Kidnapping My Future Wife

C221 Assassination

C221 Assassination

0Xiao Yun looked at Zhang Enliang. He suddenly remembered that this old man was the one who was bitten by the poisonous snake.    


When Zhang Enliang saw Xiao Yun, he immediately grabbed Xiao Yun's big hand tightly.    


"If I knew it was your company, I would have agreed long ago."    


He also recognized Xiao Yun.    


Xiao Yun asked with concern, "Does your wound still hurt?"    


Zhang Enliang shook his head.    


"It has been cured a long time ago. He is really a godly doctor, the most godly doctor I have ever met in my life."    


"I don't have to worry about working with you guys!"    


The cooperation between the two companies was very pleasant! With the raw materials, the company's operations became even bigger. They also recruited many workers and some management staff.    


These staff were all undergraduate graduates. They were smart and experienced, and they managed the entire company to become even more popular.    


On this day, Jia Jun recruited a university student.    


This university student was called Li Zuo Cheng.    


This university student specialized in pharmacology.    


Thus, he was asked to catch the quality.    


He had always been very strict with catching quality.    


Therefore, the quality of the medicine had always been very good.    


Xiao Yun's company was so popular, but there was one person who was very unhappy. He was Luo Tianyou.    


He clenched his fists tightly.    


"Xiao Yun, I will never let you go when you deal with me like this."    


Therefore, he pondered.    


Now, Xiao Yun only cared about his career. It was a good opportunity to act when he relaxed his guard.    


After a thorough investigation, Luo Tianyou finally found a person. It was Li Zuo City.    


On this day, Li Zuo Cheng got off work as usual.    


He planned to find a girlfriend.    


He had a girlfriend called Xiaomei.    


Although she was not very beautiful, Xiaomei cherished him very much.    


Li Zuo Cheng walked into a remote alley.    


Suddenly, a few people stopped him.    


Each of them was holding a big stick.    


They surrounded him in an instant.    


A big guy hit him with a stick.    


Bang! Bang! He was knocked down by a few sticks.    


They were all very fierce, beating him until he was covered in blood.    


Li Zuo Cheng held his head and begged for mercy.    


"I beg of you, let me go. I'll give you whatever you want."    


The leader was a one-eyed man.    


The one-eyed man grabbed his chest tightly.    


"Kid, you have to relax a bit during the inspection. Otherwise, you will die tomorrow."    


Li Zuo Cheng clenched his teeth and struggled.    


He spat out a sentence from his mouth.    


"Even if you beat me to death, I won't do it."    


One-eye Dragon chuckled.    


"If you don't do it, we'll kill your girlfriend."    


As he spoke, he turned on a phone and a girl appeared on it. It was Xiaomei.    


"We've already found this girl. If you don't want her to die, just listen to me."    


Li Zuo Cheng looked at the girl on the phone and tears rolled down his face.    


He knelt down. Please, let her go.    


One-eye Dragon patted his face.    


"If you want her to live, then listen to us and do as we arranged!"    


Then, One-eye Dragon threw him some money.    


"Listen to us. This money is yours."    


Li Zuo Cheng had no choice but to agree.    


... On this day, something suddenly happened! On this day, the sun had just risen when several cars suddenly appeared in front of the company's entrance. Dozens of law enforcement officers jumped down from the cars.    


They charged straight in.    


"Boss Wang, why did you come here personally?"    


"Your medicine has a serious quality problem. It needs to be closed for inspection!"    


Boss Wang's face was gloomy. It was so dark that water could be squeezed out.    


It turned out that because there was a patient in a hospital, his condition suddenly deteriorated.    


Originally, this patient only had a stomach ache. However, after being injected with the needle, his entire body started to twitch.    


Originally, it was common for a person to die in a hospital.    


It was not a big deal for the patient's condition to deteriorate.    


However, the family of the patient complained about the hospital.    


This was because the patient's name was Sun Li, and he was Deputy County Head Sun's nephew.    


Therefore, the court attached great importance to this case.    


After a thorough investigation, it turned out that the medicine in this hospital came from Jia Jun's company.    


That was why they came to check the quality of the medicine.    


Jia Jun's face turned pale. He thought, "This is impossible. How could this happen?"    


He explained repeatedly, "Our quality is strictly monitored. There will not be such a problem!"    


Another law enforcement officer said, "Your medicine has already killed people."    


Jia Jun quickly called Xiao Yun.    


He reported the situation.    


Jia Jun dealt with them while sending people to find Li Zuo City.    


However, after a while, that person quietly arrived in front of him.    


He whispered in his ear, "Lee Youcheng didn't come today!"    


Jia Jun's heart tightened. He knew in his heart that there must be a problem! "Please wait. Our chairman is not here. Our chairman is back. You can check again."    


However, when the boss heard that, he became even more furious.    


"We have to check today. No one can stop us.    


When he heard this, he was very annoyed. He punched out and made a hole in the table.    


"How could this happen? However, he did not panic, because when the matter came out, no matter how flustered he was, it could not be dealt with.    


He quickly looked for the county head, Zhang Shuteng.    


However, the county head did not see him at all.    


He said that he was not there.    


He had already gotten reliable news and knew that the county head was in a hotel.    


Generally speaking, such an important matter would naturally be known by the county commissar. They were just deliberately hiding from him.    


Because it was not easy to speak.    


Thus, Xiao Yun appeared in that hotel.    


He said to the county head, "Boss, you must help."    


He held the boss's hand.    


He gave his boss a card.    


The boss shook his head.    


"We are friends, don't stand on ceremony."    


The boss pushed the card back.    


Xiao Yun left.    


However, when the boss turned around, he found that the card was still in his hand.    


Because Xiao Yun had used the Xuanyuan Technique to send the card to him.    


Because this Xiao Yun's ability was too great. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing.    


Such a card would come back automatically. Xiao Yun thought about it and picked up the phone.    


After Xiao Yun settled this matter, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


He quickly went over.    


A few law enforcement officers went up to carry out the order.    


After a thorough inspection, they actually found some new products that were not up to standard.     2


When he arrived, those law enforcement officers had already pulled out some drugs that did not meet the requirements. There were dozens of boxes of them.    


Boss Wang's face was black.    


"We have long suspected you. There is a problem with your quality. If it is serious, it will affect your safety.    


If you eat someone to death, all of you will be responsible for it! He knew in his heart that once the company closes, the impact will be huge and the production will be affected. Furthermore, the negative impact will be huge and it will severely affect the company's reputation.    


Once the news spread out, perhaps some of the cooperative hospitals would not dare to cooperate with them anymore.    


At this moment, they would lose at least tens of thousands of yuan.    


All of these medicines were worth tens of thousands of yuan.    


Adding on the negative effects, the losses would be even greater.    


Taking a step back, even if he closed the doors and reorganized himself, the losses would not be small.    


Hence, no matter what, he could not let the business close.    


Jia Jun looked at Xiao Yun's face.    


He sincerely said, "This time, the problem is all my fault. I will take full responsibility for it. You can punish me. "    


Xiao Yun waved his hand. The problem now was how to not close the door.    


Xiao Yun thought for a while, then he grabbed Boss Wang's hand.    


Both of his eyes were looking at his face.    


"Boss Wang, let's sit down and have a good chat."    


However, Boss Wang shook his head.    


"It's not that I don't want to give you face. The higher-ups have already issued a death order. You must stop the business and rectify it. "    


However, Boss Wang's hands started to tremble.    


Then, his entire arm started to twitch.    


Beads of sweat rolled out of his forehead.    


Xiao Yun looked concerned.    


"Boss Wang, what happened to you?"    


Boss Wang was puzzled. Initially, he wasn't sick at all. What was wrong with him this time? However, his hand was in extreme pain.    


Boss Wang glanced at Xiao Yun and grabbed his hand tightly.    


"Xiao Yun, can you call an ambulance for me?"    


A few law enforcement officers hurried over and were about to carry Boss into the car.    


"Our boss's arm can't be moved. If we move it, it will necrosis!"    


At this moment, none of them dared to move.    


They looked at Xiao Yun doubtfully.    


Xiao Yun said, "I happened to have learned a trick to treat this disease."    


Xiao Yun looked at his face.    


"Boss, can we not close our business?"    


"It's too late to send him to the hospital. In five minutes, your arm will necrosis!"    


At this moment, Boss's expression changed drastically. Bean-sized sweat kept rolling down his face.    


Boss nodded.    


"As long as you can cure this arm, I won't let you close the door."    


He gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words.    


Xiao Yun said, "I happen to know how to cure this kind of illness."    


He grabbed Boss's hand with his other hand.    


Boss felt that his arm was no longer in pain.    


His entire arm stopped twitching.    


In fact, this was because Xiao Yun had sent the Power of Xuanyuan into his arm.    


That was why his arm hurt.    


Boss threw his arm.    


Strange, truly strange.    


It actually stopped hurting after a while.    


Originally, he wanted to close this business.    


However, he was a boss, how could he not count his words?    


He only nodded his head properly.    


At that moment, his phone rang.    


His expression changed and he quickly found a remote place to answer the phone.    


After a while, Boss Wang returned.    


He said, "You guys go ahead and check yourselves, and wake up on your own. If there is a next time, you definitely won't let it go."    


They left.    


This time, Xiao Yun and the others heaved a sigh of relief.    


Jia Jun rubbed his head. His entire forehead was covered in sweat.    


He said to Xiao Yun, "This is my fault, you can punish me. I have to be responsible for this! "    


Xiao Yun shook his head.    


"This matter is not over yet!"    


Xiao Yun hastily arranged for Wind Dragon to investigate this matter.    


This time, he had to find out the truth.    


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