Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C194 Exquisite Coordination

C194 Exquisite Coordination

3After the Yazi Soul appeared, the wyrm's expression became hesitant. It could feel that the Dragon Clan Bloodline was purer than the Yazi Soul.    


In the world of dragons, the hierarchy was very clear. The purer the Dragon Clan Bloodline was, the higher its status would be. Of course, it still needed to be worthy of the corresponding strength.    


Wang Hao was at the Earth Martial Stage Level One while the alternative dragon was at the third level of the Earth Martial Stage. The difference wasn't too big. Logically speaking, even if the alternative dragon didn't choose to submit to the Yazi, it wouldn't provoke it.    


However, at this moment, the expression in the alternative dragon's eyes was filled with hesitation.    


It didn't want to fight the Yazi head-on, but it didn't want to give in either!    


The reason was none other than that Wang Hao and the others were humans! As for Yazi, he was an outsider!    


This alternative dragon had never seen the Yazi in Burial Dragon Abyss before!    


Wang Hao had once read about this world's purebred Dragon Clan in the sect's books. It was very similar to the dragon in his previous generation's western legends, with two wings. It was a huge lizard with four limbs, and Wang Hao had the bloodline of a dragon. It was a true dragon that represented the east of his previous generation!    


Although they were both dragons, they were not of the same species! Of course, Lin Fei and the others could not distinguish this point.    


Wang Hao's expression was slightly cold. He understood in his heart that this battle was probably unavoidable.    


"We are going to fight. You guys be careful!"    


Wang Hao's warning made Lin Fei and the other two tremble. This was the result that they didn't want to see the most.    


However, the secret treasure was not far away. They definitely did not want Lin Fei and the other two to retreat now!    


The realm of the alternative dragon was one level higher than Lin Fei, who had the highest realm among the four of them. But with Wang Hao around, Lin Fei felt that it was not impossible for them to fight!    


Furthermore, the trump cards that Lin Fei and the other two had prepared were still there. Even if they were not a match, Lin Fei was confident that the four of them would be able to escape.    


The tiger took out the octagonal sledgehammer and said in a deep voice, "We can test out the power of the new soul armament!"    


Chen Lin was silent. His eyes were also filled with killing intent.    


The red feather fan in Lin Fei's hand had already ignited with raging flames. Her flames had already confirmed that it was not an ordinary flame!    


Wang Hao put his two fingers together and a green sword light slowly condensed.    


Wang Hao sighed in his heart, "It's a pity that the Dragon Abyss Sword has not been forged yet. Otherwise, I alone would be enough to deal with a Ferocious Beast of this level!"    


The four of them unleashed their powerful combat intent, causing the fear in the wyrm's eyes to become even more obvious. It stared at Wang Hao closely. This was the opponent it feared the most.    


The wyrm's combat intent also erupted. Along with the combat intent, there was also a powerful dragon's might that caused one's heart to palpitate.    


"True Dragon Eye!"    


Wang Hao activated the True Dragon Eye. Information about the alternative dragon appeared in his field of vision.    


"Diamond Sub Dragon, Ferocious Beast. Third level Earth Martial Stage. This is the descendant of the Dragon Clan and the Vajra Beast. Its body is covered with hard dragon scales, and unless it's a powerful Profound Artifact, it can't be destroyed!"    


Wang Hao sneered, "A descendant of the Vajra Beast. This dragon really has a good sense of beauty!"    


Lin Fei smiled and said, "A dragon is a lascivious beast. In this world, there are 800 to 1,000 sub-dragons. I'm afraid that even the most knowledgeable beast tamer wouldn't be able to know all of them."    


Perhaps because it could understand human language, the Diamond Sub Dragon's face clearly showed its anger.    


Lin Fei was shocked, "This beast can actually understand human language?"    


Hearing the word "beast," the Diamond Sub Dragon was completely enraged. The fear on its face was completely replaced by anger.    




After a terrifying roar, the Diamond Sub Dragon moved its feet and ferociously rammed towards the four of them. Its huge body, as it ran, caused the entire ground to tremble violently.    


"It's coming! Everyone, be careful!"    


Wang Hao reminded and immediately moved to the side. If they were to face such a huge Ferocious Beast head on, perhaps even the biggest tiger among the four of them wouldn't be able to withstand it.    


Lin Fei and the other two also reacted very quickly. They did not wait for Wang Hao's body size to make a move.    


The four of them hid in three different directions. Wang Hao and Lin Fei moved to the left, Chen Lin to the right, and the tiger jumped high into the air.    




The tiger roared and activated the unique skill of Ferocious Beast Blood Soul - Transformation!    


A terrifying aura burst out from the tiger's body. Behind him, a Sharp Fanged Giant Alligator appeared.    


The tiger's muscles bulged. In the blink of an eye, it had turned into a two meter tall giant with explosive muscles all over its body.    


A massive amount of Yuan energy was injected into the eight-edged sledgehammer. The tiger raised the sledgehammer high up and smashed it onto the Diamond Sub Dragon's nose.    




The Diamond Sub Dragon let out a painful roar. Although its defense was unparalleled, its nose was not covered by dragon scales.    


The Diamond Sub Dragon was burning with anger. It opened its huge mouth and bit the octagonal sledgehammer of the tiger.    


The tiger's heart skipped a beat. The Dragon Clan was born with great strength, and its sharp teeth were comparable to Profound Rank Profound Artifact. It was effortless for it to bite through the black iron and steel. It was afraid that its soul weapon would be crushed by the Diamond Sub Dragon!    




The octagonal sledgehammer produced a sound that made one's teeth ache. What excited the tiger was that his new soul armament was able to withstand the Diamond Sub Dragon's bite!    


The tiger narrowed its eyes. It looked like the Diamond Sub Dragon was holding it back, but in reality, it was also an opportunity!    


"Bloom! Eight-Edge Hammer!"    


A new surge of elemental energy entered the Eight-Edge Hammer. The hammer on its head blossomed like a flower bud and slowly opened, revealing rows of sharp teeth.    


The sharp teeth happened to be in the Diamond Sub Dragon's mouth. The tiger twisted with force and the sharp teeth closed again, biting onto the Diamond Sub Dragon's tongue!    




The Diamond Sub Dragon was in pain. It opened its mouth, and the tiger decisively seized this opportunity. The muscles on its arms expanded once again, and both of its hands lifted up at the same time.    




Blood splattered everywhere. The Diamond Sub Dragon's tongue was forcefully torn off by the tiger.    


After succeeding in one move, the tiger immediately began to flee. Although his fighting style was brutal, he was not a person who only knew how to use muscles and not brains.    


The Diamond Sub Dragon rolled on the ground in pain. The Green Pine in Burial Dragon Abyss was knocked down by it with a light touch. Chen Lin and the tiger had been partners for many years, and had long seized this opportunity.    


Chen Lin quickly rushed to the side of the Diamond Sub Dragon. He bit his finger and used both hands to slap the snow.    


Chen Lin's blood formed a bright red magic formation on the snow.    


"Earth wolves!"    


Yuan energy poured into the ground, causing the ground to shake crazily. Suddenly, huge aardwolves drilled out of the snow.    


These earth wolves were formed from soil, but they were alive and lifelike, like real giant wolves.    


Wang Hao glanced over. There were a total of sixteen aardwolves. They ran around the Diamond Sub Dragon, opened their mouths, and bit the four limbs of the Diamond Sub Dragon.    


These aardwolves naturally could not bite through the dragon scales of the Diamond Sub Dragon, but they could temporarily restrict the movement of the Diamond Sub Dragon.    




Chen Lin shouted once again. He waved his hand and 16 rays of light shot into the aardwolves' bodies. These 16 aardwolves immediately turned into stone wolves. They weighed a thousand kilograms and firmly trapped the Diamond Sub Dragon on the ground.    


The Diamond Sub Dragon struggled furiously. With a few crisp sounds, cracks began to appear on the body of the aardwolves.    


In less than three seconds, the Diamond Sub Dragon would be able to escape.    


However, three seconds was more than enough for Lin Fei, who had grown up with Chen Lin.    


Lin Fei's movement technique went berserk. In the blink of an eye, she arrived beside the Diamond Sub Dragon. The feather fan in her hand was burning with raging flames!    


"Burning Prairie!"    


Lin Fei jumped high into the air. Her pure white legs stepped on the void like an Ascending Cloud Ladder. With a stomp, she arrived above the Diamond Sub Dragon.    


She waved her hand with force, and the flames on the feather fan turned into a flaming tornado, engulfing the entire Diamond Sub Dragon.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Lin Fei's flames were definitely not ordinary flames, even if it was a Diamond Sub Dragon that possessed the bloodline of the Dragon Clan. At this moment, her entire body was burning with intense pain from the intense flames. She broke through the restraints of the stone wolf. It frantically rolled around in the snow, trying to extinguish the flames on its body.    


The cooperation of Lin Fei and the other two was as smooth as flowing water, but even so, it was still not enough to kill the Diamond Sub Dragon.    


Lin Fei descended from the sky and shouted loudly, "Wang Hao!"    


Wang Hao was already prepared. He had been waiting for the best opportunity to attack. Obviously, it was now!    


The sword light in Wang Hao's hand had become as solid as a real sword.    


"Golden Pupil!"    


Wang Hao lit up the Golden Pupil. In his vision, there was a huge red dot on the neck of the struggling Diamond Sub Dragon.    


The corners of Wang Hao's mouth revealed a smile. Without the Dragon Abyss Sword, it was very difficult for him to kill the Diamond Sub Dragon, but the Diamond Sub Dragon had already lost its balance. Its weakness had been completely exposed. If that was the case, Wang Hao wouldn't be able to kill the opponent. He might as well pour himself a cup of water and drown himself.    


"Sword! Tyrant! Heavens! Go down."    


The green sword beam suddenly exploded, turning into a sword beam that shot up into the sky. It then poured down, and accurately landed on the Diamond Sub Dragon's neck.    




Blood splattered all over the ground. The entire snow had turned red.    


The Diamond Sub Dragon's head rolled three times on the ground before stopping.    


Lin Fei let out a sigh of relief. She smiled and said to Wang Hao, "It is a wise choice to have you join!"    


The tiger came to the side of the Diamond Gigantic Dragon and said with a serious expression, "Everyone, quickly bury the corpse of the Diamond Sub Dragon. Otherwise, there will be more Ferocious Beast rushing over with the smell of blood!"    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "This Diamond Sub Dragon is an Earth Martial Stage Ferocious Beast, and its entire body is a treasure. Aren't you guys going to put it away?"    


Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, then he smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Wang, if we had the Essence Ring that could store the Diamond Sub Dragon, how would we be interested in this little bit of money?"    


"Since you guys don't want it, then I will accept this corpse."    


Lin Fei and the other two looked at each other. Although Lin Fei did not understand what Wang Hao meant, she nodded her head.    


Under the curious gazes of the three, Wang Hao walked to the side of the Diamond Sub Dragon and pressed his hand on the corpse.    




Under Lin Fei and the other two's disbelieving eyes, the corpse of the Diamond Sub Dragon disappeared!    


Lin Fei and the other two felt their hearts trembling rapidly. Such a large spatial Essence Ring was definitely not something that an ordinary family disciple could possess!    


Lin Fei asked in shock, "Wang Hao, are you really from Ice Snow Domain?"    


Wang Hao nodded and asked curiously, "Do you have any questions?"    


Lin Fei smiled bitterly and said, "If I did not know that Uncle Tian is not good at women, I would very likely suspect that you are Uncle Tian's illegitimate child now."    


"Uncle Tian?"    2


Facing Wang Hao's confusion, Lin Fei explained, "Uncle Tian is the domain lord of your Ice Snow Domain."    


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