Bigwig Son-in-law

C39 Love Rival

C39 Love Rival

2Unfortunately, Lin Dong acted as if he didn't hear anything.    


In the end, she had no choice. Liu Yueru could only attack Lin Dong's temple again.    


However, there was no effect.    


Her attack made Lin Dong even more violent.    


Lin Dong actually ran towards the hospital bed with her in his arms!    


At this moment, Liu Yueru was finally afraid.    


The current Lin Dong was like a wild beast.    


The situation was about to develop in an uncontrollable direction. Liu Yueru's hand suddenly touched her gun.    


Do you want to use a gun?    


If I use a gun, I can only use it to shoot Lin Dong's head.    


But that way, Lin Dong would die for sure.    


What was going on?    


Could it be that he was poisoned?    


Very quickly, Liu Yueru confirmed the thoughts in her heart.    


Lin Dong's current performance was exactly the same as the poison in the novel.    


Her spear was already on Lin Dong's head, but Lin Dong only had her in his eyes.    


Finally, Liu Yueru slowly put her gun down.    


All of this was not Lin Dong's own will.    


Lin Dong was a hero. She could not kill him.    


Although her colleagues did not dare to say it in front of her.    


But there was a lot of talk behind it.    


Moreover, Lin Dong had cured her chronic illness for many years.    


However, this bastard was too rude. He actually held her neck with one hand and pulled her hair with the other.    


He was no different from a beast.    


Could it be that my first time was in the hands of a wild beast?    


"Quick, hit my Baihui, Quochi, and Huagu Acupoints with all your might!" Just as Liu Yueru closed her eyes and waited for Lin Dong's arrival, such a voice suddenly sounded in her ears.    


Although Liu Yueru had never learned TCM before, she had deliberately identified human acupuncture points when she was learning combat.    


Without any hesitation, she struck out with lightning speed and used her knuckles to hit Lin Dong three times.    


Lin Dong felt as if he had been struck by lightning.    


Then, he fell weakly onto Liu Yueru's body.    


Seeing that Lin Dong had fainted, Liu Yueru began to pant heavily.    


Her entire body was drenched in sweat.    


It seemed that Lin Dong was indeed poisoned. Otherwise, she wouldn't have let her hit his acupuncture points at the last moment.    


Liu Yueru rested for a while and prepared to push Lin Dong away.    


However, at this time, a figure rushed over.    


It was Liu Yueru's pursuer, Tian Geng!    


"Yue Ru, I... Liu Yueru, what are you doing!" Tian Geng roared.    


What he saw almost drove him crazy.    


Her goddess was being suppressed by a man.    


Most importantly, Liu Yueru's hand was still holding Lin Dong.    


Actually, she was going to remove Lin Dong from his body.    


"You, why are you here..." A trace of panic appeared on Liu Yueru's face. It was not because she was afraid of being seen by Tian Geng, but because this kind of thing was very embarrassing to be seen by others.    


Tian Geng naturally saw what the two of them were doing.    


He felt extremely sullen and depressed in his heart.    


One should know that with his identity, it was simply too easy to deal with a female police officer.    


However, he did not want to play around. Instead, he wanted to walk to the end with Liu Yueru.    


That was why he pursued Liu Yueru and wanted to obtain her heart openly.    


However, the scene in front of him made him collapse.    


Even he did not suppress Liu Yueru. At this moment, he was beaten by a poor person.    


Being someone from the upper class, he could naturally tell at a glance. Lin Dong was wearing cheap clothes. All of them added up would probably not exceed 500 yuan.    


If looks could kill people, Lin Dong would have been killed hundreds of times already.    


"Liu Yueru, I didn't expect you to be such a woman!" Tian Geng was trembling with anger.    


Liu Yueru did not have much feelings for Tian Geng to begin with. Plus, Tian Geng did not want to exchange hostages last time.    


She didn't have a good impression of him.    


Yes, Tian Geng did not have the obligation to exchange hostages, but she had the right to refuse.    


She held Lin Dong's hand and did not let go. She humphed. "What kind of woman am I?" she asked. Could it be that I need your permission to be intimate with someone?"    


"Liu Yueru, even if you don't f * cking get along with me, there's no need to find a beggar, right?"    


"A beggar is better than a coward like you, right?" A mocking voice sounded.    


This voice was actually Lin Dong!    


He had already sobered up.    


He did not expect the medicinal effect to pass so quickly.    


Logically speaking, Fragrant Damask's duration should be at least a few hours.    


But after fusing with the black stone, his physique underwent a tremendous transformation. Although it couldn't be said to be immune to all poisons, his resistance to any poison was countless times stronger.    


"Kid, who are you calling a coward?" Tian Geng's face was livid with anger.    


"I'm calling myself a coward." Lin Dong chuckled.    


Tian Geng looked gloomy and said, "Boy, there are some things you can't touch."    


"Oh? What is it that I can't touch? Do you mean this young lady? Police lady, he said you are something. "    


"I'm not a thing!" Liu Yueru subconsciously refuted and suddenly realized something was wrong. "No, I am a thing!"    


It seemed that something was wrong.    


Seeing the two of them bickering in front of her, she felt that something was wrong.    


Tian Geng's anger was burning.    


However, he did not dare to use violence.    


Liu Yueru was a police officer.    


Furthermore, she was a captain. Dealing with him was simply too easy.    


Immediately, he said, "Brat, let go of your dirty hands!"    


At this moment, Lin Dong's hands were placed on Liu Yueru's...    


"If you want me to let go, then let go. That would be so shameful. You said that I can't touch it, so I'm going to let you see it now!" As Lin Dong spoke, he reached out his hand.    


At this moment, Liu Yueru and Tian Geng's eyes widened at the same time.    


"Good, very good!" Tian Geng turned around and left the emergency room.    


"How much longer do you want?" Liu Yueru's cold voice sounded after Tian Geng left.    


Of course, the longer the better.    


Lin Dong didn't dare to say that.    


Otherwise, he would be killed by the police lady in no time.    


He immediately changed the topic and said, "That guy seems to be very awesome. I don't think I offended someone important, do I? "    


"Only now do you know how powerful he is? Let me tell you, Tian Geng is the young master of the Tian Corporation, and he has an even more powerful godmother. She is the kind of person who can eat both black and white! "    


Actually, even Liu Yueru was not willing to provoke Tian Geng.    


"Then, I will go and apologize to young master Tian now. Is there still time?" Lin Dong said weakly.    


"There is time, my lord. Can you have some backbone?" Liu Yueru scolded.    


But very quickly, she sighed again. "Actually, you really shouldn't provoke Tian Geng. If I provoke him, I will lose my job. But if you provoke him..."    


"Then what should I do? I've already provoked him. " Why didn't you tell me earlier that he was so awesome? Why don't you tell Young Master Tian? " Actually, there's nothing between you and me. What he saw just now was all an illusion! "    


"Is it also an illusion now?" The police lady said with a cold expression on her face.    


That was because until now, his hand was still there...    


"Ouch, I'm so dizzy, I can't use my strength..." Lin Dong quickly activated his playing dead mode.    


He laid on the policewoman's body again.    


Of course Liu Yueru knew that this guy was faking it.    


She tried to push Lin Dong away.    


However, Lin Dong's body was like a mountain pressing down on her. No matter how hard she pushed, she could not move him.    


"Alright, you're not going to get up, are you? I'll bite you to death." In the end, the policewoman got angry and bit Lin Dong's shoulder.    




Lin Dong sucked in a breath of cold air from the pain. You bit me, didn't you?    


Then don't blame me.    0


Catch! No, the rabbit hand!    




The police lady sucked in a breath of cold air from the pain.    


Thus, she bit even harder.    


The female police officer exerted more force.    


Lin Dong also used more force.    


A vicious cycle.    


Come on, let's hurt each other!    


The two of them were in a deadlock for more than a minute.    


The policewoman felt that being fierce was not her own.    


Lin Dong also felt that his arm was not his.    


It was even more painful than when he was shot.    


After all, bullets were instant damage, and Liu Yueru's teeth were continuous damage.    


"How about I count to one, two, three and we loosen it together? If you agree, why don't you blink twice?" Lin Dong really didn't want to continue hurting each other.    


However, the tsundere police lady refused to compromise.    


"Okay, then let's hurt each other to the end!" Lin Dong was also angry. He directly bit Liu Yueru's shoulder.    


F * ck!    


Liu Yueru was furious. She had never met such a shameless man in her life.    


He actually dared to bite... women!    


Too fucking shameless.    


Fine, you know how to capture a rabbit hand, I'll give you a dragon hand!    


The scene went out of control and the scene was extremely comfortable.    


"What... are you guys doing?"    


Just as the two of them were about to unleash their ultimate moves, When the other party took away the set, a voice that made Lin Dong's heart ache sounded.    


This voice was very pleasant to hear.    


But it carried a hint of anger!    


It was Chu Qing's!    


She and Dong Yuqin had been waiting for Lin Dong outside the emergency room, but her mother had been nagging her to stop being with Lin Dong.    


She really couldn't take it anymore. He sent Dong Yuqin away.    


When she returned to the hospital, she heard that something had happened in the emergency room and was worried about Lin Dong, so she immediately rushed in.    


Then, she saw this scene.    


The scene of the two of them grabbing and biting each other!    


F * ck, why did Chu Qing come?    


They were done for.    


Lin Dong quickly got up from Liu Yueru and explained to Chu Qing, "That, no, it's not what you think!"    


Originally, Chu Qing was worried about Lin Dong.    


But now, there was only anger in her heart.    


Since this guy could suppress women, he must be fine.    


Clearly, from Chu Qing's expression, Lin Dong knew that Chu Qing would definitely not believe that he and the police lady had a pure "friendship.    


"Then, Officer Liu, quickly explain." Lin Dong said anxiously.    


Liu Yueru knew about the relationship between Lin Dong and Chu Qing the last time.    


I'll explain it to you. Okay, no problem.    


The police lady calmly sat up from the bed and tidied her hair that was messed up by Lin Dong. Then she slowly said to Chu Qing, "That's right. It's exactly what you think."    


Lin Dong was speechless.    


Damn it!    


Police lady, is there anyone who tortures people like you?    


After going through the Civil Affairs Bureau incident, his relationship with Chu Qing had finally improved. Even if he could not return to the past, it should have eased up a lot.    


Alright, now this matter happened again...    


However, Chu Qing's expression was unusually calm. She softly said, "I'm sorry to disturb you all."    


Then, she turned around and left.    


Lin Dong was even more depressed.    


He understood Chu Qing. The calmer she acted, the angrier she became.    


Chu Qing was indeed angry.    


The thing that could kill a man and a woman's feelings was the third person.    


There was no third person. No matter what happened, there was still room for negotiation.    


However, once a third person appeared, it meant that the relationship between the two of them had completely ended.    


There was no man, nor was there a woman. When she saw her other half hugging another woman or man, she could still choose to forgive them.    


After experiencing the Civil Affairs Bureau incident, Chu Qing even began to accept Lin Dong's normalcy.    


But she could not accept a third person.    


"I said you did it on purpose, right?" Lin Dong looked at Liu Yueru with a gloomy expression.    


I asked you to explain, but you actually added oil to the fire.    


Liu Yueru continued to tidy up her police uniform.    


She did not have the slightest intention of doing anything wrong. She said lightly, "When Tian Geng came just now, weren't you the same? Let's call it even, right?"    


"How can it be the same? You don't like Tian Geng!"    


"How do you know that I don't like him? Even if I don't like him, I can still treat him as a Bei Tai. Isn't it nice to have a rich second generation as a Bei Tai?" The police lady pursed her lips.    


Lin Dong was speechless.    


"Besides, didn't you and Chu Qing get divorced? Why do you still like her?" The policewoman revealed a playful expression.    


Indeed, Lin Dong had no reason to blame Liu Yueru. After all, he was the one who attacked first.    


It seemed like he was the one who took advantage of her.    


"Little brother, could it be that you still want to continue being your son-in-law? Big sister advises you to give up. A woman like Chu Qing is destined to marry into the Wealthy Class!" Seeing that Lin Dong was still unhappy, the police lady patted Lin Dong's shoulder and said.    


Lin Dong was unhappy, and Liu Yueru was very happy.    


I told you to bully elder sister just now. You deserve it!    


"Liu Yueru!" An angry shout suddenly sounded.    


It shocked the two of them.    


Then, a middle-aged woman rushed into the emergency room in anger.    


"Who the hell is this?"    


"My mom..." When she saw the woman, the smug look on the police lady's face disappeared, and she became a little timid.    


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