Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C90 A Duel Between Powerhouses

C90 A Duel Between Powerhouses

0"Bloodline Soul, Lava Armor!"    1


Hearing Laoer's angry shout, Wang Hao's expression became even more serious. This was the first time he had seen the big guy's Bloodline Soul.    


Laoer waved his hand, and large pieces of the ground around him cracked. Rocks rose from the ground into the sky.    


A treasured armor that was burning with raging flames appeared behind him. It was dark red in color, and its surface was like molten lava. Fire bubbles emerged on the surface of the armor, and then it shattered.    


The raging flames instantly engulfed the surrounding land. The trees that had been shattered by the Ferocious Beast were instantly vaporized by the high temperature, turning into pieces of charcoal that quickly burned.    


"Pa! Pa! Pa!"    


The entire space resonated with the explosive sound produced by the burning of the wood blocks. The temperature of the air rose sharply, and the smoke drifted upwards. The heated air flowed in all directions, distorting one's vision.    


The flames burned more and more fiercely, and soon, all the rocks that were floating in the air were ignited. The solid rocks were burned into a dark red color, and they continuously shattered. The broken rocks moved towards Laoer's body.    




The burning rocks collided with Laoer's body of flesh and blood, producing a heart-chilling sound. It was like the sound of roasted meat being placed on a red-hot metal plate.    


Laoer's expression became twisted. The pain of being burned into a red-hot stone was not something that anyone could bear!    


More and more burning stones attached to Laoer's body. The stones pressed against each other, forming a suit of armor that was exactly the same as his Blood Soul!    


As the Lava Armor took shape, the painful expression on Laoer's face gradually faded, and what replaced it was the wild joy of having power.    


Witnessing all of this, Wang Hao could not help but suck in a deep breath. Standing in front of him was a three-meter tall giant wearing Lava Armor. The giant in the flames looked like a devil that had crawled out of hell.    


The Lava Armor had taken shape. Laoer gathered the remaining lava and formed two huge burning axes that weighed as much as a thousand kilograms.    


After everything was done, Laoer's aura had undergone a tremendous change. He didn't look like he had been seriously injured at all. The Essence Energy Undulation that he was emitting had become several times stronger.    


"Ever since I followed big brother Luo Lan, I have not used the Blood Soul for a long time. Every time I use the magma armor, I have to suffer serious injuries. I need to recover for three months before I can fully recover!"    


"My bloodline is the magma armor, and my defense is unparalleled. No one in the same realm as me is a match for me."    


"Kid, pray! pray that I will accidentally chop you to death with my axe, or else you will suffer the most terrifying torture in this world!"    


Wang Hao did not say anything. The Yazi Soul slowly appeared behind him. The Yazi emitted a strong dragon's might, and it swept away the pressure brought by the Blood Soul released by Laoer.    


A strong fighting spirit erupted from Wang Hao's body. He would never retreat when facing a strong enemy. The bloodline of the dragon was even stronger when facing a strong enemy!    


"Dragon's aura... Your bloodline actually contains the power of a dragon. No wonder you were able to defeat Third Brother without any resistance. However, if you encounter me, you will only die!"    


Laoer suddenly exerted strength in his legs and rushed towards Wang Hao. This scene reminded Wang Hao of the battle between the Giant Strength King Kong.    


"Peerless defense? I would like to see whether it is your treasured armor or my sword that is sharp!"    


Laoer jumped high into the air, holding a giant axe in each hand, and slashed at Wang Hao's head!    


Raging flames ignited on the surface of the axe, turning into a volcano that fell down like Mount Tai.    


"Fire Axe!"    


Wang Hao did not dodge. He summoned the Dragon Abyss Sword and cut a cross in the air.    


"Floating Light! Shadow Shift!"    


The Floating Light Shift, which had already reached the peak of mastery, was not any weaker than a Profound Rank martial skill. The cross blade light cut open the flaming mountain from the bottom!    




The two huge axes collided with the Dragon Abyss Sword. In an instant, a powerful Qi wave spread out with Wang Hao as the center. The hurricane even extinguished the raging flames on the ground.    


Wang Hao's feet sank into the ground, but his knees did not bend at all. After reaching the Profound Martial Stage Level Two, which was the same as Laoer, Wang Hao had no fear of fighting Laoer face to face.    


"Good kid, your strength is not bad. Take my axe again!"    


Laoer raised the huge axe in his right hand and swung it at Wang Hao again.    




The magma axe collided with the Dragon Abyss Sword twice, and Wang Hao's entire calf sank into the ground.    




Laoer laughed and raised the axe in his left hand, preparing to smash Wang Hao into the ground in one breath.    


Wang Hao frowned slightly. Laoer's attack was very oppressive, and the sword skills he mastered were mostly flexible. In such a direct confrontation, Wang Hao could not help but fear his hands and feet.    


Wang Hao sighed in his heart, "I really should learn some tough sword skills!"    


In the shopping center system, there were all kinds of amazing martial arts resources, such as Profound Artifact, Medicine Pill, scrolls and all kinds of precious materials, but there were no martial arts skills!    


Completing missions or obtaining achievements had a chance of obtaining martial arts rewards. Other than that, Wang Hao could only obtain martial skills from the outside world. He had always believed that martial skills were easy to 'refine', but now that he needed a powerful sword skill, he could only stare blankly.    


"Could it be that there's no way for me to obtain martial skills now?"    


Wang Hao's mind was working rapidly. Suddenly, he thought of an item he saw when he was browsing the shopping mall.    


"This is it!"    


Wang Hao quickly opened the shopping mall system. He quickly browsed through the scroll column and quickly found what he needed.    


"Profound Rank martial skill fusion scroll, no quality, can fuse two Profound Rank martial skills at the same time, and obtain even more powerful martial skills! The price is 100,000 Origin Stones."    


"100,000 Origin Stones!"    


To the current Wang Hao, 100,000 Origin Stones was no longer an astronomical figure. He bought the Profound Rank Combat Skill Fusion Scroll without hesitation.    


"System Notification, you have paid 100,000 Origin Stones to buy the Profound Rank Combat Technique Fusion Scroll."    


Wang Hao immediately used the scroll when he got it.    


"System Notification, please choose the martial skill fusion!"    


Wang Hao pondered, "Among the martial skills I have learned, the most powerful one is the Seven Injury Fist. This is a must choose!"    


"The quality of the fused martial skills will definitely be higher than the two martial skills before the fusion. If I want to immediately use it in actual combat, the fused martial skill must be a sword skill, so the second martial skill must be related to the sword!"    


"Among the sword skills I know, there are the Floating Light Flickering Shadow and the One Sword Piercing Heart. The Floating Light Flickering Shadow is a Yellow Rank martial skill, and it is no longer suitable for the current me. I should choose the One Sword Piercing Heart!"    


Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately made his choice, "Combine the Seven Wound Fist and One Sword Piercing Heart!"    


Under the effect of the Fusion Scroll, the two Profound Rank Grade One martial skills had merged into a new martial skill in less than a thousandth of a second!    


"System Notification, Seven Wound Fist and One Sword Piercing the Heart have merged successfully. You have obtained the martial skill Sword Dominance the World!"    


"Sword Dominance the World, Martial Skill, Grade Profound Rank Grade Three. It is formed from the combination of the Martial Skill Seven Injury Fist and One Sword Piercing Heart. It is extremely overbearing and even a powerful sword skill!"    


"Profound Rank Grade Three!"    


The effect of the Martial Skill Combination Scroll had far exceeded Wang Hao's imagination. He had only spent 100,000 Origin Stones to obtain a Profound Rank Grade Three Martial Skill.    


"Sword Domination Under Heaven, what a domineering name!"    


Wang Hao, who possessed the Yazi Bloodline, had unparalleled talent in the Sword Dao. He could immediately learn a Profound Rank Grade Three sword skill!    


"System Notification, you have learned the martial skill Sword Domination Under Heaven, proficiency is mastery!"    


It was only a split second from when Wang Hao purchased the martial skill fusion scroll to when he learned Sword Dominance the World. At this time, Laoer raised his huge axe for the third time.    


Laoer laughed arrogantly, "Kid, go underground and make a radish!"    


A strange smile appeared at the corner of Wang Hao's mouth. When the giant axe was about to fall, he suddenly exerted his strength!    


Wang Hao's sudden burst of strength caused Laoer's body to stagger. Wang Hao bent his legs and used his strength to jump into the sky!    




Wang Hao's feet pulled out from the ground. He jumped up high, and the Yuan energy in his body boiled. It flowed along his meridians and gathered towards the Dragon Abyss Sword.    


"Useless resistance!"    


Laoer steadied his body and roared angrily. He put the two axes' handles together and burned the lava, merging the two axes into one!    


The two Lava Axes turned into a long axe. Laoer raised the long axe above his head and twisted his wrists quickly, making the long axe start spinning.    


The long axe was like a flaming windmill, turning into a fire wheel. The Essence Energy Undulation emitted from the fire wheel was so oppressive that it frightened people.    


"Kid, go and die!"    


Laoer activated his strongest martial skill. His desire to kill Wang Hao was unbearable!    


Laoer was brewing his killing move. Wang Hao, who was in the air, was also doing the same. He raised the Dragon Abyss Sword high up. The Yuan energy gathered on the blade of the sword had already been dyed blood-red by the Yazi Soul's dragon might.    


All the Yuan energy in his body crazily poured into the sword. The amount of Yuan energy he needed had already exceeded the amount of Yuan energy required by Hundred Swords, who was also a Profound Rank Grade Three martial skill!    


In just three breaths of time, more than half of the Yuan energy in Wang Hao's body had been used up!    


"Worthy of being a sword skill that inherits the power of Seven Injury Fists. The consumption of this Yuan energy is actually so shocking!"    


Wang Hao did not know whether to laugh or cry. With his Profound Martial Stage Level Two full experience, he could only use the Sword Dominance the World once!    


"The power of a martial skill is proportionate to the consumption of Yuan energy. Let me see how tyrannical a new martial skill is!"    


The long axe in Laoer's hand spun faster and faster, and the flames burning on the body of the axe became more and more intense. In the end, the long axe even emitted thick black smoke.    


"This Lava Fire Wheel of mine can maximize the power of my bloodline, and it can even compare to the power of a Profound Rank Grade Three martial skill. This kid is only at the second level of the Profound Rank, and he can at most cultivate a Profound Rank Grade One martial skill. He's dead for sure! "    


Laoer was full of confidence. This strike that contained all of his strength, even a Profound Martial Stage Level Three warrior would have to run away!    


In the air, Wang Hao used the Traceless Snow Step to temporarily stop in the air. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It wasn't because of the flames on the ground, but because of the power contained within the Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand!    


"What a terrifying strength!"    


Even if it was the sword technique he used, Wang Hao had to admit that the power of Sword Dominance Under Heaven had far exceeded his imagination.    


The blood red Yuan energy had already been fully condensed. The tyrannical sword Qi had even caused a change in the weather.    


The thick clouds in the sky moved without wind. They revolved slowly with the Dragon Abyss Sword as the center.    


Wang Hao and Laoer's Qi had already been condensed to the extreme. The heaven and earth Yuan Qi in this space had completely become chaotic and violent!    


Whether it was the long axe or the Dragon Abyss Sword, they had already accumulated a strength that was difficult to control for both of them. If they did not release it now, the two of them would probably hurt themselves first.    


"Kid, die! Lava Fire Wheel!"    


"The one to die should be you, Sword Domination Under Heaven!"    


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