Super Weapon Swap System

C523 Unbelievable

C523 Unbelievable

2In fact, Qin Guan had already brought the Super Seven and the Fierce Dragon. They both used the flat slit antenna's pulse Doppler radar. Now... Qin Guan could also access the radar data at any time. Actually, the domestic radar was producing these. There were not many problems.    


However, Qin Guan had his own concerns.    


The flat slit antenna's pulse Doppler radar had quite a high level of technology. It also needed precise processing. In the future, Bear Country had put in a lot of effort. Even after many years of research and development, it was still unable to overcome this technical obstacle. In the end, they were forced to continue to use the lagging inverted card antenna on the Su-27 fighter aircraft. The entire radar device's self-weight reached a terrifying one ton. It was this lagging radar that limited the performance of the Su-27 fighter aircraft. It also caused a terrifying cartilage.    


Even a country with a strong industrial foundation like Bear Country could not handle it. After the collapse, they simply jumped over this radar and directly developed the control array radar.    


As for Han Country, in the later generations, it took about 20 years to complete the research and development of all kinds of high-precision processing equipment from the west.    


Therefore, if Han Country suddenly mastered this technology and could produce its own products, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of other countries.    


Self-research and development were too difficult.    


If they first introduced western models, then it would make sense. One must know that Han Country's knock-off ability was the strongest! First, through the Super Seven, this international cooperation project, he would be able to get in touch with the advanced radar of Y Country. Then, after some research, he would be able to gradually master it, and that would make sense.    


He could only go through Y Country. In the current Cattle Country, even the latest Wind Combat Jet couldn't solve this problem. In the end, he was forced to develop it into an air defense and ground attack model. It was just that the Electronic System's ability wasn't enough.    


The current Qin Guan not only needed to improve the national defense technology of the country, but he also needed to think of all kinds of countermeasures. Now, it was time for him to have a battle of wits and courage with the Grumman Company.    


The Grumman Company tried to use the scrapped F404 engine to fool their own side, but in the end, they were defeated by their own side. The plane began to test flight normally. Then, what else could they do?    


"Sanctity Country and Han Country have reached an agreement. If our F404 engine... If we can install it on their plane, then Han Country will be the leader." When the news reached the Grumman Company, the higher ups of Grumman Company... An emergency meeting was immediately called.    


"How did the Han people do it?" At this moment, Kennir was shocked. How could a Han people install an engine? How did they match?    


But now, the Han people did not seem to be lying, because the plane had already flown up, and the test flight was still very successful!    


"That's their agreement, it has nothing to do with us." The International President Pelehak said, "In short, even if they can match and succeed, it doesn't mean anything. Besides the engine, we also need aviation and radar. Our radar can't be given to them."    


"Right!" Kanil had already reacted. The engine was still manageable. If they were given one, they would not be able to replicate it immediately. They would not be able to handle any of the alloys.    


Look at them. They were still trying to improve the Spey. They could only play with the second-generation engine.    


There was no need to worry about the engine, but the aerospace industry was different.    


The aviation industry was even more important. The advanced radar produced by Y Country was top secret. Not even the people of Cattle Country could obtain it, let alone directly handing it over to the Han people.    


"Inform Sanctity Country that our radar can only be installed in our own company." Chairman Bill made a decision. "We are not violating the contract, but at most, they will hand over the manufactured body to us. We will install the engine and the aviation power. This is related to our national secrets! "    


Whoever equipped the Mech would definitely gain more benefits. At most, they would only be able to produce one Mech!    


"What a pity." Junior continued, "That engine has already exceeded its service period. If a mechanical malfunction suddenly occurs during flight and it falls down, then we have an excuse."    


Everyone's eyes lit up. Any type of aircraft would be filled with risks during the test flight. It was very normal for the current aircraft to fall during the test flight.    


If the other party fell down, it would draw the suspicion of Sanctity Country. Their technology was not good!    


This way, Grumman Company could continue to use their glorious positive image to interfere in the development and production of this plane.    


The Grumman Company's will was still firm. The production of this plane in the Grumman, the overall equipment, was the prerequisite for cooperation!    


At the same time, just as the Grumman Company was discussing their countermeasures, the Sanctity Country also received news that the Han Country had completed the task of matching the Super Seven with the F404 engine and had even carried out the test flight!    


This made the Sanctity Country very excited. After General Gamal received the news, he quickly took care of the matters around him. On the second day, he took another C-130 air force transport and flew to the 1132 factory.    


It was in the afternoon, the 6th test flight of the Super Seven Fighter with high intensity.    


That's right, it was the 6th test flight. Under Chen Rui's control, this Super Seven Fighter had already flown for the 6th time.    


Generally speaking, a test flight of a fighter jet would take a long time. In between, there would be all sorts of problems. It was just a small problem. It might take months to solve the test flight of a new fighter jet... The president would need four or five years before he could mature and finalize the model.    


But now, after the Super Seven was installed with the engine, it would become a mature airplane.    


Now, when General Gamal sat on the lawn next to the aircraft factory again, this Super Seven Fighter in front of him was performing dazzling maneuvering movements one after another.    


"This is awesome, this is unbelievable!" General Gamal said, "Not only did you complete the engine matching, but you also allowed the aircraft to fly so smoothly. We believe that 6611 units will be able to lead the development of this aircraft! "    


"General Gamal, this aircraft doesn't need any other improvements. We just need to install a radar on it and it will mature." Qin Guan said, "Next, I think we can go to your Kamala Aviation Factory to inspect it. Let's see what kind of equipment this factory needs to produce this plane. "    


Qin Guan's words made General Gamal even more delighted. This project... Han Country designed this project. Y Country provided engines and aviation. The final total equipment could be placed in the Coconut Jujube Country, which would increase the level of defense and technology in the Coconut Jujube Country. It would be a great help to them. They could produce their own fighter aircraft!    


"You are our most sincere friends!" General Gamal said excitedly.    


At this time, the Super Seven Fighter had completed its flight. It was returning under the setting sun, and its posture was very light. Thinking about how they were about to start manufacturing this aircraft, in General Gamal's heart, a heroic spirit surged in his heart.    


Right at this moment, billowing black smoke suddenly emerged from the tail of the Super Seven!    


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