Kidnapping My Future Wife

C674 Cooperation with Hu Xiangdong

C674 Cooperation with Hu Xiangdong

3At this moment, Hu Xiangdong realized that there was something heading east from the outside. He walked out and asked, "Who is it that is looking for me?"    


Hu Xiangdong raised his head and found the person who was looking for him. It was actually Lee Xueqiang. Unconsciously, an excited expression emerged on his face. Then, he leapt to Lee Xueqiang's side and grabbed his hand. Then, he said happily, "Lee Xueqiang, I really didn't expect that you would remember me looking for an old man. I thought you had forgotten about me a long time ago. Hehe... Come in quickly, come to my office and have a good talk."    


" Jingrong, quickly get me two cups of good Pur tea. I want to have a good chat with Mr. Lee while drinking tea." Hu Xiangdong said to Hu Jingrong as he treated Lee Xueqiang well. However, he did not notice the expression on her face at this time.    


"You want tea? Then you have no hands and legs? If you want to drink, go and get it yourself." Hu Jingrong did not know why, but she actually did not give face to her father at all. After hearing Hu Jingrong's words, Hu Xiangdong really felt very awkward.    


Thus, Hu Xiangdong turned his head around and angrily stared at Hu Jingrong. He wanted to scold her a little, but who knew that at this moment... Lee Xueqiang stopped him and said to him with a smile, "Uncle Hu, don't be angry. Actually, I'm not thirsty. I don't want to drink tea or tea. That thing, I really don't have a cold. Hehe, let's talk about our serious business first."    


" What a country bumpkin. He actually doesn't even like such good tea. " Unexpectedly, when Hu Jingrong heard Lee Xueqiang's words, he did not hold back at all and gave her a "Xi Luo."    


"Hu Jingrong, you, you shut up." Hu Xiangdong saw that Lee Xueqiang's face actually lost its smile at this time, so he angrily shouted at Hu Jingrong.    


Hu Jingrong heard what Hu Xiangdong said and was stunned. She knew that in the past, no matter how willful she was, her father had never been angry with her. She couldn't understand why he would become so angry for Lee Xueqiang today.    


On the other side, when Che Jiezhao said that he could only watch these answers being displayed in front of him, he did not dare to believe it. He also did not want to believe it.    


Until Xiao Ruzi stopped sobbing in Che Jiezhao's arms. She slowly stood up and stared at him coldly. She said word by word, "We have been very happy and happy with Xiao Yun these days."    


When she said the word happy, Xiao Ruzi's eyes slowly drifted towards the direction of the bed. The bed was messy, and then it showed that she and Xiao Yun were constantly twisting and turning on top of each other.    


"I have been so happy and happy with Xiao Yun these few days, but why? Why does everything have to change?" Xiao Ruzi thought painfully in her heart.    


Xiao Ruzi had a cold smile on her face. She slowly propped up her body and walked slowly towards the direction of the bed.    


Xiao Yun's aura was still emitting from there and it was still echoing with Xiao Ruzi and Xiao Yun's incessant laughter. They were so happy and happy.    


But why? Why couldn't he find that familiar figure when his eyes were on the big bed? Why wasn't Xiao Yun here? Why wasn't he here?    


Xiao Ruzi slowly fell onto the bed and smelled the breath left by Xiao Yun. Tears continued to flow out from the corners of her eyes. It was full of sadness and she could not calm down her heartache.    


That kind of feeling, Che Jiezhao could not let go of it for a long time. He could not let go of it like this, it made his heart ache together. Che Jiezhao gently closed the door of the room and took a step forward. He slowly walked to the wide side of the bed, and his eyes were filled with despair.    


Che Jiezhao did not dare to imagine. He did not dare to imagine the woman he loved. He had sex with another man on this bed for a few days straight. He stood by the bed and stopped. His voice was cold and full of commanding tone. He said, "Let's leave this place. Don't stay here any longer. Okay? "    


Even though his voice was cold, his expression was full of pleading. In front of Xiao Ruzi, Che Jiezhao was so sad that he could not bear to shout at her loudly.    


So Che Jiezhao's eyes stared intently at Xiao Ruzi, waiting for her answer. Xiao Ruzi closed her eyes, and even more tears flowed out from the corners of her eyes. Xiao Ruzi's sparkling tears seemed to cause a person's heart to ache. In his heart, he sighed heavily.    


"Let's leave this place, okay?" Che Jiezhao begged. However, Xiao Ruzi still did not say anything. Xiao Ruzi's hand was gesturing with a gentle gesture. She kept twisting on the wide bed. It was as if she wanted to show off Xiao Ruzi's figure.    


If it wasn't for the crystal clear tears on Xiao Ruzi's face, the coldness of the spacious room, and the endless heartache, Che Jiezhao would have felt that Xiao Ruzi was calling him and looking forward to being intimate with him.    


However, in such a scene, even if Che Jiezhao had those thoughts, he could not do anything. He begged together, "Let's leave this place, okay?"    


Che Jiezhao was talking about this hotel. In fact, he really wanted to say to the woman in front of him, "Let's leave this city and find a quiet place to live happily, okay?"    


However, Che Jiezhao did not say it in the end. Seeing Xiao Ruzi so attached to him, Che Jiezhao knew that even if he said it in a begging tone, Xiao Ruzi would not agree.    


So he sighed heavily and Che Jiezhao fell on the edge of the bed. He watched Xiao Ruzi's hands continuously sliding on his body, even though her actions showed her charm. He could only swallow his saliva and sit by the side of the bed. He did not do anything for a long time.    


Xiao Ruzi, who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them. She looked at Che Jiezhao with gentle eyes and asked him gently, "Let's go and see Zhijun together, okay?"    


Her gentle voice was full of bewitchment, which caught Che Jiezhao off guard. He felt that Xiao Ruzi, who was in such a mood, should not have such a gentle voice.    


However, Xiao Ruzi was talking to him gently. She was so gentle that it was as if the sadness and pain just now did not exist at all.    


Che Jiezhao's eyes were gently floating on Xiao Ruzi's face. Che Jiezhao's slender fingers gently wiped away the tears on Xiao Ruzi's face and gently nodded.    


Xiao Ruzi got up from the bed and hugged Che Jiezhao tightly. When the sudden hug attacked Che Jiezhao, he was surprised, happy, and sad.    


The hug was too fast and caught Che Jiezhao off guard, so he was very surprised. Being hugged by the woman he loved was a very happy thing. In such happiness, he knew that Xiao Ruzi must have thought that he had become Xiao Yun again.    


So Che Jiezhao felt very sad, but he did not say anything. He gently patted Xiao Ruzi's shoulder with his finger and did not say a word.    


"Thank you, Che Jiezhao." A very gentle voice entered his ears. Che Jiezhao heard Xiao Ruzi calling him. She was really calling his name.    


This made the sadness in Che Jiezhao's heart disappear. His emotional tone drifted. He asked happily, "What are you calling me? What are you calling me?"    


"Che Jiezhao." Xiao Ruzi looked up. Her eyes, which had been washed with tears, were shining brightly. She stared at him closely, making him very happy.    


"Great. You finally did not treat me as Xiao Yun." Che Jiezhao said self-deprecatingly. When he said this, the sadness in his heart was shining. However, Che Jiezhao's face was smiling. He was smiling very happily. It was as if he had won the lottery.    


"Che Jiezhao, I'm sorry. I know you will be very sad. But I have no other choice. It's very difficult to give up on someone." Xiao Ruzi hugged him tightly in Che Jiezhao's warm embrace. She calmed her sorrow.    


Che Jiezhao did not speak. He gently patted Xiao Ruzi's back. His actions were filled with gentleness and strong love. When he reached out his hand to the familiar door, he lost the courage to clench his fist and knock on the door. Staring blankly at the door in front of her, Xiao Ruzi's hand froze in the air. She did not do anything for a long time.    


Che Jiezhao was very confused and anxious on the side. Along the way, he could feel the eagerness of the woman beside him to see his son. However, he didn't know why she was at the door. Xiao Ruzi stopped and then Che Jiezhao gently asked her, "What happened to you?"    


Che Jiezhao's words woke Xiao Ruzi, who was in a daze, from her daze. She did not speak. Her eyes lit up gently and then she said, "Help me knock on the door. ” After saying that, Xiao Ruzi moved to the side in a flash. She looked at Che Jiezhao with a gentle gaze.    


Che Jiezhao did not understand why Xiao Ruzi suddenly did not knock. However, he did not think too much about Xiao Ruzi's reliance on him. His eyes were floating on the door as he clenched his hands into fists. Very soon, the sound of knocking on the door was heard.    


"Bang, bang..." The sound hit the door rhythmically. At the same time, it also hit Xiao Ruzi's heart. That kind of pain made Xiao Ruzi feel very sad. The reason why she lost the courage to knock at the door was because Xiao Ruzi felt that she had let Zhijun down. She simply did not have the qualifications to be a good mother.    


The door of the room was quickly opened by someone. The person who came to open the door... It was Xiao Ruzi's mother. When Xiao Ruzi's mother looked at Che Jiezhao in front of her, the corner of her mouth curled into a smile. So she happily said to Che Jiezhao, "Little Jiezhao, it's you."    


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