Eons Venerable Lord

C6 To Kill Me(2)

C6 To Kill Me(2)

0Of course, most importantly, as long as he can completely open the door, he would be able to cultivate the Array Pattern and become an Array Pattern Master by improving his soul energy. Whether it was the Holy Martial Realm or the Fallen Flame Continent, Array Pattern Master was an extremely rare existence. Especially the Fallen Flame Continent, which was extremely rare and revered.     0


However, if he could continue to open the second Rest Gate, he would have no scruples.    


The Rest Gate was located in the middle of his collarbone. The power of Qi and blood gathered here and entered his brain. It was the central point of the human body's blood essence convergence. At that time, it could provide him with an endless supply of blood essence. As long as he had sufficient Yuan Qi, he could completely suppress the damage caused by the power of space.    


Unfortunately, this was only a matter of time. Even if he didn't open a single Eight Inner Hidden Gates, he would still need a massive amount of resources to support it. With his current situation, it was impossible for him to even think about it.    


First of all, he had to open the door completely. Fortunately, he had some basic knowledge in the past, so he was only a little bit away from opening the door completely.    


So, Ling Feng did not hesitate anymore and took out some healing spirit medicines that Yem Ruyu and her sister had given him before. Following the circulation route of the Eight Inner Hidden Gates, he converted the medicinal strength into his own Yuan energy and rushed towards the door of his brain.    


This process was extremely painful. Every time his Yuan energy attacked, it would bring him tremendous pain. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he gritted his teeth and didn't make a sound. Everything was for his goal.    


Not long after, Yem Ruyu arrived outside his room. But seeing that Ling Feng was cultivating, she did not go in to disturb him. Although she believed in Ling Feng, she also knew that Ling Feng was facing Fang Guansheng, who was at the eighth level of Strength Training. That's a lot of pressure.    


She still remembered that when Ling Feng rescued her from Fang Guansheng's younger brother, Fang Chunsheng, for the first time, he had vomited blood because of the old injuries in his body.    


Another three days passed in the blink of an eye as he cultivated.    


Dong! Dong! Dong!    


On this day, someone knocked on the door from outside. "Big Bro Ling Feng, are you there?"    


"Ling Er?"    


Ling Feng was a little surprised. He had been in seclusion for the past few days and had forgotten about what had happened that night. When Yem Ruling and her sister were forcefully taken away by Yem Zhengliang, they were not allowed to meet him again. Why did Yem Ruling suddenly come at this time?    


"Brother Ling Feng, are you alright? "Yem Ruling used a pair of big bright eyes to look at Ling Feng from head to toe the moment she entered and asked urgently.    


Ling Feng felt warm in his heart. "I'm fine. It's just a small injury. I've recovered a long time ago!"    


Only then did Yem Ruling pat her undeveloped chest. She secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but her eyes became unstable. She stuttered for a long time and did not say anything.    


"Little girl Ling, when did you become so wishy-washy? This is not like you!" Ling Feng said half-jokingly, but when he saw Yem Ruling's eyes, he suddenly realized something and felt that something was not right. He could not help but ask, "Did something happen? Where's your sister? Could it be that your father punished your sister? "    


"It's fine. I just want to say that my father seemed to have misunderstood you that night. He injured you indiscriminately. Ling'er will apologize on behalf of your father first. Don't take it to heart! " Yem Ruling hastily said, but her eyes did not dare to look directly at Ling Feng.    


Ling Feng frowned, "Is that really the case?"    


Yem Ruling's mind was pure and she would not lie at all. Everything was shown on her face. Even if she tried her best to hide it, she could not hide it from Ling Feng at all. Indeed, once Ling Feng asked, Yem Ruling's bright eyes instantly dimmed.    


Seeing Yem Ruling like this, Ling Feng's heart became even more anxious. As the saying goes, concern leads to chaos. He was afraid that Yem Zhengliang would punish Yem Ruyu severely, "What exactly happened? How is your sister?"    


Yem Ruling looked at Ling Feng with teary eyes, but she wanted to say something but stopped herself. In the end, she sighed and said, "Brother Ling Feng, you should stop asking. My father might want to kill you. She took advantage of the fact that the two sects were recruiting disciples in Clear Spirit City, and that her father wasn't in the prefecture. You should leave the Yem family as soon as possible. The further you go, the better! "    


Ling Feng's heart trembled, and his head buzzed. Yem Zhengliang wanted to kill him? How was this possible? Could it be that it was all because of a misunderstanding? No matter what, he couldn't believe it.    


"Trust me, Big Bro Ling Feng. These are some banknotes and herbs. Take them and leave now. The further you go, the better!"    


Yem Ruling knew that Ling Feng wouldn't believe her for a while, so she gave him a small package. She pulled Ling Feng and walked outside, but it was like the roots of an old tree. No matter how hard she tried, she could not pull him away. Yem Ruling was so anxious that she stomped her feet. "Brother Ling Feng, didn't you say that you still have a great grudge that you haven't avenged? You can't die here!"    


"No, I can't leave!"    


Ling Feng's heart gradually calmed down, his eyes filled with determination. He said, "I have not avenged my great hatred, but I, Ling Feng, am a man of integrity. This is my heart of martial arts! If I leave because of a misunderstanding, doesn't that mean that I have already tacitly admitted that I have ill intentions towards your sister? "    


" Besides, after I leave, what will happen to your sister? Your sister's innocence will never be cleared!"    


Ling Feng grabbed Yem Ruling's soft shoulders with both hands, his gaze firm, "So I can't leave, do you understand?"    


"Go, I will go find your father now and explain to him clearly!"    


Ling Feng pulled Yem Ruling and walked outside.    


Yem Ruling was so anxious that she was about to cry, but when she saw Ling Feng's firm gaze, she did not know how to stop him. She could only let Ling Feng pull her.    


In fact, when Yem Ruling told him that Yem Zhengliang wanted to kill him, he had already believed her in his heart. It was just that he was unwilling to admit it in his heart, and he did not want to accept the injustice in such a muddle. There were some things that he had to understand, so he really could not just leave like that. It was not only Yem Ruyu's innocence, but also for himself.    


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