Kidnapping My Future Wife

C44 Recruitment

C44 Recruitment

3"What if she still doesn't like you?" Xiao Yun could only attack Yang Xiu's enthusiasm to learn martial arts from the side, even if Yang Xiu really wanted to learn martial arts. He was not the best teacher, because Xiao Yun was always the killer move. How could an ordinary person kill someone so easily?    


Yang Xiu paused for a moment and said, "But no matter how strong I am, I am afraid I will not be able to find a beautiful wife."    


Yang Xiu looked at Xiao Yun pitifully, then kneeled down in front of Xiao Yun with a thud, as if he wanted to acknowledge Xiao Yun as his master.    


"Master, I know you are testing me, but I can really persevere. I will not embarrass Master, and I will strive to surpass him!"    


Xiao Yun coughed. If he surpassed his master, he would give all of his skills to you. How could Xiao Yun still be alive? He had taught his disciples to starve his master to death, and there were many perverted disciples who killed his master.    


"Forget it. Just think about something else. I'm leaving!" Xiao Yun casually swung his arm.    


"I will kneel here and wait for you to come back!"    


Xiao Yun originally thought that this was a joke, but after he walked 300 meters away, Yang Xiu still knelt there with a thunderstruck expression.    


"Xiao Yun, why don't you accept him? Anyway, it's not a loss to you. You can have one more helper, right?" Wang Miaotong saw that the stubborn Yang Xiu could not bear it.    


Xiao Yun laughed lightly. It seemed that this guy would not know how to turn his head if he did not hit the south wall. It would be unreasonable if she did not give him a chance.    


Seeing Xiao Yun walk back and forth, Yang Xiu showed a touch of surprise. He saw hope.    


"Master, you promised to take me in?" Yang Xiu looked at Xiao Yun in a daze.    


Xiao Yun did not have any expression on his face. He said, "If you do 200 push-ups on the ground, you cannot stop for more than ten seconds. Your posture must be standard!"    


Wang Miaotong opened her mouth wide in shock when she heard Xiao Yun's request. Wasn't Xiao Yun deliberately making things difficult for others? Even soldiers who had gone through special training could at most do sixty or seventy push-ups in one go. This made an ordinary Yang Xiu do so much. Wasn't this a disguised rejection?    


Yang Xiu did not show any dissatisfaction. Instead, his face revealed a look of joy. Then, he took off his shirt and laid down on the ground.    


Yang Xiu's muscles were still considered strong. The first few dozen could be considered fast, but when Yang Xiu reached seventy, his arm would barely be able to support his body.    


The next few steps were more difficult than the last. When Yang Xiu reached a hundred, his back was drenched in sweat, and his forehead looked like it was raining.    


Shouts kept coming out of Yang Xiu's mouth, and the veins on his head were bulging. The next step was to challenge the limits of the human body.    


Yang Xiu's face turned from red to pale. Xiao Yun could see that he had reached the limit of his body's endurance. His body was almost limp.    


"If you can't do it, then don't do it!" Wang Miaotong looked at Yang Xiu's uncomfortable look and felt a little sorry in her heart. There were not many people who could reach Yang Xiu's level.    


Xiao Yun's eyes were fixed on Yang Xiu. When ordinary people reached their limit, they would be shaken when they heard someone say that. Their bodies would also stop for a while, but Xiao Yun did not see this reaction from Yang Xiu.    


The first step in martial arts was to start training from a young age. One needed to have sufficient perseverance. Yang Xiu's current age was not the best, but this kind of perseverance was rare and valuable. In the most dangerous times, one would often rely on perseverance to last until the end.    


Finally, after the difficult challenge, Yang Xiu had reached one hundred and fifty. This shocked Xiao Yun. It was a little scary.    


Suddenly, Yang Xiu lay on the ground. There seemed to be no strength on his arm that allowed him to get up again. However, people could not lie to their bodies. Yang Xiu tried many times and finally made another one. Then he lied on the ground again.    


A smile appeared on Xiao Yun's face. This kid was really good. He did not faint even after using such a large amount of strength at once. His body was not bad.    


"Get up. You have passed the examination!"    


Xiao Yun's words were like a bomb exploding in Yang Xiu's head. He looked at Xiao Yun with an extremely happy expression. His voice was a little weak. "Don't you have 50 more?"    


Xiao Yun curled his lips. "You will die if there are fifty more. There is no need to do it anymore. Get up!"    


Yang Xiu's body shook twice. If Wang Miaotong did not support him, Yang Xiu would have fallen to the ground and somersaulted.    


"You really agreed to be my master?" Yang Xiu couldn't believe it. At the same time, his face was filled with joy. His hard work had finally earned Xiao Yun's recognition.    


Xiao Yun patted Yang Xiu's body and squatted down. Xiao Yun used a branch to write a phone number on the ground. The number was ten, but Yang Xiu did not doubt the accuracy of the number.    


"Remember this number and go to the border. There will be people there who will give you two months of intensive training. If you persist, you can find me. Only the strong and the dead can come out of there. Think about it!"    


Xiao Yun stood up and did not say anything. He waved at Wang Miaotong and turned around to leave.    


Yang Xiu looked at the phone number on the ground as if he had found a treasure. Xiao Yun's words did not make him shrink back. The strong or the dead made Yang Xiu even more excited. It was hard to imagine what kind of level he would reach in the future.    


The address Xiao Yun gave Yang Xiu was a private training camp. He did not only do push-ups there. Out of ten people who had been strengthened in two months, there was only one chance of survival. Fighting a life and death battle with a pack of wolves was a very normal thing.    


Wang Miaotong, who was following beside Xiao Yun, was a little curious. She said, "That number was less than ten digits. You are not trying to fool a young person with a stupid brain, are you?"    


Xiao Yun smiled. This number was indeed special because he used a dedicated network. To be precise, it was not connected or mobile, but developed by himself.    


"This is a satellite phone!"    


Wang Miaotong was stunned for a moment. She suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Xiao Yun in shock. "You didn't ask him to go to the assassin training camp, did you?"    


Wang Miaotong had some understanding of these things when she was in the army. There were many assassin training camps overseas. The trained assassins were even more powerful than the special forces. They would be sent to various parts of the country to carry out assassination missions.    


Xiao Yun smiled faintly. Yang Xiu was not a person who was willing to be ordinary. If he wanted to succeed, he had to pay a price.    


"This is his choice!" After saying this, Xiao Yun did not say anything else.    


However, Wang Miaotong started to doubt Xiao Yun's identity. Xiao Yun could contact those people. Could it be that Xiao Yun also came from that place? Furthermore, it was entirely possible that Xiao Yun was skilled, but he was an assassin. However, he could still see a lot of emotions in Xiao Yun. If Xiao Yun stood up at the most dangerous moment, Wang Miaotong would be destroyed.    


"Why did you save me?" Wang Miaotong looked at Xiao Yun.    


Xiao Yun coughed and said, "You have done me so many times. If you die like this, who will I find to settle accounts with in the future?"    


Wang Miaotong was also drunk with Xiao Yun's answer. She only did this to Xiao Yun once. When she ate the laxative, Xiao Yun had done it to her countless times.    


"Bastard!" Wang Miaotong snorted. She had been prejudiced against Xiao Yun before, but after this incident, Xiao Yun's impression in her mind had changed 180 degrees.    


Xiao Yun kept a low profile. In the end, the armed police did not take Xiao Yun's credit. Xiao Yun also did not want to show up, so everyone immediately called Xiao Yun a mysterious person. Xiao Yun also received an unexpected windfall, a high reward of 300,000 yuan.    


Wang Miaotong was a woman who could not easily reveal her feelings, so when she went back, she would argue with Xiao Yun from time to time. However, the feeling of bickering now was completely different from before.    


What surprised Xiao Yun was that Su Qian actually invited him to dinner that night. Su Qian called him and Xiao Yun had to go. Furthermore, the relationship between the two was a little unclear.    


When Xiao Yun arrived at the dinner place, Su Qian's face had a faint worried look. Xiao Yun felt that something was not right. It seemed that she wanted to talk to him and borrow his shoulder.    


"Ms Su, why are you so worried?" Xiao Yun sat opposite Su Qian and took a drink.    


Su Qian sighed. "Xiaoxue has been talking about dad to me these few days. When Xiaoxue was not able to remember anything, I took her over. So she didn't know Sun Bing was her father. I was in so much trouble because of this. " Su Qian stroked her hair, and her worried face had a different kind of charming look.    


Xiao Yun smiled and said, "Then quickly find one for him!"    


Xiao Yun was glared at by Su Qian. Su Qian did not even go to find a boyfriend for Xiaoxue to find a father. Besides, how could Sun Bing tell Xiaoxue that Sun Bing was her father? The child was still young. It would be troublesome if he left a shadow in his heart.    


Xiao Yun thought for a while and said, "It is indeed troublesome for Xiaoxue not to have a father. Even if Sun Bing wants to change, he needs time. Abstinence and gambling are not something that can be done in a day!"    


Su Qian nodded, but Snowy did not have a father to pick her up in kindergarten, which made other little friends confused. If they met a little kid again, it would be even more exciting for Xiaoxue.    


"Xiao Yun, why don't you pick Xiaoxue up after school? ___ asked. In this way, the classmates would not say anything. Snowy's psychological pressure was less, so she might forget to look for her dad! "    


Xiao Yun looked at Su Qian and laughed. He said, "That's not a problem. But what if Xiaoxue wants me to be her father?"    


Su Qian snorted. That night, she let go of her heart and Xiao Yun left. But now Xiao Yun kept teasing her, intentionally or not, which made Su Qian's heart itch.    


"Then you can be her aunt. Anyway, she is my aunt!"    


Su Qian's rebuttal made Xiao Yun feel ashamed. Snowy's mother had already left. Could it be that Xiao Yun went downstairs to look for her?    


"Delicious dumplings are not as good as dumplings. It is more fun than sister-in-law!"    


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