Kidnapping My Future Wife

C355 Good Job Li Yi Jun

C355 Good Job Li Yi Jun

2In addition, the organizers also agreed that the dojos could form cheerleaders, and so, one by one, they wore colored clothes... The cheerleading team members holding all kinds of cheering equipment had become the most dazzling scene in the entire district's Yee Boxing Selection.    


However, the Clouds Sea Dojo cheerleaders led by Su Yuqing were all wearing colorful martial attire and waving colorful flower balls in their hands. It was really eye-catching.    


Then what about the cheerleading team sent by Yi Huan Martial Arts School? Their team members were wearing red short skirts and waving red flower balls in their hands. It was really like a row of flames. It was really eye-catching.    


Xiao Yun from Clouds Sea Dojo and the cheerleading team members cheered loudly, "Do your best in Clouds Sea Dojo. Clouds Sea Dojo will win." They wanted to use their momentum to suppress the other party.    


The cheerleading team members from Yi Huan Martial Arts School shouted loudly, "Yi Huan will win. Yi Huan will win." However, they did not show any weakness. Everyone wanted to defeat the other party in terms of momentum and strength.    


In the competition field, the members of both parties were fighting hard, but the cheerleaders of these two martial arts schools were also fighting. Their cheers were deafening.    


Soon, the throats of the cheerleaders of both parties were almost smoking out of their throats because they were shouting too hard just now. They felt very painful and painful.    


Even so, their cheers were not willing to lose to their opponents at all. They were still cheering and cheering for their own team.    


With a whistle, the referee announced that the second match between Lee Yijun and the supreme level monster was about to begin. The cheerleaders of both teams stopped shouting, and then everyone waited nervously for the match to begin. They continued to watch.    


When the second round began, Lee Yijun adopted an even braver and fiercer method of attack. As soon as he went on stage, he launched an intense and continuous attack on his opponent.    


Coach Lyi, on the other hand, sat in the audience seats on the competition field and watched the competition attentively. She wanted to verify whether the new battle deployment that she had given Lee Yijun earlier was effective.    


On the competition field, the intense match continued, but... How could the pearly Ren defend against Lee Yijun's fierce attack? Thus, she slowly lost the match. When the referee announced the end of the second round, Lee Yijun's score... It was already 11 points ahead of the opponent.    


When Coach Lyi saw this scene, a pleased smile unconsciously appeared on her lips.    


Watching her teammate lose the first match, the cheerleader of Yi Huan Martial Arts School. Suddenly, he shouted loudly, wanting to suppress the cheers of the cheerleaders from Clouds Sea Dojo. And so, they shouted loudly: "Yi Huan Martial Arts School will never give up; Yi Huan Martial Arts School will win instead of losing"    


Su Yuqing and Xiao Yun saw the other cheerleaders' actions and were afraid that their cheerleaders' cheering atmosphere would fall behind their opponents. So they became anxious and immediately led the other cheerleaders. They hurriedly waved the colored ball with both hands and shouted loudly, "Clouds Sea Dojo, invincible. Clouds Sea Dojo, number one in the world."    


On the other side, Gao Jianming spat on Ann Zhiliang and said, "If I don't kill you, I won't be able to sleep well. Blame yourself for being too arrogant, okay?"    


Gao Jianming stood up and was about to shoot when Ann Zhiliang saw Xiao Yun behind him. He quickly begged Xiao Yun for mercy and said, "Xiao Yun, I can't die. Didn't you always look for the King of Guns from ten years ago? I know where he is, I know. "    


Gao Jianming heard him call Xiao Yun and was a little late. He still shot at Xiao Yun and said, "Bang."    


"Ah." Ann Zhiliang closed his eyes and shouted. He opened his eyes and saw that the person in front of him was still Gao Jianming. Only then did he confirm that he was not dead. He saw Xiao Yun holding Gao Jianming's spear from behind. Gao Jianming pointed his spear at the sky. Only then did he know that the spear had hit the sky.    


Xiao Yun reached out his hand to grab the spear from Gao Jianming's hand. At this moment, Gao Jianming dodged to the side. After dodging Xiao Yun, he pointed the spear at Ann Zhiliang. He did not notice Ren Xiangxi, who was standing beside him. After he knocked away Ren Xiangxi's spear, Ren Xiangxi slowly walked towards the falling spear. He slowly squatted down and picked up the gun. He aimed at Gao Jianming and was about to fire. The three people who were protecting Xiao Yun quickly pointed their guns at him and said, "Don't move." Then he grabbed Ren Xiangxi's gun.    


Xiao Yun stared at Ann Zhiliang and said, "What did you just say? Do you know the whereabouts of the former Spear King?"    


"Yes, yes, I know. Didn't you always look for Huo generously? I know where he is. " Ann Zhiliang nervously looked at Gao Jianming and then at Xiao Yun.    


On the other side, Coach Lyi was talking to Lee Yijun in a low voice. When she heard the shout of the cheerleaders, her eyes were attracted to him.    


Coach Lyi's usually cold eyes seemed to show a little smile at this moment.    


Where was the forthright Lee Yijun? At this time, he laughed loudly and gave a kiss to the cheerleading team members of his dojo, and gave them a thumbs up.    


Lee Yijun was proud, but his final score was 11 points ahead of his opponent. He had scored an important point for Clouds Sea Dojo to win the war.    


Like a general who had won a battle, Lee Yijun received cheers from the disciples of Clouds Sea Dojo.    


When the cheerleaders of Clouds Sea Dojo saw Lee Yijun's encouragement, they felt like their bodies were injected with endless power again, which made their cheering sound even more shocking.    


"Clouds Sea Dojo, invincible. Senior Brother Lee, number one in martial arts."    


When Xiao Yun shouted the slogan, he was embarrassed that he had shouted "Senior Brother Lee is number one in martial arts." He heard Su Yuqing shouting weird, arrogant, and colorful slogans with everyone, so he felt at ease and continued to shout the slogan.    


Xiao Yun loudly shouted his slogan and joined the other team members. He even waved the colored ball in his hand as he shouted. At this moment, there were no more distracting thoughts in his mind. He just threw his entire body and mind into the endless cheering atmosphere.    


Amidst everyone's cheers, the third match began once again.    


In the third match, Lee Yijun continued to adopt the strategy that Coach Lyi taught him. That was to promote his advantage in fast attacks. Once he went on stage, he continued to attack his opponent like a storm. He made the monster unable to fight back.    


"Red side, Lee Yijun got two points."    


"Red side, Lee Yijun got 2 points again."    


Coach Lyi looked at Lee Yijun getting more and more points, and the corners of her mouth showed a proud smile again.    


"Good job Senior Brother Lee. Senior Brother Lee is invincible."    


Xiao Yun, Su Yuqing, and the cheerleading team members saw Lee Yijun's good situation. They were also happy to shout and cheer for him even more. Their shouts echoed through the sky.    


In this game, Lee Yijun really had the absolute advantage. He had been suppressing the Pointed Ram and making it hard for him to raise his head. He couldn't breathe. When the third round of the competition ended, in the end, he won the first round of the dojo qualification trials in Clouds Sea Dojo with a score of 13 to 1.    


"Wow, Senior Brother Lee is awesome!"    


"Wow! Senior Brother Lee's martial arts is the best in the world!"    


When the referee announced Lee Yijun's victory, Xiao Yun, Su Yuqing, and the other cheerleaders of the cheerleading team, as well as all the disciples of Clouds Sea Dojo, were so excited that they hugged Lee Yijun tightly, shouting and cheering.    


The perfect victory in the first match was a good start. Xiao Yun and the other disciples of Clouds Sea Dojo were all wild with joy. They thought happily in their hearts, "The Clouds Sea Dojo is really lucky. This time, the Clouds Sea Dojo will definitely get good results in the entire region's selection competition. They will definitely make it into the finals. "    


The second contestant was Lin Yiming from the Yi Huan Martial Arts School, and the opponent was Senior Brother Loo from the Clouds Sea Dojo. Senior Brother Loo's luck was very bad this time. His encounter was the exact opposite of Senior Brother Lee's. However, he was suppressed by his opponent from the beginning. When the first match ended, he was overtaken by Lin Yiming by 1 point.    


And when the second round ended, Senior Brother Loo was reversed by Lin Yiming by 4 points.    


Coach Lyi saw this unfavorable situation and was very anxious in her heart. She unconsciously frowned.    


In order to reverse the situation, Coach Lyi took the opportunity to rest after the second round. She made new arrangements for Loo Daming and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of both sides in detail. She asked Loo Daming to do this so that he could suppress the other side.    


Xiao Yun, Su Yuqing and the other disciples of Clouds Sea Dojo who were watching the battle felt their hearts tighten when they saw Senior Brother Loo's defeat.    


Xiao Yun unconsciously grabbed the colored ball in his hand tightly and stopped shouting and cheering. What about Su Yuqing? She was also dumbfounded as she stood there blankly. She actually forgot to lead the cheerleading team members to continue cheering for Senior Brother Loo and Clouds Sea Dojo.    


At this moment, one of the cheerleaders felt anxious and immediately came to Su Yuqing's side. She forcefully poked Su Yuqing's body and then she woke up. Then she pulled herself together and led everyone to continue shouting, "Senior Brother Loo, turn defeat into victory!"    


Under the lead of Su Yuqing and Xiao Yun, the cheerleaders of Clouds Sea Dojo pulled themselves together again. They used all their strength and shouted even more loudly.    


In their eyes, they really wanted to turn their shouting into strength. Then, they injected them into Senior Brother Loo's body and helped her increase her physical strength. Turning defeat into victory, it would add a new skill to the Clouds Sea Dojo.    


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