Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C615 The Prelude of the Decisive Battle

C615 The Prelude of the Decisive Battle

3Everyone from the Essence Martial Sect had obtained a Profound Artifact and a combat skill book. Even Wang Hao had helped Lee Lo and the others level up their soul weapons one by one.    1


Wang Hao gave everyone three days to get used to the new Profound Artifact. After that, he gave out a new order.    


"Let's go and find trouble with the Carefree Tower!"    


Everyone was stunned, thinking that they had misheard him.    


One of the disciples scratched his head, "Sect Master, you're wrong, right?"    


Wang Hao smiled and said, "That's right. He went to find trouble with Carefree Tower. The reason why my father released the news of him being seriously injured and unconscious. It was to make the Double Dragon Sect lose their vigilance, and a great war would happen sooner or later. With the initiative in my hands, I will have a greater chance of winning!    


However, the news had been out for more than ten days, but the Double Dragon Sect still remained indifferent. This meant that the people of the Double Dragon Sect didn't believe it, or they were still doubting the authenticity of the news.    


Since that's the case, let's help them confirm it!"    


The people of the prestigious family came to a sudden realization, "I understand! If we go and find trouble with the Carefree Tower, the Carefree Tower will definitely panic in order to make people confirm their lies. This way, the Double Dragon Sect might believe us! "    


"That's right," Wang Hao said, "I will write a letter to the Carefree Tower and ask them to play along with us. You will split into six groups and attack a few of the more important industries in the Carefree Tower. You can simply smash and rob things. It will be more realistic to act, but don't hurt people. Do you understand? "    


"Yes! Sect Master!"    


That afternoon, Tong Hu from Carefree Tower brought a letter to Wang Rulong.    


"Tower Master, the mysterious person who helped us retrieve the dragon tendon sent a letter!"    


Wang Rulong took the letter. The handwriting and the previous letter indeed came from the same person.    


"At midnight today, I will bring people to attack your six shops on East Street."    


Wang Rulong smiled and said, "This person really knows what I am thinking. Tell our brothers that we will meet tonight. It will be more realistic to act."    




Night fell and flames suddenly lit up on East Street, which was located on the east side of the Carefree Tower's headquarters.    


This firework immediately attracted the attention of countless people. All the major powers sent their people to check it out.    


On the fourteenth day after the news of Wang Rulong being seriously injured and unconscious spread, some of the major powers finally couldn't hold it any longer and attacked!    


When the warriors sent out by the major powers arrived, both sides were in a heated battle. It could be seen that although the warriors of Carefree Tower tried their best to resist, they were still at a disadvantage.    


In a short while, several warriors of Carefree Tower were injured.    


The attackers did everything they could, and not long after, the shops that were attacked were swept clean.    


None of the six shops that belonged to the Carefree Tower were spared.    


That night, countless people were discussing this matter.    


In Thunder Sound Mansion, Palace Chief Lei Ze and Fourth Young Master Lei Qing were discussing this matter in the study room.    


"Father, according to the report we sent out, it's located on East Street. The six shops that belonged to the businesses of the Carefree Tower were completely destroyed. The identity of the attacker has yet to be confirmed, but it can be seen that... All of them are Spirit Martial Stage warriors."    


Lei Ze said in a deep voice," To be able to organize and attack the six properties of Carefree Tower at the same time, they must be at least a second-rate power in the Fourth Heaven. Can't they even find out who these people are? "    


Lei Qing nodded, "All the powers that I think can organize this attack have been secretly investigated. The scouts have reported that none of them made any unusual movements last night."    


Lei Ze frowned slightly, "I have already sent people to keep an eye on the Double Dragon Sect. It can't be them. It's strange. Who did it?"    


Lei Qing said curiously, "The most strange thing is that when the six shops were attacked, the reinforcements from Carefree Tower never showed up."    


"Of course not." Lei Ze sighed, "It seems that Wang Rulong's cultivation has gone wrong. Otherwise, Carefree Tower wouldn't be afraid of attacking the east and west, and wouldn't dare to take a step out of the main camp."    


He thought for a long time and said, "It seems that we need to observe more about helping the Carefree Tower."    


In Flowing Fire Sect, Lau Yan, the Sect Master, had also heard similar information. Like Lei Ze, he was also hesitating.    


The two major powers who had changed their stance were once again shaken.    


Within the Essence Martial Sect, the warriors who had completed their mission began to enter secluded cultivation and cultivate the martial skills Wang Hao had given them.    


The more they practiced, the more they felt the power of these martial skills. Everyone was filled with enthusiasm.    


Besides the Profound Artifact and martial skills, Wang Hao also personally taught the warriors to communicate with the joint attack formation.    


This formation was created by Wang Hao himself, and it could allow the martial artists' strength to increase explosively.    


Everything was being nervously carried out, and the spies that Bai Xiaosheng bribed finally obtained important information.    


In the last three months, more than a hundred Spirit Martial Stage Martial Artists in the Fourth Heaven had disappeared into thin air!    


Bai Xiaosheng reported, "Without a doubt, it was Caesar who did it!"    


Wang Hao said in a deep voice, "If we can't get rid of Caesar, more and more warriors will become his puppets. At that time, the Double Dragon Sect will become stronger and stronger. Even the Thunder Sound Mansion might not be able to suppress them.    


I hope we can deceive Ao Lu in the show we played! "    


In the Carefree Tower, Wang Rulong gathered all the dragon bones, dragon tendons, and reverse scales together and formed the Heaven Rank Profound Artifact - Dragon Slaying Bow!    


Under the guidance of Wang Rulong's strength, the Dragon Slaying Bow erupted with a strong dark aura. Wang Rulong pulled the bowstring, and a black arrow appeared out of thin air.    


"Ao Lu, if you dare to come, I will make sure you never come back!"    




Within the Double Dragon Sect, only Ao Lu could enter the underground secret chamber. It had not been opened for a long time.    


At this moment, there were two people in the secret chamber - Ao Lu and Caesar.    


Caesar handed a red gemstone to Ao Lu solemnly.    


"This is the Vast Ocean Dragon Imprisoning Formation personally refined by the queen. It contains the supreme power of the queen. Once the formation is activated, no matter if it is the Dragon Clan or the people who possess the Dragon Clan Bloodline, they will be trapped.    


I have already integrated your aura into the formation. You can move freely in the formation without being affected.    


Of course, in order to ensure that everything is safe, I have a blueprint for the Amplification Formation here. You can set up the Amplification Formation in the building when you conquer the Carefree Tower. In this way, the power of the Vast Ocean Dragon Trapping Formation can be increased by tenfold.    


As long as Wang Rulong hasn't stepped into the Saint or Sovereign Stage, he will be trapped in the formation and won't be able to move. "    


Wang Rulong took the gem and the blueprint, his eyes were filled with an intimidating light.    


"Wang Rulong, just accept your death and become a stepping stone for me, Wang Rulong, to step into the Supreme Realm!"    


"Dong Dong Dong!"    


All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door outside the secret chamber.    


Wang Rulong frowned slightly. He had already ordered that no one was allowed to disturb him.    


"Is there something urgent?"    


He strode to the door of the secret chamber and removed the seal.    


Behind the door was the Great Elder of Double Dragon Sect, Wu Loong.    


"Sect Chief, there's good news!"    


Looking at Wu Loong's excited face, Wang Rulong asked in surprise, "Good news? Tell me about it."    


"Wang Rulong's cultivation went berserk, and he fell into a coma due to serious injuries!"    


Upon hearing this news, the first thing that came to Wang Rulong's mind was, "Is the news accurate? Could it be fake news from Carefree Tower?"    


Wu Loong hurriedly said, "It should be true. A few days ago, a mysterious force attacked six important shops in the Carefree Tower. The warriors in the headquarters of the Carefree Tower did not come to help!    


I think they must be afraid that we are the ones who attacked the shops, so they will attack us from the east! "    


Wang Rulong smiled and said, "The heavens are really helping me! Pass down my order, prepare for battle! "    


"Wait a moment!" Caesar stopped Wu Loong, who was about to leave, and said, "Sect Master Ao, what if the Carefree Tower purposely releases smoke bombs? If the news is fake, the Carefree Tower must have set up an inescapable net, waiting for us!"    


He paused for a moment and continued, "In three months, my puppet army will be fully formed. At that time, we will be able to take down the Carefree Tower with ease! You have already waited for so long. Why are you in such a hurry?"    


Wang Rulong weighed the gem in his hand, "With him, even if it's fake news, Wang Rulong won't be able to stir up any trouble!    


Caesar, you are wrong. It is because I have waited for too long that I cannot wait for even a day!    


Great Elder, pass down the order. The decisive battle will be held three days later!"    


The Double Dragon Sect immediately took action. Every Double Dragon Sect warrior became excited.    


After eliminating the Carefree Tower, Ao Lu would become a supreme being and lead them back to their hometown!    




Three days of night. Dark clouds covered the sky, and there was not a trace of starlight. The entire Fourth Heaven was shrouded in darkness.    


The air tonight was very hot, and from time to time, muffled thunder resounded in the sky, shaking the sky.    


It seemed like something really happened in Carefree Tower. All the industries no longer housed martial artists, and all of them returned to the base camp.    


On the five main streets leading to Carefree Tower, countless shadows flashed past. It was as if a god of death had quietly passed by in the dark of the night.    


They were not the gods of death, but the warriors of Double Dragon Sect who were rushing towards Carefree Tower.    


The building of the Carefree Tower was a tall tower, and there were a total of five entrances on the base of the tower.    


At the entrance to the south, there were six warriors of the Carefree Tower standing guard.    


Every one of them opened their eyes wide, not daring to relax at all.    


All of a sudden, the wrists of the six men vibrated at the same time.    


The expressions of all six of them changed at the same time. The treasures on their wrists were connected to the security formation at the outer perimeter of Carefree Tower. The unusual movement at this moment indicated that someone had invaded.    


However, before the six of them could react, a dozen black shadows had already arrived in front of them.    


Each of these black shadows had a terrifying cultivation base. They raised their blades and slashed down. The six guards of the Carefree Tower didn't have time to defend themselves and were beheaded.    


Even until their death, they didn't manage to send out a warning.    


Of course, there was no need to send out an alarm. Three peak Spirit Martial Stage warriors had arrived in front of the door.    


The three of them exploded at the same time and slammed their palms on the door.    




With a loud sound, the door of Carefree Tower collapsed with a loud bang. After that, countless black shadows came in one after another!    


This door wasn't the only one that was broken through. The other four doors of Carefree Tower were also blasted open one after another.    


The warriors of Double Dragon Sect split up into five groups and charged into Carefree Tower.    


The sound of intense battle echoed in the Carefree Tower.    


The air in the Fourth Heaven became heavier, but the sound of thunder was even more deafening.    


The storm was coming. The decisive battle had begun!    


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