Kidnapping My Future Wife

C591 He Made a Bet with Love

C591 He Made a Bet with Love

1On the other side, Lee Xueqiang's mood at this time was really chaotic to the extreme. When Zhuge Xueyan saw his pale face, she initially thought that it was because he was worried about his mother Bai Qiyun's illness.    


However, when Zhuge Xueyan observed further, she realized that the matter was not as simple as she had guessed. It turned out that because of this matter, not only did Lee Xueqiang not feel grateful towards Zhuge Xueyan, but he also felt grateful towards her. On the contrary, she was much colder towards her than before. Furthermore, he was doing everything he could to avoid her.    


"What's wrong with Xueqiang?" Zhuge Xueyan felt very uncomfortable when she saw Lee Xueqiang like this. However, she did not know why Lee Xueqiang suddenly treated her like this.    


Initially, Zhuge Xueyan wanted to ask Lee Xueqiang about it. However, when she saw the pain on Lee Xueqiang's face, she could not bear to ask him about it.    


Due to Zhuge Xueyan's presence, the County People's Hospital arranged a very good doctor and the best ward for Lee Xueqiang's mother.    


No matter how hard the doctor worked, Bai Qiyun's condition did not improve. On the contrary, her condition worsened day by day. Later, after the detailed examination by those doctors, the results of the examination were obtained.    


Who knew that when he heard the examination results, Lee Xueqiang's heart felt very painful.    


It turned out that the village doctor who gave Bai Qiyun an injection that day. It was unknown whether it was because of technical problems or because his thoughts were poor. He actually missed the injection when he gave her the injection. That injection actually landed on her osteopathic nerve.    


On the other side, Che Jiezhao was standing by the bed. He looked at Xiao Ruzi gently as if he was looking at a good white jade. He was very careful and full of love.    


Time quietly flowed. In such a situation, Xiao Ruzi closed her eyes tightly and slept soundly, but she did not sleep well.    


Xiao Ruzi kept muttering and calling a person's name, "Xiao Yun... Xiao Yun... No... No... Xiao Yun, I'm begging you, please don't leave me behind, okay? ... "    


Even in her dreams, Xiao Ruzi could not forget that man. But why did that man not cherish her?    


Che Jiezhao unconsciously knitted his brows tightly. He really felt pain for Xiao Ruzi. Xiao Yun used his hand to tidy Xiao Ruzi's messy hair and gently wiped the sweat off her forehead.    


At the dinner table of Xiao family, Xiao Ruzi was nowhere to be seen. However, Xiao Yun did not notice that Xiao Ruzi did not exist. At the dining table, Xiao Yun, who was carrying a bowl of rice, did not have the time to deliver food to his mouth. He suddenly heard a loud shout.    


"Xiao Yun, where did you go last night? Why didn't you go home?" The man asked Xiao Yun in a loud voice.    


Xiao Yun heard the man's question and unconsciously put the bowl of chopsticks on the table with a bang. He then used his eyes to angrily wait for Xiao Zhaozhao to come in.    


After that, Xiao Yun used a solemn expression and a cold voice to say to Xiao Zhaozhao, "Can't I drink outside? And I drank all night."    


"Really? "Xiao Zhaozhao's footsteps slowly approached the dining table. She widened her eyes and loudly reproached, "Do you think that I will believe a lie like this?"    


Xiao Yun raised his head and stared at Xiao Zhaozhao. "It's good that you don't believe it. What does it have to do with me?    


Xiao Zhaozhao angrily overturned the dishes on the table and asked in a cold voice," Are you with that vixen again? Bring that vixen back for me to see. "    


The loud question made Xiao Yun frown. He said in a cold voice, "No." An answer that Xiao Zhaozhao could not stop smiling coldly. She smiled, but her smile became sad.    


"Xiao Ruzi did not come back. Are you two together?" She changed the topic. This question touched Xiao Yun's heart. There was a trace of panic on his face, but it quickly returned to normal.    


Facing Xiao Zhaozhao's eyes, his words were cold and his voice was also cold. "How many times have I told you? I have no relationship with her? Why don't you believe me?"    


Xiao Zhaozhao's cold laughter became louder and louder. In the silent atmosphere, it became cold. She opened her eyes and said coldly, "Why should I believe you?"    


"Believe it or not." It was still the same four words. After these four words jumped out of his mouth, he could not find any words to say to Xiao Zhaozhao anymore.    


Although he knew that the things that happened these few days were related to Xiao Ruzi, but how could he tell Xiao Zhaozhao everything? "Xiao Zhaozhao, if you lack trust in me, I think there is no need for our marriage to continue." The very serious words that came out of his mouth provoked Xiao Zhaozhao.    


Xiao Zhaozhao quickly ran in front of Xiao Yun. She reached out and slapped Xiao Yun's cheek. Her eyes were cold as she asked, "What do you mean? What do you mean?"    


Xiao Yun heard Xiao Zhaozhao's words and felt angry in his heart. He really felt pain and pain in his heart. Yes, what was more painful than others not believing him?    


Xiao Yun could not help staring at Xiao Zhaozhao with his eyes. He kept frowning. He really did not understand. He and Xiao Zhaozhao had been husband and wife for such a long time. She actually did not trust him like this.    


"If you do not trust me like this, then what is the point of living together? Then I'd better get a divorce. " Xiao Yun did not really want to get a divorce with Xiao Zhaozhao in his heart. He had the intention of saying this sentence. He just wanted to shock her a little.    


Because Xiao Yun knew that for a woman, what she feared the most was a man wanting to divorce her. At this time, they wanted to make unnecessary concessions.    


Xiao Zhaozhao heard Xiao Yun's words and was indeed fooled, so she was immediately stunned.    


Xiao Zhaozhao was stunned and her mind was blank. In fact, at the beginning, Xiao Zhaozhao did not love the man in front of her so deeply that she could not part with him.    


In Xiao Zhaozhao's heart, no matter how much she quarreled with Xiao Yun, even if she hit herself, it would be very hard to accept if she said she was divorced.    


Xiao Zhaozhao had always thought that divorce and breakup would never have any relation with her world.    


However, at this time, this word "divorce" really drifted into her ears. Furthermore, it came from the mouth of the man she loved. How could she really accept this?    


Xiao Yun's voice was filled with helplessness. The sound of pain made Xiao Zhaozhao feel pain when she heard it.    


The time within their stiff range turned dark. Xiao Zhaozhao was stunned, as if she had turned into a statue in an instant.    


She looked at the man in front of her quietly. For a moment, she did not know what to say. It was as if her soul had been extracted in an instant. She could not calm herself down no matter what.    


Xiao Yun seemed to not care about it. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, and slowly smoked it.    


Xiao Yun was actually betting with Xiao Zhaozhao. It also seemed to be a bet with fate and love. If he failed, then the love between him and Xiao Zhaozhao would be over.    


The cigarette was lit and smoke was lingering. Xiao Yun kept smoking in silence, but his eyes were fixed on the woman in front of him.    


"Xiao Zhaozhao, what exactly do you want? Tell me quickly." Xiao Yun deliberately said calmly.    


Actually, when Xiao Yun said this, he did not have any foundation in his heart. He really did not know what Xiao Zhaozhao was thinking in her heart.    


The faint voice, which encompassed Xiao Zhaozhao's grief, successfully woke her up. Her eyes were wrapped in pain as she stared at Xiao Yun.    


After frowning, a smile suddenly appeared on the side of her sad face. It was as if Xiao Zhaozhao was not that sad and sad just now.    


Xiao Zhaozhao then gently pulled Xiao Yun's arm. Her words were also filled with gentleness. She acted as if nothing had happened.    


"Xiao Yun, don't joke with me like this. I won't allow you to bring up the divorce again. Otherwise, I will give you a warning. In this lifetime, you can't talk about divorce with me."    


Her tone was like that of a queen, carrying an order. When Xiao Zhaozhao's words drifted into his ears, Xiao Yun knew that he had won. The reluctance in Xiao Zhaozhao's words told him that he would definitely win.    


However, it did not seem to make any concessions in Xiao Zhaozhao's words. Xiao Yun just kept smoking and spitting out smoke, causing him to be in the boundless smoke, covering his face with sorrow.    


Seeing that Xiao Yun did not have any reaction, Xiao Zhaozhao frowned and her cheeks were full of uneasiness. Her words became weaker and weaker.    


"Xiao Yun, can you not be like this? I will not give you a divorce. You will be mine for the rest of your life. I will not divorce you. "Xiao Zhaozhao said.    


When Xiao Yun heard Xiao Zhaozhao's concession, he felt a sense of victory. Hence, the corner of his eyes revealed a thick smile.    


Xiao Yun unconsciously looked at Xiao Zhaozhao and then said in a very gentle tone," Actually, Xiao Zhaozhao, I was also joking with you just now. I really can't bear to divorce you. I really won't divorce you. Do you know?"    


After his words floated down, Xiao Yun's slender arms wrapped around Xiao Zhaozhao. A faint smile appeared on his cheeks. He knew that he was betting with fate. If Xiao Zhaozhao was there, he would have won more than half of the bet.    


The bright red sunlight passed through the huge glass window. It shot straight into the room and shone on the bright floor. The bright spots that suddenly lit up and dimmed were so beautiful. It made the entire house look like a magical beauty.    


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