Super Weapon Swap System

C392 Thousands of Tank Orders

C392 Thousands of Tank Orders

3"Everyone knows that a revolution has just broken out in Parthia recently." Qin Guan did not start from Coconut Jujube Country.     0


It was the beginning of February in 1979, a restless month. In the Parthia adjacent to the Coconut Jujube Country, there was a huge revolution. The old king, who had ruled the Parthia for decades, was chased away. A new power had come to power.    


After this power came to power, it started to arrest the old king's remnants in the country, especially controlling the army.    


Just like the great purge in Bear Country, the army had completely lost its combat strength. For example, in the air force, almost all the pilots of the flying Male Cat Fighter. It could be said that they had crippled their own army.    


Qin Guan's words made General Zhang unable to help but concentrate and listen seriously. In the past, he knew that Qin Guan played a huge role in the development of military equipment. But now, Qin Guan was saying this to analyze the global situation. Qin Guan's analysis also seemed to be analyzing with his superiors. There were many similarities, so General Zhang was very interested.    


Initially, he wanted to talk about the Coconut Jujube Country, but he started from the Parthia because there would be a huge connection between them. This connection was, of course, war!    


Qin Guan continued, "The internal situation of Parthia is in turmoil, and the army has been hollowed out. Under such circumstances... Coconut Jujube Country will definitely seize this opportunity. We know that the ruler of Coconut Jujube Country has real power. He has always been an ambitious man, and because of water problems, the two countries have always been ambitious. There have always been conflicts. "    


As for the conflicts between sects and the like, Qin Guan did not say anything about it. This thing violated a taboo.    


After talking for a long time, Qin Guan only expressed this point. "Therefore, a war will definitely break out between Coconut Jujube Country and Parthia. This is the best opportunity for us!"    


What good opportunity? Of course, it was to sell weapons!    


When the two countries started a war, Bear Country and Y Country would watch from afar. At the same time, they would announce the prohibition of weapons on both sides of the war. Of course, Han Country would not sit on the sidelines and watch. It just so happened that they could sell weapons!    


To Arms Dealer, what he hoped for the most was war. He wanted to see those firearms crocodiles in the future. A certain region was supposed to be fine, but they insisted on starting a war. Because that was the only way to sell weapons, where could they be? Wherever there was war, every currency they earned... It was all bloody.    


Qin Guan was still unable to reach that level, but now, using this opportunity to export weapons was also a very good start.    


General Zhang nodded. "Yes, according to our speculation, they might have a conflict within a year, but to Coconut Jujube Country, their primary weapon supplier is Bear Country."    


Most of the advanced weapons in Coconut Jujube Country belonged to Bear Country. For example, their Main Battle Tank was the T-72 of the Bear Country half a year ago. This tank was even salivated by the military personnel of the Han Country. As for the Coconut Jujube Country... Already equipped with several armored divisions.    


"Yes." Qin Guan said, "They are the big clients of the Bear Country's firearms, but we also want to see them. The weapons at the exit of the Bear Country have shrunk in quality, and the price is still high. They can't be compared to us at all. This time, the people from the Coconut Jujube Country are here. We must first show them our Type 59 tank. The first project we will be going to the exit of the Coconut Jujube Country is our 59% modified tank."    


Under Qin Guan's leadership, Han Army had already equipped a certain number of 59 modified tanks. Most of them were directly exchanged from the Weapon Graveyard in the future. Only a small portion was produced by Factory 6617.    


Before the new tank was fully developed, the No. 59 tank was already the most advanced tank in the Han Country.    


Therefore, when he heard that Qin Guan wanted to sell it to Coconut Jujube Country for 59 transformations to the tank, someone immediately objected: "However, changing 59 is now our most powerful Advanced Tank. If we were to export it to the outside world, then our tank would have no secrets to speak of. "    


Hearing this, Qin Guan smiled. "May I ask, how is our 59th change advanced?"    


Fire? To the 59th modification, the change in fire was the biggest. However, this firepower was completely the same as the 105mm Rifle Gun that was introduced into the Cattle Country's L7 standard. After that, it slightly lengthened the cannon barrel.    


In the Han Country, when the 120 mm tank gun had yet to be fully developed, it was indeed the most advanced, but in the world, it was just standard equipment.    


Looking at the entire west, it was almost the same 105 cannons. It was no longer a secret.    


Car body? Old 59's car body, it was an obsolete product. Engine? It was even more obsolete. Other than being cheap, there were no other advantages.    


Armor protection? They had developed an explosive reaction armor which was hung outside Old 59. However, this thing wasn't anything new. Great Wei Country and Bear Country already had one.    


When Qin Guan asked this question, the other party was instantly stunned. Indeed, there was nothing that could be used.    


"If we use our original fifty-nine tank, will the Coconut Jujube People be able to buy it?" Qin Guan said, "We can let the Coconut Jujube People take a look. Our fifty-nine modified tank has the same performance as their T-72. But the cost is much cheaper. One can buy three to five of them. Under such circumstances, how can the Coconut Jujube People not be tempted?"    


Qin Guan continued, "War is a war of attrition. Wait until the Coconut Jujube People's own tank is used up on the battlefield. What choice do they have? Are they buying our fifty-nine modified tanks with good and cheap goods, or are they expensive but not very good T-72 tanks? I believe that the Coconut Jujube People will have its own plans. Our fifty-nine modified tanks have at least a thousand orders. It might even have more than three thousand orders! "    


Qin Guan's words made the people in the tank industry excited. Over a thousand cars! Now, the country only had dozens of tanks per year. The Factory 6617 was already half-dead. Although they were the number one Tank Factory, they had started to envy the successful transformation of Factory 4447 and started to build cars. It had become very successful.    


If there were a few thousand of them, then the Factory 6617 would develop along with it. This was simply a good opportunity!    


Qin Guan was confident about this. After all, in history, Coconut Jujube Country had imported 2,800 69/Type Tank from Han Country. The current 59 was much more advanced than the 69/Type Tank.    


Then, Qin Guan said another sentence, which made everyone present more confident. "Moreover, not only can we sell the tanks to the Coconut Jujube Country, but also the Parthia. They will also import thousands of ___ from us."    


This sounded very funny. On the battlefield, Parthia had picked up the abandoned tanks from Coconut Jujube Country. After this operation, they found that they were very useful. In the end, they also came to Han Country to buy them.    


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