Super Weapon Swap System

C2937 Ibm Company

C2937 Ibm Company

1IBM Company.     3


Most people would think that IBM Company was a company that produced personal computers. Then, this company was bought over by L. In fact, the personal computer business is just a small business of IBM. This company was mainly in charge of servers. Furthermore, it had a long history.    


This company had started from producing paper and Kong Machines, and later on, it continued to improve, and its technology was almost leading the entire world. For example, during the Cold War, it had built an integrated air defense network for Y Country Air Force in the early days. In banks and other departments, almost all of the servers it produced were used.    


The most glorious one was in the 1970s, for example, in 1975. The number of computers produced by IBM was four times the total number of computers produced by all the other computer manufacturers in the world. It became a joint enterprise with scientific research, production, sales, technical services and education training.    


However, in the 1980s, IBM was rapidly declining because the Han Chip Technology Company was rising.    


In the early years, there was a huge difference between servers and personal computers. This was not the shape of a pointer box. The most servers were all blade servers. It could be directly inserted into the cabinet, or even a lot of it could be inserted. More importantly, the internal structure.    


Servers, no mistakes can be made. A single mistake could cause a huge loss to the user. For example, could the data of the bank's servers be messed up? If there was a problem with the funds saved by the depositors, who would be responsible for the loss?    


Therefore, it had many measures, such as the hard drive to store data. It used a special array formation to backup each other. If one hard drive is broken, the data will be directly recovered from another hard drive. Another example would be its memory, which had to undergo a specialized ECC verification. In order to prevent the data from being wrong during transmission, such as its main board... The power had to be absolutely stable because once the server was turned on, it might not be turned off until the end of its lifespan.    


The Han Chip Technology Company suddenly became popular and started to set up their servers. Very soon, it brought a huge impact to IBM Company. In the beginning, IBM Company was very angry. These outsiders actually used their personal computer processors on the server. These two were originally different.    


That's right. In the 70s and 80s, the server's processor was completely different from a personal computer's processor. But now, a huge change had occurred. The Han people had mixed them up.    


Originally, they were angry and mocking. Until the Han Chip Technology Company used the performance of the more powerful servers to squeeze out their market share. At that time, they were surprised. The Han people had actually done it. And it had succeeded?    


Hence, IBM could only change its form with great difficulty. They began to use Intel Company's processor to make server chips, and as expected, they discovered the benefits. At least it could save a lot of their research and development costs.    


Furthermore, there was another benefit, which was that the government did not trust them.    


After all, in the private market, purchasing a batch of PC with the same high performance at a high price... That was not a problem, it was a personal choice. However, for government agencies, especially for the military, they would never allow this kind of market to be opened to foreign companies. It was the server of Han Chip Technology. It could be accessed to some companies. However, in terms of the government and the military, it was still under the control of the IBM company.    


This was all there was to it. It was bound to be very difficult for IBM to reclaim the lost market share. They were cold to Han Chip Technology Company, but there was nothing they could do.    


Until now, the government was going to conduct an anti-monopoly investigation on Han Chip Technology Company. This made them happy to see this result.    


"Hmph, let Han people know that they can't do whatever they want. We are against Toras." A senior executive said with a sneer, "What we suffered back then, let Han Chip Technology Company suffer once now."    


That's right. IBM had also suffered greatly in the past. The success of the intermediate 60th IBM caused the Y Country Department of Justice to investigate the IBM's violation of Antitrust. After all, IBM almost monopolized the entire computer airport at that time. The lawsuit claimed that IBM had violated Article 2 of the Sherman Law, monopolizing the market of the general digital computer system, especially computers designed for business purposes. The lawsuit continued until 1983, when Han Chip Technology Company began to enter the international market. They gave up on the investigation.    


This kind of protracted anti-monopoly investigation was obvious. Of course, it was an investigation against domestic companies. If it was against a foreign company, a trial would only take a few months.    


"However, we received news that Samsung Electronics has started to manufacture Han Chip Number 3 processors for them, and their production capacity is very high." At this moment, someone also said this piece of news.    


Samsung Electronics company? IBM had used Samsung's memory before and was very familiar with this company. Why did this company, which believed in and had the ability to develop, suddenly become someone who worked for others?    


"Is that so? What about themselves?" someone asked.    


"Their own company might not be producing Han Chip Number 3 processors anymore."    


"In other words, they are going to produce Han Xin's number four chip with all their might?" At this moment, a voice with disbelief said, "If that is the case, the price of the Han Xin 4 chip will also drop, right?"    


The entire world's economy was based on the law of the market. When the number of goods was huge, it would inevitably cause the price of this product to drop. The supply and demand of the market determined the price of the product. This was naturally a very normal thing.    


"It seems like Han Chip Company is targeting our anti-monopoly investigation and setting up a countermeasure. What's the use of such a setup for us?"    


For a company, they needed to analyze the national policies and how they would benefit from it. Now, they could vaguely see another business opportunity.    


The Han Chip Technology Company did not intend to take the high-end route anymore. They were using their own methods to resist. This resistance was to store large quantities of goods and then lower the market price. Then, they continued to occupy the Y Country market, even if it was smuggling. There would definitely be many companies that would take the risk. After all, Intel Company did not live up to their expectations.    


In this way, the Intel Company planned to obtain more market share after the anti-monopoly investigation. It would become a joke. If they could choose, who would not choose the ones with better performance? In the past, the price was high, but now the price had been lowered. They would naturally choose Han Xin's product.    


Then, what about us?    


Even if we are competitors, we still need to make use of this good opportunity. After all, the performance of Han Xin 4 is too powerful. It directly increased the main frequency to 2GHZ!    


Such a high-speed computing ability is very beneficial to the server. Especially when the other party's chip has two cores. It can be said that the lowest level server only needs one chip like this.    


"We are also going to do it. We are going to develop a super server that uses Han Xin 4 as a processor. Then, how much can we buy before the anti-monopoly investigation is announced. We'll purchase as many chips as we can to meet our production needs for at least one or two years! "    


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