Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C620 The Decisive Battle of Life and Death

C620 The Decisive Battle of Life and Death

0"Kill me with your sword?"    


Hearing Wang Hao's words, Caesar couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Did I hear it wrong? Didn't you try it just now? Your Sword Dao can't kill me!"    


Wang Hao shook his head gently." That's right. I couldn't kill you just now, but now, it's not certain. "    


He paused for a moment and continued, "I have already figured out how to make the rules I comprehended stronger, or how to make myself break through to the Divine Martial Stage."    


Caesar's eyes widened. He immediately denied it, "That's impossible!"    


"Why not? Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that I can't do it." Wang Hao asked.    


Caesar's expression became extremely ugly. The confidence in Wang Hao's words was like a sharp sword, piercing deep into his heart.    


He recalled that in order to take the last step, he had thought of countless ways and suffered a lot of suffering, but in the end, all his efforts were in vain. He could only use the power bestowed by the queen to advance to the Divine Martial realm.    


Just like what Wang Hao said, although he was already a Divine Martial Monarch, he was not recognized by the Heavenly Dao.    


In order to advance, the price he had to pay was to completely collapse the path of martial arts in the future, and there was no possibility of advancing any further!    


"I don't believe it!"    


Caesar was furious. Veins popped out on both of his hands, and the power that his body emitted caused the surrounding space to distort.    


"I'm tired of playing, you can die now!"    


Caesar put his palms together. A strong Essence Energy Undulation was formed between his palms.    


Both of his palms slowly separated. There was lightning surging in his palms.    


The power of thunder had completely ripped apart the space. Around Caesar was a dark void that was revealed after the space was shattered.    


"Myriad Thunder Palm!"    


The strength that Caesar displayed was getting stronger and stronger. On the contrary, Wang Hao's Qi was getting weaker and weaker.    


Soon, there was no Essence Energy Undulation on Wang Hao's body, as if he was just an ordinary person.    


However, there were still some changes.    


The starry sky once again appeared in Wang Hao's eyes, and it became even deeper.    


Caesar had finished preparing his martial skill. He struck out both palms, and the lightning turned into a torrent, sweeping towards Wang Hao.    


The torrent was ferocious, and it could kill any life that stood in front of it.    


Wang Hao struck out his first sword strike. The sword contained a strong righteousness of the Sword Dao, and it was aimed at the torrent.    


Caesar narrowed his eyes. He suddenly realized that Wang Hao's sword had changed.    


Wang Hao's previous sword attack had been bold and powerful, and it seemed as if it could swallow the heavens and destroy the world.    


But this time, Wang Hao's sword was very gentle, like the drizzle in spring.    


Although the sword was light, it contained many variations. Caesar could see seven of them with a single glance.    


Each of these seven variations struck the weak points of the flood of lightning.    


"Pa! Pa! Pa!"    


After seven sword hums, the torrent of lightning weakened. However, the remaining power still collided with Wang Hao's body, causing him to be forced back by the torrent.    


Caesar sneered and said, "No matter what kind of comprehension you have, it's already too late! Today, you will die for sure!"    


Wang Hao was hit by the torrent, and it was difficult for him to maintain his body. The lightning surged into his body and numbed his entire body.    


However, Wang Hao did not give up. His mind was calm, and the starry sky in his eyes was still deep.    


In the torrent of lightning, he slashed out a second time.    


The second time, Wang Hao's sword changed even more. The righteousness of the Sword Dao that was injected into the sword became stronger as well.    


In the torrent, the sound of sword hums resounded unceasingly, and the might of the torrent weakened by another three points.    


But even so, the torrent did not stop. It kept attacking Wang Hao's body.    


Without the protection of the Dragon God Armour, it would be difficult to protect Wang Hao with just the power of the Dragon God Transformation.    


The golden cloak on his body was torn apart by the lightning. His flesh and blood were torn apart by the lightning.    


However, Wang Hao didn't care about all of this.    


At this moment, he was immersed in the Sword Dao. What he cared about was the Dao in his heart and the sword in his hand.    


Wang Hao's Divine Sense soared in the starry sky of the Sword Dao. It was as if he had turned into starlight and merged into the starry sky.    


"As a sword, the sword is the Dao, and the Dao is me! The combination of body, sword, and Dao is the true path of the sword!"    


Wang Hao's divine sense returned to his body.    


He slowly raised his sword. There was no Essence Energy Undulation in the sword, nor was there any righteousness in the way of the sword. It was the same with Wang Hao's body.    


However, if one observed carefully, one would find that Wang Hao was surrounded by the way of the sword, and he had already merged with the way of the sword.    


"I have gained enlightenment!"    


Wang Hao swung the third sword. This sword did not have any changes hidden within it, it was just an ordinary sword.    


As the sword fell, the lightning surrounding the Dragon Abyss Sword seemed to have encountered something terrifying. All of them dodged to the sides.    


The torrent of lightning actually separated on its own, making a path for Wang Hao.    


Caesar's heart almost stopped beating. He couldn't understand what kind of power Wang Hao was displaying.    


At this moment, Wang Hao's skin and flesh were lacerated. It was a miserable sight, but his calm and profound eyes were filled with heartfelt admiration.    


Wang Hao was no longer Wang Hao. He was the Dao, the Sword Dao!    


The Hornless Dragon Bloodline was activated, and Wang Hao's injuries began to recover. Holding the Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand, he walked towards Caesar step by step.    


Caesar panicked. He clearly could not feel the slightest bit of energy coming from Wang Hao's body, but his heart was filled with endless fear.    


"It's all a lie! You must have used some kind of trick!"    


Caesar roared and struck again with his palm. The rolling thunder was used again.    


This time, Wang Hao did not swing his sword. He just raised the Dragon Abyss Sword horizontally and pointed the tip of the sword forward.    


The thunder rushed over and separated itself before it touched the blade of the sword.    


Caesar's attack was ineffective!    


"You still don't understand?" Wang Hao opened his mouth, "I have already grasped the power that you don't."    


As he spoke, the dragon marks on Wang Hao's forehead gradually disappeared. He withdrew from the Dragon God Transformation.    


Not only did the Dragon God Transformation disappear, even the amplification of the Dragon Bell also started to dissipate.    


Without these benefits, Wang Hao should be able to restore his cultivation to the ninth level of the Spirit Martial Stage.    


Wang Hao unleashed the Essence Energy Undulation once again, but the Qi he unleashed was even stronger than his peak condition.    


Half-monarch! It was still the Half-monarch! Furthermore, it was a step further!    




Caesar was dumbfounded. Only now did he understand that Wang Hao's true realm had actually surpassed the ninth level of the Spirit Martial Stage and reached the Half-monarch realm!    


Although Wang Hao had not completely broken through to the Divine Martial Stage, Caesar could not feel the barrier in front of Wang Hao.    


In other words, as long as he accumulated enough energy, Wang Hao could become a true Divine Martial Monarch at any time!    


Wang Hao had actually easily grasped the method he had been looking forward to, desired, and pursued to become a Divine Martial Monarch.    


Caesar gritted his teeth and asked, "What exactly do you understand?! Why can't I find a way to advance even after hundreds of years of hard work?! "    


Wang Hao replied calmly, "I have already told you that from the moment you break through to the Heavenly Martial Stage, the advancement of a martial artist's realm is accompanied by a deeper understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.    


The same goes for breaking through to the Divine Martial realm. "    


"I don't believe it!" Caesar roared, "My domain has already been cultivated to its peak. No matter how I comprehend it, I won't be able to take another step forward!"    


"You're right." Wang Hao smiled lightly, "It's just that the path you took was wrong."    


"Wrong?" Caesar was stunned. He did not expect Wang Hao's answer to be this.    


Wang Hao explained, "Before the Divine Martial Stage, we used the fragments of the law that flowed between heaven and earth. The fragments of the law between heaven and earth are limited, which is why you stopped moving forward.    


However, there is another path that we can take. That is, we can merge ourselves into the law. "    


A clap of thunder resounded in Caesar's heart. It turned out that the answer was so simple, but he had never been able to comprehend it.    


Now, it was already too late for him to understand.    


Wang Hao had already arrived in front of Caesar. He looked at Wang Hao as if he was looking at a starry sky.    


"Caesar, it's over."    


An indescribable sense of crisis rose in Caesar's heart. He had a feeling that the moment Wang Hao slashed down with his sword, he would die.    


Caesar's body trembled violently. There was anger in his heart, but more importantly, he was unwilling to accept it.    


"No! I haven't lost yet!"    


Caesar's clothes exploded, revealing his true form.    


His original form was a huge parasitic fly. He waved his wings and burned the Yuan energy in his body as he charged towards Wang Hao.    


Although his true realm had not reached the Divine Martial realm, with the power Shuangye lent him, Caesar could display a power comparable to the Divine Martial realm!    


He wanted to kill Wang Hao before he truly became a Great Sovereign!    


Looking at Caesar who was crazily charging at him, Wang Hao said calmly, "You still don't understand."    


The sword fell and Caesar's true body was split into two.    


Facing Wang Hao's sword, Caesar didn't have any chance to resist.    


Caesar's body exploded and returned to his human form. He struggled with his last bit of strength and said, "Don't think that you will have nothing to worry about after killing me. There will also be endless Dragon Slaying Warriors who will come to find you and kill you!"    


"You don't have to worry." Wang Hao's expression was calm. "Shuangye won't get what she wants. If she wants to kill me, she must be prepared to be killed like you!"    


"Hahaha..." Caesar smiled heartlessly, "You will not have the chance to see the queen. The queen promised Ao Lu to help him deal with Dragon Emperor. The condition is to let him become the new Dragon Slayer.    


Not only Wang Rulong, once Ao Lu successfully breaks through to the Supreme Realm, he will kill everyone in the Fourth Heaven who possesses the Dragon Clan Bloodline!"    


Wang Hao replied with disdain, "Including his own Double Dragon Sect?"    


Caesar replied affirmatively, "That's right. Anyone who possesses the Dragon Clan Bloodline must die!"    


Wang Hao mocked, "What a unscrupulous fellow."     0


Caesar's breathing had become rapid. He was about to die.    


He struggled to use the last of his strength to laugh at Wang Hao.    


"That's why you will die sooner or later!"    


Wang Hao walked up to Caesar and said seriously, "I will let you know that Ao Lu won't succeed. I will help Carefree Tower and Wang Rulong.    


Don't tell me you still don't understand? The reason why I stopped you tonight wasn't to settle the grudge between us, but to stop you from going to Carefree Tower.    


The reason why I helped the Carefree Tower... It's because I'm Wang Rulong's son!    


I was the one who disturbed Double Dragon Sect, and the one who made father come out of seclusion was also me!    


Besides, there's one thing you might not know yet. The dragon bone that Ao Lu snatched was fake. I have already returned it to father.    


Ao Lu won't succeed. My father and I will definitely kill him!"    


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