Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C462 The Insect Disaster

C462 The Insect Disaster

3Only after the first insect was killed did Jia Houwei react. He waved his Proud Heaven Wild Sword and unleashed his blade energy, killing the second insect.     0


He was still in shock as he shouted, "What is this thing?"    


Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "No matter what it is, we must not touch the liquid that burst out after their death."    


Jia Houwei nodded heavily and called out the Dust Leaving Armor.    


"Blood Cloth Armor!"    


A red grid appeared on Wang Hao's skin. With the protection of the Bloody Garment, he had enough time to save himself no matter how corrosive the worm's bodily fluids were.    


The bugs that were charging at the front were killed by the two of them, but soon after, the bug army charged forward.    


There was no room for escape. Wang Hao and Jia Houwei only had one choice - kill them all!    


"Wind Cloud Twelve Styles!"    


Insects only had the strength of an Earth Martial Stage. In order to save Yuan energy, Wang Hao chose the Wind Cloud Twelve Styles that consumed less Yuan energy.    


With the help of his movement technique, he moved quickly among the bugs. The sword light was faintly discernible, and one bug after another died under the Dragon Abyss Sword.    


However, the number of bugs was just too many. Moreover, every single bug was fearless of death. When their companions were killed, they didn't feel any fear at all. They would only pounce on the two of them without a care for their own safety.    


Wang Hao's intuition told him that there were more and more insects pouncing on the two of them.    


"If this continues, we won't be able to kill them all!"    


Wang Hao maintained absolute calm. He quickly estimated the strength of his enemies and friends. He quickly calculated that if the number of insects continued to increase according to the current speed. Under the circumstances of the sand and wind depriving the two of their Yuan energy, they could only last for half a day at most.    


Even if he and Jia Houwei could kill all the bugs within half a day, the remaining Yuan energy would not be enough to support the battle below.    


"There are fourteen days left for this trial. In a situation where the situation is unclear, I must first conserve my strength."    


Wang Hao made a decision. He slashed horizontally with his sword, and the sword light killed the eight insects in front of him at the same time. At the same time, he raised his left hand, and in an instant, sword intent soared into the sky!    


Countless sword energies condensed in the air, and in the blink of an eye, ten thousand of them had been condensed.    


"Myriad Sword Returning!"    


Under Wang Hao's control, over ten thousand sword energies descended from the sky like a storm. All the bugs within a hundred meter radius were instantly wiped out.    


"Boss, well done!"    


A smile appeared on Wang Hao's face. The Myriad Sword Returning he used was not as simple as killing the surrounding bugs.    


If there were no sand storms, from the sky down, it could be seen that ten thousand sword Qis were standing around Wang Hao and Jia Houwei in a profound pattern.    


These sword Qis vibrated intensely and produced pleasant sword hums.    


Wang Hao had used the sword Qis to form a huge formation!    


"Million Sword Chime Formation!"    


The sword qi and the sword qi resonated with each other. The bugs that had been rushing into the formation were instantly torn into pieces by the sword qi that was raging on the ground.    


The sword qi that surrounded the area within a hundred meter radius had become a forbidden area for bugs!    


Jia Houwei let out a light sigh of relief and asked, "Boss, how long can your sword formation last?"    


Sand and wind not only swept away a martial artist's essence energy, but also the formation's essence energy. But Wang Hao naturally had a way to deal with it.    


He took out dozens of top grade vitality stones from his inventory and flicked them into several key points of the formation. With the support of top grade Yuan energy, no matter how big the sandstorm was, it could still last for a day and night.    


One bug after another was killed by the sword energy and could not break into the formation.    


"System Notification, you have killed one sandworm, and you have received 350 experience points. Since you have reached the peak of Heavenly Martial Stage, your experience points have been converted to 0. 01 killing points, currently 98 / 100 killing points! "    


"System Notification: You have killed one sandworm. You have gained 350 experience points. Since you have reached the peak of Heavenly Martial Stage, your experience points have been converted to 0. 01 Slaughter Point, Current Slaughter Point is 98 / 100!"    


"System Notification: You have killed one sandworm. You have gained 350 experience points. Since you have reached the peak of Heavenly Martial Stage, your experience points have been converted to 0. 01 Slaughter Point, Current Slaughter Point is 98 / 100!"    




The sword formation's frenzied killing had allowed the Slaughter Medal to display its effect. However, Wang Hao had already reached the peak of the ninth level Heavenly Martial Stage. Before he broke through to the Spirit Martial Stage, he would not be able to obtain any more experience points.    


The experience points converted into killing points made Wang Hao extremely excited. The accumulation of killing points was just too slow. Before this, even after the war in the Wilderness, his first grade Slaughter Medal had not been able to advance to the second grade."    


The killing points continued to accumulate. After half a day, he finally broke through!    


"System Notification, your achievement badge 'First Grade Slaughter Medal' has advanced to the second grade Slaughter Medal! “    


"Second Grade Slaughter Medal, achievement badge, killing reward: Every person killed will receive 1000 - 3000 experience points according to the realm of killing. Current Slaughter Value: 1 / 1000! "    


As the massacre continued, the violent sandstorm gradually weakened. When the sun was about to set, the sandstorm stopped.    


Without the sandstorm, the insects that attacked were getting lesser and lesser. In the end, not a single one could be seen.    


In the evening, the sky was blue. If it wasn't for the fact that the ground was filled with insect corpses, no one could imagine what kind of terrifying scene Wang Hao and Wang Hao had just experienced.    


The Yuan energy of the supreme-grade Yuan Stone had been depleted, and the sword formation had dissipated. Wang Hao took out the jade pendant on his waist. The words on the jade pendant had changed once again.    


"One hundred and sixty-six!"    


In just one day, thirty-two geniuses who had entered the secret realm had already failed to escape.    


"Fatty, I'll guard you and immediately cultivate to recover elemental energy!"    


The two of them alternated between guarding each other. When night fell, the two of them returned to their peak states.    


Wang Hao walked to the corpse of an insect. The strong smell of corrosion was unbearable.    


Jia Houwei held his breath and walked over. He said, "Boss, what's there to study about a corpse?"    


"Look here!" Wang Hao used the Dragon Abyss Sword to cut open the head of the bug. "What did you find?"    


Jia Houwei widened his eyes and looked at it for a long time. Then he shook his head. "There's nothing to pay attention to."    


Wang Hao explained, "No matter what race it is, they are born with no cultivation base. These bugs have the Earth Martial Stage Realm, which means they can cultivate."    


Jia Houwei nodded, but he still did not understand what Wang Hao wanted to say.    


"As long as they can cultivate, as their cultivation base increases, their intelligence will be awakened."    


"I know that. Just like demon beasts, once they reach the Heavenly Martial Stage, they will basically be able to transform into human form."    


"That's right. Even if the demon beasts in the wild can't transform into human form, their intelligence will still be unlocked. However, these insects are very different!"    


After hearing Wang Hao's words, Jia Houwei recalled the previous battle and finally reacted.    


"When these insects see us madly lunging at them, even if their bodies are cut off, they will still continue to lunge at us."    


"That's right! These insects have no emotions and do not know fear. They only know how to kill and destroy all living things in front of them!"    


"Hiss!" Jia Houwei took a long breath of cold air, but he accidentally inhaled a trace of corrosive gas and coughed loudly.    


"Cough, cough, cough! Damn it! How can there be such an abnormal thing?"    


Wang Hao pointed the tip of his sword at the head of the insects and said in a deep voice, "These insects do not have brains!"    


Jia Houwei took a closer look. Just as Wang Hao had said, the heads of the insects were empty.    


He was stunned. "Should I sigh about the greatness of nature?"    


Wang Hao shook his head. "I have a feeling that these insects were not naturally formed. They were created by humans!"    


"Created by humans?" Jia Houwei's throat rolled, "This thing is even scarier than Devil Thing. Who would create such a monster? Could it be that it will destroy the world?"    


Wang Hao was silent. He did not know the answer.    


At this moment, a system notification suddenly sounded in Wang Hao's mind.    


"Quest Notification: Find God Treasure. Quest reward, unknown!"    


"New quest?"    


It had been a year since Wang Hao left the Wilderness. He had not received a quest from the system. At this moment, a new quest had been activated in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm.    


He thought to himself, God Treasure? It sounded like a place. Since the mission had been activated, it meant that it was in the secret realm!"    


There was no time limit for the mission to be completed, but Wang Hao knew that he only had 13 days left.    


"Within 13 days, we must find God Treasure!"    


Night fell. Wang Hao and Jia Houwei took turns keeping watch, but until the sun rose, not a single bug appeared.    


Early in the morning, Jia Houwei stretched and said with a smile, "It seems these bugs also need to sleep!"    


As the sun rose, the wind in the heaven and earth rose again. The higher the sun rose, the bigger the sandstorm.    


"Boss, should we continue to guard here, or should we go somewhere else to take a look?"    


"Go somewhere else!" Wang Hao made a decision without hesitation. "We will go against the wind!"    


"Go against the wind?" Jia Houwei was stunned. He did not expect Wang Hao to make such a decision.    


However, he trusted Wang Hao unconditionally. He did not even ask why Wang Hao made such a decision.    


"Okay! Listen to boss!"    


Walking against the wind, Wang Hao naturally didn't make a casual decision. No matter how big the secret realm was, it wouldn't exceed the three-dimensional space created by the Dream Dragon. Otherwise, if he wanted to break through the spatial barrier between the two worlds, he would need a god to help him.    


How could such a large space produce such a violent sandstorm? Moreover, the sandstorm had a pattern. The sun rose and the sun disappeared. This didn't conform to common sense.    


If it did not conform to common sense, it meant that one could go against the wind and find the reason why the sandstorm was formed.    


Whether it was reasoning or intuition, Wang Hao believed that the God Treasure was at the end of the sand storm!    


After walking for half a day, with the Dust Separating Shield that Jia Houwei condensed, the Yuan energy that the two of them expended was not much.    


It was just that the sandstorm was getting bigger and bigger, making it difficult for them to move an inch.    




Similar to the day before, a loud explosion could be heard from afar. From afar, a black cloud was approaching them once again.    


Jia Houwei felt that he was about to go crazy. He couldn't help but curse, "Despicable heavens! Do you want to do it again?"    


Compared to Jia Houwei, Wang Hao was much more composed. He pulled out the Dragon Abyss Sword and formed a seal with his left hand. He could summon the sword formation at any time.    


For some reason, Wang Hao felt that the wild wind today was much more oppressive than yesterday!    


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