Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C320 Sword God's Test

C320 Sword God's Test

3Facing the falling bamboo leaves, Wang Hao bent down with his feet as the center. His body spun 360 degrees. The sword Qi from the two swords condensed into a fierce wind, and as it spun, it formed a swift tornado.    


"Ding, ding, ding, ding!"    


The wind wall and the bamboo leaves collided and produced a metallic sound. The bamboo leaves paused in the air for a long time before they were sent flying by Wang Hao's sword Qi.    


The sword formation formed by the bamboo leaf dissipated. However, this was not the end, but the beginning.    




The tornado dissipated, but an even greater wind blew from the depths of the bamboo forest.    


The wind was mixed with the fragrance of the bamboo leaves, but Wang Hao did not have the time to appreciate it, because there was a rapid sound of something flying through the air that entered his ears.    


This time, it wasn't the bamboo leaves that broke through the air, but the pure sword Qi. The sword Qi reflected the moonlight, beautiful but dangerous.    




Wang Hao did not hesitate to wave the Justice Sword. The Justice Sword collided with the sword energy, and the Justice Sword exploded.    


The moonlight exploded, illuminating Wang Hao's body as if it was daytime.    


Ten breaths later, Wang Hao finally stopped. The light dissipated, and the bamboo forest returned to its calm state.    




Wang Hao let out a heavy breath. Although the sword Qi wasn't strong, it was still powerful. But it gives off an indescribable sense of oppression in less than 30 breaths of time... Wang Hao's clothes were all wet with sweat.    


Wang Hao stood up straight and looked around. The bamboo forest was still the same, but the atmosphere had become oppressive.    


The third wave of attack did not appear. Wang Hao did not continue forward. Instead, he held his hands and bowed towards the depths of the bamboo forest.    


"Disciple Wang Hao hopes to be under senior's tutelage. Please come out and meet him!"    


Wang Hao's voice echoed in the bamboo forest, but there was no response.    


Wang Hao frowned slightly and bowed once more, "Disciple Wang Hao hopes to be under senior's tutelage. Please come out and meet me!"    


This time, a hoarse voice finally sounded from the depths of the bamboo forest.    


"You can go back. I, Yaen San, never recruit disciples."    


Yaen San's voice was very calm, but it carried a will that could not be rejected.    


Wang Hao sighed lightly and thought in his heart, "I knew the mission would not be completed so easily."    


"Senior, I heard that you are the publicly acknowledged Sword God. I wholeheartedly seek the sword, I hope that you can agree to it!"    


The voice in the depths of the bamboo forest was filled with a hint of impatience.    


"Kid, if it weren't for Elder Zhu's voice telling me to spare your life, you would have been dead by now. Don't bother me anymore, or I'll definitely make you suffer!"    


Hearing Yaen San's words, Wang Hao's heart warmed. Although Zhu Luo was angry at his actions, he was secretly helping him.    


Yaen San had already given the order to leave, but Wang Hao could not give up.    


"Disciple insists!"    


Yaen San's voice did not ring after a long time. Wang Hao was not in a hurry either. He stood where he was, and Tingfeng's voice sounded as if he was blowing the bamboo forest.    


After an unknown period of time, Wang Hao finally received a reply.    


"It's not impossible for you to become my disciple. However, I, Yaen San, have already said that I will never accept a disciple for the rest of my life. Taking you in like this is too disgraceful. If you help me do something, I can teach you."    


Wang Hao was overjoyed, "Senior, please instruct me. I will do my best!"    


"After leaving the Qilin Academy, we will continue to walk east. There is a mountain range. There is a cave in the mountain. It meandered like a maze at the end of the third floor. If you can get the wine pot that I left behind last time... I'll accept you as my disciple. "    


"I'll be right back!"    


Wang Hao turned around and left. Without delay, he left the academy as fast as he could and headed east.    


"From Senior Yaen San's words, I can tell that he doesn't really want to take me as his disciple. The test of retrieving the wine jug is very dangerous. He wants me to back out and give up on the idea of becoming his disciple."    


"If that's the case, the cave in the mountain must be an extremely dangerous place. This trip must be filled with danger. However, I, Wang Hao, have passed the Dragon Tomb and approached the abyss. Why would I be afraid of a small cave?"    


"I'm definitely going to get that wine jug!"    


It only took Wang Hao one night to find the cave entrance of Yaen San in the endless mountains.    


It was not that Wang Hao was lucky, but the thick devil Qi coming from the mouth of the cave made it hard for him not to notice it.    


The sky gradually lit up. The sun rose from the east, and the sunlight scattered on the ground.    


In front of the cave entrance, not even a blade of grass grew. Even the surrounding ground was blackened by the devilish energy.    


Wang Hao furrowed his brows. The density of this devil Qi was not any weaker than the devil Qi that Li Weidan had released when he ripped open the seal in his dream.    


"Strange, this isn't the abyss. How can there be such a thick devil Qi here?"    


Wang Hao summoned his Justice Sword and carefully stepped into the cave.    


There was a thin layer of Yuan Qi in the cave. When Wang Hao touched it, he found that the thin layer blocked the light coming from the cave.    


After passing through the thin layer of Yuan Qi, Wang Hao found that the cave was not as dark as she had imagined. The walls of the cave were filled with tiger-like lamps. In the open mouth of the cave, there was a raging flame.    


The flame flickered, illuminating the scenery inside the cave. The cave was very deep, and Wang Hao could not see the end of it with a single glance.    


Wang Hao walked towards the depths of the cave. The path inside the cave was very winding and winding.    


"If there are more forks in the path, this is simply an underground maze!"    


Wang Hao had just sighed when he turned around and saw the fork. The two forks were brightly lit and overflowing with devil energy. It was impossible to tell which path was the right one based on intuition alone.    


Wang Hao smiled bitterly and said, "It's a pity that Fatty isn't here. Otherwise, with his Bloodline Ability, he could have found the right path with his eyes closed."    


Helpless, Wang Hao could only rely on his intuition to find the way. He walked to the fork on the right.    


The tunnel on the right was getting wider and wider, but Wang Hao felt more and more suppressed in his heart.    




A gust of cold wind blew across his face, and Wang Hao subconsciously stopped in his tracks.    


"This is a cave in the mountain, where did the wind come from?"    


All of a sudden, a black shadow rushed over from the depths of the cave. A gust of wind blew up from its body, blowing away the tiger head lamp that had been lit up.    


"What is it!?"    


Facing the strong wind, Wang Hao waved the Justice Sword in his hand without hesitation!    




Hot blood splashed all over Wang Hao's body. One of his arms was cut off by Wang Hao!    


Only now did Wang Hao clearly see what was attacking him!    


It was a humanoid monster. Its body was pitch black, and it had four eyes and six arms. It had sharp teeth and gave off a foul smell.    


"Devil Thing? "    


Wang Hao's eyes widened. This monster was one of the Devil Thing he had seen in his dream!    


"Why is there a Devil Thing in Holy Domain? "    


Wang Hao felt that his brain couldn't function properly, but this didn't affect his attack.    


"Pooh! Pooh!" "Pooh!"    


Five sword strikes in a row! Wang Hao cut off all of the remaining five arms of the Devil Thing. Then, his sword pierced through the Devil Thing's chest, nailing it onto the wall.    


The Devil Thing's life force was extremely tenacious. Even though it was injured to this extent, it continued to struggle. It wanted to break free from its restraints and attack Wang Hao.    


"Sssss! Sssss! Sssss!"    


Looking at the struggling Devil Thing, Wang Hao's expression was calm. He carefully observed the scene in front of him and quickly discovered something strange.    


Although the Devil Thing was bloodthirsty, it was also an intelligent creature. This point was verified when Wang Hao fought with the Devil Thing in his dream.    


But the Devil Thing in front of him was different. In its eyes, there was only slaughter!    


"Has it gone mad?"    


Wang Hao waved the other Justice Sword, ending the Devil Thing's life.    


He once again felt the devilish energy that was everywhere in the cave. Even someone as strong as Wang Hao couldn't help but shiver.    


"So the devilish energy here came from the Devil Thing!"    


"With such a thick devilish energy, I'm afraid that there are at least a thousand or even more Devil Thing in the entire cave!"    


Wang Hao clenched the Justice Sword in his hand tightly and strode forward once more. Since he had decided to take Yaen San as his master, how could he be frightened by such danger?    




Wang Hao had only walked a hundred steps when another chilly wind blew over from the opposite direction.    


"It's coming!"    


Wang Hao was prepared for this. Without waiting for the Devil Thing to arrive in front of him, he swung his sword in front of him without hesitation.    


"Sword Domination Under Heaven!"    


The sharp sword beam instantly tore apart a Devil Thing. At the same time, Wang Hao quickly turned around and slashed again!    


The two Devil Things did not even have the time to scream in pain before both of them died!    


Wang Hao threw away the blood on the sword and continued forward. In just half an incense stick of time, he had killed seventeen Devil Thing!    


"Did you take the wrong path?"    


Wang Hao had walked to the end of this path. It was a dead end.    


Helpless, Wang Hao could only turn around and return to the intersection.    


There was also a sneak attack from a Devil Thing on the other side of the road, but its realm was not high. Compared to the Devil Thing that came out of the abyss, its strength was much weaker.    


Wang Hao used the sword in his hand to cut a bloody path, and walked all the way to the end of the second path.    


There was no path in front of him, but there was a deep pit that led to the underground. The devilish energy emitted from the deep pit was even denser.    


"Senior Yaen San said that his wine pot was left at the end of the third floor. It seems like I have to kill him a few more times!"    


Wang Hao leapt up. He had just landed on the ground, and before he had time to observe the scenery of the second level of the maze, he felt darkness in front of him, and a strong wind blew over.    


Wang Hao narrowed his eyes. In front of him was a huge Devil Thing that was four meters tall. It even had to bend down in order to move in the cave.    


It discovered Wang Hao, as if it had found delicious prey. It stretched out its hand to grab him.    


"You're courting death!"    2


Wang Hao casually slashed, but the scene of flesh and blood being separated did not happen. The skin of the Devil Thing's finger was as hard as a rock, and Wang Hao actually did not cut it open!    


Although it was unable to cut through the Devil Thing's finger, the enormous force caused the Devil Thing's entire palm to smash onto the ground.    


The Devil Thing felt pain. It waved its other hand, wanting to smash Wang Hao into meat paste!    


"Moon Chasing Step!"    


Wang Hao's figure disappeared from where he was standing. In the next second, he appeared behind the Devil Thing. He jumped into the air, bent his arms slightly, and slashed down with both swords parallel to each other!    




The Justice Sword slashed at the Devil Thing's neck. Although it was still unable to cut through the Devil Thing's skin, the tremendous force caused it to fall to the ground with a loud bang!    


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