Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C332 A Martial Arts Genius

C332 A Martial Arts Genius

0This was the second time Wang Hao had fought Yaen San. Last time, Yaen San had only used one sword formation, but it was broken by Wang Hao.    


This time, Wang Hao truly felt how powerful his master was.    


Yaen San had suppressed his cultivation base to the Heavenly Martial Stage Level One, which was even lower than Wang Hao's cultivation base by three grades. But even so, Wang Hao was at a disadvantage after just one exchange.    


The sword technique Yaen San used was indescribably profound. Even though Wang Hao had activated the True Dragon Eye, he still couldn't see through it completely.    


Wang Hao wanted to use the Dragon Abyss Sword to defend himself, but he could only helplessly find that the combat technique he used was extremely simple and crude in front of Yaen San.    


In the first exchange, the sword Qi that Yaen San condensed easily avoided the Dragon Abyss Sword and swung towards Wang Hao's neck.    


It was already too late for Wang Hao to defend himself. If this was a real enemy, Wang Hao would probably die if he did not think of a way to save himself.    


"Cloud Trample!"    


In a moment of desperation, Wang Hao moved his feet slightly and made a mysterious movement. His body instantly got out of Yaen San's attack range.    


Yaen San swung his sword in the air. He was not angry. On the contrary, his eyes lit up.    


Wang Hao did not lie to him. This young man, who had only seen him use the movement technique three times, could already use the Cloud Stepping Technique in actual combat.    


A satisfied expression appeared on Yaen San's face, but he didn't stop immediately. Instead, he changed the pace of his feet and swung his sword at Wang Hao a second time.    


He wanted to test whether Wang Hao had really mastered the Cloud Stepping Technique to 100% as he had said!    


Yaen San's second sword attack was even faster than the first. It didn't give Wang Hao any chance to swing his sword to block it. Wang Hao gritted his teeth and changed his stance again.    




The sword energy brushed past the tip of Wang Hao's nose, causing him to break out in cold sweat.    


The third sword attack followed closely. Wang Hao finally understood that Yaen San was testing his understanding of Cloud Stepping Technique. He would not give him any chance to fight back.    


Wang Hao put away the Dragon Abyss Sword and stared at Yaen San's sword energy with full concentration. He changed his steps time and time again, and every time he dodged, it was extremely dangerous.    


The satisfied expression on Yaen San's face became stronger and stronger. Although Wang Hao was in a sorry state, he had perfectly used Cloud Stepping.    


Wang Hao really wanted to use the True Dragon Eye to record down Yaen San's sword technique. However, he had only tried to multitask once, and was almost cut in the chest by the sword Qi.    


Helpless, Wang Hao could only give up on this plan and put all of his attention into using his movement technique.    


Yaen San had swung out a total of 99 sword strikes, allowing Wang Hao to perform 99 of the changes in the Cloud Stepping Technique.    


When Yaen San withdrew his sword, Wang Hao's clothes were drenched in cold sweat. Although only half an incense stick of time had passed, he felt that it was longer than a day.    


"Not bad! You are indeed a rare martial arts genius that only appears once in a thousand years!"    


Yaen San praised him, then turned around and walked towards the Devil Suppressing Cave. Wang Hao hurriedly followed after him.    


The first three levels of the Devil Thing had already been killed by Wang Hao. A new Devil Thing had yet to be born.    


Yaen San brought Wang Hao directly to the fourth level of the Devil Suppressing Cave. As soon as the two of them entered, a large group of Devil Things attacked them.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


Yaen San waved his hand casually. Countless sword Qi appeared out of nowhere and killed all the incoming Devil Thing. Wang Hao was secretly shocked. Yaen San's strength could be considered a miracle.    


The Devil Thing were scared of being killed, and they all fled towards the depths of the fourth level. However, Yaen San only hooked his finger, and the huge Devil Thing was pulled in front of Wang Hao by an invisible force.    


Yaen San casually found a wall and sat down. He took the exquisite gourd from his waist and tasted the fine wine.    


"You take care of it."    


Wang Hao nodded. He knew that this was the first trial that Yaen San had arranged for him.    


This Devil Thing was different from the Devil Thing that Wang Hao had dealt with before. It was six feet tall, with four limbs and a tail. Its upper body was covered in thick black fur. Its lower body was covered in silver scales, and its four limbs had sharp claws. It gave off a metallic luster.    


The Devil Thing's eyes emitted a terrifying killing intent that made people shiver.    


Wang Hao was about to summon his Dragon Abyss Sword to fight the Devil Thing, but Yaen San stopped him.    


"You are not allowed to use soul items. Use this."    


After saying that, Yaen San threw over an iron sword.    


Wang Hao reacted quickly and caught the iron sword. With just a glance, he revealed a bitter expression.    


The sword Yaen San gave him was made of the most ordinary black iron. It did not even open the blade.    


Wang Hao did not know how to use this sword to deal with the magic beast in front of him, but he did not doubt Yaen San.    


"There must be a deeper meaning behind Master's arrangement!"    


Wang Hao tried to pour his Yuan energy into the sword. Since the sword didn't have a blade, he would condense his own sword energy and create a blade!    


An unexpected thing happened. Wang Hao's Yuan energy could not be injected into the sword at all.    


Wang Hao was stunned. The Black Iron Sword in his hand was obviously special. It was very similar to the Proud Heaven Wild Sword he had made for Jia Houwei. It could not be augmented with any Yuan energy.    


"What's the difference between this and an iron rod?"    


Wang Hao had no time to think. The Devil Thing in front of him had already recovered its senses, and a fierce expression appeared on its face.    




The Devil Thing, which had already lost its rationality, became even more violent after being thrown around by Yaen San. It roared angrily, stretched out its claw, and slapped towards Wang Hao.    


The terrain was narrow and the Devil Thing was huge. Even though Wang Hao had learned the endless mysteries of the Cloud Stepping Technique, he was still unable to use it at this moment.    


He held the Black Iron Sword horizontally in front of him and used the sword to block the attack of the Devil Thing.    




The huge impact caused Wang Hao's entire body to tremble. The rock under his feet instantly shattered.    


"What great strength!"    


Wang Hao waved his black iron sword, blocking the attack of the magic beast. Then, he jumped high into the air and slashed towards the Devil Thing's neck!    




The black iron sword collided with the Devil Thing's body, creating a loud sound. However, the Devil Thing only staggered. Wang Hao's wrist was in pain because of the rebounding force.    


"Not only is this Black Iron Sword unable to help me kill my enemies, it has also limited my performance."    


Wang Hao calculated in his mind. He was surprised to find out that using this Black Iron Sword, he could only use thirty percent of his true strength.    


"I might as well use my bare hands!"    


Although he thought this in his heart, Wang Hao did not throw away the sword in his hand. He used the sword technique he knew and started to fight with the Devil Thing.    


Although he could not seriously injure the Devil Thing, every strike of Wang Hao's sword could cause it to suffer a certain amount of damage. The damage accumulated over time, and the Devil Thing would fall sooner or later.    


Yaen San was observing Wang Hao's battle from the side and shook his head slightly.    


After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Wang Hao finally killed the Devil Thing. His entire body was covered in sweat, and he was breathing heavily.    


Yaen San asked somewhat helplessly, "Kid, who taught you those sword techniques you just used?"    


"I learned them myself."    


Wang Hao did not lie. Other than the Myriad Sword Returning that Elder Zhao gave him, the other martial techniques were all from the books left by his ancestor. He learned them himself.    


"It seems that no one has been guiding you. You have taken many detours!"    


Yaen San stood up and took out another black iron sword from the Essence Ring.    


"Master is in a good mood today. I will teach you two moves. How much you can learn depends on your comprehension ability."    


After saying that, Yaen San raised the sword in his hand and asked Wang Hao, "How do you swing the sword the fastest?"    


Wang Hao did not understand. Yaen San said, "The sword that pierces straight is the fastest!"    


Wang Hao blushed with shame. He naturally understood this principle.    


Yaen San seemed to have seen through Wang Hao's thoughts. He asked back, "Do you think what I said is nonsense?"    


Wang Hao revealed an awkward expression. Although he thought this in his heart, he was unable to say it out loud. Respect the teacher and respect the Dao. He understood this principle.    


"Attack me with your sword."    


Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. Yaen San repeated, "Attack me with your sword."    


Wang Hao nodded. He raised the sword in his hand and thrust it at Yaen San. At the same time, Yaen San also raised the sword in his hand.    


The same movement and the same force. However, when Wang Hao's sword was two inches away from Yaen San, Yaen San's sword was already pointing at Wang Hao's throat.    


Wang Hao's expression finally became serious. He earnestly begged, "Master, please demonstrate it again!"    


Yaen San fulfilled Wang Hao's request. This time, Wang Hao opened the True Dragon Eye.    


Under the observation of the True Dragon Eye, Wang Hao recorded the trajectory of the Yuan energy circulating in Yaen San's body, the sequence of the muscles in his arm exerting force, and the timing of the sword's strike.    


He closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.    


Yaen San did not disturb Wang Hao's contemplation. In the cultivation of martial arts, he could only lead Wang Hao into the sect. As for how far Wang Hao could go, it all depended on his comprehension and luck.    


This time, Wang Hao spent a long time in deep thought. The scene of Yaen San striking out with his sword kept replaying in his mind, a hundred thousand times.    


After an unknown period of time, Wang Hao suddenly opened his eyes. His clothes fluttered even though there was no wind. A sharp Qi burst out from his body!    


Wang Hao raised the sword in his hand again and thrust forward. This time, the speed of his sword was as fast as a bolt of lightning!    


"Pah! Pah! Pah!"    


Yaen San clapped his hands. "In one day's time, you will be able to understand the technique I taught you. Not bad!"    


Wang Hao heaved a sigh of relief. Although he was only deducing it in his heart, it took him too much effort.    


"I will give you half a day of rest. After half a day, I will teach you the next technique."    


Hearing Yaen San's words, Wang Hao was overjoyed. Learning the Sword Dao with Yaen San was more than a hundred times faster than learning it by himself!    




Fifteen days later, Wang Hao learned all twelve sword skills that Yaen San had taught him. Although it was a little rusty compared to Yaen San's sword skills, Wang Hao's sword skills had improved by leaps and bounds.    


He used the same Devil Thing with the same strength as the Black Iron Sword. This time, Wang Hao only used five moves to finish it off.    


"Kid, I heard that you chose the Waterdrop Sword Technique as your reward at Zhu Luo's place?"    


Wang Hao nodded, "That's true."    


Yaen San smiled and said, "Although I have never learned this Waterdrop Sword Technique before, I have heard about it. It is very difficult to cultivate it, but after mastering it, it can be considered a rare sword skill."    


"However, the style of the Waterdrop Sword Technique is rather soft. When it is used, it can defend seventy percent of the attack, and when it is used thirty percent of the attack, it is more suitable to defend and counterattack."    


"You have already learned the movement technique, Cloud Stepping Technique. The defensive martial skill, Waterdrop Sword Technique, is enough for you to use until you reach the Spirit Martial Stage. You should bite off more than you can chew. If you learn a hundred moves, you might as well specialize in one move. I will teach you another offensive martial skill, and that will be enough."    


"This martial skill is called Wind Cloud Twelve Styles!"    



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