Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C552 Reverse Spirit Sand Region

C552 Reverse Spirit Sand Region

2After witnessing the battle between Bai Xiaosheng and Zhang Chen, Wen Dun finally understood why Bai Xiaosheng said that the Heavenly Replenishing Armor's defense was unparalleled.    


"Bai Xiaosheng, stay away from me. If you fight with him, I might completely go berserk, and neither friend nor foe can be differentiated. Don't hurt you by accident."    


The word enemy made Bai Xiaosheng shiver uncontrollably. When he thought of how scary Wen Dun was when he went berserk, he immediately decided to stay as far away as possible.    


He originally wanted to go and support Ni Kong, but when he saw the crazy actions of the two women, he tactfully didn't go forward. He was afraid that before he could hit Luanfeng, he would be kicked away by Ni Kong.    


As for going to help Wang Hao, Bai Xiaosheng didn't think about it. After witnessing Wang Hao instantly killing the Wolf Dragon, Hsiao Zhang still didn't have any fear. If he said that his strength was below the Wolf Dragon, Bai Xiaosheng wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.    


The red lightning that flashed in Wen Dun's eyes became brighter and brighter, and even red lightning appeared on his body.    


A strange look appeared in Zhang Chen's eyes. He murmured, "Is this what it means to go berserk?"    


The gentle expression on Wen Dun's face quickly faded, and what replaced it was a crazy fighting spirit.    




Wen Dun raised his forelimbs, opened his mouth, and let out a loud roar. The sound waves that came out of his throat actually shook the defensive formation on the Martial Watching Platform.    


His rationality began to dissipate, and what replaced it was the impulse to tear everything in front of him into pieces.    


"It's coming!"    


Zhang Chen gripped the lance in his hand tightly. In front of him, Wen Dun was running towards him.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


Every step Wen Dun took caused the fighting stage to tremble. It could be seen how destructive it was.    


Wen Dun was two times taller than a human warrior. He took big steps and arrived in front of Zhang Chen in three steps.    


He raised his huge fist, and a terrifying force poured out in an instant.    


"Heaven Mending Shield!"    


Zhang Chen shouted out loudly, and a huge shield appeared in his hand. The shield was more than a meter tall, and it could protect half of Zhang Chen's body.    


Perhaps because he felt Wen Dun's terrifying strength, Zhang Chen even placed the knight's spear behind the shield.    




The fist and the shield collided, creating a terrifying shock wave that even made Luanfeng and Ni Kong, who were far away, tremble.    


Zhang Chen gritted his teeth. His arm, which was holding the shield, was somewhat numb.    


He was shocked in his heart, "What a powerful strength!"    


The strength of Wen Dun's fist gradually dissipated, and the Heaven Mending Shield remained intact.    


Zhang Chen seized this opportunity. He drew out the knight spear and attacked Wen Dun.    


"Sky Piercing Thrust!"    


The lance gathered a great amount of power and pierced through Wen Dun's skin and flesh.    


Blood splattered everywhere, and Wen Dun let out a painful roar from his mouth.    




The intense pain made Wen Dun go crazy. Red lightning emerged from Wen Dun's body. The lightning gathered and turned into lightning.    


The lightning followed the spear into Zhang Chen's body. He could feel a violent will rampaging in his body, almost devouring his rationality.    


"What is this? "    


Zhang Chen made a prompt decision and let go of the lance in his hand. Wen Dun stretched out his hand and pulled the lance out of the wound and threw it out.    


Wen Dun's violent strength caused the lance to directly pierce into the formation on Martial Watching Platform, causing many of the audience to break out in cold sweat.    


The warriors of the Beast Trapping Tower quickly moved to reinforce the formation.    




Wen Dun roared again. The black fur on his body was dyed red by the red lightning.    




Wen Dun's furious roar shocked the rebellious battle with Luanfeng. She became somewhat flustered.    


"This is bad. Wen Dun is going to lose his mind completely. I have to end this battle quickly. Otherwise, he can tear down the entire fighting stage!"    


Just as Ni Kong was worried about Wen Dun, Luanfeng's mocking voice came into her ears.    


"Rather than worrying about others, why don't you worry about yourself first?"    


"Oh no!" Ni Kong was shocked. By the time she reacted, Luanfeng had already fanned over with a feather fan burning with raging flames.    


Before Ni Kong could escape into another space, he was slapped on his face by the flaming fan.    




With a crisp sound, Backward Sky's body flew back several meters and fell to the ground.    


Luanfeng's attack was not very powerful, but it deliberately produced a loud and clear sound. The meaning of humiliation was self-evident.    


She smiled charmingly and said, "A person with a cheap mouth should be punished with a slap."    


Luanfeng stood where she was and waited for Ni Kong to get up and fight again. But after waiting for a long time, Ni Kong still did not get up.    


She asked curiously, "What, have you been slapped silly by me?"    


Hearing Luanfeng's words, Ni Kong covered his face and got up and once again floated in the air.    


On her face, there was a red mark that was burned by the fire.    


Ni Kong's eyes were filled with hatred. She gritted her teeth and said, "Bastard, don't you understand the principle of hitting people but not their faces?"    


Luanfeng was ready to mock Ni Kong again, but before she could say anything, an urgent sense of crisis emerged in her heart.    


She subconsciously tilted her head and a dazzling blue light beam brushed past her ear and slid backwards.    




Luanfeng cried out in pain and her body pounced to the side. It was only at this moment that she realized that a Consecutive Crossbow had unknowingly appeared in her right hand, which was facing the sky.    


The Consecutive Crossbow shone with a remnant blue light. The beam of light just now had shot out from the Consecutive Crossbow.    


Luanfeng knew that this was Reverse Kong's soul item and had seen her fight with the Kui Dragon before.    


But what she didn't understand was that when she fought with the Kui Dragon, the spatial reversing Consecutive Crossbow would shoot out a rapid amount of elemental energy Arrow. Why was it now shooting out an elemental energy Arrow that was strong enough to pierce through her body? Bind!    


"Could it be..."    


She suddenly remembered that when the Kui Dragon was killed, the Consecutive Crossbow was shining with this beam of light.    


"This beam of origin energy that even the dragon scales can't block, I absolutely can't be hit!"    


Luanfeng landed on the ground and prepared to launch a counterattack. However, it was at this moment that a second Consecutive Crossbow appeared in her reversed left hand.    


There was a blue light shining on the Consecutive Crossbow in her left hand. Luanfeng was shocked.    


"Could it be the origin energy beam again? ! "    


She hurriedly activated her movement technique, preparing to dodge to the side.    


" Puff! Puff! Puff! "    


What came from the Consecutive Crossbow on her left hand was not the sound of the Origin Energy Beam tearing apart cloth, but a series of piercing sounds.    


More than ten essence energy Arrow came face to face, sealing off all of Luanfeng's escape space.    


"Oh no, I fell for it!"    


Luanfeng was helpless. She could only open her feather fan and create a wall of fire in front of her to block the Origin Energy Arrow.    


However, the fire wall that was formed in a rush had limited defensive power. There were still three elemental energy Arrow that pierced through the fire wall and landed on Luanfeng's body.    


Luanfeng was a human and was not comparable to the Kui Dragon that had protective dragon scales. No matter how limited the Yuan Power Arrow's power was, it was still enough to tear open her skin and flesh.    


However, this was far from the end. Luanfeng opened her eyes wide and saw Ni Kong raising the Consecutive Crossbow in his right hand.    


The blue light on the Consecutive Crossbow in his right hand was much more dazzling than the Consecutive Crossbow in his left hand.    


The voice of hatred from Ni Kong entered Luanfeng's ears.    


"Evil woman, go to hell!"    


The sound of cloth being ripped apart resounded across the martial stage. The light beam that was even more dazzling than the first beam of Dao Energy shot towards Luanfeng's chest.    


If it hit her, Luanfeng would die without a doubt.    


Luanfeng did not have the strength to dodge. The panic in her eyes gradually faded. She could not avoid it, so she decided not to.    


The essence energy beam pierced through Luanfeng's chest and a fist-sized hole was formed on her chest.    


But what was in the hole was not flesh and blood, but burning flames. It quickly closed up as if nothing had happened.    




Wang Hao did not stay idle while Wen Dun and the Reverse Sky were engaged in a fierce battle. In the time it took for half an incense stick to burn, he and Hsiao Zhang had already exchanged three hundred and sixty moves.    


The sword and spear exchanged blows, and neither victory nor defeat could be determined.    


"Good sword technique!"    


Hsiao Zhang couldn't help but praise Wang Hao, "In the Carefree Tower, there are at least thirty people who are good at using swords, but none of them can use swords to such an extent!"    


Wang Hao said calmly, "Thank you for your praise. Your spear technique is also the best I have ever encountered!"    


From the perspective of others, the two of them were not fighting to get a spot in the finals. Instead, it was more like they were fighting to make friends.    


However, after confirming the strength of the other party, the martial techniques they used became stronger and stronger.    


"Sword Three, rise day by day!"    


"Spear Picking Technique!"    


"Sword Four, Shooting Sun! "    


... "Third Ring Slash!"    


"Fifth Sword, Shining Light!"    


"Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix!"    


"Sword Six, Annihilation!"    


"Poison Dragon Thorn!"    


...     3


Their wonderful performance attracted the attention of everyone in Martial Watching Platform.    


After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Wang Hao and Hsiao Zhang withdrew their hands at the same time. There were beads of sweat on their foreheads.    


Hsiao Zhang laughed and said, "It's been a long time since I had such a good fight! But this is a martial arts competition. In the end, a victor has to be decided. You and I, show us our true abilities. Otherwise, tomorrow morning, we might not even be able to determine the victor."    


Wang Hao replied calmly, "That makes sense."    


After saying that, Hsiao Zhang discovered that on Wang Hao's neck, there was a dragon mark crawling towards his face. Finally, it gathered on Wang Hao's forehead and condensed into a dragon mark.    


"Dragon God Transformation!"    


Wang Hao unleashed the Dragon God Transformation, displaying his powerful strength. Hsiao Zhang shouted out loudly, and a golden pattern appeared on the long spear in his hand.    


The real battle was about to start at any moment!    


As if he knew that he wouldn't be able to defeat Wang Hao with just this amount of strength, Hsiao Zhang didn't hesitate to use even more powerful strength.    


"Domain, Reverse Spirit Sand Domain!"    


Hsiao Zhang unleashed his own domain. With him as the center, the fighting stage vanished, replaced by a stretch of yellow sand.    


A hurricane blew over, and the sand that filled the sky made it hard for people to open their eyes.    


What was even more terrifying was that when the sand brushed past Wang Hao's body, it actually invaded his internal body, causing the Yuan energy flowing in his meridians to become turbid and unable to circulate smoothly.    


"Can it freeze the sand in his Yuan energy?"    


Wang Hao released his Yuan energy, forming a layer of protection on the surface of his body, wanting to stop the sand from invading.    


However, this measure was useless.    


The sand that filled the sky could penetrate through all the protection and enter Wang Hao's body.    


Hsiao Zhang held a heavy spear in his hand. His sand robe fluttered in the wind. How imposing!    


He opened his mouth and said, "After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, your meridians will be blocked by my sand."    


Wang Hao gave up trying to stop the sand from entering his body. He raised the Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand, and his combat intent soared.    


"Thank you for the reminder. In other words, as long as I defeat you within the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, it will be enough."    


Hsiao Zhang smiled, "Bring it on!"    


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