Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C151 Change of Appearance

C151 Change of Appearance

0"Change your appearance?"    0


Hu Hansan was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the young hero in front of him wanted to do this.    


Wang Hao explained, "It is not convenient for me to see others with my original appearance. You only need to know this."    


Hu Hansan immediately understood. He exclaimed in his heart, "It seems like my guess is correct. This young man is indeed a disciple of a major power who came out to train. It might be beneficial for me to work with him!"    


"Young hero, there's a noodle shop called 'Disguise' in Ice Sealed City. The boss is said to be a very powerful weapons craftsman. He once commanded the wind and clouds in other fields. Because he was tired of fighting, he came to Ice Sealed City to live a life of seclusion and retirement. "    


"Get to the point!"    


Hu Hansan shivered and said in a hurry, "The owner of the disguise shop has a treasure. It is like human skin. Wearing it on the face can change a person's appearance completely. No one can tell!"    


"Oh? A human skin mask? What a good thing. Bring me there to take a look! "    


" Good! Good! I'll bring Young Hero right now! "    


Hu Hansan shouted at the handwritten note that was still kneeling on the ground behind him, "I will bring Sir out for a while. You guys repair the house before Sir returns, do you understand? "    


The group of gangsters immediately agreed. Wang Hao was the first to go out. Hu Hansan was about to follow him when he was quietly pulled back by someone.    


Hu Hansan turned around and saw that it was Thin Monkey, who had brought Wang Hao here. Thin Monkey moved closer to Hu Hansan's ear and quietly said, "Big brother, do you want me to go to other gangs and invite some experts over? That Mammoth Elephant's corpse is very valuable!"    


Before Thin Monkey could finish speaking, he was slapped to the ground by Hu Hansan.    


Looking at Thin Monkey, whose teeth had been broken by Hu Hansan's slap, Hu Hansan couldn't help but get angry.    


"You brat, if you want to die, don't drag me along. With the status and skills of an adult, no matter how many people you call, they will all die! If anyone dares to have such thoughts again, I will immediately kill them!"    


After saying that, Hu Hansan still wanted to kick the blind Thin Monkey. He turned around and looked at Wang Hao, who was about to walk out of the alley. He could only spit at Thin Monkey and quickly chased after him.    


Hu Hansan followed behind Wang Hao. Beads of sweat kept appearing on his forehead, and he looked miserable.    


Wang Hao guessed why Hu Hansan was scared. He said calmly, "You don't have to be nervous. You did well just now."    


Hu Hansan could not help but let out a long breath. He thought, "Master did hear me. Luckily I reacted fast. Otherwise, I would have been killed by Thin Monkey."    


Hu Hansan asked carefully, "Master, if you don't let me reveal your identity, how should I address you?"    


"You can call me Xue Jian. Your identity is the expert you invited to the town. So in name, you are my head. Go ahead."    


Hu Hansan did not dare to. Seeing that Wang Hao's heart had a trace of fierceness, he quickly walked in front of Wang Hao.    


Because he could not see Wang Hao's expression behind him, Hu Hansan was very nervous along the way. When he walked to the noodle shop called "Disguise," his legs felt weak.    


"Master... Snow sword, this is the shop I was talking about."    


"Let's go in!"    


The two of them walked into the shop. It was not a big shop, and there were all kinds of masks hanging on the wooden walls on both sides of the shop.    


"You can see what you want. The price is marked below. No bargaining."    


Wang Hao looked towards the source of the sound and saw an old man with white hair and white beard sitting at the innermost part of the shop. The old man was holding a book in his hand, and he was fascinated by it. There were customers in the shop, but they did not even raise their heads.    


Hu Hansan was about to speak, but Wang Hao signaled him to shut his mouth.    


Wang Hao took off a mask with a price of ten thousand stones from the wall. He reached out his finger and lightly knocked on it. The ring of the mask was crisp and did not make any noise.    


Wang Hao was a blacksmith himself, so he could tell that this mask was extraordinary with just a glance.    


This mask looked very ordinary on the surface, but in fact, it was an extraordinary Defensive Profound Artifact. In terms of quality, it was at least at the fifth level of the Yellow Rank.    


"This mask can block the full force attack of a sixth level Essence Martial Stage and below. It's a treasure that can save lives. No wonder it's priced at ten thousand Origin Stones."    


"It seems like Hu Hansan is right. This old man is indeed a weapons craftsman. If what he said is true, and this old man can really make a human skin mask, then perhaps his weapon craftsmanship is even higher than Elder Hee's!"    


Thinking of this, Wang Hao gave Hu Hansan a look.    


Hu Hansan understood his intention and said to the old man, "Boss, take out your most precious treasure and take a look."    


Hearing that someone wanted to buy the store treasure, the old man finally shifted his gaze away from the book in his hand. He looked at Hu Hansan with interest and joked, "Hu Hansan, with your lousy store, the money you make in ten years is not enough to buy my store treasure."    


Hu Hansan's expression turned awkward. He was about to retort but was interrupted by the old man.    


"Young man, my treasure is not cheap. Are you sure you can afford it?"    


Seeing the old man looking at him, Wang Hao was a little surprised, but he pretended to be surprised.    


"Boss, you are mistaken. The one who wants to buy things is Hu Hall Master."    


The old man laughed loudly, "Your words can deceive children, but not me. From the moment he entered, Hu Hansan kept looking at him out of the corner of his eye. He was so nervous that his whole body tensed up. It was obvious that he was afraid of you. If this old man doesn't even have that kind of eyesight, I might as well find a piece of tofu and smash myself to death."    


Seeing that he had been seen through, Wang Hao frankly admitted it," Old man, you have good eyesight. If your most precious treasure can really change a person's appearance without being seen through, I will buy it. "    


" Oh? Even if I ask for three million spirit stones, you still buy it?"    


Hearing this price, Hu Hansan's face turned pale. His Black Tiger Hall could not earn twenty thousand spirit stones a year. Three million spirit stones, he did not even dare to think about it!    


"I'll buy it!" Wang Hao agreed without hesitation. He did not even try to bargain.    


This time, it was the old man's turn to be shocked. Not many young masters in the frozen city had the courage to take out three million stones to buy a mask.    


He looked at Wang Hao, who was wearing civilian clothes, and seemed to understand something.    


"Interesting! Interesting! It seems like the Ice Sealed City won't be peaceful anymore!"    


After laughing out loud, the old man suddenly changed his tone, "3.5 million. This shop is also yours. This old man is going to change places to hide from the limelight."    


Wang Hao smiled and said, "4 million. I will leave your refining experience behind."    


Hu Hansan's heart was beating wildly when he heard this. 3.5 million... 4 million... This old man and young man in front of him did not treat primeval stones as money at all!    


The old man narrowed his eyes. "You're also a smith?"    


Wang Hao smiled without saying anything. The old man continued, "Kid, you really have a good plan. My decades of experience in artifact forging is not cheaper than this shop's treasure!"    


Wang Hao smiled and said, "Old man, you are wrong to say that. You are a dignified blacksmith. You hid in Ice Sealed City and opened such a small shop. You must have enemies hunting you down. If you learn your Artifact Refining Hand skill, you will have to take the risk of being hunted down for no reason. "    


The old man narrowed his eyes even smaller. After pondering for a long time, he nodded his head.    


"It would be a pity if I could bring this ultimate skill of mine into the coffin. Kid, you are really lucky."    


After saying that, the old man took out two wooden boxes from his interspatial Essence Ring and handed them to Wang Hao.    


Wang Hao opened the box. In one of the boxes was a human skin mask that was as thin as a cicada's wing, and in the other box was a jade scroll.    


The old man took the human skin mask out of the box and put it on Wang Hao's face. He casually pinched it a few times and Wang Hao's face immediately changed.    


Looking at Wang Hao in front of him, Hu Hansan was shocked. The young man in front of him had turned into a thirty year old young man.    


The old man handed the bronze mirror to Wang Hao. Wang Hao looked at it and found nothing.    


"Kid, you have to remember that this mask can only be used once. If you take it off, you won't be able to wear it."    


Wang Hao nodded and put away the jade scroll in the other box.    


"Old man, do you have Essence Ring? This four million stone is not something an ordinary Essence Ring can contain."    


The old man smiled and said, "To tell the truth, if I didn't see that you weren't lying to me, I really wouldn't believe that you could carry four million stone with you."    


The old man took out a box that was filled with Essence Ring.    


"These are all special Essence Rings. The space is much bigger than ordinary Essence Ring. It's more than enough to contain four million spirit stones."    


Wang Hao did not say anything else. He grabbed a large pile of Essence Ring and took out 4 million stones from his inventory and sent them into the Essence Ring.    


After doing all of this, Wang Hao said to Hu Hansan, "This small shop is ours. Collect all the things on the wall and go back to distribute them to the brothers of Black Tiger Hall. Consider this as my first meeting gift."    


The mask on the wall was worth at least four hundred thousand stones. Wang Hao's generosity surprised Hu Hansan.    


He thought in his heart, "It's true that following the master will make you have meat to eat! If the master treats his subordinates so well, so what if he is an obedient dog?"    


Wang Hao waited outside the door for Hu Hansan to pack everything up. He suddenly remembered that although he changed his appearance, his voice was still his.    


"I once saw a method to change one's voice in the secret chamber of the sect. I can give it a try."    


When Hu Hansan happily walked in front of Wang Hao, he was startled by Wang Hao's voice.    


"Hu Hansan, do you have any enemies in Ice Sealed City?"    


Wang Hao's voice became coarse and coarse, which matched his changed appearance better.    


Hu Hansan said hastily, "Our Black Tiger Hall and the Green Dragon Gang are not on good terms with each other. They have joined a small housekeeper of the Ling family. They are very arrogant and have robbed a lot of our business."    


"The Ling family? I like it."    


Looking at the mysterious smile on Wang Hao's face, Hu Hansan couldn't help but shiver. The last time he saw Wang Hao smile like this, the corpse of a Mammoth Elephant fell from the sky.    


"Let's go and meet this Azure Dragon Hall."    


Hu Hansan was overjoyed in his heart, "With Sir's skill, even if all the people of Azure Dragon Hall come together, they won't be enough. I have long disliked them. Today, I must properly show off my might!"    


Joy in his heart, the restraint Hu Hansan felt in front of Wang Hao gradually disappeared. From an outsider's point of view, Wang Hao was Hu Hansan's follower.    


Hu Hansan brought Wang Hao to the entrance of the Azure Dragon Gang. Without saying a word, he sent the door of the Azure Dragon Gang flying with a kick.    




The sound of the gate collapsing angered all the members of the Green Dragon Gang. However, Hu Hansan didn't care at all and roared with his hands on his waist.    


"Little brats of the Azure Dragon Gang, your Grandpa Hu Hansan is here. Hurry up and come out and face your death!"    


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