Kidnapping My Future Wife

C651 It Felt so Sad

C651 It Felt so Sad

0On the other side, when Lee Xueqiang and Zhuge Xueyan flew to the sky above the Chinese yam plantation base, Lee Xueqiang slowly stopped his cultivation. Then, he brought Zhuge Xueyan and landed safely on the Chinese yam plantation base.    0


When Lee Xueqiang and Zhuge Xueyan landed safely on the ground, Zhuge Xueyan was still very excited. Her mood had not calmed down for a long time.    


When Zhuge Xueyan saw Lee Xueqiang's bright and clear eyes, she really wanted to die for the man with that pair of eyes.    


Lee Xueqiang gently hugged Zhuge Xueyan and sat on the soft carpet on the green grass. He did not speak anymore. At that time, he tightly hugged her warm and soft body and felt that intimate and warm love in his heart.    


"Xueqiang, I really didn't expect it. It has only been half an hour. But what kind of change has happened to your body? So you have become so powerful that you can fly? Dear, can you tell me?"    


On the other side, amidst Xiao Ruzi's coquettish and anxious voice, Xiao Yun compromised and kissed her soft lips. This warm kiss made her feel satisfied, happy, and happy. It was as if she was the happiest woman in the world.    


On the other hand, Xiao Zhaozhao moved into the original villa and did not let Xiao Yun's villa go again. She walked uneasily in the room and glanced at the wall from time to time.    


On the wall were Xiao Zhaozhao and Xiao Yun's wedding photos. They hugged each other tightly and smiled very happily. At that time, their happiness made Xiao Zhaozhao very envious at that time.    


"If only I could be like in the photos, forever happy. How good would that be?" Xiao Zhaozhao said gently to herself, but after she said those words, she suddenly felt very sad.    


It turned out that Xiao Zhaozhao really loved Xiao Yun. She was used to being pampered by him. She always thought that he would pamper her forever, but she did not expect that Xiao Yun did not love her.    


Didn't love? Xiao Zhaozhao's hand gently caressed her stomach. In this kind of warmth, there was a kind of trance. When she found out that she was pregnant again, she was so happy that she felt that she would once again become a happy mother.    


But she did not expect that before the child could grow up and be born, there would be such a situation.    


Xiao Zhaozhao fiercely took another puff of smoke and then heavily blew out the smoke ring. Her voice was gentle as she asked, "Child, do you think I should let you give birth?"    


Xiao Zhaozhao's question followed the smoke ring and floated and very quickly disappeared. Looking at the rising smoke ring, she frowned. She asked again, "What if I give birth to you and you look like your father? What should I do? Should I watch over you every day and live in pain? "    


Xiao Zhaozhao's question continued to drift in the air and then disappeared all of a sudden. She frowned and did not say a word for a long time. She quietly finished smoking the cigarette in her hand and then threw the cigarette butt heavily on the ground. She stretched out her leg and stepped on the cigarette butt on the ground to extinguish it.    


Xiao Zhaozhao turned her head and looked at the wedding picture on the bed. She was smiling brightly on the top of the bed. Xiao Yun's smile on the top was very warm and gentle, but everything was not as happy as it was in the past.    


Xiao Zhaozhao was covered in anger as she picked up her high heels from the ground. She raised her hand and the high heels heavily floated down from the photo frame.    


She used a lot of strength and fiercely floated up, making a dull sound, but it was not like what she had imagined. The photo frame did not break and there was not even a crack.    


In the photo, Xiao Zhaozhao and Xiao Yun were still smiling very happily. But looking at the happy herself and gentle Xiao Yun, she felt very frustrated.    


She could not tolerate them staying together because looking at them would only make Xiao Zhaozhao feel pain. In the midst of her heartache and gratitude, she angrily carried the vase on the bed and floated down to the photo frame.    


The sound of the vase shattering lit up, but the photo still did not move, as if it would not fall down no matter what if it was hung up.    


Looking at the very firm photo, Xiao Zhaozhao felt a bit absent-minded. She looked at the photo and did not look like it would fall down. She muttered to herself, "Could it be that our feelings will not end?"    


A smile immediately rose on her dazed and painful face. Xiao Zhaozhao kept running in the room, searching for her phone. After finding the phone, she impatiently called Xiao Yun.    


She was on the phone, "Ding, Ding..." No one answered. Xiao Zhaozhao frowned and her mind was filled with uneasiness and sadness.    


Xiao Yun looked at the familiar and annoying name on the phone screen and felt very depressed. So he was determined to answer the call after a long time.    


Xiao Ruzi watched from the side and knew that it was Xiao Zhaozhao calling. She also knew that she must have something important to ask Xiao Yun, so she sympathetically advised Xiao Yun, "Xiao Yun, you should answer the call. There are some things. You should also have a good talk with Xiao Zhaozhao."    


Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun did not listen to Xiao Ruzi's advice and firmly hung up the phone. He said angrily, "This Xiao Zhaozhao is really abnormal. I hate her so much. Why would I answer? I don't want to see this vicious heart of Xiao Zhaozhao again in the future."    


Xiao Zhaozhao was very happy when she heard Xiao Yun's words. She opened her arms to hug him, and it looked like she would push her arms away. Xiao Yun walked in front of her and held her in his arms.    


In that warm embrace, Xiao Zhaozhao did not feel at ease at all. The worry in her heart increased again. She thought about Xiao Zhaozhao's pregnancy. She did not know if Xiao Yun deliberately did not think about it or really forgot about it.    


But Xiao Zhaozhao knew that it must be a hidden danger. In such a hidden danger. She did not know what to do. She felt that her happiness needed to face many more things. For a moment, she didn't know what to do. Her heart was filled with fear.    


However, she couldn't tell Xiao Yun what she was thinking because she was afraid. Once those words left her mouth, he would return to Xiao Zhaozhao's side. It wasn't easy for Xiao Zhaozhao to let him return to her side, and she couldn't bear to let him leave.    


Xiao Zhaozhao stared at the phone that was hung up. She frowned and continued to call unwillingly. This time, the result was that the phone was turned off.    


When she heard the female voice on the phone telling her that the phone that you dialed had been turned off, she angrily floated the phone to the ground.    


"Che Jiezhao, don't blame me for being heartless if you are heartless." Xiao Zhaozhao's cold face was like ice and snow in winter. It was so cold that it made her shiver.    


In the waiting room of the hospital, Xiao Zhaozhao was like an unscrupulous student. She did not care about the women who looked at her with disdain and disgust. She just kept smoking.    


Xiao Zhaozhao actually did not need to line up here and directly went to see the expert. It was just that her heart was still full of melancholy. As she kept smoking the smoke ring, she kept thinking, Is it really necessary to not have children like this?    


This question filled her heart and made Xiao Zhaozhao unable to clear her thoughts no matter how hard she tried. When she heard the nurse's gentle voice that read the numbers, she appeared to be very vexed.    


Xiao Zhaozhao took another fierce puff of smoke and heavily exhaled the smoke ring. She heavily sighed. She said that she wanted to be heartless and to be heartless to Xiao Yun.    


The first thing Xiao Zhaozhao wanted to do was to make his child disappear from this world, so Xiao Zhaozhao's spearhead was pointed at the child in her stomach.    


But when they really arrived at the hospital, Xiao Zhaozhao kept hearing the nurse's number decrease. The panic in her heart kept increasing.    


She even said that she would be heartless to Xiao Yun, but Xiao Zhaozhao found that she could not even pass this test. Her heart was filled with fear and uneasiness. Xiao Zhaozhao extinguished the cigarette in her hand heavily and held her phone tightly. It was still the same. - He hesitated for a long time. After a long time, he pressed the call button.    


However, after the call button floated down, it was still a cold mechanical female voice. It coldly told Xiao Zhaozhao, "The number you have dialed has been turned off."    


This sentence sounded very angry. In the midst of Xiao Zhaozhao's anger, she directly hung up the phone. Then, she furrowed her brows and raised her hand. She wished that she could smash the phone. The middle-aged woman sitting beside her held her hand.    


Xiao Zhaozhao turned her head and looked at the good-natured middle-aged woman smiling at her. She frowned in confusion and asked, "Why are you holding me?"    


"Miss, I saw you smoking just now and felt that it was quite annoying. But looking at how angry you looked when you couldn't get through to the phone, I felt quite sorry for you. Talk to me for a bit. " The middle-aged woman's words were filled with warmth and gentleness.    


In such a gentle tone, Xiao Zhaozhao was stunned. She did not understand why an unfamiliar middle-aged woman, who seemed to be dressed plainly, wanted to talk to her.    


Xiao Zhaozhao vigilantly stared at the middle-aged woman in front of her and did not speak for a long time. The middle-aged woman's gaze was kind as she stared at her and said gently, "Miss, are you a human flow?"    


The middle-aged woman stared at Xiao Zhaozhao's hand that was covering her stomach and asked with certainty. Xiao Zhaozhao did not refute and nodded her head. At this moment, she was still struggling and did not know whether to go in or not.    


The middle-aged woman tried to persuade her, "Miss, I think you should think it through clearly. Don't think that you can ignore everything just because you are young. My daughter is as old as you but she has only been in the crowd a few times. Now, she can't even carry a child anymore, so she has put in a lot of effort. I tried many methods, but none of them worked. Right now, she regrets dying. "    


Xiao Zhaozhao heard the middle-aged woman's voice, but it did not have any effect on her. Instead, it made her feel very troubled.    


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