Kidnapping My Future Wife

C646 There's Still Time

C646 There's Still Time

0On the other side, he said, "I know you won't believe me no matter what I say. If that's the case, why ask me?" Her words drifted down and Xiao Ruzi shut her mouth. She did not want to speak anymore and did not want to say anything else.     2


Her words seemed to have angered Xiao Zhaozhao. Xiao Zhaozhao raised her palm and slapped over. The sound of the slap was very loud and it directly fell into her ears, making people's ears buzz.    


"It is indeed a pair of dog couple. Even at this time, they are still firmly defending." Xiao Zhaozhao coldly snorted and then ordered the purple clothed person behind her, "Go and get a rope to hang her on the beam."    


Xiao Ruzi reached out her hand to cover her face. The pain made her feel sad but she did not give in. Her eyes coldly stared at the purple clothed person who was walking towards her.    


Very quickly someone grabbed her hand and tied it tightly together. Then the other end of the rope was thrown to the other side of the beam. Someone grabbed the other end of the rope and then her entire body was hung up.    


Her wrist was pulled until it hurt. In that kind of pain, she frowned but did not say a word. Her eyes were cold as she stared at Xiao Zhaozhao. Xiao Zhaozhao leisurely drank coffee and sat quietly.    


Xiao Ruzi sighed and retracted her gaze. She endured the pain on her wrist and waited for Xiao Yun to come. She did not know what would happen and only hoped that everything would not be too messy and unclean.    


Xiao Yun appeared much faster than Xiao Zhaozhao imagined. She picked up the phone on the ground and stared at the phone screen. She said coldly, "40 minutes."    


Then she repeated loudly, "Forty minutes. Xiao Yun, you actually arrived in forty minutes. Tell me, there is nothing between you two. There really is nothing between you two. Why are you so anxious?"    


Xiao Yun's eyes glanced at Xiao Ruzi on the beam, then quickly fell on Xiao Zhaozhao's face. He smiled and gently stared at Xiao Zhaozhao. He covered his chest with his palm and looked as if he was relieved.    


Xiao Zhaozhao frowned when she saw him like that. She shouted angrily, "Xiao Yun..."    


Xiao Yun's eyes were full of warmth as he stared at Xiao Zhaozhao. His words were also filled with warmth as he said gently, "Wife, it's okay. It's good that everything is in time."    


Xiao Zhaozhao heard this sentence and was very angry. Her eyes were cold and her face was full of anger. "Do you mean that there is still time to save your lover?"    


Xiao Ruzi's understanding was also the meaning in Xiao Zhaozhao's words. The corner of her mouth raised slightly but she did not say anything. She only called Xiao Yun's name in her heart full of gratitude.    


It was just that her gentle call to Xiao Yun could not be heard at all, but she could feel Xiao Yun's care. If he did not care about her, why did he appear in 40 minutes?    


"Wife, you misunderstood." Xiao Yun ran to Xiao Zhaozhao. When she was still wrapped in anger, he reached out and hugged her tightly.    


His words were filled with warmth. He said gently, "Wife, luckily I arrived in time. Otherwise, you might have broken the law. That would not be good for our Xiao family."    


This was Xiao Yun's reason. It didn't sound like there was any flaw in it. However, it sounded too far-fetched. In such a far-fetched reason, Xiao Zhaozhao frowned. She pushed Xiao Yun away and didn't even look at him. She walked to her chair.    


Her words were filled with coldness, and she returned to her queen status. Her words were cold and arrogant. "I will give you one more chance. Old man, tell me the truth about what happened between you two."    


Although Xiao Zhaozhao appeared very calm, everyone felt that she was only calm on the surface. When they heard Xiao Zhaozhao's solemn and cold voice, Xiao Yun's face revealed a smile.    


He smiled and walked to Xiao Zhaozhao's side. He tried to hug her, but Xiao Zhaozhao did not push him to the ground. Xiao Yun, who fell to the ground, had a stiff smile on his face.    


But very soon, he had a smile on his face because he knew that if he admitted everything, he would be kicked out of the Xiao family. Then, his purpose, his patience, and everything he had done would be for naught.    


Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Yun was like an obedient puppy. In front of his master, he kept shaking his tail and begging for mercy, looking forward to getting his master's love.    


"Xiao Zhaozhao, I love you." His words were warm and gentle, with a hint of bewitchment. Then, his slender arm hugged Xiao Zhaozhao with great force.    


These words were indeed enough to bewitch Xiao Zhaozhao. However, Xiao Yun chose an inappropriate scene. At this moment, Xiao Zhaozhao's entire body was cold. She maintained her rationality in her own coldness.    


Her voice was full of ridicule. "Xiao Yun, do you know what you look like at this moment?" Xiao Yun was seriously answering Xiao Zhaozhao's words. He asked, "I don't know. Xiao Zhaozhao, what do you look like?"    


Xiao Yun's voice was filled with joy. He thought Xiao Zhaozhao was compromising with him. Xiao Zhaozhao, on the other hand, was sneering. She smiled coldly. "At this moment, you are like a shameless person. If I want you, you will live. I don't want you. You will be thrown on the street. It is very difficult for you to live. "    


Xiao Ruzi, who was hanging on the beam, frowned when she heard Xiao Zhaozhao's mocking words. Even though Xiao Yun's behavior was indeed like a dog, Xiao Ruzi did not have the slightest bit of dislike for him. Therefore, she could not tolerate Xiao Zhaozhao talking about Xiao Yun like that.    


Enduring the pain on her wrist, Xiao Ruzi's gaze directly fell from the beam and floated down. She stared at Xiao Zhaozhao with ridicule, "Xiao Zhaozhao, when you say Xiao Yun only has enough... You are Xiao Yun's wife. If he is a shameless male dog, then you are an even more shameless female dog. "    


After saying those loud words, Xiao Ruzi realized that she was actually scolding Xiao Yun in her words. However, since she had already said those words, there was no way she could care about it.    


After saying such cold words, Xiao Zhaozhao angrily pushed Xiao Yun away. She kept stamping her feet and pointing the spearhead at Xiao Ruzi. She loudly cursed, "You stinky woman, what right do you have to say to me? You shameless rotten thing, rotten thing. "    


Xiao Yun's arm once again wrapped around the irritated Xiao Zhaozhao. His words were filled with warmth and gentleness. He said gently, "Xiao Zhaozhao, don't be angry. Let's see how the old man will vent his anger on you."    


As his voice drifted down, Xiao Yun said to the purple clothed person, "Put this woman down." But without the purple clothed person listening to his orders, those black clothed bodyguards stood still as if they did not hear anything.    


"Put this stinky woman down. I want to see what you will do to her." Xiao Zhaozhao's voice floated down and one of them untied the other end of the rope. Xiao Ruzi, who was hanging on the beam, was immediately placed on the ground.    


She went limp and fell to the ground. Her entire body was filled with fatigue. She did not want to move at all. Xiao Yun directly rushed in Xiao Ruzi's direction. He lifted his leg and kicked towards Xiao Ruzi's stomach. Those high-end heavy leather shoes directly fell down. It made Xiao Ruzi's face turn pale from the pain.    


Although she felt that Xiao Yun did not use too much strength, that kind of pain kept rising and surging, making her unable to calm the pain in her heart for a moment.    


The painful gaze stared at Xiao Yun. His feet were constantly lifted up and then floated down. The strength was not great, but it made her feel extremely painful.    


Xiao Zhaozhao walked to Xiao Yun's side and reached out her hand to grab Xiao Yun's arm. It seemed like she was organizing Xiao Yun, but Xiao Ruzi understood that woman would not have such a good heart.    


As expected, Xiao Zhaozhao stared at Xiao Yun and said gently, "Elder, you don't have to work so hard. You don't have to do it yourself if you want to beat someone up."    


After Xiao Zhaozhao finished speaking, she pulled Xiao Yun's hand and pressed him on the stool. She said very gently, "Elder, you just have to sit here and drink caffeine."    


After she said that, Xiao Zhaozhao sat down and said to the five people in purple, "Why don't you do it for me?"    


The five purple clothed people were like five large mountains moving in Xiao Ruzi's direction continuously. She held her stomach that was in pain after being kicked by Xiao Yun and stared at the men in purple anxiously. She frowned, and fear rose in her heart.    


The men in purple moved quickly. Before she could think of what to do, their fists and kicks landed on her body.    


Hence, Xiao Ruzi was like a sandbag, being hit by those purple robed people hatefully, making her feel endless pain all over her body.    


Xiao Ruzi thought in her heart, "This seems to be what Xiao Yun wants to happen. Then let him fulfill his wish."    


Since she loved him, she was willing to make up for the trouble for him. It did not matter even if she died for him. "Xiao Zhaozhao, we can't fight anymore. If we fight again, there will be deaths." Xiao Yun was pale and looked at Xiao Zhaozhao begging.    


"Do you feel pain in your heart?" Xiao Zhaozhao looked cold and gently drank the coffee. She did not plan to stop. Xiao Yun was choked by Xiao Zhaozhao's words and did not know how to reply for a moment. He looked at Xiao Ruzi who was beaten up and curled up in a ball. Her face was pale and her brows were tightly knitted. The muscles on her face were taut and filled with pain.    


His heart ached but he did not know what to do. Xiao Zhaozhao's voice entered his ears. Not only did she not want the purple clothed person to stop, she even said, "Beat him up. Hit him hard."    


Hearing Xiao Zhaozhao's cold words, Xiao Yun knew that the situation was getting more and more serious. He hurriedly drank up the coffee on the table. However, not only could he not calm down, but he also could not calm down. On the contrary, he felt even more panicked in his heart.    


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