Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C140 A Treasure Appeared

C140 A Treasure Appeared

3In the darkness, a pair of golden eyes suddenly appeared in front of him. This caused Lee Yunda, who was condensing his killing move, to feel fear in his heart.    


"What is this? "    


Lee Yunda felt as if he was being stared at by a giant dragon. All the hair on his body stood on end. He even had a strange feeling that under the gaze of this pair of eyes, all of his secrets would be seen clearly.    


This pair of golden eyes was naturally Wang Hao's eyes. After removing the Dark Shadow Form, Wang Hao opened the Golden Pupil.    


The Golden Pupil could not improve Wang Hao's ability to see things in the dark, but it could clearly see where Lee Yunda was!    


Lee Yunda, who had entered into battle mode, the Yuan energy in his body was boiling. In Wang Hao's eyes, he was like a burning bonfire!    


Wang Hao had long guessed that Lee Yunlong would test whether he still had the ability to see through the darkness after he left the Dark Shadow Form. He simply pretended that he could not find Lee Yunda's appearance, and allowed the opponent to circle behind him.    


He dodged the sneak attack behind him, but acted instinctively. Wang Hao successfully deceived Lee Yunda.    


Sure enough, Lee Yunda swaggered back in front of Wang Hao. He slowly gathered his Yuan energy and prepared to release an ultrasonic attack to witness Wang Hao's death with his own eyes!    


How could Wang Hao let go of such an opportunity? As soon as the Yuan energy in Lee Yuan's body circulated, he waved the Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand.    


"One Sword Penetrates the Heart!"    


Wang Hao activated the True Dragon Eye that he wore in his left eye. Through the True Dragon Eye, an extremely eye-catching red dot appeared on the left side of Lee Yunda's chest.    


The True Dragon Eye could analyze the enemy's weakness!    


After knowing Lee Yunda's weakness, Wang Hao did not hesitate to shift the tip of the sword to the left side of Lee Yunda's chest!    


The golden eyes were getting closer and closer. Lee Yunda finally saw Wang Hao's appearance clearly. He looked at the Dragon Abyss Sword that was stabbing towards his left chest. His soul was almost scared away!    


"The left chest is my life gate. How did he know?"    


Lee Yunda was extremely frightened. If he was stabbed by Wang Hao's sword, he was afraid that he would die immediately!    


Lee Yunda tried his best to twist his body, but even if he forcefully interrupted his attack, he still couldn't dodge the sword in Wang Hao's hand.    


Lee Yunda's heart was filled with despair. He even prepared to close his eyes and face his own death.    




"Kacha! '"    


Right at this moment, the sound of dense machine-operated gears suddenly came from around the two of them!    


Wang Hao frowned and looked around. Only now did he realize that while he was focusing on Lee Yunda, the other dummies that Ling Wenyu had thrown had all arrived.    


A total of forty dummies completely ignored Lee Yunda and lunged at Wang Hao!    


"Damn it!"    


Wang Hao cursed in his heart. The injuries on his body had yet to recover. If he forcefully killed Lee Yunda now, he was afraid that he would die under the siege of these dummies!    




Helpless, Wang Hao had no choice but to forcefully withdraw his attack. He took two steps back and pulled away from the dummies.    


Lee Yunda was overjoyed. He quickly stabilized his body and prepared to attack Wang Hao together with the puppet.    


"With so many Profound Martial Stage Level Five dummies, I will definitely be able to kill Wang Hao!"    


Just as Lee Yunda was about to counterattack, Wang Hao stabilized his body. He took two and a half steps back, but he still didn't take the third step.    


Wang Hao didn't want to retreat anymore, and there was no need for him to do so. He was ready to kill all his enemies with a single sword strike!    


He raised the Dragon Abyss Sword high up. The sword emitted a blood-red light.    


A terrifying aura covered the entire valley. Lee Yunda was startled, as he was stunned by Wang Hao's sudden eruption of aura.    


"This aura... Is he trying to fuse all of his Yuan energy into the sword? !”    


Lee Yunda was right. Wang Hao had merged all the Yuan energy in his body into the sword!    


A red sword light soared into the sky. Lee Yunda's face became paler and paler under the illumination of the blood light.    


"You can't block it! You absolutely can't block it!"    


Lee Yunda frantically ran backwards. How could he dare to block such an attack that was close to self-destruction?    


Puppets had no mind. They didn't fear death. They continued to charge at Wang Hao.    


This was not the first time Wang Hao used this move. The advancement of his realm had greatly reduced the time he needed to condense his Yuan energy. Lee Yunda had only managed to escape for less than ten meters when the sword slashed down!    


"Sword Domination Under Heaven!"    


The red sword beam was like a falling galaxy. It created a huge wave in the Hidden Sword Valley. Lee Yunda let out a miserable cry. He did not know what kind of Defensive Profound Artifact he took out from the Essence Ring to protect himself.    


The forty puppets were instantly cut into pieces by the sword beam!    


When the red sword beam faded, a bright light spot suddenly burst out, illuminating the entire Hidden Sword Valley as if it was daytime!    


"Night Light Stone!"    


Lee Yunda crawled out from underneath the Defensive Profound Artifact with a miserable expression. He stared at the Night Light Stone falling from the sky, his heart beating wildly.    


Before he went down the valley, the Sect Master Zhou Xiaojie had told him that when the Moonlight Stone appeared, it would be the time when the treasure in Hidden Sword Valley appeared!    


The dazzling light made all the disciples of the three sects who were fighting stop fighting.    


Everyone stared at the Night Light Stone. In the middle of the Night Light Stone, there was a Talisman that had been activated...    




The Night Light Stone fell to the ground and was smashed into pieces. As for the Talisman, it was imprinted onto the ground.    


This Talisman emitted a strange Essence Energy Undulation, as if it was summoning something...    


"Rumble rumble!"    


The deafening sound of thunder came from the sky above Hidden Sword Valley.    


Wang Hao was shocked. Before going down the valley, the sky was clear for tens of thousands of miles. Why would there suddenly be thunder?    


He suddenly recalled the story recorded in his ancestor's notebook. Wasn't the reason why his ancestor was able to see the battle between the two Great Sovereigns a clap of thunder that struck into the valley?    


Just as he thought of this, a deep blue lightning struck the center of the crowd!    


The power of this lightning was shocking. More than a dozen martial practitioners present were directly blasted more than ten meters away. Many were even seriously injured!    


The light of the Night Light Stone dissipated and the Hidden Sword Valley restored its darkness. However, the darkness was quickly dispersed by the new light.    


Two glowing figures appeared in the center of the Hidden Sword Valley. They were two middle-aged men with dignified expressions. They held divine swords in their hands and were fiercely clashing with each other.    


Although it was just an image, the profound meaning of their martial arts was enough to make everyone present prostrate in worship.    


This was the third time Wang Hao experienced this feeling. The first time was when he faced Heartless Monarch's remnant soul, and the second time was when he confronted Devil Hand Monarch.    


Without a doubt, the two figures in the image were the two fallen Great Sovereigns!    


The intense battle between the two Great Sovereigns attracted everyone's attention. Everyone's expression became dull. They didn't even dare to blink, fearing that they would miss out on every detail of the attack.    


Lee Yuan Da's face revealed a greedy look. The story of the Snow Sword Sect's ancestor wasn't a secret in Ice Snow Domain.    


"If I can master the profound meaning of the two Great Sovereigns, I can also become the legend of the Snow Sword Sect's ancestor!"    


This thought emerged in everyone's mind, except for Wang Hao, who did not sink into it.    


Having faced two Divine Martial Stage warriors twice, Wang Hao could no longer feel much shock in his heart.    


It was rare for Wang Hao to remain calm. He used the Golden Pupil to scan the Hidden Sword Valley. He believed that it was not a coincidence that the scene of the two Great Sovereigns fighting was recorded.    


"There must be something that recorded the battle between the two Great Sovereigns. That thing is the treasure that Ling family wants!"    


The Magic Heart was activated. Wang Hao's Yuan energy was twice as much as an ordinary person's. At this time, it was effective. His pair of Golden Pupils shone even more brightly.    


"What is that? !”    


Wang Hao suddenly realized that under the images of the two Great Sovereigns, there was a blue ball the size of a walnut.    


The blue ball was made of some unknown metal. There were many hollowed-out patterns on it. The images of the two Great Sovereigns fighting each other were projected from these hollowed-out spaces!    


"True Dragon Eye!"    


Wang Hao activated the True Dragon Eye, but was shocked to find that he was unable to obtain any information about the small ball.    


The True Dragon Eye only had one sentence to describe the small ball - There was a universe within!    


"Since this is what the Ling family wants, then I must get it first!"    


Wang Hao rushed towards the blue ball without hesitation. His action immediately attracted Lee Yunda and Meng Ma's attention!    


Lee Yunda released an ultrasonic wave and immediately discovered the existence of the treasure. He roared, "Don't even think about snatching it!" Then, he chased after Wang Hao.    


Meng Ma did not know what had happened, but when he saw Lee Yunda's nervous look, he knew that he had to stop Wang Hao's action!    


"Mammoth Elephant!"    


Meng Ma summoned his Blood Soul. It was the Mammoth Elephant that Wang Hao had fought in Myriad Beast Abyss!    




The Mammoth Elephant let out a heaven-shaking roar. After that, Meng Ma's aura increased by several times!    


Meng Ma used his strong body to slam into Wang Hao. With the Mammoth Elephant bloodline, his body was the most powerful Profound Artifact!    


Meng Ma's plan was very simple. As long as he could slightly stop Wang Hao, Lee Yunda would be able to catch up and kill Wang Hao together with him!    


Facing Meng Ma who was charging at him, Wang Hao did not have the slightest intention of slowing down. The real Mammoth Elephant had been killed by him, so how could he care about a martial artist who only had the Mammoth Elephant bloodline?    


"Thousand Sword Dance!"    


The Dragon Abyss Sword slashed down, and Wang Hao used his strongest martial skill!    


Thousands of sword qi rained down like a storm. Meng Ma looked at the sword qi that was even denser than raindrops, and his heart was immediately filled with regret.    


"Why would I think of stopping such a freak..."    


However, there was no medicine for regret in this world. At this moment, Meng Ma could only use his body to block Wang Hao's furious attack!    


"Mammoth Transformation!"    


Meng Ma chose to transform. He merged with his Blood Soul and the Blood Soul gradually became real. It was like a real Ferocious Beast appeared in front of Wang Hao!    




Wang Hao roared angrily. He controlled the sword energy and stabbed it toward Meng Ma!    


"Puff! Puff!"    


The sound of sword energy entering flesh could be heard without end. The sword energy that contained the righteousness of the Sword Dao, how could a mere fake Mammoth Elephant be able to resist it?!    


Thousands of sword qi, close to 20% critical chance talent, made Wang Hao's attacks even more terrifying. Meng Ma only managed to block less than 300 sword qi before he was sent back into his human form. He lay on the ground, covered in blood, and completely lost consciousness.     1


Wang Hao stepped over Meng Ma's body. At this moment, he was only one step away from the treasure.    




Lee Yunda furiously roared. For this treasure, the elite disciples of the three sects had paid a heavy price. How could the treasure fall into Wang Hao's hands?!    


"Sky Shaking Roar!"    


Lee Yunda unleashed his most powerful martial skill. The ultrasonic attack once again swept towards Wang Hao!    


At this time, Wang Hao had two choices. Give up the treasure, or he would be seriously injured again! And he did not hesitate to choose the former!    


The moment the treasure was in his hand, Wang Hao heard the system prompt echoing in his mind.    


"System Notification, you have learned the divine ability - Reincarnation!"    


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