Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C415 Violent Dragon Tribe

C415 Violent Dragon Tribe

2"Master Hou, please teach me!"    0


The rules were getting impatient. The Artifact Refining Hand was a marvelous skill in the art of refining. Countless refiners wished to see it for themselves.    


"Master Zhang, don't worry. This Artifact Refining Hand is a unique skill created by my master, Devil Hand Monarch. Cultivating it is extremely dangerous. If you are too impatient, there will be some problems during your cultivation. If you are not careful, you will suffer from Qi Deviation. If you are too anxious, you will die. "    


Wang Hao's words shocked the rules. "No rush, no rush!"    


Wang Hao smiled and took out a Jade Cylinder from his inventory. He inserted the cultivation method of the Artifact Refining Hand into it in an instant.    


Of course, Wang Hao would not give the real Artifact Refining Hand to the opponent. He needed to complete two tasks at the moment, one of which was to kill the rules.    


This person, who relied on the art of refining to forge a weapon like the Ascending Cloud Ladder, had killed countless warriors of the same race. He had to die!    


Wang Hao did not make any changes to the first three quarters of the cultivation method, but at the most important point of the cultivation method, he did something.    


"Master Zhang, I have already engraved the cultivation method of the Artifact Refining Hand into this Jade Cylinder. Don't privately teach it to others!"    


The rules laughed loudly. "Of course not! Of course not! Even if I intend to teach it to outsiders, who else in this desolate land can comprehend the true meaning of refining? You can't possibly expect those Barbarian that can't even be forged with Yellow Rank Profound Artifact to be refined into such a profound skill, can you?"    


Wang Hao smiled," Then I won't disturb Grandmaster Zhang's cultivation anymore. I'll go to the Garuda and study the ancient Talisman. "    


He jumped onto the Garuda. There was a small space under the wings of the Garuda, and there was a golden reclining chair embedded in it.    


"Could it be that the Garuda is like the airplane in my previous life, and still needs a pilot?"    


Wang Hao entered the small space. He carefully observed the Talisman engraved on both sides of the reclining chair. These Talismen confirmed his guess.    


"These Talismen did not form a formation, but existed independently. A Talisman controls one of the functions of the Garuda. It seems that this small space is indeed a control room."    


Wang Hao jumped out of the control room and climbed up to the top of the Garuda. Whether it was the body of the Garuda or the wings, they were all engraved with numerous Talisman.    


Wang Hao, who had the complete inheritance of Lin Xiao, could only recognize less than half of the Talisman. He had never heard or seen many of these Talismen before.    


"These Talismen have been around for too long. Not even Lin Xiao has seen them before. I can only judge their functions by the handwriting."    


Wang Hao extended his finger and gently stroked an ancient Talisman. He injected his Yuan energy into the Talisman, causing it to circulate.    


"It's actually the ability to control the wind direction!" Wang Hao gasped in amazement, "Compared to the current Talisman, this ancient Talisman is even more exquisite and concise. The wisdom of the ancient people is admirable!"    


Wang Hao closed his eyes and began to deduce the method to inscribe this Talisman in his mind. After half an incense stick of time, he had already grasped this Talisman.    


Wang Hao took seven days and seven nights to walk from the head of the Garuda to the tail. During these seven days and seven nights, he devoted all of his attention to learning the Ancient Talisman Arts.    


During this period of time, he also integrated the insights and insights of the Talisman that the mysterious young man had given him.    


"System Notification, your Talisman Arts has leveled up to the second level of the high-grade Talisman Arts."    


"System Notification, your rank 0 Divine Craftsman Medal has been upgraded to the first level Divine Craftsman Medal."    


"Rank 1 Divine Craftsman Medal, Achievement Medal, can increase the effects of crafting, Talisman, and concocting pills by 10%. Proficiency of the three major professions has been increased, and you will receive a certain amount of Divine Craftsman Points. The higher the level of the Profound Artifact, Talisman, and Medicine Pill refined, the more Divine Craftsman Value one obtains. Currently, Divine Craftsman Points are 11 / 100! "    


The system notification caused Wang Hao to wake up. He was stunned for a long time before he confirmed that he had not heard wrongly.    


The learning of the ancient Talisman and the insights of the Talisman Grandmaster had increased his Talisman Arts level by one.    


Apart from that, the Divine Craftsman Medal, which had been silent all this while, had also been upgraded.    


One should not underestimate the 10% increase in value. A top-grade Medicine Pill like the Heavenly Spring Pill could increase the effect by another 10%. Its value would increase by at least 30%!    


Not to mention the effect of every Talisman increasing by 10%, the array formation that was formed together would be much more powerful!    


"This Divine Craftsman Medal combined with the Golden Hook Silver Brush, the effect is excellent!"    


Wang Hao, who had increased the level of the Talisman Arts, looked at the Talisman carved on the Garuda. It was indeed much easier.    


Just as Wang Hao was about to continue meditating, he heard a voice that spat out blood.    




He had been studying the Artifact Refining Hand for the past seven days. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was as pale as a sheet of paper.    


Wang Hao jumped down from the Garuda and asked with concern, "Master Zhang, are you alright?"    


With great difficulty, he took out a healing Medicine Pill from the Essence Ring and stuffed it into his mouth. After the effects of the Medicine Pill were put to use, his face finally looked a little better.    


"Master Hou, why is it that when I cultivate the Artifact Refining Hand, the first step will be smooth sailing, but in the end, it will be difficult for me to advance any further?"    


Wang Hao thought to himself, I have deliberately modified a part of the cultivation technique. If you can still learn the Artifact Refining Hand like this, then it would really be a ghost!"    


He comforted him, "I have said it before. The Artifact Refining Hand is very difficult to cultivate, so you can't rush it. It took me a full year to cultivate this technique. Master Zhang, don't advance recklessly!"    


Zhang Cheng nodded. "You're right. Maybe I was too impatient."    


He stood up from the ground and said, "Today is the day of the Barbarian Clan's royal family's hunt. The young master has been invited to attend. You and I have to participate as well."    


Wang Hao pretended to be surprised, "Oh? I wonder which tribe is the imperial family of Barbarian Clan?"    


"The Raging Dragon Army that escorted you here is the guards of the royal family of the Wilderness. They are members of the Violent Dragon Tribe, and they believe in the Violent Dragon God."    


"Violent Dragon God..." Wang Hao muttered in his heart, "After the Third Prince Daru became a divine being, he became incomparably powerful. If I hadn't comprehended the second style of the Waterdrop Sword Technique in time... The background of this Violent Dragon Tribe... I must find out more about this tribe! "    


"Furthermore, ninety percent of that supreme expert from the Barbarian Clan is also a member of the Violent Dragon Tribe. Who knows, I might be able to see him during this hunt."    


"There are only eighty-eight days left until the end of the epic mission!"    


After changing his attire, he brought Wang Hao along to find the mysterious young man. Under the protection of the Raging Dragon Army team, the three of them headed deeper into the Wilderness.    


Half a day later, the three of them crossed a hill and finally arrived in front of the Violent Dragon Tribe.    


The Violent Dragon Tribe was surrounded by mountains. Wang Hao was looking down from the highest point of the hill. The Violent Dragon Tribe was so big that he could not see the border at all. Even compared to the main city of the Phoenix Perch, Phoenix Perch City, the area they occupied was about the same.    


Wang Hao took a deep breath. The wind that blew from the bottom of the hill mixed with a violent force.    


"Golden Pupil!"    


He lit the Golden Pupil and scanned the Violent Dragon Tribe. However, what surprised him was that he did not find the Violent Dragon Totem in the tribe.    


Wang Hao thought to himself, "Strange, the other Barbarian Clan tribes all have godlike totem inserted in the middle of the tribe. Why can't the Violent Dragon Tribe see any totem?"    


"The mission given to me by the system is to destroy the Violent Dragon Totem. Looks like I have to think of a way to investigate it properly!"    


The Violent Dragon Squad escorted the three of them into the tribe. Along the way, Wang Hao saw many Barbarians from the Violent Dragon Tribe.    


As expected of the number one tribe in the wilderness. Most of the young men from the Barbarian Clan were Earth Martial Stage warriors. Any one of them was much stronger than the Tribe Warrior from a small tribe.    


After walking for the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, the Raging Dragon Army Squad stopped. In front of them was a huge field surrounded by railings. There weren't many tents in the field, but it was very luxurious.    


"The imperial camp is right in front of us. We can only guard here. Please enter by yourself."    


The mysterious young man and the rules clearly weren't the first time they came here. The young man nodded and entered the Imperial Barracks first.    


Wang Hao and the rules followed closely behind. The three of them had just taken two steps when a majestic Barbarian strode over.    


"Young Master Bai, you've come!"    


The young man smiled, slightly bowed, and returned the greeting.    


"First Prince, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your cultivation has improved again. Congratulations!"    


The First Prince burst into laughter, "Thank you, Young Master Bai, for giving me the cultivation technique!"    


"First Prince, you're flattering me. It's because of the First Prince's extraordinary talent. If it was any other cultivation technique, I would be able to cultivate it with twice the result with half the effort."    


Just as the First Prince was about to speak again, a mocking voice sounded from behind him.    


"Not only has the First Prince's cultivation improved, his flattery has also improved by quite a bit!"    


Wang Hao looked toward the source of the voice and saw another luxuriously dressed Barbarian striding forward.    


Young Master Bai bowed slightly once again, "Second Prince."    


The Second Prince glanced at Young Master Bai. The disgust in his eyes intensified.    




The First Prince said angrily, "Laoer, Young Master Bai is a distinguished guest of my father. How dare you treat Young Master Bai with such an attitude?"    


The Second Prince was so angry that he laughed, "When does the affairs of the Wilderness require a human to point fingers at us? If Third Brother didn't believe his lies and went to the front line to train, he would have died miserably in Phoenix Perch City!"    


"Nonsense! Third Brother is so proud that he killed his way into the depths of the enemy's territory. Only then would he die in the battlefield. If you are as proud as Third Brother, you will end up like him sooner or later!"    




The two of them glared at each other, and their auras skyrocketed, as if they were going to fight at any moment.    


"Princes, don't disgrace our royal family in front of outsiders."    


A third Barbarian walked up to them. It was a middle-aged man, a Spirit Martial Stage warrior.    


Wang Hao's breathing slowed down. He was very familiar with the aura this man was emitting! In the Phoenix Perch City, this man was the strongest warrior guarding the eastern side of the Barbarian Clan!    


The middle-aged man seemed to have noticed something unusual. He looked at Wang Hao and sized him up for a long time before looking away.    


"Young Master Bai, this young man looks unfamiliar. I wonder if he is..."    


"Elder Tuoba, this is Hou Lin. He is the Talisman Great Master that I invited to repair the Garuda."    


"Such a young Talisman Great Master has truly opened my eyes."    


Elder Taba paused for a moment and continued, "It isn't long before the day of the ascension of the king. Could this Garuda soar into the sky?"    


"Don't worry, the Garuda will definitely give the humans a huge surprise!"    


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