Kidnapping My Future Wife

C648 Instantaneous Amnesia

C648 Instantaneous Amnesia

1Xiao Ruzi said, "No, Xiao Yun, don't go against your own heart because of me. I love you. I want to be with you. Since things have come to this point, how about we be together?"    


Xiao Ruzi shouted loudly. She was unwilling to see everything develop to such an extent, but she could not be with the person she loved.    


She was looking forward to being able to live in a blessed land with Xiao Yun in broad daylight. She was looking forward to her being able to be happy. Amidst the loud roars, Xiao Zhaozhao's face was filled with despair. She stared at Xiao Yun and asked, "You love her very much, don't you?"    


Xiao Yun did not answer. He was silent for a long time, as if he was in a dilemma about who to choose. "Xiao Yun, what about me? How do you feel about me?" Xiao Zhaozhao looked at Xiao Yun's silence and her fingers trembled as she rubbed her stomach.    


She had a child in her stomach that was almost two months old. She thought that her child and her would have a blissful family and future.    


However, things were not as they had imagined. In Xiao Yun's film, Xiao Zhaozhao's expectations were being destroyed bit by bit. Her thick love was also being erased bit by bit.    


Xiao Ruzi was so grateful that she felt dizzy. Her eyes were so blurry that she could not see clearly the man in front of her. But she stubbornly held on and told herself not to fall. She must not fall down. She had to wait for the result. She had to wait until Xiao Yun chose Xiao Zhaozhao or chose her.    


While waiting, she frowned. Supporting herself, not letting herself faint. But this wait seemed to be very long and long. She could not hold on any longer. The dizziness in her brain made her close her eyes. She thought that once she closed her eyes, she would not see Xiao Yun in a difficult situation.    


Unexpectedly, when she closed her eyes, she found that Xiao Yun was still in a difficult position in front of her. It was so clear that his pain was written all over his face. She didn't want to make him feel pain, but she couldn't help him.    


That familiar face filled with pain slowly disappeared from her brain, and then her world became a blank. In that blank space, it was as if she had lost her memory in an instant.    


She couldn't remember anything, nor could she remember anything. She couldn't hear any sounds, as if there was no sorrow, pain, or happiness.    


Xiao Yun's eyes looked in Xiao Ruzi's direction. When he saw her fall to the ground, he panicked and shouted her name, "Xiao Ruzi..."    


His voice was loud and clear, accompanied by his panicked voice. He quickened his pace and ran in Xiao Ruzi's direction. His eyes seemed to only have Xiao Ruzi in his eyes, so when he passed by Xiao Zhaozhao, the force was so strong that Xiao Zhaozhao fell to the ground. It was a very strong force. It made Xiao Zhaozhao feel pain all over her body.    


Tears fell down the moment she fell to the ground. Xiao Zhaozhao stared at the tears on the ground in despair. Xiao Yun was making a decision and his decision was clear enough.    


He called Xiao Ruzi's name, but she seemed to be unable to wake up. Xiao Yun directly hit her from the ground and carried her horizontally, running towards the side of the road.    


When they went out of the coffee hall, no one stopped him. He did not say anything to Xiao Zhaozhao, and only cared about carrying Xiao Ruzi and running.    


Xiao Zhaozhao's pain was written all over her face. Xiao Zhaozhao's face was covered with tears but Xiao Yun did not see it. Only Xiao Ruzi was in his eyes and his heart was anticipating that she would be fine.    


After putting Xiao Ruzi in the car, he quickly started the car. The car drove on the highway. He always felt that the car was very slow and full. He really wanted to appear in the hospital immediately.    


However, it was as if he would never be able to reach the hospital. His eyes were filled with pain as he looked at Xiao Ruzi's face. He said uneasily, "You must get better, understand? As long as you get better, I don't want anything. I just want to be with you."    


His very warm words eased the tense atmosphere. Xiao Ruzi, who was indifferent, could not hear his warm words. Her face was pale. The bloody wound on her face was really shocking.    


There were too many hypotheses and possibilities, and they kept floating in front of him. Xiao Yun stood at the door of the emergency room, his eyes full of uneasiness.    


Looking at the tightly shut door and the bright green words emergency treatment, his panic was like numbness. He knew that he was a bastard, and also knew that he did not have the right to make Xiao Ruzi love him so deeply.    


Until now, his heart was filled with wild regret. In that kind of regret, he could only beg the heavens to give him a chance.    


He did not want to miss it again and let him have a chance to truly muster up the courage to love, but the bright red words in the emergency room looked so terrifying and frustrating.    


As he waited for the door to open, it was as if several centuries had passed in an instant. Amidst the silence and panic, he frowned. He felt that the door was the door of fate. After the door was opened, the result might be happy. It could be despair. In so many emotions, he was extremely afraid.    


The pure white dress made Che Jiezhao look handsome and handsome, but there wasn't a hint of joy on his face. It was supposed to be a happy scene, but he frowned. It made all the joyful atmosphere freeze up in a layer of negative emotions.    


Wu Meijuan was wearing a wedding dress with a smile on her face as she walked in front of Che Jiezhao. She did not notice Che Jiezhao who was in a daze. Instead, she stretched out her hand. She held Che Jiezhao in her arms and said gently, "Jiezhao, I am so happy. After the wedding is over, I am your new mother."    


Wu Meijuan's voice was full of joy, but in her voice, it was full of joy. Che Jiezhao could not be happy, because these words were not meant to announce it to him. He was about to become a happy man, but he was warning him. He was going to lose his happiness.    


The red rose carpet was intoxicating with champagne, and the wedding venue was full of romantic atmosphere. Che Jiezhao was not happy at all in the thick wedding atmosphere.    


Che Jiezhao's face was pale. He gently held Wu Meijuan's hand with his fingers and pulled her hand away from him. His words were filled with cold rejection. "Wu Meijuan, I don't love you."    


Che Jiezhao's words made Wu Meijuan, who was pushed away by him, stiffen her smile. Che Jiezhao still said mercilessly, "I don't love you."    


His very cold words made Wu Meijuan panic. Just now, she thought that she was the most beautiful bride in the world and would also be the happiest woman in the world.    


But her dream did not even last 24 hours. It was completely shattered and her eyes were filled with despair. They recalled all the time they spent with Che Jiezhao, but they never told each other whether they loved each other or not.    


"But I love you. It's enough that I love you. One day, you will love me." Wu Meijuan ran towards Che Jiezhao again, trying to hug him.    


Che Jiezhao was retreating. Wu Meijuan jumped over and missed her arm. She stared at Che Jiezhao blankly for a long time. She could not calm down and her eyes were full of fear.    


"Che Jiezhao, don't be like this. Even if you don't love me. We will also hold the wedding, okay?" Wu Meijuan was begging. She looked around at the roses. The white roses were filled with purity and love. It was a dream-like wedding. She did not want to lose it.    


However, Che Jiezhao kept shaking his head. The way he shook his head made people feel scared and scared. His actions of shaking his head were announcing to the charming that it was impossible.    


"Sorry, I can't do it. I really don't love you, so I can't hold a wedding with you." Under Lo Hongmei's coercion, Che Jiezhao did not want to hurt Lo Hongmei's heart.    


So he didn't refute her. He thought he could do nothing to refute her. But when he looked at the romantic wedding venue, he saw that the woman who held the wedding with him was not the woman he loved. He immediately panicked.    


Wu Meijuan's tears fell down and fell down uncontrollably with grief. She completely ignored whether she was a happy bride or not. Her makeup was dyed. Her face was instantly blurred.    


Originally, she was the new mother today, the happiest woman who could smile the most. But at this moment, when Che Jiezhao said that he didn't love her... When he said that he couldn't hold a wedding with her, she became the most sorrowful woman.    


"Alright, I've told you everything that needs to be said. Let's stop here." Che Jiezhao's voice drifted down and he turned around. Even though Wu Meijuan cried very sadly, he did not take it seriously.    


Because he did not love, it made him feel cold to women. He walked and put his right hand in his pocket. He looked very cool and relaxed. It made Che Jiezhao feel like he was the only one.    


He had been under Lo Hongmei's coercion all this time. He felt that he was bound. Now that he was free, he could breathe the air freely. It felt really good.    


However, before he took a step forward, he ran into the person he didn't want to see the most. The middle-aged woman who appeared in his eyes wore a fitting dress. She stared at Che Jiezhao with a cold gaze. Her angry face looked as if she wanted to slap Che Jiezhao.    


"Mother..." Che Jiezhao called out anxiously. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he was hit by a powerful slap.    


"Che Jiezhao, don't tell me you don't care about me finding a mother? I'm not afraid to tell you, if you escape today and find a place to get married, how serious would my loss be?" Lo Hongmei did not blame Che Jiezhao.    


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