Soldier King's Beautiful Roommate

C445 Eight Groups of Boxers

C445 Eight Groups of Boxers

1Du Qiang had never thought that Loong Fei, as a boxer, would be able to participate in the championship of Loyalty Hall.    


"This kid has only been a soldier for eight years. I didn't expect him to have such strength!"    


Du Qiang muttered in his heart. After all, he had never thought that Loong Fei's strength would be so high in the beginning.    


One should know that in the boxing competition of Loyalty Hall, those who came to participate were all boxing champions. Any one of them would be invincible in the underground boxing field.    


Take Loong Fei's qualification to be the champion of the boxing ring in Loyalty Hall as an example. In the underground boxing ring of Jinghai City, only two spots could enter the boxing ring.    


"So what if he is good at fighting? He is just a tool for others to earn money."    


Du Qiang came to the hall on the second floor. Looking at Loong Fei's figure, he immediately threw a disdainful look at Loong Fei.    


"Mayor Du, this way."    


When Du Qiang arrived at the venue of the boxing match, Uncle Jiu, who held a high position in the Eastern District, immediately greeted him.    


"Uncle Jiu, who do you think will win tonight?"    


Du Qiang sat next to Uncle Jiu and asked probingly. After all, every boxer in the competition tonight was very powerful. No one dared to guarantee who would win or lose.    


"Hehe, I'm not sure yet. We'll know after the lots are drawn."    


However, he had already found a candidate in his mind. This person was Tia Shan, the Fist God of the boxing competition in Loyalty Hall last year.    


As the Fist God of last year's boxing competition, Tia Shan's strength was unquestionable. Because he was too strong, he didn't need to participate in the first round of knockout rounds. He was directly qualified for the semi-finals.    


"Uncle Jiu, I don't think you are qualified for this year's boxing competition of Loyalty Hall. Lei Dong is qualified. What is going on? I remember that you have a good boxer!"    


Du Qiang asked, somewhat confused. After all, Uncle Jiu was the most famous underground figure in the east district. Almost every year, he had fighters participating in the boxing competition, but this year was an exception.    


"Don't mention it. It was Loong Fei who defeated my fighter. There's nothing I can do about it. Who asked Dongzi to find such a powerful boxer this year?"    


Uncle Jiu said helplessly. After all, his fighter, Gu Shouyu, had been defeated by Loong Fei. He had no right to fight for the two spots this year.    


If it wasn't for Loong Fei, Gu Shouyu would have been the one fighting for the spots with Ruan Zhennan last time. With Gu Shouyu's strength, he might have entered the final match.    


"Loong Fei? Is that kid really strong?"    


Du Qiang was shocked when he heard what Uncle Jiu said. He had never thought that Loong Fei could be so strong.    


"His strength is not bad, is it? It should be a problem for him to win the first round of eliminations. " It's not that big, but I'm afraid that he's still a bit lacking if he wants to go further. "    


Uncle Jiu expressed his opinion. After all, in his opinion, Loong Fei was only slightly stronger than Gu Shouyu, but he was still slightly weaker than the boxing champion of Loyalty Hall.    


"Oh! So that's all you have. I thought you were very powerful!"    


Du Qiang nodded slightly. He felt comforted in his heart. At least in his opinion, it was a wise decision to break off the engagement. At least he would not regret it.    


However, if Loong Fei could win the championship of the Loyalty Hall Fist King Competition, Du Qiang would probably regret it a little.    


The champion of the Loyalty Hall Boxing King Competition was like the most powerful existence in Jinghai City. Apart from making a huge amount of money, more importantly, the position of the Boxing God would also change substantially.    


Normal boxers were just tools used to earn money by the dignitaries. However, the boxers who got the title of Fist God were just ordinary boxers. They were equivalent to kings, and even the dignitaries would be polite to them.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, the drawing ceremony of the eighteenth Loyalty Hall Fist King Competition has officially begun."    


The beautiful female host smiled and spoke fluently in Mandarin.    


As soon as she finished speaking, two bodyguards in black immediately carried a crystal glass cabinet and placed it on the booth that had been prepared in the center of the ring.    


This glass cabinet was completely transparent. Inside, there were more than ten crystal balls that looked exactly the same. They were the opponents that the boxers would face in the first round of the competition by drawing lots.    


"First, let's invite Ms. Xia Xue from the south of the city to draw lots. Let us warmly welcome her!"    


The female host invited her. Very quickly, Wu Xue left her seat and came to the arena.    


She reached into the crystal glass cabinet and casually took out a crystal ball. Xia Xue acted as if she was fighting in front of everyone.    


"Fist King Qing Biao!"    


Xia Xue waved a piece of paper that she took out from the crystal ball and said with a smile.    


"Qing Biao, the runner-up of the 17th Loyalty Hall Fist King Competition. Let's see who his opponent is."    


The female host introduced. At the same time, she signaled Xia Xue to continue grabbing a crystal ball from the crystal glass cabinet.    


"Fist King Cai Fei!"    


Opening the crystal ball, Xia Xue immediately said with a smile.    


"Okay. Thank you, Ms. Xia Xue. The first round of the Loyalty Hall Fist King Competition will be the match between Qing Biao and Cai Fei. Let's wait and see who will be qualified to enter the next round."    


The female host held the microphone and immediately announced the boxers of the first round. Xia Xue returned to her seat.    


After the first group of boxers were selected, the female host immediately invited several prominent figures to draw lots. These people... These people were the people behind the scenes who had boxers entering the final.    


"Next, let's invite the West District's Boss Lei Dong Lei to draw lots on the stage."    


When Lei Dong's name was read out, Lei Dong's face showed a little excitement, because this was the first time he had brought his boxer to participate in a competition of this level.    


When Lei Dong arrived on the stage, he immediately drew two crystal balls, and then another group of fighters who were about to fight was born.    


There were almost fourteen crystal balls in the crystal glass cabinet. The names of the fourteen boxing champions were written in each of them. Tonight's drawing ceremony would produce seven groups of fighters.    


"What's going on? Why isn't there my name?"    


Looking at the crystal balls being pulled out one by one, he didn't even read his name. Loong Fei immediately felt puzzled.    


Soon, all fourteen crystal balls were drawn out, and the fourteen boxing champions would be promoted to seven boxers in the second round of the competition in the first round.    


"Everyone, the boxers of the seventh group have been selected. The last group of boxers is Loong Fei against Xiao Zhan."    


Just as Loong Fei was wondering why there was no one with his name, The female host on the stage read out Loong Fei's name.    


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