Kidnapping My Future Wife

C241 He Was Tricked

C241 He Was Tricked

1Leng Zi'ao approached Xiao Yun step by step. His fists were tightly clenched, and both of his eyes were staring at Xiao Yun.    


"Xiao Yun, you are dead this time. No one is coming to save you."    


Xiao Yun stepped back step by step, and his fists were tightly clenched. He gritted his teeth. He shouted, "I will die together with you!"    


At this moment, the siren rang. A police car suddenly appeared. Wang Miaotong suddenly appeared with some police officers. She took out a pistol. She shouted at the baldy. One by one, the police officers rushed over.    


"Don't move, raise your hands."    


Leng Zi'ao jumped, and he quickly disappeared.    


When the baldy saw that the police officers were coming, they all ran for their lives, all of them running outside without a care for their lives. However, this floor was a four-story building, how could they run for their lives? As these fellows shouted, they were still caught one by one.    


Bald Man gritted his teeth and shouted, "I will perish together with you." As he spoke, he pounced towards Zhang Liangmei. That cold blade ruthlessly stabbed towards Zhang Liangmei.    


Zhang Liangmei was tightly tied onto the bed. It seemed that she could not dodge at this moment.    


At this moment, a black shadow flashed out. In an instant, this shadow flew dozens of feet away and arrived in front of the baldy.    


Xiao Yun punched out with his fist, sending his knife flying.    


He grabbed the baldy's neck with his hand.    


This man was Xiao Yun.    


"Tell me, who ordered you to do this?"    


Right at this moment, a cold blade suddenly flew out. This blade ruthlessly stabbed into his neck.    


He fell heavily into a pool of blood....    


Xiao Yun understood that this must have been Leng Zi'ao's doing.    


Xiao Yun returned to the medicine and raw materials company. This company had expanded under Jia Jun's management. They already had more than a dozen fixed partners. They had a few smooth sales channels. They also cooperated with Zhongda Pharmaceutical Limited. This Zhongda Pharmaceutical Limited Company was a famous big company. It was one of the few companies in the entire province.    


Xiao Yun was very happy to hear Jia Jun's report. He patted Jia Jun on the shoulder.    


"Manager Jia, do your job well. I will give you a division of labor."    


Xiao Yun invited Gao Xiangyi over. He specially found a good restaurant. He treated her to a meal and thanked her for introducing a good helper.    


Gao Xiangyi giggled. "What do you want me to use to thank me?"    


Xiao Yun giggled. "How about I compromise and be your boyfriend?"    


Gao Xiangyi grabbed his big hand.    


"You said it yourself. Don't go back on your word."    


Xiao Yun shook his head. "I was just joking." Now, he already had Lee Sisi and other beautiful women. Of course, he was not willing to provoke more beauties. Because there were too many beauties and it was also troublesome.    


They ate very happily.    


Xiao Yun returned to the company.    


Jia Jun said to Xiao Yun, "Our raw materials company already has raw materials. We hope to get some pharmaceutical equipment. This way, we can gradually produce finished products. Our next step will be to gradually produce finished products. Then we can open up the distribution channels of medicine. Our business will become even more popular."    


Xiao Yun waved his hand. "You can do whatever you want as long as it's beneficial to our company." He had always given the power to Jia Jun. He had always been suspicious of people and never used them.    


With Xiao Yun's support, Jia Jun felt relieved. He personally went to the pharmaceutical equipment factory to investigate. He planned to enter the five pharmaceutical production lines first. After all, their main business right now was medicine raw materials. Hence, the production of medicine could only be considered a boxing product. Jia Jun went to Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Equipment Company.    


However, he did not know that the owner of this Yunzhou Equipment Company, Luo Jiulong, was friends with Luo Tianyou. Luo Jiulong unintentionally leaked this news to Luo Tianyou.    


Luo Tianyou said to Luo Jiulong, "This Xiao Yu is my enemy, I must deal with him properly."    


As long as you help me deal with him, I can give you a reward.    


Luo Jiulong patted his shoulder. "We are brothers, of course we will help you." After saying that, Luo Jiulong quietly said a few words to Luo Tianyou.    


Luo Tianyou chuckled.    


Jia Jun carried out an examination on this medicine assembly line. Luo Jiulong personally met Jia Jun. He was extremely enthusiastic towards Jia Jun. He said, "Our equipment is world-class, not to mention in our country. It can be counted even internationally. Our quality is absolutely guaranteed.    


Jia Jun nodded. I heard about your factory. I also checked your company on the internet. However, it's better to see than to hear. I want to carefully check it out.    


A technician brought Jia Jun to carefully examine this assembly line equipment. This assembly line equipment looked very fine. Jia Jun carefully examined this set of equipment. He found that this set of equipment was indeed very good, and the medicine produced was also very good.    


Jia Jun nodded. "Your quality is not bad, but the price is really a little high. Can you lower it a little? "    


Luo Jiulong shook his head. "If our quality is good, of course our price will be higher. If you are not satisfied with the price, you can change to another company."    


Luo Jiulong bit down on the price very hard.    


After a few negotiations. This price was finally lowered. From 150,000 to 80,000 RMB for each production line. The price was lowered by a lot.    


Jia Jun was very happy. He called Xiao Yun to tell him the good news.    


I successfully got that set of equipment. I saved a lot of money for the company. He happily reported to Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun was also very happy. This saved him so much.    


Luo Jiulong invited Jia Jun to drink and sing. Then he signed the contract.    


Jia Jun drank happily and happily. He and Luo Jiulong signed the contract very smoothly. Both of them looked very happy. Jia Jun picked up the microphone and started singing happily. He sang a song called Big River to East. His voice was loud and clear, and his singing was very pleasant to the ears.    


He had just sung this song when a beautiful girl stood up. She said loudly, "Well sung, well sung." The girl held a glass of wine and walked over.    


"I'd like to buy you a drink" Jia Jun and the girl started drinking.    


Both of them drank a few glasses of wine and held hands tightly. In the end, they even exchanged contact details. Jia Jun knew this girl's name was Yee. Luo Jiulong walked over and patted Jia Jun's shoulder.    


"I didn't know you were a love expert."    


Jia Jun laughed. "I have a wife."    


The two of them broke up. Luo Jiulong looked at his background and smiled faintly. His smile was very strange. Unfortunately, Jia Jun did not see it at all.    


From then on, Jia Jun and Yee got closer and closer.    


Gradually, the two of them became good friends. One day, Jia Jun grabbed Yee's hand and pulled her into a room. The two of them hugged each other tightly. Jia Jun looked at Yee's pure face. He asked, "Yee, what do you want?"    


Yee used her little finger to lightly tap his forehead. "With you, I am enough."    


Both of them were happy. Jia Jun fell asleep with satisfaction. Yee walked out of the room. She quietly took out a phone and made a call. "The fish has been hooked."    


Today was the day of the hospital's equipment. It should have been Jia Jun personally checking the goods. However, Yee had come. Yee kept pestering Jia Jun to go out. However, Jia Jun waved his hand. "I can't go out with you. I want to check the goods." Yee stomped her foot.    


"Check the goods. Check the goods. Am I worse than a pile of goods?"    


"Just guard these goods. I will not care about you anymore." Saying so, she angrily ran away. Jia Jun had to say to his assistant, "Check the production equipment. If you pass, you will be stamped." Originally, only Jia Jun had the right to seal this seal.    


The assistant was called Liu Li. He was also a nail that had been arranged for him.    


Jia Jun quickly chased after him.    


He could not bear to lose this girl.    


However, he had just left. The assistant waved at the goods.    


At this moment, the ambushers suddenly rushed out. They quickly changed all the equipment. Because they were all prepared.    


When Jia Jun returned, the machines had already been loaded into trucks and pulled away. Jia Jun was a little worried. So he asked Liu Li.    


"Liu Li, have you checked carefully?"    


Liu Li nodded. "Of course I did." Usually, Jia Jun was very assured of Liu Li. Because Liu Li was his right-hand man.    


The production equipment was transported to the company. Jia Jun brought some people and opened the packaging of these equipment. However, when he opened it, his eyes couldn't help but widen. Because he found that these equipment were a little old. Some parts had already rusted. He wished he could smash all of these equipment with his fist.    


Jia Jun's expression changed a few times, but after a while, his expression became normal again. He said to Liu Li, "Liu Li, come with me to the office."    


Jia Jun called Liu Li to the office. He suddenly slammed the table. "Liu Li, how did you check? Even this kind of equipment is considered qualified?"    


However, Liu Li said, "You personally inspected the goods. I only pulled it over when you agreed. Otherwise, would I dare to pull it back? "    


Jia Jun sat down with a thud. Because he also knew that there was his own seal on it. Speaking of which, these few sets of equipment could be considered to be for inspection. What else could he say?    


Jia Jun was very helpless and could only use these pharmaceutical equipment first.    


The next day, Liu Yi resigned.    


Jia Jun commanded his men to install these equipment smoothly. Then, they produced the first batch of medicine. These medicines looked the same as ordinary medicine, and nothing could be seen from their appearance. Jia Jun pinched these medicines. He nodded. "This looks good. It should be good."    


He planned to send the first batch of medicine to the pharmacy for trial use. Generally speaking, the medicine had to go through clinical trials before it could officially enter the pharmaceutical market. Because the medicine was a major matter that concerned human life.    


After some time of marketing, this medicine finally entered a county hospital for clinical trials.    


However, suddenly, one day, a few doctors came to this county hospital, and they even brought lawyers with them.    


"Jia Jun, your medicine poisoned people to death!"    


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