Super Weapon Swap System

C2869 Cooperation

C2869 Cooperation

1"This car is our highest configuration version." When the car stopped, none of them wanted to get out. Musta wanted to try driving it himself. So... Hee Ribala exchanged places with the driver in the car, then ordered the driver to drive the car. He began explaining.    0


Musta was indeed an experienced technical staff. He quickly mastered the automatic blocking technique. At the same time, in the driver's seat, he saw a small screen in the middle of the panel. On the screen was the slot, which was in the low-gear area. It was almost like he was jumping to change gears, from 1 to 3, 3 to 5, very fast.    


This car definitely had more than five slots.    


"Its automatic transmission box has 12 gears. When pulling 60 tons of goods, it can move forward at 100 kilometers per hour." The Elementary Scholar explained.    


As a powerful heavy truck with a 420 horsepower system, on the highway... The speed of 100 kilometers per hour was also due to the limitation of the vehicle's computer. No matter how high the speed was, the fuel would automatically run out. This was to ensure safety. In fact, it wouldn't be a problem to run a hundred and forty kilometers per hour. Of course. At that time, it would be quite dangerous.    


Musta was shocked by these numbers. Nicola who was behind him said, "But most of the roads in our country can't run so fast."    


Bear Country's specialty was to rely on railway rather than road. They had a large number of complicated railway transportation networks. The road was only short-distance transportation, so there were not many roads suitable for trucks to travel 100 kilometers.    


"Yes, but there are some in the Western Europe." Hee Ribala said.    


Nicola's eyes instantly lit up. That's right. This kind of advanced heavy card, such as the Mercedes-Benz, MAN, Skonia, etc. These big companies in Europe were not even this advanced. Therefore, if they could produce these cards, it was possible for them to snatch the market in Hans Country.    


As a car country, the road network in Hans Country was quite complete.    


The automotive industry in Han Country was developing rapidly. At the same time, it also had a very big goal, which was to take over the market of Europe and march towards the old home of the automotive industry.    


This required a lot of courage and high technology. Right now, Han Country had everything!    


"Of course, considering the cost, our low-class heavy truck uses a manual converter. There are 12 gears and 16 gears to match it." Hee Ribala said.    


Actually, the cost was not much. This Automatic Transmission was called AMT. It was just a set of components that were added to the manual transmission, which were mainly used for training. After all, no one was smart enough to let a computer have a human's mind. It required a lot of hard work.    


This was the cost of research and development.    


"At the same time, if we were in the mountains, we would have the version of the liquid propulsion accelerator. This way, we would have the ability to support the brake, greatly increasing the safety of the slope. " Hee Ribala continued to introduce, "Actually, at the bottom of the slope, our heavy truck system. It can be trained to a state where we don't need to spray oil or spray less oil."    


Right now, there was no way to change the vehicle that was spraying oil. It is already done, unless the engine is turned off when we descend the slope. But after the engine was turned off, the engine could no longer pump the gas tank. If the heavy truck that used the air pressure to brake did not have the compressed air, the consequences could be imagined.    


Only a car that was controlled by a computer could achieve this function. When it was discovered that the car was pushing the engine, the engine could stop the jet and operate as a passive machine. On the one hand, it could provide power, and on the other hand, it could continue to drive the pump and generator to work normally.    


In fact, it was not just the downhill road. On the flat road, when the accelerator was released, the car could stop the jet and greatly reduce the fuel consumption rate.    


"Your engine, 420 horsepower, is it already the largest?" Musta asked.    


Hee Ribala shook his head. "Of course not. In normal road transportation, 420 horsepower is more than enough. Even the 360 engine can be used. We were the ones who pushed these two engines. According to the current laws, it can be convenient and efficient for transportation. However, in the special field, such as large-scale transportation... We also have specialized vehicles, such as our greatest power... We can already do more than 700 horsepower. "    


700 horsepower! This was a civilian engine. The biggest feature of a civilian engine was that it was not easy to deal with. It was stable and had a long lifespan!    


When he heard Hee Ribala's words, Musta was immediately tempted.    


And if this kind of engine was used on military vehicles, what would happen?    


Take their military vehicles for example, the most produced one was the Maz543 heavy military chassis. This four-axis drive chassis had a wide range of uses. For example, the famous Scud Missile in this war used this kind of launch vehicle. There was also the chassis of the rocket projectile and the S300 missile vehicle. All of them had such chassis.    


However, he was not satisfied with its power system. It had used a 38-digit engine. The D12A 525A V12 diesel engine with the maximum power of 9 liters could be seen from its serial number. It was a tank engine.    


A tank engine only had a lifespan of 500 hours. After the Equipment Department team... Repairing or replacing the engine after 500 hours was definitely a huge waste. If they used a civilian engine, they wouldn't even need to use the engine for 100,000 kilometers. Moreover, the fuel consumption rate was still low, even if it was a military vehicle that didn't care about the fuel consumption. However, under the same circumstances, a tank of oil could double the distance. This meant that the long-distance mobility ability was greatly increased.    


Military engines were the result of exploiting power, so their lifespan was very short. The Han people was actually able to develop this kind of engine without exploiting power. It was too shocking.    


"Director Hee Ribala, I think that we can work together." Musta said.    


"Yeah, we came this time with sincerity." At this time, the car had already turned once and returned to the starting point. Looking at the crowd waiting below, Hee Ribala said, "We plan to make the Max Factory a partner of North Heavy Truck Factory. We will use our car technology to produce advanced heavy trucks here. We will take over the Europe market. "    


Nicola, who was lying on the bed behind, also had a smile on his face. That's right, this was also the idea of their Industrial Department. They naturally hoped that there would be a famous product in White Bear Country. It could be an important product for their exports.    


This heavy card would definitely be able to shoulder this mission!    


"Let's go down and talk about it in detail." Nicola said.    


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