Kidnapping My Future Wife

C437 Mysterious Figure

C437 Mysterious Figure

2Du Caiping sighed and said, "But even if Senior Haoming trusts his own strength too much, it is still good. It's also good that he underestimated his enemy too much. In fact, she still kicked Xiao Yun a lot. Furthermore, she wasted more than a month of training. As for that Xiao Yun... He has been training hard every day."    0


"Therefore, we can say that we need to train the Yee Boxing. It is very important to have talent. Sometimes, it is even better than hard work. Look, wouldn't we be able to find the answer on Senior Haoming? "    


Su Yuqing, Du Caiping, Looh Shifeng, and the others chattered for a while and then left.    


On the other side, Xiao Yun and Coach Lyi were still undergoing special training. They saw Xiao Yun kicking them one after another. He was really steady and powerful. He had improved a lot compared to before.    


When the special training ended, Coach Lyi and Xiao Yun walked out of the training base. The sun had already set. They saw the sunset glow on their bodies. One looked very handsome, but what about the other? It was extremely beautiful.    


At this time, Coach Lyi and Xiao Yun caught the last bus to Clouds Sea Dojo.    


In the bus, Coach Lyi and Xiao Yun sat side by side in the last two seats in the last row. As the road was not very smooth, the bus kept slowing down and speeding up. It caused the passengers to lean back and charge forward from time to time.    


"Coach Li, why did Perfect squeeze into the bus today?" Xiao Yun grabbed the puller on the bus with one hand and asked Coach Lyi, puzzled.    


Xiao Yun remembered that he and Coach Lyi had finished their training not long ago. They both walked back to Clouds Sea Dojo together. This way, not only could they exercise their feet, but they could also save money.    


"Recently, I have been training with you. I have used up too much physical strength. It is better to take the car back. It is easy to recover physical strength." Coach Lyi replied while talking.    


"Oh, so that is the reason." Xiao Yun understood Coach Lyi's consciousness in his heart.    


At this time, the bus turned a big turn and suddenly met a red light. The driver braked hard. Xiao Yun and the other passengers were unconsciously pushed forward by the huge inertia and almost fell down.    


But what about Coach Lyi? Her body still maintained balance and she actually sat stably.    


Xiao Yun finally managed to sit stably and asked in surprise, "Coach Lyi, you are really good. You are still as stable as Mount Tai under such a huge inertia."    


Coach Lyi said, "As a high level Yee Boxing disciple, you must always prepare for the enemy's attack. Therefore, your body is always prepared, just like how you suddenly encountered inertia. For a high level Yee Boxing disciple, he can neutralize the inertia. "    


"This is what the Yee Boxing Fist's meaning is, 'You can't shift your center of gravity downward, but you can still move left and right.' Is this what the Yee Boxing Fist's meaning is, 'You can't move your center of gravity downward, and you can move left and right as you wish'? Our consciousness means that our center of gravity must always be lowered. This way, we can be like the center of gravity, allowing you to swing left and right with all your strength. , when that external force passes, will your body still maintain its balance? "    


When Xiao Yun heard Coach Lyi's words, he was really surprised. He had also learned the true meaning of the Yee Boxing, which was the same as the Taichi Fist. It also had a soft side that countered hardness.    


Only the tough and the soft side was a level one expert of the Yee Boxing.    


Coach Lyi changed the topic and said to Xiao Yun, "Just now, when you were competing with Chiang Haoming, you performed very well."    


Hearing Coach Lyi's words, Xiao Yun was so happy that even his eyes lit up. He said, "Is it true?"    


"It's true. So, that legendary Yee Boxing genius, Chiang Haoming, Chiang Meng and the other two siblings, they are not gods. They also have weaknesses. " Coach Lyi still replied faintly.    


When Xiao Yun heard this, his heart trembled. It was really a mixture of five different flavors. There were all kinds of flavors. Ever since Xiao Yun fought with Senior Ling, Senior Haoming's younger sister, and was beaten badly by her, he had developed a sense of respect towards the three of them.    


Even though Xiao Yun had been constantly reminding himself to work hard and work harder, he believed that after continuous hard work, his skills would be raised to a higher level, and he would be able to defeat Senior Haoming.    


However, other than the last time, Senior Haoming might have underestimated his opponent and won because of him. As for the rest, he had never defeated him before.    


Therefore, Xiao Yun had doubts in his heart. No matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to defeat Senior Haoming. Because, he was the legendary Yee Boxing genius.    


"Coach Lyi, but I still have to thank you. If you don't tell me how to compete with Senior Haoming today... I really don't know how to fight. Perhaps... He wanted to compete with Senior Ling again, but was beaten badly by him. " Xiao Yun said as he stared at Coach Lyi. # 160    


It turned out that before Xiao Yun and Senior Haoming competed today, Coach Lyi quietly walked to Xiao Yun's side. She whispered to him, "Chiang Haoming knows you very well, so you will play with him later. Make him not understand your moves anymore."    


At that time, Xiao Yun did not fully understand what he had heard. It turned out that Xiao Yun knew. "Every time I fight with Senior Haoming, I am nervous. Before I make a move, I always have a bad habit of jumping forward. Every time at this time, Senior Haoming's eyes will flash with a trace of ridicule. "    


"So, Senior Haoming is very powerful. After a few rounds of fighting with me, he remembered a small weakness of himself. Therefore, every time I fight with him, he will know my moves like the back of his hand."    


On the other side, Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo seemed to be in a bad mood. They picked fruits and put the fruits into each other's clothes.    


Suddenly, Huyan Yangwei accidentally stepped on a jar. The jar cracked and made a loud noise.    


Hearing this sound, the lights in a small house not far away lit up. An old farmer's voice came from inside. "Who is it?"    


Huyan Yangwei was so scared that he did not dare to move when he heard the old farmer's question. Xuanyuan Mingguo, on the other hand, was smart enough to learn how to bark. Thinking that the dog had broken the jar, the old man stopped talking.    


Huyan Yangwei gave Xuanyuan Mingguo a thumbs up. Xuanyuan Mingguo was feeling proud when suddenly, the sound of a dog barking came from not far away.    


Huyan Yangwei looked at Xuanyuan Mingguo, but Xuanyuan Mingguo shook his head and said, "I did not learn the dog's bark this time." The two of them were silent for a moment. Suddenly, they seemed to have realized something. They ran to the wall. Suddenly, they noticed a ferocious big black dog chasing them from behind.    


Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo ran forward with all their might, and the fruits fell all over the ground.    


The wall was right in front of them, and Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo jumped onto it. Huyan Yangwei had just grabbed the wall when his feet slipped and he fell down again. Xuanyuan Mingguo quickly pulled him up and pulled him up with all his strength.    


Behind them, the big black dog was getting closer and closer.    


The big black dog came to the front of the wall and jumped towards Huyan Yangwei. Huyan Yangwei turned around and looked at the big black dog, his face full of fear. Just before the big black dog bit Huyan Yangwei, Xuanyuan Mingguo exerted his strength. He pulled Huyan Yangwei up.    


Huyan Yangwei looked at the black dog under the wall and heaved a sigh of relief.    


Xuanyuan Mingguo and Huyan Yangwei jumped off the wall and laid on the ground, breathing heavily. Xuanyuan Mingguo and Huyan Yangwei looked at each other and looked at each other's sorry state. Both of them laughed out loud.    


Xuanyuan Mingguo patted Huyan Yangwei's shoulder and said." Here we are, this way, no, we need to strengthen our bodies."    


Huyan Yangwei said helplessly, "I, I was bitten by a dog when I was young. I fell down and fell ill. I was scared when I saw a dog."    


Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo rested for a while before they calmed down. Xuanyuan Mingguo patted Huyan Yangwei's waist and found that there was not a single fruit.    


Huyan Yangwei also looked at Xuanyuan Mingguo's waist and asked, "Where are your fruits?" Xuanyuan Mingguo said, "Mine also fell off and ran away."    


Huyan Yangwei said, "Sigh, we have worked so hard for nothing."    


As Huyan Yangwei spoke, he suddenly felt an itch on his body. He scratched it hard and asked, "Why is my body so itchy? What did you stuff in just now?"    


Xuanyuan Mingguo said, "It's peaches." Huyan Yangwei said, "Then why aren't you itchy?" Xuanyuan Mingguo said, "You stuffed me with apples."    


Huyan Yangwei scratched his head and suddenly realized something. He said, "You knew it was peaches from the beginning, right?" Xuanyuan Mingguo didn't say anything. He just looked at him with an evil smile.    


Huyan Yangwei confirmed his thoughts and said, "You are a bad kid."    


Huyan Yangwei said, lifted Xuanyuan Mingguo's clothes, and wiped his hands on Xuanyuan Mingguo's body. Huyan Yangwei said, "I will let you have a taste of peach hair."    


Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo laid there, laughing and messing with each other.    


Suddenly, a bright car lamp lit up.    


The light made Xuanyuan Mingguo and Huyan Yangwei unable to open their eyes. Both of them covered their eyes with their hands. Not far away, a few mysterious people walked out of the car with long spears in their hands.    


The mysterious person walked up and surrounded Xuanyuan Mingguo and Huyan Yangwei. The mysterious person said, "You guys, stand up and come with us."    


Xuanyuan Mingguo said, "You just stole a few fruits. You don't have to be serious, do you?" The mysterious man said, "Don't talk too much. Let's go."    


Xuanyuan Mingguo and Huyan Yangwei could only stand up and walk towards the car.    


Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo were taken into the car, and the car was driving on the road. In the car, Xuanyuan Mingguo and Huyan Yangwei's eyes were covered by black cloth. The people beside them held their guns against them, and their expressions were very cold.    


Very quickly, the car drove into a mysterious courtyard.    


The mysterious man said to Huyan Yangwei and Xuanyuan Mingguo, "You guys, get off the car quickly."    


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