Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C215 He Trespass the Secret Land

C215 He Trespass the Secret Land

0"Thank you for saving me!"    


Wang Hao sincerely thanked Lin Fei. If Lin Fei had not appeared in time, he was afraid that he would have been blown to pieces by Dragon Emperor's power.    


"What are you thanking me for? Didn't you also save me?"    


Wang Hao smiled. He looked around in confusion, but didn't see Hong Dou and Duan Chun.    


"Lin Fei, when you found me, did you not see anyone else?"    


Lin Fei shook her head and asked curiously, "Are you talking about Red Bean and Green Bean? I did not see them."    


Wang Hao was a little strange. He suddenly realized that the Dragon Tomb's design scroll was missing.    


"Did the two of them take it away?"    


Wang Hao scanned his surroundings. He suddenly found a line of words on the ground beside him.    


The words were very wild. One look and you could tell that it was left by Duan Chun.    


"Kid, I'll go and help Miss Hong Dou save her brother first. I'll take the design map first. Maybe when we come back, you'll wake up!"    


Wang Hao frowned even more when he saw the handwriting.    


Wang Hao didn't blame the two of them for leaving him behind. After all, it was unknown whether Lu Dou was alive or dead. Hong Dou definitely wanted to save him. He was only worried that the two of them might encounter great trouble.    


Wang Hao let out a long breath, "Lin Fei, how long have I been unconscious?"    


"Seven days... As for how long you were unconscious before I came, I don't know."    


Wang Hao was stunned. According to Lin Fei, he had probably been unconscious for more than ten days.    


"Hong Dou and Duan Chun have been gone for ten days and still haven't returned? "    


At the thought of this, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Wang Hao's body.    




Lin Fei let out a tender cry and was almost flipped over by Wang Hao's aura. Wang Hao reacted quickly and grabbed Lin Fei.    


Perhaps it was because Wang Hao used too much strength, Lin Fei directly threw herself into Wang Hao's arms.    


Both of their bodies stiffened. Perhaps it was because they thought of the scene seven days ago, Lin Fei's entire body went soft on Wang Hao's chest and did not have the strength to get up.    


Feeling Lin Fei's breathing on his body, Wang Hao's heart was also in a mess, but he still suppressed this feeling and helped Lin Fei up.    


Only at this time did Wang Hao realize that there was something wrong with the momentum that he had just unleashed.    


Wang Hao hurriedly looked at the experience displayed on the system - Third Level Earth Martial Stage 800 / 40000!    


Wang Hao couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. He didn't expect that after being in a coma for more than ten days, he had broken through to the next level! This speed, it was simply unbelievable!    


Most importantly, this kind of leveling speed did not have the side effects of the empty Yuan energy from consuming the Experience Potion. After absorbing Dragon Emperor's strength, Wang Hao even felt that the Yuan energy in his body became even more condensed!    


Lin Fei covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Wang Hao, how did you break through so quickly!" She clearly remembered that Wang Hao was only at the Earth Martial Stage Level One before he left for the Dragon Tomb!    


Wang Hao explained what happened before. When Lin Fei heard that Wang Hao could absorb the energy of the Dragon Tomb that was omnipresent, she was so shocked that her breathing became heavy.    


Dragon Emperor's energy was distributed in every corner of the Dragon Tomb. Even if Wang Hao could only absorb one-thousandth of it, it was enough for him to break through to the peak of the Earth Martial Stage Level Nine!    


Lin Fei had never seen such a speed of advancement before, it was simply unheard of!    


Wang Hao also thought the same in his heart. He even wanted to stay in the Dragon Tomb for a few more days, but now was not the good time to absorb Dragon Emperor's strength. He had to find Hong Dou and Duan Chun.    


"Oh right, didn't I ask you to stay in Dragon Man Village? Why did you enter the Dragon Tomb?"    


Lin Fei's expression darkened. She recounted what happened in Dragon Man Village. Wang Hao's pupils contracted when he heard it. Lin Fei's description of Master Bei and the priest's condition was just too similar to the poisonous monster he had seen before!    


"Who exactly is the middle-aged man that Lin Fei mentioned? What is his purpose of coming to Dragon Tomb World?"    


Wang Hao couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. The most important thing right now was to rescue Red Bean, Green Bean, and Duan Chun.    




Wang Hao put his index and middle fingers together. Sharp sword Qi condensed on his fingertips.    


Wang Hao squatted down and used the sword energy to carve on the ground. Lin Fei was curious and also squatted down.    


Lin Fei leaned closer to take a look. Wang Hao used the light of the fire to draw many straight lines on the ground. The lines intersected and formed a clear map.    


"What are you doing?"    


"Drawing the blueprint of the Dragon Tomb!"    


After awakening the bloodline of the Negative Xixi, Wang Hao had a photographic memory. He had read the blueprint of the Dragon Tomb more than a dozen times. He had long since memorized the structure of the Dragon Tomb.    


Wang Hao's fingers danced in the air. Not long after, he drew the blueprint of the Dragon Tomb on the ground.    


The blueprint that Wang Hao drew was the same as the real one. It was just that he didn't have a way to sense his enemies.    


"We are here."    


Wang Hao pointed at the blueprint. Lin Fei nodded and Wang Hao moved his finger to the center of the blueprint.    


"They should be here."    


As he spoke, Wang Hao's finger condensed sword qi again and drew a path in the design.    


"After you rest for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, we'll set off immediately!"    




After the time it takes for three incense sticks to burn, the flames in the room had basically dissipated, leaving only a small bit of residual flame that was still flickering.    


A figure suddenly dropped onto the wall. It was a tall and straight young man with a long spear in his hand.    


A flame was destroyed, and before it was destroyed, it erupted with the final light.    


This light illuminated the young man's face. It was Ling Tingfeng, who had been forced back by Wang Hao and Duan Chun!    


Ling Tingfeng's current appearance was somewhat miserable. After losing the blueprint, he had been besieged by the Dragon Clan Guard twice. Although he had managed to get out safely, he had suffered some minor injuries.    


Ling Tingfeng's face was gloomy as he looked at the continuously extinguishing flames. He could sense the remaining Qi of Wang Hao from this room.    


Ling Tingfeng scanned his surroundings. Suddenly, he found traces of a sharp weapon on the ground.    


He took a closer look and found that it was the blueprint of the Dragon Tomb that Wang Hao had drawn. The route that Wang Hao had marked was particularly eye-catching. A ferocious smile appeared on Ling Tingfeng's face.    


"I finally found you!"    




Wang Hao and Lin Fei quickly passed through the Dragon Tomb. With Wang Hao around, Lin Fei boldly lit up the feather fan to illuminate the road ahead.    


The Dragon Tomb was still like a maze of winding paths, but with Wang Hao's humanoid map, Lin Fei did not need to worry about them getting lost.    


As they walked, Wang Hao suddenly stopped.    


Lin Fei bumped into Wang Hao's back and asked curiously, "Why are you not going?"    


Wang Hao did not answer Lin Fei's question. Lin Fei looked up and saw a vague killing intent in the darkness in front of her.    


Immediately after, there was a red light shining in the darkness.    


It was not the first time Lin Fei had encountered this kind of situation. She knew what was hidden in the darkness in front of her.    


Dragon Clan Guard!    


Lin Fei became nervous. She had fought with the Dragon Clan Guard before and knew that she was not their match. Moreover, she had used up all her trump cards.    


Lin Fei nervously pulled on the corner of Wang Hao's shirt. She wanted to ask Wang Hao if he should retreat first.    


Wang Hao did not choose to retreat. Lin Fei widened her eyes. She saw Wang Hao calling out a huge box from the Essence Ring.    


Dragon Controlling Sword Box!    


With a thought, Wang Hao opened the sword box. A sharp divine weapon flew out from the sword box and accurately flew into Wang Hao's hand.    


"Wang Hao..."    


Just as Lin Fei opened her mouth, Wang Hao had already charged forward. Lin Fei subconsciously covered her mouth. She was surprised to find that the powerful Dragon Clan Guard was like tofu under Wang Hao's sword. They were killed instantly.    


In less than twenty breaths of time, all of the Dragon Clan Guard had been killed by Wang Hao!    


"Let's go!"    


Wang Hao walked forward. Lin Fei came back to her senses and quickly chased after him.    


Along the way, Wang Hao had killed a total of three waves of Dragon Clan Guard!    


After walking for an unknown amount of time, the two of them finally arrived at the core area marked on the Dragon Tomb blueprint!    


In front of the two of them was a huge stone door that was over ten meters tall. Wang Hao summoned the largest sword from the Dragon Controlling Sword Box and slowly inserted it into the door.    




Wang Hao turned slightly and the stone door slowly opened to both sides. A dazzling light dazzled their eyes.    


Wang Hao covered his eyes. It took him a while to get used to this eye-piercing environment.    


Wang Hao protected Lin Fei behind him, and the two of them entered the room behind the stone door.    


What entered their eyes were countless treasures. Origin stones and treasures piled up on the ground. It was like a huge mountain.    


Lin Fei's breathing could not help but quicken. Anyone who saw so many treasures would not be able to control themselves.    


Wang Hao could not help but sigh in his heart, "No wonder people say treasures are precious. I'm afraid these treasures can only be described as priceless!"    


Wang Hao scanned his surroundings. He suddenly found a familiar figure in a pile of treasures - Duan Chun!    


Duan Chun seemed to have gone crazy at this moment. He rolled around in the pile of treasures. He picked up a bunch of treasures and laughed. "I'm rich! Hahahaha!"    


Duan Chun's eyes were unfocused. He had obviously fallen into some kind of illusion.    


"Moon Chasing Step!"    


Wang Hao used his movement technique and arrived behind Duan Chun. Without hesitation, he struck Duan Chun's back with his palm.    


Boundless Yuan energy poured into Duan Chun's body, pushing him out of the environment!    


Duan Chun's body trembled violently. His eyes finally regained their clarity.    




Duan Chun spat out a mouthful of blood and fell on Treasure Mountain. He looked at Wang Hao and said with a bitter smile, "Kid, are you going to save me or kill me?"    


Wang Hao replied calmly, "You have fallen too deep into the illusion realm. If you don't do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake you up."    


Duan Chun naturally knew about it. He didn't refute it. He just gasped for air. When he recalled the scene of him being trapped in the illusion realm, he still had lingering fear in his heart.    


"What exactly happened?"    



Duan Chun seemed to be immersed in his memory. He said, "After you fainted, Hong Dou and I waited for half a day. Hong Dou didn't wake up. She was eager to save my brother, so I had no choice but to destroy all the Dragon Clan Guard around you. After that, I'll accompany her to save your brother. "    


"When we arrived at the entrance of this treasure vault, the two of us were blocked. I don't have the key, so naturally, I can't open the stone door."    


"Just as the two of us were about to turn around and return, the stone door actually opened by itself!"    


Speaking up to this point, Duan Chun paused for a moment, and his voice began to tremble.    


"Then, a person walked out from the stone door. It was Hong Dou's younger brother, Lu Dou."    


"Red Bean called out the name of the Green Bean, but what he received was a life-seeking attack from the Green Bean. Red Bean is injured, and I'm fighting with Green Bean!"    


"I sensed the Qi of the Black Dragon Clan Guard on Lu Dou's body. I think the reincarnation has been completed, and Lu Dou's body was taken away by that black guard."    


"I wanted to kill it, but I realized that the opponent's strength has increased by a lot! I'm no longer his opponent!"    


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