Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C77 The Sharp-tooth Rat King

C77 The Sharp-tooth Rat King

3The disciples of Dragon Leaping House started grabbing the Sharp-tooth Rat. Initially, they thought that it wouldn't take long for them to complete the task given by Uncle Lin, but who knew that it would be difficult for them to do it themselves?    


Wang Hao also tried it out. Just like what Uncle Lin had said, the reaction speed of the Sharp-tooth Rat was extremely fast. As long as there was a trace of Essence Energy Undulation produced when he attacked, it would immediately be detected by him.    


However, as they practiced repeatedly, the disciples of the Dragon Leaping House had gradually grasped the technique of catching mice, and they were getting more and more experienced in grabbing the Sharp-tooth Rat.    


The realm of the Sharp-tooth Rat was not high, so Wang Hao was not worried about comforting the disciples. He had just entered the Myriad Beast Abyss, and the danger was in the second half.    


In six hours, Wang Hao had completed the task of capturing 50 Sharp-tooth Rat. He imitated Uncle Lin's actions and took off the two sharp teeth of the Sharp-tooth Rat, then released them.    


"The Sharp-tooth Rat's self-healing ability is very strong. After three months, their broken teeth will regrow. This way, when there are merchants who need the teeth, we can still make a small profit."    


Wang Hao and Uncle Lin started talking. He did not lack vitality stones. His purpose in coming to Myriad Beast Abyss was to help Dragon Leaping House and also to fight with the Ferocious Beast to train himself.    


"Uncle Lin, I have discussed with Qin Hui. This time, ten percent of the benefits will belong to you."    


"How can that be?" Uncle Lin quickly refused. "It is my duty to help you. Besides, I am in deep trouble now. I need your protection. How can I accept your money?"    


"Uncle Lin, don't reject me. Without your help, I'm afraid none of us would dare to take a step into the Myriad Beast Abyss. You deserve it."    


Uncle Lin couldn't convince Wang Hao, so he could only agree. He looked at Wang Hao with loving eyes. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "This child has really grown up!"    


Just as the two of them were talking, a commotion suddenly occurred in the distance.    




A cry filled with pain was heard. Wang Hao and Uncle Lin were startled at the same time. Without saying a word, Wang Hao rushed towards the source of the sound.    


"Traceless Snow Step!"    


The Profound Rank Grade One's footwork had pushed Wang Hao's speed to the limit. In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao had already traveled 600 meters and arrived next to the disciple who had shouted.    


Wang Hao widened his eyes. He saw a huge creature that was five to six times bigger than the other Sharp-tooth Rat. It was attacking a Profound Martial Stage Level One disciple, and this disciple might have been caught off guard. His arm had been bitten through. Although he was trying his best to defend himself, he was still forced to retreat.    


"Sinner!" Wang Hao hurriedly stepped forward to help. He put his fingers together, and condensed his Yuan energy. A sharp sword energy shot out from his fingers, and pointed straight at the space between the Ferocious Beast's eyebrows.    


"Heart Penetrating Sword!"    


Wang Hao's attack arrived in an instant, but the Ferocious Beast did not seem to care about Wang Hao at all. Its fat body twisted at an unbelievable speed, causing Wang Hao's attack to miss.    




After dodging Wang Hao's attack, the Ferocious Beast continued to chase after the injured disciple. Only now did Wang Hao clearly see that the person being chased was actually Thin Monkey!    


The Ferocious Beast's eyes were red and it bared its teeth, as if it had a life and death grudge with Thin Monkey.    


"Damn it!"    


Wang Hao turned around. The reaction speed of this huge Sharp-tooth Rat was obviously faster than an ordinary Sharp-tooth Rat.    


"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"    


It was too late to use his footwork now. Wang Hao pointed six fingers in the air, and six powerful sword energies immediately shot out.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


"Swish! Swish!"    


In order to prevent the Ferocious Beast from dodging again, Wang Hao shot out six sword energies in six different directions. No matter how the Ferocious Beast dodged, it could ensure that it hit the target.    


From the experience of catching mice, the fur of the Sharp-tooth Rat was very soft. It definitely could not block such a sharp sword energy!    


Thin Monkey, who had already been cornered, was overjoyed when he saw Wang Hao save his life. As a member of the Dragon Leaping House, he had accumulated a large amount of combat experience when completing missions. The moment Wang Hao attacked, he immediately put his injuries on the line. He struck at the Ferocious Beast in front of him.    


"As long as we can delay it for half a second, Wang Hao's sword Qi will be able to kill it!"    


The two of them attacked the Ferocious Beast from both sides. The Ferocious Beast seemed to have realized something, and it let out a loud cry. Its body suddenly twisted to the side.    


The flexible body of the Ferocious Beast caught the two of them off guard. The Ferocious Beast dodged, and the injured disciple and Wang Hao's sword Qi were very close to each other!    


Thin Monkey's face turned deathly pale. He could clearly feel the intense pressure brought by the sword Qi. If he were to crash into it without any warning, how was it different from committing suicide?    


"It's over... My life ended like this..."    


Thin Monkey chose to close his eyes, not looking at the scene of his blood splashing.    




A rapid explosive sound rang in Thin Monkey's ears. He didn't feel any pain even when he stopped walking.    


"Strange, I'm actually not dead?"    


Thin Monkey opened his eyes. Where was the whistling sword Qi in front of him?    


Looking around, Thin Monkey immediately found that Wang Hao was waving his fingers. Sharp sword Qi kept shooting out from his fingertips. What was different from before was... This sword energy was actually able to change the trajectory of his flight!    


Thin Monkey's mouth was wide open in shock, "Using a sword through the air, isn't this something only Earth Martial Stage warriors can do? ! "    


With Wang Hao's talent in the Sword Dao, controlling dozens of sword energies was more than enough. He could even control all of the sword energies unleashed by Hundred Swords East!    


The Ferocious Beast was no match for Wang Hao. It plunged into the ground and disappeared. Wang Hao chased after it and saw a big hole in the ground. Obviously, the Ferocious Beast had dug a tunnel and escaped.    


Uncle Lin and Qin Hui rushed over with a group of disciples. Uncle Lin saw the whole process of Wang Hao's battle from afar. He said, "It's the Sharp-tooth Rat King, a Profound Martial Stage Level Two Ferocious Beast. It seems like it has been a long time since someone came to pluck the teeth of a mouse. I can't believe such a big thing has evolved."    


Thin Monkey was still in shock as he said, "I was just grabbing the Sharp-tooth Rat when a big guy suddenly jumped out. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and was only bitten in the arm. If I didn't react in time, my head would have been bitten off by this beast!"    


Uncle Lin's expression became serious. "With the Rat King around, it would not be safe for us to split up again. Tell our brothers to gather together. We are hunting the Rat King. This guy is quite valuable!"    


Hearing that it was valuable, the curiosity of the gang members was aroused.    


"Uncle Lin, tell us quickly, how much can this Sharp-tooth Rat King be sold for?"    


Uncle Lin mysteriously stretched out a finger. Thin Monkey raised his eyebrows, "One thousand spirit stones?"    


Uncle Lin smiled without saying anything. The group of people beside him mocked Thin Monkey, "How can one thousand stones catch Uncle Lin's eyes? I guess it's ten thousand stones."    


Uncle Lin was still smiling. Qin Hui said with uncertainty, "Could it be ten thousand stones?"    


"All of you guessed wrong." Uncle Lin finally opened his mouth, "The Sharp-tooth Rat King's teeth are ten times harder than top grade black iron. It is a good material to make Profound Artifact. It can be sold for one hundred thousand stones!"    


"One hundred thousand!" Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. They had also hunted and killed Profound Martial Stage Level Two Ferocious Beast before. However, even if they converted the sect's contribution into vitality stones, it would only be ten to twenty thousand. It seemed like what Wang Hao said was right. The Myriad Beast Abyss was full of treasures!    


"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and get rid of this fat rat. If we let it run away, my heart will ache!"    


"Don't worry, it won't run away!" Uncle Lin took out a large amount of dry grass from his Essence Ring. The dry grass gave off a faint smell.    


Uncle Lin piled the dry grass next to the hole left by the Sharp-tooth Rat King when it was running away. He asked everyone, "Whose bloodline has the fire attribute? This Fish Blood Grass needs to be ignited by the Bloodline Soul to have an effect."    


A gang member walked out from the crowd. A large brown lizard appeared on his back.    


"My bloodline is the Flame Lizard, and it also has the fire attribute."    


Uncle Lin nodded. The group formed a hand seal, and the Bloodline Soul on his back suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a ball of flames.    


Under the effect of Yuan Power, the intangible flames turned into true flames. The flames lit up the Fish Blood Grass and caused thick black smoke to rise in an instant.    


"Wind Palm!"    


Uncle Lin shouted and waved both of his palms. His palms carried a strong hurricane as he poured all of the black smoke into the hole.    


In less than a minute, six pillars of smoke appeared on the grassland.    


"Send someone to guard the entrance immediately. The Sharp-tooth Rat can't stand the stench of the fish and grass. It will definitely escape!"    


Qin Hui immediately commanded his gang to run towards the six entrances. Including the entrance where Uncle Lin was at, there were twenty warriors stationed in front of each of the entrances!    


"They are out!"    


Zhao Muer reminded loudly. She felt that there was something inside the hole, and it was quickly rushing out.    




The Sharp-tooth Rat suddenly scattered the smoke pillars and rushed out of the cave. The gang took out their Profound Artifact and prepared to intercept it.    


"Where do you think you're going!?"    


Zhao Muer shouted and the Golden Bow was in her hand. She pulled the bowstring and five ice arrows appeared out of thin air.    


"Ice arrows!"    


Four ice arrows shot towards Sharp-tooth Rat King's four limbs. Zhao Muer wanted to freeze it on the ground.    


The speed of the ice arrows was very fast. The Sharp-tooth Rat King's speed was even faster. It twisted its fat body and jumped two times to dodge the attacks of the four ice arrows.    


Zhao Muer's eyes revealed a look of contempt, "Animals are animals, really easy to deceive!" She shot out a total of five ice arrows and the fifth arrow was aimed in front of the Sharp-tooth Rat King!    




The ice arrows exploded in front of the Sharp-tooth Rat King, and a large amount of cold air instantly froze the surrounding plants. The Sharp-tooth Rat King's four limbs slipped, and he actually fell to the ground.    


"Everyone, attack!"    


Everyone rushed forward, and the Sharp-tooth Rat King was instantly subdued. No matter how agile its body was, facing the combined attack of 20 Profound Martial Stage warriors, there was no way it could escape.    


"It's done!"    


Uncle Lin personally pulled out the Sharp-tooth Rat King's teeth and killed it. Every year, there were many Essence Martial Stage warriors who came to pull out the teeth of the Sharp-tooth Rat King. The Profound Martial Stage Level Two Rat King was simply a deadly killer that could not be allowed to live.    


Back outside the abyss, that night, Uncle Lin found a merchant and sold all the ___ King's teeth. There was a total of 2.2 million stones.    


According to the agreement, Uncle Lin would leave 10% of the stones, and the remaining 2.2 million stones would belong to the Dragon Leaping House.    


The people of Dragon Leaping House were very excited. Although the money was distributed to everyone, each of them had less than 20 thousand stones, but this was only the first day's income. This was much more profitable than accepting missions in the sect! Everyone looked at Wang Hao with more respect, because it was Wang Hao who had brought them hope.    


Qin Hui gave all the money to Wang Hao, "Brother, this money will be distributed by you!"    


Wang Hao did not refuse. He had already thought of the use of the money. He went to Thin Monkey and said, "Thin Monkey, you are injured. You should not enter the abyss again in the next few days. I have an important task for you."    


Seeing Wang Hao's serious expression, Thin Monkey immediately became serious. "Wang Hao, you can arrange any task you want. I, Thin Monkey, will not refuse!"    


"Take this money and return to the sect immediately!"    


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