, the Heaven Howling Wolf opened its mouth, unable to close it for a long time.    




"It's really true!"    


The Heaven Howling Wolf's throat rolled. He looked at Wang Hao and then looked at Wang Rulong.    


"In other words, Chiang Simeng is your woman?"    


Wang Rulong answered very seriously, "Yes!"    


Heaven Howling Wolf's throat rolled again, and then he could not help but stop and laugh.    


"Wang Rulong, you are really something! I, the Heaven Howling Wolf, have never admired anyone in my life. You're the first! Hahahahaha!"    


He laughed for a long time before he stopped. "Do you guys know? In the entire Fifth Heaven, countless powers and young geniuses had their eyes on the only daughter of Chiang family, the saint of Zhong family, and even the matchmaker.    


However, no one has ever heard of a man that Chiang Simeng has her eyes on. I never thought that you would secretly kidnap his heart and give birth to a son!"    


Heaven Howling Wolf held back his laughter and patted Wang Rulong's shoulder forcefully.    


"Back then, I survived the pursuit of the Emotion Breaking Sect. Initially, I thought that my life was already big enough, but compared to you who was still alive, I really don't deserve to be praised!"    


Wang Rulong felt helpless. In the face of the stubborn character of the Heaven Howling Wolf, he really had no temper at all.    


"Alright, alright, stop messing around!" Heaven Howling Wolf became serious, "In short, wanting to get Chiang Simeng back from the Chiang family is going to be very difficult. Destroying the Chiang family is going to be even more difficult. Sect Chief, when we reach the Fifth Heaven, you two will be father and son. Don't be impulsive! "    


"I won't be impulsive. I know what to do."    


"That's good! Also, the news about the opening of the gate should have already spread to the whole Fifth Heaven. I was warned by the Emotion Breaking Sect not to enter the Fifth Heaven. Before we gain a firm foothold, I can't show my face in public."    


After saying that, the Heaven Howling Wolf took out his tattered felt hat and put it on his head.    


The magical thing was that after the Heaven Howling Wolf put on the hat, his appearance became blurry, and his aura also changed.    


Who would have thought that this unremarkable tattered yurt was actually a top-grade treasure that concealed one's identity.    


"There's no need to be surprised. When the old man was escaping back then, he used all his wealth to exchange for this yurt.    


Alright, everyone, cheer up. We're about to reach the exit of the city gate. "    


Just like what the Heaven Howling Wolf had said, the light in the distance was becoming more and more dazzling.    


The Heaven Howling Wolf warned, "The gate leading to the Fifth Heaven has been fully opened. It has been a long time since something like this has happened. If my guess is correct, when we walk out of the city gate, there will be people 'welcoming' us."    


He emphasized the word 'welcoming'. There was no need to explain the meaning behind it.    


Wang Hao said calmly, "When water comes, earth will cover. When soldiers come, they will block!"    


As he spoke, he was the first to step out of the city gate.    


The dazzling sunlight dazzled Wang Hao's eyes. At this moment, the system's voice rang in his mind.    


"System Notification, you have completed the mission 'From the moment you receive the mission, enter the Fifth Sky of Holy Domain within 30 days'. The mission score is good and you have received 10,000 experience points."    


Wang Hao had only entered the Fifth Sky on the last day that the system had set. The mission score was only good. However, the system reward was experience points. For Wang Hao who had already reached the peak of the Half-monarch, it did not matter how much experience he had.    


"System Notification, your realm has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Spirit Martial Stage, 10,000,000 / 10,000,000! You can break through to the First Level Divine Martial Stage, do you want to level up?"    


Wang Hao smiled. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.    


"I want to level up."    


The barrier of Wang Hao's realm was like a thin layer of ice on the surface of a lake in spring, instantly disappearing.    


The Yuan energy in Wang Hao's body was like a river flowing into the ocean, rolling and rolling, as far as the eye could see.    


"System Notification, upgrade successful. Current experience is Divine Martial Stage First Level 1 / 20000000!"    


Divine Martial Stage - Wang Hao had finally broken through to the Divine Martial Stage.    


From now on, Wang Hao was the new Divine Martial Monarch, and everyone in Essence Martial Continent looked up to him.    


He didn't choose to release the explosive force of his advancement. Instead, he kept it in his body, enjoying the pleasure of his advancement.    


Wang Hao walked out of the city gate, and the disciples of the Essence Martial Sect followed closely behind him.    


Very quickly, Wang Hao stopped in his tracks.    


It wasn't because he didn't want to continue walking, but because he was stopped by someone.    


Hundreds of martial artists blocked in front of him with murderous intent. Countless killing intent landed on his body.    


Wang Rulong and Black Sister were about to take a step forward, but were stopped by Wang Hao.    


Wang Hao walked to the front of the person in front of him alone.    


"Friend, why did you stop us?"    


The one blocking Wang Hao was the Sect Master of Azure Afterglow Sect, Liao Baofang.    


Liao Baofang looked at Wang Hao and the disciples of the Essence Martial Sect behind him, his mind spinning.    


He initially thought that the person who could open the door completely must be a powerful warrior.    


A warrior like this who passed by his territory, of course, he had to welcome him. He didn't want to accidentally offend a powerful warrior because of neglect.    


However, when he saw Wang Hao and the others appear from the hole in the city gate, he realized that he had thought wrong.    


There were quite a few people who came, but they were all only Spirit Martial Stage warriors. The strongest one was this young man in front of him. He was only at the peak of the Half-monarch.    


Wang Rulong, Black Sister, and the Heaven Howling Wolf were all Divine Martial Stage Level Nine Peak warriors. How could Liao Baofang be able to tell that they were hiding their true strength?    


Liao Baofang's thoughts changed, "Let's first ask where these people came from and what they are doing. Perhaps they will be able to take advantage of us."    


The human eye was a door that connected with the soul.    


The changes in Liao Baofang's heart were all reflected in his eyes. How could Wang Hao not notice it?    


However, he chose to remain calm. When he had just entered the Fourth Heaven, there was once someone who wanted to rob Wang Hao, but the consequences were death.    


If Liao Baofang had the same thought, the outcome would be the same.    


"I am Liao Baofang, the Sect Master of Azure Afterglow Sect. This is the territory of our sect. I heard that a distinguished guest has arrived, so I came to welcome him."    


Wang Hao glanced at the murderous warriors behind Liao Baofang and asked with a deep meaning, "Forgive me for being ignorant and short-sighted. Is this the way Liao Sect Master treats guests?"    


Liao Baofang smiled and waved his hand behind him.    


Very quickly, the killing intent dissipated.    


"I have made a fool of myself. After all, the martial world is a dangerous place, so I have to be careful. Friend, since you have come to the territory of the Azure Afterglow Sect, why don't you come to my sect to clean up the dust and let me do my duty as a host? How about it?"    


Although this sentence was full of smiles, anyone could tell how dangerous it was.    


Great Elder Cao Nianxuan quietly raised his hand. If the opponent made any unusual movements, he would immediately give the order to fight.    


To everyone's surprise, Wang Hao didn't refuse.     1




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