Super Student's Three-realms Army

C375 Yin and Yang

C375 Yin and Yang

1If the yang energy in a man's body grew stronger, then that person would definitely be extremely masculine.     1


From head to toe, his body even emitted a majestic and glaring pure Yang energy!    


On the other hand, if the yang qi in a man's body was insufficient, the yin qi would take the lead.    


As a result, this man would become neither a man nor a woman, neither a Yin nor a Yang.    


In the end, even the man's own sexual orientation had a problem.    


This was also the reason why people often mentioned Long Yang's good fortune.    


The same principle applied to women.    


If the Yang Qi in a woman's body was more abundant than the Yin Qi.    


Then, there was no doubt that this woman's style would definitely become more manly.    


He even used a popular description phrase on the internet to describe him.    


He was Brother Chun's true man, the good son of the Iron Blood True Man's father.    


Good brothers of the people can stand on their fists and walk on their arms.    


When the chrysanthemum opens the bottle cap, the ten men will not fall. Even after experiencing hundreds of battles, the color is still red …    


Of course, if the yin qi in a woman's body was greater than the yang qi.    


Then the more yin energy this woman had.    


She was even more beautiful, more sexy and alluring, a beauty that could topple empires.    


However, in this world, it didn't matter whether one was a human or a Taoist.    


They both emphasized on the balance between Yin and Yang.    


If he broke this balance, he would naturally pay the same price!    


Thus, since ancient times, there had always been such a saying.    


It was called 'since ancient times, beauties have had their lives ruined' …    


This was the truth!    


Anyone with more yin qi in their body would not be able to escape this fate.    


What's more, was it Guo Yunzheng's granddaughter that he had never met, or was it the Nine Yin Cold Body?    


From this, it could be seen how serious this patient's condition was.    


Thinking about that, Zhang Xiaofann calmed himself down and said.    


"Sigh, I didn't expect it to be the Nine Yin Cold Body."    


"I have seen this illness before in the medical records left behind by my master."    


Hearing Zhang Xiaofann say that.    


Guo Yunzheng seemed to have grasped onto a lifesaving straw.    


He quickly asked: "Then, Master Zhang, do you have a way to treat him?"    


"There is indeed a way to cure her."    


"However, if you want to cure it, this Nine Yin Cold Body is not something that can be done overnight."    


"It's a persistent long-term treatment process."    


Zhang Xiaofann muttered to himself for a while.    


"That Master Zhang, look at my granddaughter's illness."    


"How long will it take for the cure to be possible?"    


Hearing Zhang Xiaofann say that.    


Guo Yunzheng was sweating in his hand as he asked.    


"A quick one or two years, a long one..."    


Zhang Xiaofann did not continue.    


However, Guo Yunzheng understood the hidden meaning behind his words.    


At this moment, the expression on his face became increasingly gloomy and dejected.    


Seeing Guo Yunzheng, he showed such a disappointed expression.    


Zhang Xiaofann couldn't help but smile and comfort her, "Old Uncle Guo, don't be discouraged for now."    


"After all, I haven't really seen the patient yet."    


"So, we are talking about so much now."    


"Actually, that's true. We can use the limited patient information available to us to deduce the cause."    


"As for the specifics of the situation, I'll have to see the patient with my own eyes and understand his condition later."    


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