Kidnapping My Future Wife

C21 Expose the Black Heart Hospital

C21 Expose the Black Heart Hospital

3At this moment, Lan only had anger in her eyes. She wished she could cut this doctor into pieces. If it was not because of this doctor with no conscience, her father would not have gone to jail.     1


Xiao Yun patted Lan's back, indicating for her to calm down.    


Lan took a deep breath. Perhaps the doctor saw that Lan was just a university student, so he didn't take it to heart at all.    


"Director Wang, are you sure I have breast cancer?" Lan gritted her teeth.    


Director Wang smiled in his heart when he saw Lan's expression. He then confirmed Lan's statement and exaggerated it a little.    


"Show us the medical record!" Xiao Yun greeted Director Wang.    


Chief Wang glanced at Xiao Yun and was not satisfied.    


"Are you a patient? You can read the medical records whenever you want to?"    


Xiao Yun quickly smiled and said honestly, "We just want to look at the medical records and take them back to borrow money. Otherwise, our relatives and friends won't believe it!"    


Seeing Xiao Yun's realistic performance, Director Wang glanced at Xiao Yun and then walked to the office to take out a bag of medical records.    


When he opened the medical record, it was written with breast cancer, with Director Wang's signature and the stamp of the deputy director.    


At this moment, Lan could no longer control her emotions. She stood up angrily and pointed at Director Wang with trembling fingers.    


"You liar. My sister and I are not sick at all. It was all fabricated by you, bastards!" After saying that, Lan picked up the medical record on the table and threw it at Director Wang.    


Xiao Yun did not stop Lan. After so many things had happened, Lan also needed to vent her anger.    


Lan's sudden action also frightened Director Wang. As she stepped back, she said that Lan was talking nonsense.    


When Chief Wang retreated to a corner, Xiao Yun stood in front of her and blocked her. He then took out proof that he was in another hospital. When he saw Lan and Xiaofang's examination report, Chief Wang was instantly dumbfounded.    


She coughed and rolled her eyes twice.    


"This, this might be the mistake of other hospitals. You guys are making a fuss out of nothing!" Chief Wang had a terrified expression on his face. In the past, she had done a lot of such things. Gradually, she became more daring, but she did not expect that something would happen this time.    


"Bullshit!" Xiao Yun slapped the table. Chief Wang trembled slightly.    


At this moment, Lan could no longer hide her tears.    


"Don't blame us for what happens when the horse loses its hooves!" Director Wang was still very aggressive at this moment.    


Xiao Yun couldn't help but laugh. This old woman really knew how to talk. Just because you lost your hoof, you destroyed two families? Wasn't this nonsense?    


"Shut the f * ck up!" After saying that, Xiao Yun slapped Director Wang's face with his big mouth.    


At this moment, Zhao Wenming was enjoying a massage in a bath center. At this moment, a panicked voice interrupted his enjoyment.    


Zhao Wenming grabbed the massage girl's body unhappily and looked at the person who came.    


"Young master, something bad happened to Lingzhi Hospital!"    


Zhao Wenming stood up when he heard that. This Lingzhi Hospital was run by him. Although the hospital was profitable, a greedy young master like him was never satisfied. Therefore, he thought of a crooked path. Because the monthly quota was not large, it was only one or two. So nothing had ever happened.    


When Zhao Wenming heard that it was Xiao Yun who caused him trouble, his face was filled with anger. After that, his expression calmed down, and a trace of a cold smile appeared on his face.    


"Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun, I was just worrying about how to deal with you. Since you have come to my doorstep, don't blame me for being rude to you!"    


"Stop, this is a hospital. What is your behavior of beating up a doctor?" Footsteps came from the door.    


Xiao Yun turned around and saw an old man in his fifties or sixties walking over with a few security guards. This old man was the deputy director who signed Lan's medical record.    


Xiao Yun smiled contemptuously. I haven't even looked for you, but you actually took the initiative to deliver yourself to me. It's really good.    


Thus, Xiao Yun threw the medical records and diagnosis results of the two hospitals into his hands.    


"Take a look. Think about how to solve it!"    


The associate hospital director frowned deeply and said in a low voice, "All of you, go out!"    


Seeing that the security guards had left, the deputy director's gaze slowly landed on Lan.    


"Doctors have to be busy with hundreds of patients a day. Sometimes, it is unavoidable to make mistakes. However, since the matter has already happened, we have to face it actively. How about this, on behalf of the hospital, I will give you 20,000 yuan for mental injuries!"    


Hearing the associate hospital director's words, Lan instantly became angry.    


"Bastard, did you know that my father and second uncle kidnapped me in order to get the money to perform the surgery for me? Now they are all in prison. Could it be that you can settle this with 20,000 yuan?"    


Lan's words made the associate hospital director silent for a moment before he finally sighed.    


"How about this, I will give you 500,000 yuan. When this matter ends, we will pretend that nothing happened!"    


If this matter were to spread out, it was likely that Lingzhi Hospital would not need to operate anymore. Hence, the associate hospital director gave five hundred thousand yuan for keeping his mouth shut.    


"I don't want money!" Lan snorted coldly.    


Xiao Yun pulled Lan and said, "Take the money!"    


Lan looked at Xiao Yun in surprise. She originally thought that Xiao Yun was a righteous person like her, but now it seemed like it was not the case.    


"Brother Xiao, are we going to swallow our anger and not expose them for money? Let more people be fooled? " Lan's eyes were slightly red.    


Xiao Yun smiled and said, "You don't understand. Having money is better than having no money. If your mother had any more money, she would have made the same choice as me!" After saying that, Xiao Yun pinched Lan's tender hand that was like a lotus root.    


Not long after, the deputy dean walked in with a black suitcase. When he opened the suitcase, Lan was shocked because it was full of money.    


Lan bit her lower lip. At this moment, she felt that she had lost something in her heart.    


When she walked out of the hospital door, Lan's expression was still a little worried about personal gains and losses.    


Xiao Yun put the suitcase into Lan's hands. At that moment, Lan had a blue denim, a white T-shirt, and a ponytail. She was dressed in a sunny outfit, but the expression on her face made people unable to be happy.    


Xiao Yun couldn't help pinching Lan's face and smiled.    


"Silly girl, what are you thinking about? Let's go to the newspaper office and the Public Security Bureau!" Without waiting for Lan's permission, Xiao Yun pulled her back.    


Lan was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and said, "Big Brother Xiao, didn't you say that this matter is over?"    


Xiao Yun shook his head. This girl was still too naive.    


"They gave you money to seal your mouth, but they didn't give me money to seal my mouth!"    


Xiao Yun's words made Lan laugh. She rolled her eyes at Xiao Yun with some resentment.    


"You are so bad!"    


Xiao Yun took Lan to the newspaper first. The newspaper now feared that the world would be in chaos. What Xiao Yun provided them was the recording of just arriving at the hospital. It included the whole conversation, including the content.    


Lingzhi Hospital also closed the door to investigate. This matter caused quite a stir.    


At this moment, Zhao Wenming could be said to be furious. He had not even started to deal with Xiao Yun, but Xiao Yun had already given him such a move. It could be said that it caused him to suffer heavy losses.    


"Young master, please calm down. I really didn't expect that guy to report us after taking the money. If I had known earlier..." At this moment, the deputy dean was filled with regret.    


"Shut up, you old fellow. Damn it, I lost a few million this time. I'm not willing to accept this!" Zhao Wenming picked up the cup and smashed it on the ground.    


"Young master, why don't you look for Director Zhao and see what he can do?" The deputy dean said in a panic. If this matter was not handled properly, he might be sent to prison, so he had to consider it.    


Hearing the deputy dean's words, Zhao Wenming snorted and said, "Looking for my father for such a small matter, isn't this slapping my face? You have to take care of the hospital's matters. You must not let anyone know that I am the owner of the hospital. Push the responsibility to Department Director Wang and say that it was a medical accident! "    


Today, Xiao Yun brought Lan to the detention center to take a look at the two brothers. Because they had turned themselves in, and they had given up halfway, the two of them had only been sentenced to two years of imprisonment. It was to temper the impulse in their hearts.    


Lan told them what happened, and the two brothers were also very angry. At this time, the way they looked at Xiao Yun was different. They could tell that this matter was mainly because of Xiao Yun's help to the two families. Otherwise, the matter wouldn't have been resolved.    


"Little brother, thank you. We really regret not being in the past!" The eldest brother, Guo Fang, held Xiao Yun's hand and said.    


Xiao Yun smiled and said, "This is only the beginning. As long as it's those who participated, none of them will be able to escape. I am not only helping you, but even more civilians who have been fooled!"    


If it wasn't for Xiao Yun stopping them, perhaps the two brothers would have kowtowed to Xiao Yun. When they treated Xiao Yun the way they treated him, it was rare to see Xiao Yun helping their family with all his effort.    


When Lan came out of the detention center, a smile appeared on her face once again. The haze in their family had passed, and what welcomed them was a brand new life.    


Lan's eyes fixed on Xiao Yun, and then she ran towards him. She threw herself at Xiao Yun and hugged him tightly.    


"Thank you, Big Brother Xiao!" After saying that, Lan hugged him even more tightly.    


Xiao Yun complained in his heart. Didn't this girl know that men and women should not be taught how to kiss?    


Lan's face was a little red. It was the first time she hugged a man, and she was a little shy, but she could feel the sense of security coming from Xiao Yun's chest.    


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