Kidnapping My Future Wife

C227 Secretly Killing

C227 Secretly Killing

1Leng Zi'ao's hair was wet. He turned around. Zhang Liangmei had already closed the door and returned to the house. He jumped down and gritted his teeth. "Zhang Liangmei, I will not let you go."     0


Leng Zi'ao returned to the restaurant. Yu Fu saw his wet body and could not help but laugh. "Senior brother, where did you go to get rained?"    


Leng Zi'ao clenched his teeth. "Don't mention it, I was tricked by a girl."    


Yu Fu suddenly grabbed Leng Zi'ao's hand tightly. "Senior brother, when are we going to deal with that kid?" He hated Xiao Yun to the core, and he hated Xiao Yun to the core. He always thought that his son died because of Xiao Yun.    


Leng Zi'ao clenched his fist so hard that it made a cracking sound. "This time, I will not let him go either!"    


Yu Fu looked at his face. "How about we tie up their woman and then deal with him?"    


However, Leng Zi said proudly, "I'm a Yellow Rank warrior, so I naturally don't care about this kind of thing." However, he also knew that with his true ability, the two of them wouldn't have the confidence to deal with Xiao Yun.    


Thinking of this, Leng Zi'ao patted Yu Fu's shoulder. "Brother, don't be anxious. Wait a little longer. We'll strike when we find a good opportunity."    


Yu Fu swung his arm. "You keep making me wait. If I wait any longer, my beard will turn white." He did indeed have a few strands of white beard. Because he often missed his son.    


Leng Zi said proudly, "We have to slowly torture this kid. It's meaningless to kill him at once. Let's slowly take care of him. "    


He patted his chest. "Just watch. I have a way to deal with him."    


Yufu gave him some money again. This Leng Zi proudly took the money.    


"I'm really sorry to let you spend money again."    


Yufu patted his shoulder. "Senior brother, you must help me vent my anger."    


Leng Zi continued to look for a chance to strike.    


On this day, Leng Zi'ao found Xiao Yun's car. This car was parked in front of the beauty parlor. He looked around, but no one noticed him. He grabbed the handle of the car with one hand and used his powerful inner energy on the other hand. With a gentle pull, the car door was quietly opened. Then, he sat in the car.    


Leng Zi'ao more or less understood some of the principles behind repairing the car, so he quietly made the brakes. Originally, he planned to let go of all the brakes.    


He muttered to himself, "Xiao Yun, you're dead this time."    


However, before he could finish, Xiao Yun had already come out. Leng Zi'ao was so scared that he quickly slipped out. The brake plate only loosened a little.    


Xiao Yun came out together with Zhang Liangmei. Zhang Liangmei's eyes lit up. It was obvious that she had fallen in love with ___. Leng Zi'ao saw it in the dark and was secretly angry. He clenched his fists tightly.    


"Little girl, I'll teach you a lesson later!"    


Zhang Liangmei pulled Xiao Yun's big hand tightly.    


"Xiao Yun, I happen to want to buy some cosmetic products. It is on the way."    


Xiao Yun looked at her beautiful face. That shy face was very beautiful. There were a few drops of sparkling sweat on that pointed nose. He used a finger to gently slide over. This time, the sweat slipped off.    


"Look, he's sweating" This was obviously not a hot weather, so why would this woman come out?    


Zhang Liangmei smiled. "People get nervous when they see a big shot like you. They start sweating."    


Xiao Yun smiled. "I'm not a big shot either. Let's go, I'll bring you there."    


Zhang Liangmei said, "I used to drive a car before. Let me drive for you."    


I can't drive for nothing.    


The space in this car was originally not large. There were only two people sitting in front of it. Originally, Zhang Liangmei could enter through the other door. However, she did not walk through that door, but squeezed through in front of Xiao Yun. She swayed her charming body and squeezed through gently. Two slender legs swayed in front of him and swayed past him.    


That snow white leg happened to hit Xiao Yun's leg. This hit was very tight.    


Xiao Yun couldn't help but retreat for a moment. He felt that his leg was hot.    


Xiao Yun's heart skipped a beat, as if there was a fire burning in his heart. However, a person suddenly appeared in his mind. It was his wife.    


Zhang Liangmei suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao Yun's face.    


"Xiao Yun, how did you hang up this file?"    


Xiao Yun's face changed. This girl did not even know how to hang the gear, and she still dared to drive?    


"I rarely drive a car like you."    


Xiao Yun said, "That's how you drive." He had planned to drive it by himself, but the girl insisted. He could only let this girl open it.    


Forget it, this girl's driving skills were quite good. At first glance, it was obvious that she was an experienced driver.    


The two of them sat in the car.    


Leng Zi'ao quickly rented a car and followed them. This car followed Xiao Yun's car unhurriedly. Xiao Yun:    


Zhang Liangmei was like a lover asking questions. As she drove, she glanced at Xiao Yun from time to time.    


"Xiao Yun, what kind of girl do you like?"    


Xiao Yun shook his head. "I already have an owner for my famous flower." He did not want to get entangled with these girls. Because this girl was his subordinate. Generally speaking, being a smart chairman shouldn't have anything to do with the employees below.    


Zhang Liangmei suddenly turned her head and looked at Xiao Yun's face. Two big watery eyes stared at him.    


"If a girl likes you, will you like her?"    


Xiao Yun was a high-level killer after all. He could tell from the rearview mirror that there was a car following them. He said to Zhang Liangmei.    


"Let's stop at that corner!"    


Xiao Yun whispered to Zhang Liangmei. Zhang Liangmei followed Xiao Yun's instructions and drove. This car drove very fast. In a while, the speed of the car increased by a lot.    


The car behind them was left behind.    


At this time, they had already turned into a remote road. This road was the shortcut to return.    


There weren't many cars on this road to begin with, and it was time for work, so there were even fewer cars on this road.    


Xiao Yun and the others immediately stopped the car. This car was parked horizontally on the road. At this moment, Leng Zi'ao's car drove over. The driver shouted, "It's broken." Because he suddenly realized that the car in front of him was the one that had been following him.    


Xiao Yun jumped off the car. "You guys have been following me for a long time. You must be tired."    


Leng Zi'ao had no choice but to open the car door and get out.    


Xiao Yun looked at him. "Leng Zi'ao, is it interesting for you to follow me like this?"    


Leng Zi'ao clenched his fists so hard that cracking sounds could be heard.    


"Xiao Yun, don't think that I'm afraid of you."    


Xiao Yun shook his fist at him. "If you're not afraid, come and attack me!"    


Leng Zi'ao roared, "Go to hell!" He threw out a punch. This fist was the size of a sandbag. It was aimed at Xiao Yun's head.    


Xiao Yun raised his right leg and swung it out.    


Bang! The iron leg hit the fist hard. Both of them took a few steps back. Both of their faces became very ugly.    


Leng Zi'ao gritted his teeth. "I am a Yellow Rank warrior. If you offend me, there will only be one outcome - death!"    


Leng Zi'ao leapt into the air. In a flash, he had covered a distance of several dozen feet. His fist carried the sound of wind as it struck towards Xiao Yun's chest.    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "There is no benefit in saying such ruthless words."    


"We will see who is better." He jumped up and slid dozens of feet away. This fist missed.    


He returned the punch with all his might. A powerful force of Xuanyuan Power was released.    


This fist swept out like a knife. Leng Zi'ao took a few steps back. However, this fist still hit his body. He was sent a few feet away. With a leap, he jumped into the car.    


Leng Zi'ao gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth. "Xiao Yun, just you wait."    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "Escape? What kind of hero is that?    


Leng Zi'ao felt that Xiao Yun had become even more powerful. Originally, he thought that he would at least have the upper hand. However, he didn't expect that he would fail in just a few moves.    


When he thought of this, he felt even more terrified of Xiao Yun. If this continued, not to mention him, even the two of them wouldn't be a match for Xiao Yun.    


He clenched his fists even tighter.    


However, this car did not drive far. Instead, it quietly stopped. Leng Zi'ao jumped down and jumped onto a big tree. He took out a telescope. He looked at Xiao Yun.    


Zhang Liangmei looked at Xiao Yun's face.    


"Xiao Yun, I was so worried just now. That man was too ruthless."    


"You are also amazing. He actually beat the murderer away!"    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "If he's like this, I can take care of a few by myself!"    


Zhang Liangmei said to Xiao Yun, "That day, it was this man who went to the beauty salon to cause trouble. I took care of him once."    


Xiao Yun stared at her. "How can a woman like you deal with him? Go next time, quickly call me." Leng Zi'ao's Kung Fu was enough for him to fight to a draw. Of course he was worried about Zhang Liangmei.    


However, Zhang Liangmei giggled. "I naturally have a way to deal with him." She told him about that matter once. Xiao Yun laughed when he heard that.    


"I can't tell. You really have some ability."    


The two of them drove and chatted happily.    


Suddenly, a car appeared in front of them. This car was a white Mercedes-Benz. In the car was a beautiful girl. When the girl saw a car in front of her, she became anxious. She suddenly stepped on the brakes, but she stepped on the accelerator. The entire car crashed over like a madman!    


This car was driven from another road. The speed of this car was very fast. It crashed straight into their car. This car seemed to have lost control. It whizzed over. Zhang Liangmei was so scared that her expression changed drastically. She urgently stepped on the brakes. However, at this moment, the brakes actually reacted slower. Although the entire car stopped, it still slid towards that car.    


It looked like it was about to crash into that car. Xiao Yun hurriedly raised his hand and unleashed a strong wave of inner energy. This inner energy worked on the steering wheel. All of a sudden, the car made a sudden turn. It barely managed to avoid the crazy car.    


Zhang Liangmei complained, Why did the brakes malfunction?    


Xiao Yun jumped out of the car and landed in front of the car. He shouted, "You guys are blind. You just hit someone!"    


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