Kidnapping My Future Wife

C418 Something Bad Happened

C418 Something Bad Happened

1Because Gao Jianming wanted to get out of prison as soon as possible to give Ye Yanqi a stable home, he worked hard in prison to transform... He got the chance to get out of prison ahead of time. After serving a year and six months in prison, he learned that he could get out ahead of time. He was extremely excited and only wanted to share it with Ye Yanqi. He looked forward to the day of the visit. When he wanted to tell Ye Yanqi this good news, Ye Yanqi was not sent to the prison to see him.    


At first, he thought that Ye Yanqi had something to do so she did not come and did not take it to heart. But after a week, he still did not see Ye Yanqi until next week. Gao Jianming couldn't sleep that night. Could it be that something big really happened to Gui Qi? Otherwise, there was no reason for her not to come to see him for two weeks.    


Gao Jianming anxiously waited until next week, but Ye Yanqi still did not come to see him. Because he had modified his labor well, he was released not long after. No one came to pick him up the day he was released. He looked at the road that occasionally drove by cars in front of the prison door. His mood could not only be described as lost.    


He walked along the road alone towards Ye Yanqi's residence. A few taxis stopped and asked him where he was going. He smiled helplessly and did not reply. At that time, he was penniless and could not even be a bus.    


He walked from dawn to dusk and finally could not walk with his tired legs. He sat on the grass by the roadside and leaned back hard. Lying on the grass, looking at the gradually darkening sky, he had doubts about Ye Yanqi suddenly not coming to see him and slowly closed his eyes. He felt that he had never been so lonely before.    


He entered into a state of drowsiness. The night wind blew and his tired body could not help but tremble. He sat up and told himself that he could not close his eyes like this again. He continued to walk towards Ye Yanqi's residence until midnight when he finally arrived at the house he rented for Ye Yanqi.    


He knocked on the yard door a few times and waited for a long time before he heard someone open the door inside. At that time, there were no stars and no moon in the night sky and it was hard to see five fingers. The door opened, but Gao Jianming could not see the face of the person who opened the door. But he could hear the voice of the person who opened the door. That was the voice he loved to hear the most. He said, "You, you are Gao Jianming?"    


Gao Jianming wanted to laugh when he heard Ye Yanqi ask such a question, but no matter what, he could not laugh at all. He only added a sentence and said, "It's me."    


Gao Jianming really wanted to hug Ye Yanqi, but he did not know why he suddenly wanted Ye Yanqi to hug him first. This was the first time he did not want to use his initiative.    


However, Ye Yanqi did not hug him as he wished. He felt Ye Yanqi's surprise when she heard him say it was me, even though he could not see Ye Yanqi's face.    


"You, did you come out earlier?" Ye Yanqi's tone was very calm.    


This kind of peace made Gao Jianming very uncomfortable. He was looking forward to Ye Xiaoqi saying it very happily. But she didn't. This was enough to make Gao Jianming feel that something had happened, but he really didn't want to think about it. So he did not immediately ask why Ye Yanqi did not look at him. He wanted Ye Yanqi to say it herself. He said, "Yes, I came out early."    


Ye Yanqi let Gao Jianming into the house. The lights in the house were on. The neighbor's dog was not sure what kind of energetic breed it was. At this time, they could still hear the sound and said, "Woof, woof, woof."    


Gao Jianming sat on the chair. His tiredness was swept away by whether he was happy or depressed. He saw Ye Yanqi take off her coat and found that her eyes were staring at his feet. Gao Jianming looked down and saw that it was him who had taken the shoelaces away. Ye Yanqi squatted down and tied the shoelaces for Gao Jianming. Gao Jianming could not help but hold Ye Yanqi's face. He gently kissed her forehead.    


Before Gao Jianming's mouth left Ye Yanqi's forehead, Ye Yanqi said, "Gao Jianming, you can leave. We cannot meet again in the future."    


Gao Jianming never thought that she would say such a thing. He looked at her eyes anxiously and asked, "Why? What happened?"    


Ye Yanqi's eyes were filled with tears. Her voice was trembling as she said, "Sorry, I, I cannot love you anymore. My family knew about your imprisonment and they did not agree with it. I will follow you from now on. In a few days, I'm going to marry our restaurant's Manager Yun. He always liked me. "    


After Gao Jianming heard these words, he didn't know why, but he really wanted to sleep. He really wanted to sit on the chair and sleep, never to wake up.    


"Then, what is our relationship?" When Gao Jianming said this, he was like half a dead man who had lost his strength. Later, he knew that men shouldn't talk about relationships.    


"I have no choice. I really have no choice. If you don't go to jail, you won't. Wuuuu ~ ~    


Seeing the person he loved crying in front of him, Gao Jianming didn't lose his temper at all. Or perhaps he didn't even have the strength to lose his temper, and his body felt as if it had collapsed onto a chair. The crying of his beloved lasted for a long time, and then the entire room became quiet. It was so quiet that Gao Jianming could only hear the sound of his heart breaking. Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes. Pain and sadness were like a sharp knife that stabbed deep into his heart. His heart began to bleed from that moment on.    


That night, he did not leave until the sun shone through the window. When she opened her red eyes, it was as if she had contracted a red eye disease. Obviously, he did not really fall asleep. Before he left the room, he felt helpless. He forced a smile. From now on, it was hard to see a smile on his handsome and handsome face.    


In the future, Gao Jianming would feel his heart bleeding every night until he found out that Ye Yanqi and their restaurant's Boss Yun were about to get married. Gao Jianming could not hold it in anymore. An extreme thought emerged in his heart. He wanted to kill Ye Yanqi and that person with the surname Yun, and then kill himself.    


He could not wait for Ye Yanqi and that Yun guy to get married before making a move. He could not let them get married. Three days later, Gao Jianming took advantage of the alcohol and came to Ye Yanqi's restaurant. He held a sharp knife in his arms. When Ye Yanqi got off work and saw Ye Yanqi's handsome face again, the hand that was tightly holding the knife in his arms suddenly loosened.    


At this time, a man wearing glasses walked out of the restaurant and followed Ye Yanqi's steps. He called out Ye Yanqi's name and Ye Yanqi turned around. This man tightly hugged Ye Yanqi in his arms.    


When Gao Jianming saw this man hugging Ye Yanqi, the two of them walked towards a Mercedes-Benz together. As they walked, Ye Yanqi smiled at this man. There was a lot of intimacy between them and Gao Jianming tightly closed his eyes. He took out a sharp knife from his pocket. The shining blade looked even more dazzling under the setting sun. Gao Jianming ran to the man with big steps and stabbed his knife into the man's stomach.    


The man's pain was unbearable. He held Gao Jianming's hand that was holding the knife with both hands and stared at Gao Jianming. He could not hold it any longer and fell to his knees. Blood flowed out from his stomach, scaring Ye Yanqi to the point that she almost fainted.    


Gao Jianming didn't look at Ye Yanqi. He pulled the knife out of the man's stomach and raised it fiercely for the second time.    


"Gao Jianming." Ye Yanqi grabbed Gao Jianming's hand that was holding the knife and said with a sobbing voice, "Let, let go. Let's go. Gao Jianming, please."    


This was the busiest street in the city. Many pedestrians were shocked by Gao Jianming's actions. The security guards at the entrance of the restaurant were even more in disbelief. Two security guards rushed over. Gao Jianming's hand that was holding the knife was captured by one of the security guards. The other security guard went to capture Gao Jianming's other arm. This completely enraged Gao Jianming. He threw a punch and two kicks at the two security guards and knocked them to the ground.    


Gao Jianming raised the knife again. He ignored Ye Yanqi's pleas and was about to swing the knife when... Suddenly, the phone rang. Gao Jianming's phone rang very sweetly. This sudden phone call calmed him down a lot. He took out his phone. "Hello," he said. His voice was extremely stiff.    


"Hello, brother Gao, please don't do anything anymore. Someone has already called the police, so you can only run away now. Otherwise, you will continue to suffer in prison." A middle-aged man's voice came from the other side.    


"Who are you? How did you know I was in prison?" Gao Jianming's voice became even harsher.    


"There's no time. Hurry up and run. The police will be here soon. I'll call you later." The other party hung up the phone.    


Gao Jianming put the phone back and looked at Ye Yanqi, who was crying like a tearman. He really wanted to love her for the rest of his life, but this was already destined to be impossible. Gao Jianming suddenly pressed the knife in his hand towards Ye Yanqi. At that time, Gao Jianming's mind went blank. Seeing Ye Yanqi take a step back in fear, Gao Jianming finally realized that he was pointing the knife at the person he loved. He saw Ye Yanqi's frightened look just now and really wanted to go forward to comfort her. But he had no more reason to do so. He looked at the bloody knife in his hand. Tears instantly moistened his eyes, and the sharp knife finally fell heavily to the ground.    


Gao Jianming ran away as if he had gone mad. He gritted his teeth and ran to an alley. Suddenly, the phone rang again. He took out his phone and answered the call. "Hello."    


"Brother Gao." The voice of the middle-aged man was still on the other side of the phone. He said, "You must be wondering how I found out about your imprisonment, right? But I think you would be even more curious about who I am and why I called to help you. Come to Jiangzhe and find me. No one in Jiangzhe doesn't know about me, Xiao Yun. You can't even protect yourself now. If that man dies, you will have to pay with your life. Come to Jiangzhe, I can help you avoid this disaster. There is a pretty girl waiting for you at the gas station in front. She'll send you to Jiangzhe. "    


The middle-aged man on the phone was Xiao Yun. Gao Jianming ran to the gas station in front of him. He did see a beautiful girl with a motorcycle parked beside her. Gao Jianming walked in front of her and said, "You are the one who took me to Jiangzhe?"    


The pretty girl was wearing a yellow leather skirt. She had a charming face and a sexy figure, but her words were bold and forthright. She said, "That's me. If you want to go, you can get in the car. If you don't want to go, then forget it. I won't do anything foolish."    


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