Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C595 Dirty Business

C595 Dirty Business

3"Bai Xiaosheng, there are so many eyes and ears here. Let's talk somewhere else."    


Bai Xiaosheng nodded and put his arm around Fat Tiger's shoulder.    


"It has been a long time since we last met. Let's chat. You won't refuse, will you?"    


Fat Tiger didn't dare to refuse. Both of them had made it to the finals of Martial Arts Competition, especially Wang Hao. The scene of him killing the devil king was still vivid in his mind.    


Obviously, this wasn't Bai Xiaosheng's first time coming to the gambling den. He shouted at the staff of the gambling den, "Open a quiet room for me. I want to have some fun with Brother Fat Tiger."    


The staff of the gambling den knew how powerful Fat Tiger was. He naturally wouldn't dare to neglect someone who even Fat Tiger didn't dare to fight back.    


He hurriedly brought the three of them to a quiet room. After hesitating for a while, he returned to the counter and crushed a communication jade card in the cabinet.    


This jade token was used to inform the gambling den's boss when an emergency occurred in the gambling den.    


The boss had once told him that once Fat Tiger encountered trouble that he could not handle, he must inform him in time.    


In a single room, Bai Xiaosheng grabbed a few dice from the gambling table and said with a smile, "Fat Tiger, what are you playing with?"    


Fat Tiger had an embarrassed look, "Let's not play anymore..."    




The box containing the dice was slammed heavily on the gambling table by Bai Xiaosheng. Fat Tiger was so shocked that the corner of his mouth twitched.    


Bai Xiaosheng lowered his voice, and his words were filled with a strong threat.    


"Looks like you are not going to give face to an old friend like me?"    


Fat Tiger smiled bitterly. He was once a warrior of the Beast Trapping Tower. How could he not know that Bai Xiaosheng's Bloodline Ability was a prediction?    


How could he win by playing dice with someone who could predict the future? Bai Xiaosheng was obviously trying to trick him.    


Bai Xiaosheng suddenly laughed, "I said I don't need to play with you with my ability. I'm afraid you won't believe me either. Why don't you play with Wang Hao?"    


After saying that, Bai Xiaosheng pushed the box and the dice to Wang Hao.    


Fat Tiger knew that he couldn't refuse it. He secretly gritted his teeth and thought to himself, Wang Hao is a Dragon Clan Bloodline. He doesn't have the ability to predict the future. There might be a chance of winning if I bet with him!"    


He looked at Wang Hao and said, "If I win, you guys let me go!"    


Wang Hao calmly replied, "No problem. What if you lose?"    


Fat Tiger looked conflicted. He wanted to say a number, but when he thought about the value of Wang Hao and Bai Xiaosheng in Beast Trapping Tower, they were not people who lacked money.    


Bai Xiaosheng spoke up for him, "If you win, I need your help to find someone."    


Fat Tiger immediately became alert, "Who? "    


"The Fire Ant."    


Fat Tiger explained, "I'm not familiar with him."    


"Is that so?" The corner of Bai Xiaosheng's mouth revealed a strange smile. "But the news I just heard is that at the end of every month, you will be gathering with the gambling den's boss and Fire Ant."    


Fat Tiger was shocked, "Who did you hear that from? ! "    


Bai Xiaosheng sneered, "Money makes the devil push the millstone, not to mention the gamblers in the gambling dens who are addicted to gambling. As long as I give them money, everyone is my spy!"    


Fat Tiger was in despair. He asked back, "Why are you looking for the Fire Ant?"    


Wang Hao calmly replied, "I just want to ask about the situation! If you don't want to say it, you have to beat me. Once you lose, it's not up to you to say it or not."    




Fat Tiger knew he had no other choice. His eyes were red, like a gambler who had lost his eyes.    


"How do I play!?"    


"Let's compare the numbers of the dice. You shake it, I shake it, you guess it, guess it will be negative."    


"Okay! I'll go first!"    


Fat Tiger took the treasure box and threw in six dice.    


The treasure boxes in the gambling den were all made of special materials that could isolate the detection of Yuan energy. Other than people like Bai Xiaosheng who could predict the future, they could only be distinguished by sound.    


Fat Tiger was an old customer of the gambling den. He was confident that he could beat most people in the dice roll.    


With a flick of his wrist, the six dice started moving in the treasure boxes.    


The dice collided with the inner wall of the box, making a "hualala" sound.    


At the beginning, the sound was very clear. People with sensitive ears could even judge the changes of the dice in the box through sound changes.    


However, very quickly, the sound inside the box became hurried.    


Fat Tiger's wrist increased its speed. The clear sound of the dice colliding became dull.    


Not only was it dull, but it was also chaotic.    


Bai Xiaosheng slightly raised his eyebrows. He was also a gambling master, so he naturally knew how powerful Fat Tiger's move was.    


He thought to himself, "With Fat Tiger's move, even an expert who can differentiate sound and sound will probably be defeated."    


However, he was not worried. He already knew that Wang Hao's left eye had the ability to see through things.    




The shaking of the box came to an abrupt stop.    


A drop of sweat rolled down Fat Tiger's forehead, and his breathing became somewhat disordered.    




Wang Hao smiled, "It's a very interesting performance. The six dice have one, two, three, four and five points."    


Fat Tiger's face turned pale instantly. He did not need to open the box to know that Wang Hao had guessed correctly.    


The dice technique that he was so proud of was a joke in front of Wang Hao.    


"It's my turn."    


Wang Hao took the treasure box. Instead of taking out the die, he shook it.    


The way he shook it was very simple. He kept moving the box on the table like a newbie.    


Seeing this, Fat Tiger heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He could completely control the changes of the die in the box by listening to the sound.    


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaosheng was dumbfounded.    


He originally thought that with Wang Hao's Talisman Arts skill, he would be able to tamper with the dice without anyone knowing.    


However, Wang Hao did not even open the treasure box, and did not even touch the die.    


He thought to himself, Could it be that Sect Master has other ways to make Fat Tiger unable to guess it?"    


He secretly observed, but could not help shaking his head. Wang Hao's technique of shaking the die was really terrible. He only needed to hear the sound to know the points of the six dice in the box.    


Wang Hao's wrist stopped, and he looked at Fat Tiger with a smile.    




Fat Tiger wiped the sweat off his forehead and said seriously, "Take your hand away from the box first, then I'll guess."    


Wang Hao knew that Fat Tiger was afraid that he would cheat, so he let go with a smile.    


"Two one, three two, one five, one six."    


Fat Tiger had made his own judgment, and he believed in his own judgment.    


Bai Xiaosheng's breathing became heavier, and the sound he heard was also the same number.    


"You can open the treasure box yourself. Otherwise, you won't be convinced."    


Hearing Wang Hao's words, Fat Tiger's fingers trembled. His heart was trembling.    


"Could it be that my judgment was wrong? No, it's impossible!"    


He gritted his teeth and opened the box.    


"Six dice, all three points."    


Fat Tiger slumped down onto the chair in a dispirited manner. Bai Xiaosheng looked at Wang Hao and used a secret technique to shrink his voice into a line. He asked, "Sect Master, how did you do it?"    


"The power of one of my bloodlines is an illusion. The sounds you heard just now were all fake."    


Wang Hao looked at Fat Tiger and said in a deep voice, "Now you have no choice. Tell me, where is the Fire Ant? "    


Fat Tiger hesitated for a moment and was about to open his mouth when the wall of the room suddenly collapsed!    


Countless Arrow shot towards the three of them after crashing into the wall.    


Each Arrow arrow was engraved with armor-piercing Talisman, and the tip of the crossbow was also covered with poison.    


Without a doubt, the person who shot the arrow wanted to kill the three of them.    


"You overestimate yourself!"    


Without waiting for Bai Xiaosheng to attack, Wang Hao had already called out the Dragon Abyss Sword. He waved the sword, and the True Dragon Phantom emerged. He used his body to block all the Arrow.    


The True Dragon's roar directly destroyed the gambling den!    


Wang Hao scanned his surroundings. The gambling den's customers had all left at some point in time. There were more than ten Arrows hands' corpses lying around, and because they were hiding far away, they had picked up a life. At this moment, the shop assistant was trembling.    


Bai Xiaosheng grabbed the shop assistant and pressed him to the ground.    


"Buddy, don't tell us. This has nothing to do with you."    


The shop assistant looked up at Fat Tiger and shivered. His eyes were full of fear.    


How could Fat Tiger not understand? He cursed angrily, "The boss of the gambling den sent you here, right?"    


The shop assistant was only an Earth Martial Stage warrior. He was so scared that he fainted because of Fat Tiger's anger.    


However, there was no doubt that this was exactly what Fat Tiger had guessed wrong.    


"Damn it, that bastard wanted to kill me to silence me!"    


Bai Xiaosheng asked in puzzlement, "What did you, the boss of the gambling den, and Fire Ant do that made them so nervous?"    


Fat Tiger said fiercely, "Since they are heartless, I, Fat Tiger will not be that foolish person. As long as you agree, I will let you guys go after I give you my instructions. I will tell you!"    


Wang Hao immediately replied, "Alright! I agree."    


Fat Tiger said, "Last year, the Fire Ant and the gambling den boss found me and asked me to cooperate with them to do a business."    


"The business is very simple. They want me to gamble with those warriors who don't have much power behind them. The gambling den boss will help me cheat in secret and win all their points."    


"The Fire Ant will find a way to borrow money from these people who have lost all their money and encourage them to continue gambling with me and win back those who have lost."     2


"In the beginning, those who came back to gamble with me were very careful. I will deliberately lose a few rounds and let them see the hope of making a big profit."    


Bai Xiaosheng interrupted, "What a thorough cooperation. When the gamblers fall into madness, they will lose even more."    


Fat Tiger nodded, "After I win all the money they took from the Fire Ant, the Fire Ant will find trouble with them and ask them to pay back the money."    


"The force behind the Fire Ant is called the Hundred Bug Sect. It has a close relationship with the Double Dragon Sect. Those gamblers who don't have the support of the force behind them, how would they dare to disobey the Fire Ant?"    


"But they really don't have money. At this time, the Fire Ant will make another request. Follow him to a place and do something. The debt can be written off."    


Wang Hao asked, "Go where? Do what?"    


Fat Tiger shook his head, "I don't know, but there is one thing that I'm sure of. No one who left with the Fire Ant appeared again..."    


I'm going to make up for my Saturday debt. I've already made up for my May debt. Today's update is tonight. )    


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