Kidnapping My Future Wife

C31 Su Qian's Daughter

C31 Su Qian's Daughter

3Pop, pop, pop, pop!    3


This kind of trash didn't even need Xiao Yun to do anything. He was directly put down by the security guards of the Flying Sky Company. Each and every one of them was lying on the ground, wailing in pain.    


"Send him to the police station!" Lee Sisi glanced at them indifferently.    


Although those guys did not say who made them do it, he knew it after thinking about it. Third Master Fatty had a huge grudge with him. Disgusting him like this would not have any effect on him. Zhao Wenming's father, Zhao Gongming, would also not do it. Luo Tianyou had become the suspect using the method of elimination.    


However, Xiao Yun was in a good mood. Lee Sisi was a smart person. As long as she gave it some thought, she would definitely know who did this. This way, not only did Luo Tianyou not chase Xiao Yun away, he even left a despicable image in Lee Sisi's heart.    


"Luo Tianyou, I was worried that I could not destroy your relationship with Lee Sisi, but you came to me on your own accord. You are really an out-and-out idiot!" Xiao Yun thought in his heart.    


Indeed, Lee Sisi did not ask Xiao Yun about the sequence of events of the matter, which meant that Lee Sisi was confident.    


After sending Lee Sisi back to the company, there was a little girl who was six or seven years old jumping around in the lobby. She was wearing a princess outfit and looked very cute.    


She thought that it might be some employee who brought the child to the company, but the little girl started to wander around.    


"Ah!" The little girl called out, because she accidentally stepped on Xiao Yun's foot.    


"Uncle, I'm sorry!" The little girl was very polite.    


Suddenly, Xiao Yun's impression of the little girl increased. He picked up the little girl in one go. The little girl was not afraid of strangers.    


"What's your name?" Xiao Yun asked.    


The little girl blinked twice and said tenderly, "Why should I tell you? You don't give me any benefits, unless you buy spicy sticks for me!"    


Xiao Yun was helpless. Such a young child actually learned to talk about personal conditions. When he grew up, he would definitely be amazing.    


"Tsk, I know what benefits your name will bring me?" Xiao Yun felt that teasing children was also a very fun thing.    


"Then why are you asking me? Mommy said that if you rashly ask others what is rude, you have to learn how to be tactful!"    


Xiao Yun felt ashamed. The little girl was not funny, but now the little girl was his teacher. It was interesting.    


The little girl suddenly turned her head and jumped off Xiao Yun's body.    




Xiao Yun followed her gaze and stared at Su Qian with his eyes wide open.    


"Xiaoxue, didn't Mom tell you not to run away? ___ asked. Why did you run out?"    


"I was a little bored in your room, so I came out to get some fresh air. I didn't expect to meet an interesting uncle!" She pointed at Xiao Yun.    


Su Qian saw Xiao Yun's reaction, and her face was very interesting.    


"This is your daughter?" Xiao Yun still did not dare to believe it. The good cabbage was already cooked by pigs. Originally, Xiao Yun was still fantasizing about what would happen to Su Qian, but now it was all destroyed.    


"My lady, you are very surprised, right?" Su Qian looked at Xiao Yun playfully.    


"Very surprised!" Xiao Yun said with difficulty.    


Su Qian giggled as if she was teasing Xiao Yun.    


"Xiao Yun, I need to have a meeting in the afternoon. Anyway, you have nothing to do. Look at me and look at Xiaoxue, right? She can help you relieve your boredom! "    


Although Xiao Yun knew that Su Qian had a child, Xiao Yun was a little unhappy, but friends still needed to help each other, not to mention Snowy was so cute.    


Su Qian was about to leave when she suddenly leaned close to Xiao Yun's ear and whispered, "Are you very disappointed?" After saying that, Su Qian patted Xiao Yun's chest in a somewhat ambiguous manner.    


At this moment, Lee Sisi who was upstairs felt a little uncomfortable when she saw this scene. It was a very strange feeling that she had never felt before.    


Not long after, Lee Sisi walked down and squatted down to pull Snowy's tender hands to tease her.    


Then Lee Sisi and Xiao Yun sat together and looked at Snowy, who was playing by herself.    


"Actually, Su Qian has not been easy for so many years. She has a child by herself!" Lee Sisi looked at Snowy.    


Xiao Yun frowned when he heard that. Could Su Qian have divorced? Or...    


Next, Lee Sisi solved the doubts in Xiao Yun's heart.    


It turned out that Xiaoxue was Su Qian's sister's daughter. Her sister had a very happy family, but she died in an accident. And his man had a bad habit from then on. He was addicted to drugs and gambling.    


Su Qian saw her brother-in-law like this and tried to persuade him many times, but it was useless. Sometimes, that guy would beat up Xiaoxue. Later, Su Qian helped his brother-in-law pay a debt, and the condition was that Xiaoxue would follow him in the future. Hence, there was a scene of Xiaoxue calling Su Qian's mother.    


After hearing Lee Sisi's words, Xiao Yun heaved a sigh of relief. He had always thought that Su Qian had not broken the melon and thought that he had misjudged her. So it turned out to be like this.    


"Uncle, I want to eat spicy sticks. Take me to buy them!" Snowy pitifully pulled Xiao Yun.    


"Spicy gluten!" Xiao Yun was very conflicted. It was definitely not good for such a small child to eat spicy gluten. If he bought Su Qian, he would definitely cause trouble for him, but if he did not buy a little girl, she would act spoiled. It was a dilemma.    


So Xiao Yun also became a teacher and told Snowy about the danger of spicy gluten. He also said that it was junk food, but Snowy still wanted to eat it. In the end, Xiao Yun lost to such a little girl.    


Xiao Yun finally understood that it was not easy to take care of children. Fortunately, the afternoon passed by quickly.    


When Xiao Yun saw Su Qian preparing to blackmail Su Qian, Su Qian's phone rang.    


"Hello, I said I will not give you money anymore, and you are no longer my brother-in-law!" Su Qian picked up the phone and said angrily.    


"Xiao Qian, Xiaoxue is my daughter, and she will never change in her life. My daughter gave it to you, would you be short of one hundred thousand yuan? I'll go find you tonight. If you don't give me money, I'll get Snowy back. I think the court will definitely support his father!"    


Xiao Yun's hearing ability was extraordinary, so he heard the conversation between the two. Lee Sisi was right. Xiaoxue's father was a scumbag. He actually used his own daughter as a bet.    


Su Qian hung up the phone with an angry look on her face. After thinking for a moment, she walked towards Xiao Yun. Su Qian looked at Xiaoxue who was having fun.    


"Xiaoxue, are you having fun with your uncle?" ___ asked.    


"Yes, I am. Uncle, you even gave me delicious food!" Snowy took out two bags of spicy sticks.    


In the end, Xiao Yun's guess was not wrong at all. Su Qian glared at Xiao Yun.    


"Xiaoxue, do you like uncle?"    


Su Qian's words made Xiao Yun feel a little uneasy. What was this woman going to do?    


"I like him. If uncle can buy me a few more bags of spicy sticks, Xiaoxue will like him even more!"    


Su Qian smiled helplessly and then stood up to look at Xiao Yun.    


"Do me a favor and let Xiaoxue stay at your place for the night. I have something to do tonight!"    


Su Qian's eyes were very serious. Xiao Yun knew Su Qian was going to see that beast at night, so he was worried about Xiaoxue, so he gave Xiaoxue to him.    


But this also indirectly showed Su Qian's trust in Xiao Yun. Otherwise, why would she give her beloved child to Xiao Yun?    


Xiao Yun nodded and agreed, but in his heart, he was a little worried about Su Qian. Su Qian's brother-in-law could even abandon Xiaoxue. Who knew if he would do other beast things.    


When Wang Miaotong went back, she was also a little surprised to see Xiao Yun bringing a child with him.    


"Xiao Yun, where did you get such a beautiful girl? You didn't steal her, did you?"    


Xiao Yun rolled his eyes at Wang Miaotong. This woman thought too much of him. To be precise, Wang Miaotong was always thinking about how to take revenge on him.    


"My friend's child, I have something to do, so I will take care of him for the night!"    


Fortunately, Wang Miaotong also liked children, so the two women played together.    


Wang Miaotong made dinner tonight. He looked at Xiao Yun's bowl of porridge and smiled sinisterly. Then he put the white powder in his hand into it.    


"Xiao Yun, I told you to mess with me, see how I will take revenge on you, you bastard!" Wang Miaotong thought to herself.    


Xiao Yun did not care about it when they were eating. The food that Wang Miaotong drugged was eaten by Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun was also a human, not a god. There were times when he was tricked.    


Wang Miaotong tried her best to hide the smile on her face. It was truly wonderful.    


After dinner, Xiao Yun handed Xiaoxue to Wang Miaotong. He was really worried about Su Qian. If something happened to such a beauty, it would be an irreparable loss.    


Xiao Yun had just left the house when he felt his stomach growling a few times. Then his stomach actually hurt a little.    


"F * ck you, Wang Miaotong, how dare you give laxatives to me!" Xiao Yun cursed as he rushed to the toilet as fast as he could.    


"Hehe, Xiao Qian, I haven't seen you in a long time. You are still so beautiful and moving!" Su Qian's brother-in-law, Sun Bing, was a guy with glasses. At first glance, he looked a little gentle.    


"Sun Bing, I don't welcome you here. I have given you a lot of money for the last time. This time, I definitely won't give it to you. Get lost!" Su Qian showed no politeness.    


"Hehe, what are you talking about? Where's Xiaoxue? I miss her. Call her out!" Sun Bing began to use a roundabout method.    


Su Qian had dealt with Sun Bing so many times. She already knew Sun Bing very well, so she sent Xiaoxue to Xiao Yun.    


"Xiaoxue is at my friend's house!" Su Qian said coldly.    


Sun Bing was angry when he heard that Xiaoxue was not there.    


"What are you talking about? ___ asked. Snowy wasn't there. I am his father. I will give you my daughter. You actually sent her to someone else's house, and you took me away? Today, either you give me money or you give me Snowy. Do as you see fit!"    


Su Qian was also angry. She had endured Sun Bing for a long time. If not for Snowy, she would not have dealt with such scum.    


"I don't have the money, and I don't have the money to ask for Xiaoxue. If you are willing to go to court, then go. Although the reason is on your side, I have money, and I also have acquaintances. I don't believe that I can't beat you!" Su Qian's attitude suddenly became firm when Snowy was not around.    


Sun Bing laughed loudly and said, "What if you have money? This case is so obvious, who dares to help you? Unless they are stupid!"    


Su Qian gritted her teeth. She was not willing to go to court unless it was the last step.    


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