Kidnapping My Future Wife

C710 I Still Can't Forget Him

C710 I Still Can't Forget Him

0"Oh my God, what should I do? God, how can you let us live if you treat us like this? Wu, Wu... " At this moment, the wind, rain, and thunder were mixed in. There were many women and children crying, shouting, and scolding in the village. They all became louder and louder.    1


In the beginning, these crying, shouting, and scolding were very weak. It seemed like there were only a few people's voices, but later, they seemed to be contagious. Very soon, it became very loud, as if the entire village was shouting. Curses, it seemed like the entire village was shouting in unison. It really made people's heart shiver when they heard it. Trembling.    


Thus, countless cries and curses enveloped the entire Lee Village. The village that used to be filled with joy and happiness had now become a place filled with grief. It was a horrible village, as if it had suffered the impact of the end of the world.    


Lee Xueqiang looked at these scenes and listened to his hobbies. His eyes were wide open, and he was in a very good mood. However, he didn't know why, but at this moment, the divine power in his body seemed to have malfunctioned. He couldn't find any solutions.    


"Could it be that the heavens want to give this village a little bit of punishment? Before the time comes, my Lady Nuwa's divine power won't recover. Can't you think of a way to save these villagers?" Lee Xueqiang thought painfully in his heart. Because this was the only reason he could explain why the divine power of Lady Nuwa, who possessed supreme divine power, had suddenly malfunctioned.    


It was truly a disaster that only happened once every fifty years. Yet, this storm and lightning had actually lasted for two days and two nights. This was something that had never happened before in the history of Lee Village.    


During these two days and two nights, throughout the entire Lee Village, the entire village was filled with muddy water and rain, as well as the houses, wheat fields, and village roads that had been destroyed by the mudslide on the mountain.    


Of course, the most horrible thing was that when the villagers saw their houses, village roads, wheat fields, and other places being destroyed so badly, they showed signs of wailing.    


Lee Xueqiang had really spent a lot of effort in the lightning and storm. Together with Village Head Zhang and the others, they braved the rain and rushed into the rescue houses of the villagers who were hit by the storm. They were placed in the safe houses in the village.    


Zhuge Xueyan, Lee Xiaoxue and the others, together with Lee Xueqiang, also joined in the treatment work for the villagers who were caught in the disaster, as well as cooking for them, boiling water, etc.    


After the treatment work for the victims was done, Lee Xueqiang, Zhuge Xueyan, and Lee Xiaoxue even thought of ways to get rid of Lee Jieming and Bai Qiyun and try to make them happy.    


However, because this was an unprecedented storm, it gave Lee Jieming and Bai Qiyun a huge blow.    


Therefore, no matter how hard Lee Xueqiang, Zhuge Xueyan, and Lee Xiaoxue tried, they could not remove the gloomy clouds on their faces.    


On the other side, Xiao Ruzi only wanted to jump into Xiao Yun's arms and fall asleep in his familiar warm body temperature. If possible, it was best not to wake up for the rest of their lives.    


In her gentle thoughts, Xiao Ruzi immediately understood who was important. Even if she had made such a big decision, it could not change the fact that she could not let go of Xiao Yun.    


But imagining such beauty was also imagination. Outside of imagination, Xiao Ruzi could only return to reality. The reality was that she stood quietly at the door of the room.    


When Xiao Ruzi saw Xiao Yun's familiar face and felt his familiar breath, she did not know what to say at that moment. She could only stare blankly at the man standing opposite her. She could not say a word for a long time.    


Xiao Yun didn't say anything. His eyes were full of light, but the light disappeared in an instant, and then his eyes became dim.    


The dense darkness filled his eyes, as if there was no way to dispel the fog. In the midst of Xiao Yun's dim light, Xiao Ruzi's heart could not help but beat anxiously.    


Xiao Ruzi wanted to say something gentle, but she could not control the trembling of her voice. She trembled and asked gently, "Why did you want to come and find me?"    


In Xiao Ruzi's trembling voice, Xiao Yun sighed heavily. His loud and loud sigh directly entered her ears.    


That sigh made Xiao Ruzi feel pain when she heard it but she did not say a word for a long time. She just looked quietly and did not say a word for a long time.    


A long silence, as if it would last for a long time between them. At this time, Che Jiezhao walked over. His hand naturally wrapped around Xiao Ruzi's waist.    


That movement was too sudden for Xiao Ruzi, especially in front of Xiao Yun. She tried to take Che Jiezhao's hand away, but she held Che Jiezhao's hand. Before she could take his hand away, Che Jiezhao's voice entered her ears.    


Che Jiezhao said to Xiao Ruzi, "Xiao Ruzi, did you forget? You just promised to live happily with me."    


Che Jiezhao's voice was very faint, but full and gentle. Xiao Ruzi understood that such words were a very powerful blow to Xiao Yun, if he still cared about her.    


Therefore, Xiao Ruzi did not say anything. Therefore, Xiao Ruzi did not take away Che Jiezhao's hand that was wrapped around her waist. Instead, she gently said to him, "Of course I remember. Che Jiezhao, I love you too..."    


Xiao Ruzi almost said those words without thinking. When she said those words, Xiao Ruzi did not feel any blush. She just let nature take its course.    


Just like a bride who was about to be married, Xiao Ruzi was immersed in the beauty of about to step into marriage. She was really like those young girls who did not experience the world but were filled with beautiful yearning and anticipation towards the future.    


Their sweet words and the appearance of their happiness hit Xiao Yun. His heart, which was filled with grief, became heavier and heavier.    


When Xiao Ruzi took the initiative to say those three words to Che Jiezhao, Xiao Yun's face showed a large amount of coldness. It was like a thousand years of ice, freezing him tightly.    


In that coldness, Xiao Yun naturally thought of that video. His hatred, his coldness, and all the pain hit his heart fiercely.    


Under that fierce beating, Xiao Yun sighed heavily. He asked lightly, "Can I go in and have a seat?" Che Jiezhao and Xiao Ruzi acted as if they did not hear what he said. Che Jiezhao held Xiao Ruzi gently in his arms. His voice was also faint. He said lightly, "I love you too."    


After Che Jiezhao said those words full of affection, his kiss floated on Xiao Ruzi's forehead. Xiao Ruzi did not resist. Instead, she smiled and looked at him happily.    


When they were surrounded by happiness, Xiao Yun's pain and their happiness became a strong contrast. He never dreamed of him.    


The woman he loved living with another man was the most painful thing. When Xiao Yun was looking at them, the clothes in front of him were actually in such a state. Looking at their love and kindness, Xiao Yun's eyes were filled with pain. He quietly stared at them.    


He didn't say anything. He just looked at them quietly. After a long, long time, Che Jiezhao's gentle eyes moved away from Xiao Ruzi's face. He asked faintly, "What did you say just now?"    


This was a sarcastic sentence. In such a sarcastic voice, Xiao Yun wanted to explode, but when his heart was in pain, he endured it.    


Xiao Yun didn't know why he could endure such pain. He was surprised by such endurance.    


Xiao Yun stared into Che Jiezhao's eyes calmly. He was not defeated by Che Jiezhao's pride and flaunting. Instead, he repeated what he had just said. He said, "Can I go in?"    


After Xiao Yun said that, Xiao Ruzi nodded. Che Jiezhao also nodded and said, "Please come in." After Che Jiezhao finished speaking, Xiao Yun did not say anything else. He strode forward. He walked straight into the room and walked in front. Behind him, a loving couple held hands and walked behind him.    


Xiao Ruzi felt the warmth of Che Jiezhao's palm in her hand. The faint warmth made her drunk, but her eyes were floating. When she saw Xiao Yun's back, she was attacked by a violent pain.    


On the other hand, Xiao Ruzi felt very painful in her heart, so she unconsciously frowned and looked at Xiao Yun blankly without saying anything.    


Xiao Ruzi quietly followed behind Xiao Yun. When Xiao Yun walked quickly, she also walked quickly. When Xiao Yun slowed down, she also slowed down. In short, in front of Xiao Yun and behind him, Xiao Ruzi did not have her own opinion.    


At the same time, Xiao Ruzi's hand was held by Che Jiezhao silently. However, in her heart, it was on Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun's voice and smile, as well as his gaze, would all arouse her concern.    


Before seeing Xiao Yun, Xiao Ruzi thought that... She could forget about Xiao Yun and be with Che Jiezhao. However, when Xiao Ruzi saw Xiao Yun again, she knew... No matter what, she couldn't let Xiao Yun go.    


Therefore, Xiao Ruzi knew that no matter how good Che Jiezhao was to her and how much he paid for her, she couldn't let the owner of the car replace Xiao Yun.    


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