Kidnapping My Future Wife

C47 Sun Bing Was Courting Death

C47 Sun Bing Was Courting Death

2Ling Xiao felt good when she was with Xiao Yun, but this little girl's thoughts were too wild. She had been fighting Xiao Yun earlier, but now she suddenly turned the spearhead towards the fat guy. This reminded Xiao Yun of the old traitors. They would follow whoever they saw was powerful.     1


"Then what about my Lun Tai? I can't just lose money like this, right?" Fatty was a little unwilling. It was not his style to be scared off just like that.    


"Do you have proof? Who can prove that he gave you an abortion? Don't tell me you really believe that it was a lighter monster?"    


Fatty looked at Ling Xiao with hatred in his heart. It was Ling Xiao who had just mentioned that the lighter had caused the abortion. But now, he suddenly denied it. The changes from before to now made Fatty feel that his brain could not keep up with it. Wasn't this playing with him like a monkey?    


"Hmph, I'm sure he used a lighter to make it for me. You have to compensate me!" Fatty snorted.    


Just as Xiao Yun was about to speak, Ling Xiao hugged his waist and stopped him. At this moment, Ling Xiao took out a bunch of car keys from her bag. There was a Ferrari logo on them.    


"I'll give you the keys. If you have the guts, drive my sports car away. One tire is enough for you, right?"    


Fatty was caught in a dilemma. How could an ordinary person drive a few million sports cars? If he really drove away, it might not necessarily happen. He was not a fool. But Xiao Yun did not pay for it. Could it be that he was at a loss for words? It seemed that no matter what he did, he would always be the one to suffer.    


Xiao Yun also smiled at this time. "Yes, let's drive the car away. A sports car is worth more than a Mercedes-Benz, right?"    


At this time, another woman's voice came from the fat man.    


"Darling, what happened to your tire?" A woman in a very coquettish dress twisted her butt and asked with an exaggerated expression.    


When Fatty saw his Mo, he frowned. If he lost face, would he still have the face to crawl onto her?    


"Don't tell me these two little brats are making you angry?" The coquettish woman locked onto Xiao Yun and Ling Xiao with a glance.    


Xiao Yun really did not want to look at the coquettish woman. The woman's appearance was not bad, but the thick makeup on her face made him want to vomit.    


"You are the little brat! A transvestite!" Ling Xiao counterattacked without any politeness.    


The coquettish woman was immediately angry. This was the first time she was called a transvestite.    


"Go and get someone to chop her up!" The coquettish woman hugged the fatty's arm as if she had suffered a great grievance.    


At this moment, the fat man snorted and pointed at Xiao Yun. "For the sake of my son and your daughter's classmate, give me ten thousand yuan for the car repair fee. In the future, we will not interfere with each other's business. Otherwise, no one will be able to live a good life today!"    


Xiao Yun sneered. He had just asked for a hundred thousand yuan, but now it had suddenly reached ten thousand. He was really smart. He thought he wanted to save his face and took out the money. Unfortunately, he had made a mistake.    


Xiao Yun did not pay attention to him at all. Instead, he turned around and picked up Snowy. "Let's go home and find mom!"    


"Okay, you still want to buy me spicy sticks!"    


Xiao Yun was speechless. "Uncle will buy you ham!"    


The fat man was immediately angry. It turned out that Xiao Yun did not listen to him at all. He actually wanted to send the little girl home. Wasn't this looking down on him?    


Immediately, the fat man made a phone call and said angrily, "Call the brothers to come to the school entrance and prepare to kill people!"    


Then, the fat man turned around and said angrily to Xiao Yun, "Stop right there. Wait for my brothers to come and kill you!"    


Xiao Yun smiled and then looked at Little Snow and said, "What if there are bad people bullying uncle?"    


Snowy thought for a moment and showed her white teeth. "Call the police!"    


Xiao Yun touched Snowy's head. She was a smart child. Then Xiao Yun called 110 without any hesitation.    


The fat man was stunned. He thought Xiao Yun would ask someone to work with him, but he didn't expect Xiao Yun to call the police uncle. F * ck!    


Xiao Yun left and Ling Xiao hurriedly chased after him. When she caught up with Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun had already started the car and left.    


"Bastard, you deserve a thousand cuts!" Ling Xiao scolded him without caring about her image.    


Xiao Yun left, but Ling Xiao was still here. The monk could not run away from the temple, so the fat man stood in front of Ling Xiao and blocked her. A woman was much easier to deal with than a man.    


Ling Xiao coldly snorted and angrily said, "Get lost!"    


"F * ck! Bitch, why are you pretending in front of me? Don't give me face and be shameless!"    


Ling Xiao had been in contact with Xiao Yun for so long that she had hit a wall. This made her very unhappy. She was very irritable, even more violent than when she had her menstruation. Suddenly, her sharp high heels kicked between the fat man's legs. Instantly, there was a howl like that of a pig being slaughtered.    


Fatty held onto his lifeblood and squatted down. His voice was filled with incomparable pain as he said, "Just you wait!"    


The fatty squatted on the ground to recover his strength. When his pain lessened a little, Ling Xiao had long disappeared in the sports car.    


The coquettish woman looked at the fat man nervously and anxiously asked, "Is your baby alright?"    


"F * ck off!" The fat man cursed angrily. Today, he really had bloody bad luck. F * ck!    


Xiao Yun did not tell Su Qian what happened today. If the fat man did not know how to find him and went to look for Xiaoxue, Xiao Yun could only be rude to him. It was not as simple as blowing up a tire.    


"Xiao Yun, Sun Bing called me today. He said some strange things to me. He also said he wanted me to take care of Xiaoxue. I think something happened to him." Su Qian frowned slightly, then patted the dust off Xiao Yun's body like a wife.    


Su Qian's intimacy made Xiao Yun really want to hold her in his arms and love her. However, Xiao Yun only touched Su Qian's hair, which had a kind of tenderness.    


Su Qian smiled at Xiao Yun. This made Su Qian understand that the Xiao Yun she liked was not a guy with just one word, which made her very happy.    


"Today I met Sun Bing. He wants to die!"    


Xiao Yun's words shocked Su Qian. Although she hated Sun Bing very much, in the end, Sun Bing was also Su Qian's brother-in-law, Xiaoxue's father. If Xiaoxue knew that her father died, she would definitely feel uncomfortable.    


Su Qian looked at Xiao Yun with pleading eyes. Xiao Yun smiled and patted Su Qian's shoulder.    


"Don't worry, I will not let him die!"    


Xiao Yun turned around and left. Su Qian did not doubt Xiao Yun's ability to do things. She believed that Xiao Yun would definitely be able to do this well.    


Xiao Yun dialed Sun Bing's number and it turned off. Could it be that Sun Bing was going to seek death again so soon? However, this did not conform to human nature. A person had failed after dying once. His heart would definitely be filled with resentment, so Xiao Yun guessed that Sun Bing would choose revenge.    


Xiao Yun's guess was right. Sun Bing didn't die even once. Therefore, Sun Bing thought of how unfair this world was to him. Originally, he had a happy family and a cute little baby. But because of his wife's accidental death, his life was filled with darkness.    


Sun Bing bought a fruit knife from a store and put it on his waist. Tonight, he was prepared to die together with Mr Zheng. He was already a dead man, so he did not care about anything else.    


Sun Bing went to the hotel room where Mr Zheng was gambling with his heart full of death. Sun Bing looked at it. There was only Mr Zheng and his little brother in the room, which made Sun Bing secretly happy. This way, Sun Bing's chances of success would increase greatly.    


Mr Zheng propped up his big belly and got up from the bed. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Sun Bing. "Did you bring the money?"    


Xiao Yun originally thought that he could contact Sun Bing at any time, but unfortunately, he did not. Xiao Yun would definitely do what he promised Su Qian, but because he had lost Sun Bing's trace, Xiao Yun was a little distressed. He was not a police dog, so he could not find Sun Bing. However, Xiao Yun thought of a guy who was even more powerful than a police dog, "Wang Miaotong."    


Wang Miaotong was a police officer, so she must know someone in the traffic team. Under Wang Miaotong's lead, she began to search for the surveillance camera on Sun Bing's location. In less than five minutes, Xiao Yun found that Sun Bing had arrived at a hotel.    


"You can go back first. I have something to do." Xiao Yun said to Wang Miaotong and then ran to the hotel. Xiao Yun was really a little anxious. Because he saw that there was a hard object in Sun Bing's abdomen. If he did not guess wrong, it should be a small knife.    


"Mr Zheng, the money is ready. I will pay you back what I owe you today. I will still be friends when I see you in the future." Sun Bing's eyes showed a firm look.    


"Alright, Mr Zheng will think of you when he has good things in the future!" Mr Zheng laughed with his big belly. How could he not be happy that he had earned thirty thousand yuan so easily?    


At this moment, Sun Bing took out a few stacks of paper money from his pocket and threw them on Mr Zheng. Mr Zheng was happy at first, but then his face changed. The money Sun Bing threw on him was actually underworld money!    


Before Mr Zheng could shout, a cold fruit knife filled with killing intent stabbed into Mr Zheng's stomach.    




"Go to hell for me!" Sun Bing shouted.    


Xiao Yun knocked on the door of the room. Sun Bing was shocked for a second, then he wanted to stab Mr Zheng a few more times.    


"Hei Zi, open the door!" Mr Zheng shouted. As long as the door was opened, Sun Bing would definitely not dare to mess around. Besides, those who came here were usually his brothers.    


Hei Zi heard what Mr Zheng said and quickly opened the door. Xiao Yun appeared in the private room and closed the door with a bang.    


Sun Bing was also stunned when he saw the person who came. At this time, Mr Zheng took the opportunity to kick Sun Bing to the ground.    


At this moment, Hei Zi did not even bother to ask who Xiao Yun was. He was about to go and deal with Sun Bing, but in the end, he was pulled by Xiao Yun's arm and fell to the ground.    


Xiao Yun looked at the silly Sun Bing and snorted. He said angrily, "Why do you want to die before you can even fulfill the responsibility and duty of a father? Snowy has a father like you, and I'm ashamed of her!"    


Sun Bing gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I am not a qualified father. I am not qualified to be Xiaoxue's father!"    


Xiao Yun walked over and kicked away the knife in Sun Bing's hand. He then looked at Mr Zheng. He did not expect Mr Zheng to be the guy who had caused trouble at the school gate today.    


"Tell me what happened." Xiao Yun purposely slapped the fat man's wound as he spoke. Sun Bing did not stab him in the vital parts. He would not die for a while.    


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