Kidnapping My Future Wife

C248 They Met by Chance at the Beach

C248 They Met by Chance at the Beach

3However, Xiao Yun didn't expect that Ma Weiliang wouldn't sign it.    


Brother Ma looked at his wet clothes.    


"Brother, no matter what, I have to go back to the department to sign. Besides, I'm wearing this."    


The baldy walked over. Let's go back to the department, I'll drive you back.    


I'll drive.    


Brother Ma looked at the girl. His expression is very ugly.    


However, Xiao Yun smiled faintly.    


"I'm afraid Brother Ma will forget things if there are too many people. You'd better sign it."    


I have a pen.    


As he spoke, he took out a pen. It turned out that he had prepared it long ago.    


Brother Ma had no choice but to sign.    


The baldy also extended an application, you help sign it too.    


However, Brother Ma waved his hand.    


"You're ugly, I won't sign it!"    


Xiao Yun suddenly saw the beautiful girl run out. He had an ominous feeling in his heart.    


Xiao Yun thought. This girl wouldn't do anything stupid, would she?    


He hurriedly chased after her. He saw the girl run out for a while, and she actually ran towards the sea. Xiao Yun slowly followed.    


Du Lili threw towards the sea. Xiao Yun followed behind her. Du Lili ran to the sea and looked at it. Tears rolled down her face.    


"I really didn't die. I didn't have a job, and I didn't have any tuition fees. What's the point of living?"    


" I really don't want to live another day. "    


Du Lili cried as she walked step by step into the sea. The sea slowly submerged her feet and her legs....    


Xiao Yun shouted, "Stop, you must not die."    


Du Lili turned around and looked at Xiao Yun. "Xiao Yun, you are a good person, but you can't save me. I don't have a job, and I don't have school fees. I can't go to school anymore."    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "If you don't have a job, you can find one. Besides, that kind of job is not suitable for you. If you don't have tuition fees, you can earn it."    


" You're still young. If you die, you'll have nothing left. "    


Xiao Yun stretched out his hand. "Come, come, hold my hand."    


Du Lili still shook her head. "I don't want to live anymore. Let me die." As she spoke, she continued to walk towards the sea. Suddenly, a huge wave came over. This huge wave swept Du Lili away.    


Xiao Yun hurriedly jumped into the sea. His big hand grabbed Du Lili. His big hand held the beautiful woman. Du Lili struggled. "Don't worry about me. Let me die." She kicked randomly and hit Xiao Yun's body. She felt a powerful force.    


His big hand was supporting Du Lili. "You are still young. You cannot die." His other hand was moving.    


However, at this moment, there was a fierce wind, and the waves suddenly became several meters tall, and wave after wave came crashing down. These waves hit his body. They hit Xiao Yun a few feet away.    


Du Lili said to his face, "Don't worry about me. Let me die. Otherwise, both of us will die." She thought Xiao Yun was just an ordinary person.    


Xiao Yun sent out a stream of Xuanyuan Power, and this stream of Xuanyuan Power sent waves out. He took advantage of this opportunity to rescue Du Lili from the shore.    


Xiao Yun laid this beautiful girl flat on the beach, and looked at the girl's face. The girl's face was very handsome and the distance between them was very close. The girl's clothes were all wet. It shook. It was a special attraction to any man. Xiao Yun took a deep breath.    


"Du Lili, you don't have money. I can give it to you. I can pay for your school. I can give you a job opportunity. "    


Du Lili looked up at him. "Xiao Yun, who do you think you are? You are handsome and rich?" She thought Xiao Yun was just an ordinary person, because Xiao Yun was wearing ordinary clothes. She thought Xiao Yun was just that bald subordinate.    


At that time, she had been crying and did not notice what happened after that.    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "I am not a tall, rich, and handsome person, but I can easily sponsor a student."    


"As for work, find a job after graduation."    


Du Lili looked at him. "You just need to take care of yourself. Let me die."    


With that, she got up again and walked towards the sea.    


However, Xiao Yun grabbed her tightly. His big hand tightly hugged this beautiful girl. "I won't watch you die without doing anything."    


Du Lili struggled to break free from his embrace.    


She looked at his face. Tears kept rolling down her face.    


"I lost my job, and I don't have the money to pay my tuition fees. How am I supposed to live?"    


Xiao Yun took out some money. This money was a few thousand.    


"Take this money and spend it first. I'll send you back."    


At this moment, he heard an uncomfortable voice.    


"Ouch, it hurts." This voice was very uncomfortable. It was a man's voice. This voice came from a very far place.    


Xiao Yun's heart tightened. This voice meant that a person was going to die.    


Xiao Yun understood that if he didn't make a move, this person would probably die.    


Because he cultivated the Xuanyuan Technique, his hearing could reach a very far distance. He could hear sounds that were within the bounds of the law.    


Xiao Yun grabbed her hand. He said to Du Lili.    


"Now, follow me to save them."    


Du Lili looked at him. She threw one of her hands.    


"You only know how to save people. Do you think it's you, Guanyin?" Du Lili looked around and found that there was no one nearby. There was also no one who was injured.    


Xiao Yun said with certainty, "Someone cried out in pain. I heard it."    


"You heard the ghost. There was not even a shadow of a ghost nearby. "    


Xiao Yun held Du Lili's hand tightly and pulled her towards the place where the sound came from.    


Du Lili originally did not want to run, but Xiao Yun's strength was too great. He pulled her and ran. The two of them ran for a few miles before stopping.    


Xiao Yun pointed to the front. Indeed, there was a small black car parked in front of them.    


"The patient is in this car."    


Du Lili turned her head and looked at him. "How did you know there was a patient? Are you a god?"    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "You will understand once you ask."    


Du Lili walked a few steps to the front of the car and leaned on the window. Her face instantly turned red. She quickly turned around.    


Because there was a man and woman inside. That woman's face was pale, and tears kept rolling down her face. Her body trembled. However, she was very normal, and didn't look like she was sick.    


And there was a man lying beside her. The man's face was yellow and beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down his face. He opened his mouth wide and pressed his chest with one hand. It looked very uncomfortable.    


The woman quickly opened the car door and grabbed Du Lili's little hand tightly.    


"Please, save him."    


Du Lili thought, what was this man and woman doing just now?    


There must be something wrong with this man and woman parking this car here.    


Du Lili blinked her big eyes. "I'm not a doctor. I don't know how to save people either."    


"How about I call an ambulance?"    


She touched her phone and took it out. She found that her phone had been damaged by the blisters and could not be turned on.    


She said to the beautiful woman, "I can't call my phone anymore. I should use my own phone to call." The woman was dressed very outrageously. She was wearing blue fur. Below her were two bare legs. Logically speaking, there should be a phone.    


But the man waved his hand.    


"Don't call an ambulance. I'll be fine in a while."    


He looked very nervous. The man was only wearing a pair of triangular pants, revealing his skinny upper body. His eyes were rolling.    


Xiao Yun walked over and looked at the man.    


With just one look, he had seen through the man.    


"You don't need to call an ambulance. You won't live for more than five minutes."    


This sentence made the man twitch. He opened his eyes wide. "You, don't scare me, I can't scare you either."    


"You have a heart attack, and your brain is seriously lacking oxygen. In less than five minutes, your brain will necrosis!"    


At that time, no one will be able to save you.    


The man looked at Xiao Yun. "Save me, I will repay you."    


Xiao Yun took out a needle and threw it out. The needle flew out and accurately pierced his acupuncture points. Then, he threw out a few more needles. He inserted the needles into the other acupuncture points. He gently twisted the silver needles.    


The thin man felt an itch and the heart-piercing pain gradually disappeared.    


"You had a heart attack because of intense exercise. And the car was closed too tightly. So, it intensified the heart attack. If I came a step later, you would have to part with this world forever"    


Xiao Yun's hand shook gently. After a while, the thin man's expression eased up. He grabbed Xiao Yun's hand tightly.    


"If it wasn't for you today, I might not have been able to keep my life." At this moment, the woman returned to the car and put on her clothes. She also took the man's clothes. The man quickly put on his clothes.    


Xiao Yun looked at the thin man. He felt a little familiar. He seemed to have seen him somewhere before.    


The thin man patted his shoulder.    


"Young man, which hospital are you from? What's your name? I want to thank you. "    


Xiao Yun said, "My name is Xiao Yun. I am not a doctor. I only know how to treat minor illnesses." He could easily cure heart disease. Was this considered a minor illness? This Xiao Yun was even more professional than an expert. Because of this illness, the thin man had gone to many large hospitals. However, no hospital could compare to this young man.    


The thin man patted his shoulder.    


"Xiao Yun, you are very capable. I want to thank you properly." He touched his pocket. He took out a lot of hundred-yuan notes.    


"Take this money as your medical expenses"    


"Remember, don't let anyone know about this"    


I won't tell anyone.    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. "I'm not here for money. I'm not here for money either." He pushed the money away.    


The thin man stared at his face.    


"Young man, what do you want?"     0


Xiao Yun shook his head. "It's nothing."    


Du Lili felt that this man was very strange. Why did this matter have to be kept secret?    


This man stared into Xiao Yun's eyes.    


"If you dare to say it, be careful of the consequences!"    


Xiao Yun smiled. "I won't say it at all." He grabbed Du Lili's hand.    


"My girlfriend won't say it either."    


The two of them drove away....    


Xiao Yun returned home. He turned on the television and a man appeared on it. It was the thin man. That man was actually the Deputy District Chief, Fang Qiang!    


Xiao Yun took another careful look. Indeed, it was Fang Qiang!    


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